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Snow, Jenika - The Assassin [Alpha One Assassins] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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by Jenika Snow

  Alpha One Assassins

  The Assassin

  When Neeka McCarthy is taken, she doesn’t expect her kidnapper to be one of the people she trusted the most. With her fathers’ life hanging in the throes, Neeka tries to stay strong and plot her escape. When deadly trained assassin Gage Nyght comes to her aide, Neeka must trust him with her very life.

  As they fight to survive, Neeka realizes her kidnapper has other plans for her, plans that include twisted experiments and innocent lives. As her feelings for Gage escalate, Neeka realizes she may never feel safe without her roughened assassin by her side. When she thinks things are finally safe, a new threat presents itself, one that may very well end her life this time. With Gage out of the picture, Neeka must fight this battle on her own. It may very well be her last.

  Genre: Contemporary, Romantic Suspense

  Length: 35,692 words


  Alpha One Assassins

  Jenika Snow


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2010 by Jenika Snow

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-002-7

  First E-book Publication: November 2010

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2010 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

  Letter from Jenika Snow

  Regarding E-book Piracy

  Dear Readers,

  I would like to thank each and every one of you for purchasing this story through, and I would like to thank you in advance for not sharing a copy of it. There is an ongoing problem with e-book piracy, and I just wanted to say a few words about it. A lot of time and effort goes into creating a story, and when e-books are distributed illegally, it makes it more difficult for the parties involved in creating that story to produce more. My stories are not just my dream, they are also my livelihood.

  So once again, thank you for purchasing this ebook legally and for not participating in e-book piracy.

  With deep gratitude,

  Jenika Snow


  This is for anyone who likes a little danger in their life.


  Alpha One Assassins


  Copyright © 2010

  Chapter One

  Neeka McCarthy adjusted the bags hanging from her arms and made her way toward the car. Her heels clicked against the pavement, the only sound that penetrated the night. She juggled her things as she fished the keys out of her purse. Grabbing them, she unlocked the car and opened the door. The wind picked up, whipping strands of hair across her face and temporarily obscuring her view. She blindly threw the bags in the front seat and looked around. The parking lot was barren of any cars or pedestrians, the whole area seeming completely deserted. On one side of her stood majestic mountains, and on the other was the wide expanse of flat land. It was like two completely different worlds.

  Only in Shyloh, Utah, could someone get the best of both worlds.

  Getting in her car, she shut the door and locked it. It was barely seven at night, but with winter just around the corner, the sun set quicker than she liked. Before she could put her keys in the ignition, a wet cloth was pressed to her face. She struggled and tried to scream, but as soon as she felt a sharp, cold blade pressed against her neck, she stilled.

  “Shhh. Just relax, Neeka,” a deep and sinister male voice whispered from behind her.

  Her eyes were wide as she inhaled the sickening sweet scent from the cloth. She tried to hold her breath, but it was no use, not when panic was seizing her. Everything around her started to grow hazy, and she felt her eyes start to close before blackness overtook her.

  * * * *

  Neeka slowly opened her eyes and was assaulted with excruciating pain in her skull. She blinked a couple of times, bright lights all around her intensifying the affliction in her brain. She put her hands to her head and groaned, trying to sit up and instantly becoming nauseous. As everything came into focus, she realized she was in a strange room. The events from earlier came back in a flood of memories, and her heart pounded fiercely. She looked around carefully, mindful that every time she moved, her head pounded and her stomach recoiled.

  She sat on a twin bed that was situated in the corner of the almost barren room. The four walls surrounding her were made up of cement, no windows adorning them. A toilet, sink, and coffin-sized shower were partially obscured by a folding screen. A table and single chair were across from the toilet against the wall, and a three-drawer dresser stood next to that. Her gaze landed on the thick steel door standing ominously in front of her. She noticed a small opening at the base of the door, something that she would see in a holding cell for an inmate.

  She gingerly stood up, her nausea spiking as she slowly made her way toward the door. There was no handle, and her fear mounted as she realized it could only be opened from the other side. An intercom device was next to the door, eye level, but there were no buttons for her to press. She turned in a half circle, spying the small, almost inconspicuous camera in the corner of the ceiling. She swallowed and clutched her hands to her chest. She moved toward the table and looked down at the glass and pitcher of water. Ignoring the fluid even though her throat burned for it, she sat back on the bed. She had no idea what to do or why someone would even do this to her. Am I even still in Shyloh?

  The small rectangular opening at the bottom of the door suddenly slid open, and she pressed herself against the wall, curling her knees to her chest, her pulse sky rocketing with fear. A tray was pushed through the opening, and Neeka briefly saw a pair of large dark boots before the opening slid shut again. The tray had an array of food on it, and as the scents wafted toward her, she had to rush to the toilet as bile rose in her throat. The smell of bleach and disin
fectant rolled around her as she emptied her stomach. When she was finished, she sagged onto the floor, staring at the smooth cement walls that seemed impermeable. The cold, hard ground beneath her was unforgiving, and she started to shake uncontrollably. Although everything seemed clean and untouched, a feeling of dirtiness coursed through her. She leaned against the wall, tears finally breaking through as she covered her face with her hands and cried.

  * * * *

  Gage Nyght leaned back in his chair as he stared at the man in front of him. Edward McCarthy was one of the wealthiest men in America, his company boasting over one billion dollars, along with his many personal stocks and bonds. He was nearing sixty, but he appeared much older than that as he lay in bed, his face an ashen color as he coughed between sentences.

  “Thank you for coming, Mr. Nyght.” He held his handkerchief to his mouth as he coughed. “You have no idea how grateful I am that you took my offer and will help me in finding my daughter.”

  It wasn’t as if Gage had any choice in the matter. Alpha One was an organization of deadly trained assassins. When a client paid the right price, an assassin was dispatched without any say-so. Gage wouldn’t have scoffed about this particular job, anyway. He knew all about the McCarthy industries, had read the reports on Mr. McCarthy and his only child, Neeka, his pride and joy. He knew every detail about the billionaire’s life, could have told the dying man the last time he took a piss. Not knowing every detail was like signing a death wish.

  “Your gratitude isn’t necessary, Mr. McCarthy.”

  “Please, call me Edward.” He coughed again, awkwardly trying to adjust his position as he gasped for air. “I didn’t know what to do. After the police gave up their search for Neeka after only a week and a half, I knew I should have gone to Alpha One to begin with.”

  Gage’s organization wasn’t highly known. Of course, having the right amount of money and the right contacts guaranteed you were informed of the assassins for hire. Gage let his gaze travel to an unidentified man sitting in the corner, the shadows partially concealing him, but his presence was apparent.

  “For two weeks, I have been searching for her. It doesn’t matter how much money I have or who I know, nobody seems to have any information on her whereabouts. I’m at a loss. I’ve tried everything, bribed, pleaded, and even threatened people for information on where she is.” He tried to pull himself up and only moved a fraction. “I’m a weak and frail man, Mr. Nyght. If my cancer wasn’t this advanced, I would be out there myself searching for her. You’re the best of the best, and I will pay you anything to find my Neeka.” He coughed again, his breath wheezing in and out of his lungs. “I want my daughter’s abductor’s head.” There was anger and conviction in McCarthy’s voice, his words laced with strength.

  Gage didn’t bother reminding him that he had already paid Alpha One a small fortune. Gage was one of the first men to be recruited into the elite and secretive organization. After training with the Special Forces, Alpha One had given him the choice to join, gave him the opportunity to train with the exclusive soldiers. Alpha One had been a kind of myth among the men he worked with, so when they had asked him to join, a deep sense of duty and pride had coursed through him. That had been over ten years ago, and he was still known as one of the best. He didn’t stop until he got what he needed.

  “No other fee is necessary, Mr. McCarthy.” Gage stood and took a step toward the frail man. He noticed the way two bodyguards framing McCarthy’s bed took a step toward him, their subtle movements immediately becoming clear. He could have easily taken down the old man’s goons, but he held his hands up and stared at Edward. “I’ll find your daughter and bring you her captor’s head.” Literally, if that’s what he wants. The old man smiled weakly.

  “Thank you, Mr. Nyght.”

  Gage looked over at the man in the corner. He stood as well, his height comparable to Gage’s own six foot five. He smirked at Gage, his expression hard to tell, but certainly not one that appeared pleasant to see him. “Who are you?”

  “Theo Millian. I am Mr. McCarthy’s personal advisor. We can’t tell you enough how grateful we are that you are going to find Neeka.” He took a step forward, extending his hand out in greeting.

  Gage tensed, noticing how Theo’s eyes became hard and determined, scanning his body as if sizing him up. Gage could also hear longing in Theo’s voice when he spoke of Neeka. He wondered if this was Neeka’s boyfriend Not that it mattered, but he wondered why Theo had initiated conversation just as Gage was about to leave. He took the other man’s hand. Theo’s grasp strong and unyielding. “She’ll be brought home safely.”

  “I’ll see you out, Mr. Nyght.”

  Gage nodded at Theo as they walked out of the room and to the front door.

  “I am just as devastated about Neeka as Mr. McCarthy is. I’ve watched her grow into the lovely woman she is today. We know you’ll bring her home safely. I just hope it’s before Edward becomes more ill.”

  Gage’s skin prickled as he stared into Theo’s black eyes. The man was big and no doubt could be intimidating, but Gage felt something else with the man. He could feel his skin tightening and his heart rate increase, the exact reactions he got when he was on a mission. No, there was something about Theo Millian that set Gage’s instincts on high.

  Gage let himself out, McCarthy’s coughing following him until the front doors shut behind him.

  Gage got in his car and pulled away from McCarthy’s mansion. Starting now, he was on a mission. He needed to find Neeka McCarthy and destroy anyone who stood in his way. Adrenalin started to rush through his veins as he felt the thrill of the hunt wash through him. He was an Alpha One assassin, and finding his target was what he did best.

  * * * *

  Neeka struggled against her captors as they pulled her toward the cold steel table. For weeks now they had been taking her to this sterile room, sedating her, and taking samples of her blood. They lifted her easily onto the table and strapped her ankles and wrists down. She pulled at her bonds, knowing she couldn’t escape but refusing to surrender.

  “Get the hell away from me, you bastards.” The bigger of the two men who had brought her to this room smirked down at her and walked to the edge of table, running his hand over her bare ankle. His touch made her skin to crawl.

  “You sure do have a mouth on you, don’t you?” He licked his lips as his eyes traveled up her exposed leg. “I can think of all kinds of things to do with that dirty little mouth.”

  She stared at him, refusing to show him how scared she truly felt. His hand crept up her leg and under the hospital gown she wore. His hand continued to creep up until the tips of his fingers brushed her upper thigh. “Don’t touch me,” she all but screamed at him as she struggled.

  “For fuck’s sake, Kal, leave her alone. You know the boss wants us to get the rest of the samples before he comes in tonight.”

  Kal, the vile man touching her, grinned mockingly at her and removed his hand. He walked toward his companion, and only when his back was toward her did she let out a breath. It took all her willpower to keep from crying. They both turned around, the one named Kal holding a long and thick needle as he drew up a clear solution into the barrel. “Please don’t.” She knew what they were going to do, knew they were going to sedate her so they could take blood samples without her fighting them. This was the same routine they performed every time they took her to this sadistic room. She worried about what else they did to her while she was sedated.

  They walked forward, both of them wearing smiles as Kal wrapped her arm in a tourniquet, cleaned her skin, and stabbed the needle into her arm with a little more force than necessary. Whatever they kept giving her burned as it went in, and she immediately started to feel lightheaded. She looked down, saw her blood rush into the clear barrel of the syringe before he slapped a bandage on the puncture wound and snapped off the tourniquet. As the medication kicked in, Neeka couldn’t hold her head up any longer. She rested it on the hard table, her whole body
relaxing as she was vaguely aware of them grabbing the rest of their supplies and coming toward her again.

  * * * *

  Gage headed back to base to grab his supplies before he started his search. Alpha One was located in the SwallowHighMountains, surrounded by the thick evergreens and blue spruces. He stopped in front of the wrought iron gate that was attached to the twenty-foot-high stone wall. The security wall surrounded the perimeter of the entire compound. Once he entered in the code and the gates opened, he drove quickly up the unpaved driveway and into the underground garage.

  He got out of his car and made his way inside, striding swiftly through the compound and passing several other Alpha One assassins as they trained. He headed into his quarters, grabbed a large duffle, and started stuffing his supplies in. Black thermals, fatigues, and boots were among his gear. He slung the duffle over his shoulder as he strode down the hall and into the weapons supply room. He grabbed several handguns, a rifle, night vision goggles, knives, a few semiautomatics, a Beretta, and several other miscellaneous weapons. He walked back to the garage, passing Terrick, Ruick, and Caleb on his way out.

  He set his duffle in the passenger seat and got in, pulling out his notes and looking over them. The last people to see Neeka were the other employees two weeks ago. He scanned the police report, reading how her coworkers said she stayed late, as usual, and that they hadn’t seen her since. The report had been made right after she had gone missing. The trail had gone cold for the police after less than two weeks. Neeka worked in the city, and he was willing to bet there was someone who had seen something. It was going on nine at night, and Gage knew he needed to start at the spot where she had been taken.


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