A Witches Proposition

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A Witches Proposition Page 5

by S Raven Storm

  “Sit and make yourselves comfortable. Can I offer you refreshments?” Jonathan asked.

  “No thank you,” Silver replied.

  “Cognac if you have it.” Axel chimed in.

  Jonathan smiled slightly, nodding his head he said, “Maverick will be here shortly.”

  Maverick, like the Top Gun character. Oh, I haven’t watched that in a while, Silver sung in her head as she ogled the chair before her. It was captivating and magnificent, for some reason she was drawn to it.

  She walked towards the chair, with small yet quick steps once she reached it she ran her fingertips along the intricate groves and markings in the wood. There were different designs of animals, the moon, and the stars trimmed in gold. The wood was warm and smooth as glass and the rich red cushions looked like a tapestry from the Victorian era. Silver could not resist the desire to sit upon the chair.

  “What are you doing?” Axel asked nervously.

  “I just want to see what it feels like.” Silver explained.

  She sat on the soft, yet firm cushion, scooting her derriere against the back of the chair. It was enormous, comfortable, and powerful. It was as if it were seducing her, as if all her troubles were melting away.

  “Get up!” Axel shouted.

  “I am, I just want to see what it feels like.”

  “It feels like heaven.” Maverick’s deep baritone voice resonated throughout the room. If it had been anyone else he would have had their heads, but the raven-haired beauty looked good sitting on the throne. His throne… His cock hardened as he watched her breast rise and fall from the excitement of being caught.

  Her tongue darted out, wetting her full lips and the thoughts of what her mouth could do to him surprised him beyond credence.

  “Your grace, I’m sorry.” Silver apologized as she jumped off the high chair onto the podium. Her legs were weak and stiff, not from sitting in the chair, but from the man standing at the bottom of the podium. He was handsome, tremendously handsome. His ebony black hair and dark piercing eyes made her body tingle all over. She wanted him, she needed him. Everything that plagued her mind seem to quiet itself. Silver closed her eyes as thoughts of his lips touching hers took over. She was mesmerized lost in his eyes until she heard his voice which seem to vibrate down to her very core.

  Maverick recognized her as the woman fighting the redhead and wondered if it were indeed a battle or a training exercise. He slowly drank in her beauty, she was tall and shapely, with her eyes closed she looked as if she were preparing to make love. Her dark long lashes fanned against her high cheekbones and her little pink tongue tempted him each time it would dart out across her lips.

  “Are you okay?” Maverick asked when her eyes closed for the second time, and she remained rooted in one spot.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Your grace.” She whispered, her throat now dry. She quickly curtsied, as was customary.

  Maverick reached his hand out, to assist her down the podium steps. The moment their hands touched he felt an electric shock. Maverick knew she felt it too, for she snatched her hand away and looked at him in disbelief.

  He reached for her hand again, and she reluctantly took it. Once she was seated, Maverick reclaimed his throne.

  As if on cue Jonathan appeared, quickly handing the glass of amber liquid to Axel before stepping to the side.

  Maverick waited until Axel took a sip from his glass, before stating, “So I’m told someone tried to harm you, and your family.”

  “Yes, but things have escalated. My sister Alivia is missing. Someone kidnapped her today.” Silver announced, her voice wavering.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. What is your name?”

  “Silver, and this is my uncle Axel,” she replied softly.

  Silver, what an unusual name, for an extraordinary woman. “You said this has to do with a magical goblet, can you tell me more about this mysterious item that has someone very interested in possessing it?”

  Silver wanted to talk about Alivia but decided to play nice. “Yes, well my grandfather Mason Webber, wrote in his journal that he found a magical goblet that would grant powers to anyone who drank from it, giving the witch or warlock a double portion of whatever powers, they currently maintained.”

  “Did your grandfather have great powers?” Maverick asked.

  “No, this is why we figured the journal to be the rantings of an old man. But my sister went to the coven’s my mother used to belong to and that’s when the threats began.”

  Silver inhaled deeply then said, “First my aunt’s home had a dead bird staked to the front door, then a redheaded witch attacked me, and now my sister is missing.”

  “Unfortunately, I have no idea who is behind the incidents. I can tell you that someone is trying to take over my territory, and we, The Watch believe it to be the same individuals involved in looking for this magical cup. I’ve sent word out on the street that I now have the cup, that for now is all I can do.”

  “All you can do? I need you to find my sister!” Silver shouted, making Maverick arch an eyebrow and Axel jump to his feet.

  “I will give you anything you want, I will give you the cup which grants great power. I will give anything to save my sister. This isn’t an empty proposition.”

  “He’s working on it Silver. Everyone is working on bringing Alivia home,” Axel whispered.

  “So far all we’ve done is waste precious time dealing with some stupid goblet. I need to know if she is okay!” Silver shouted, wiping a single tear from the corner of her eye.

  “Leave us,” Maverick said quietly to Axel.

  “I stay! I will not leave her alone with you.” Axel stated boldly.

  Maverick rose for his chair, “you will leave and now.” His eyes glowing a strange orange color.

  Axel started to object and thought better of it. Instead, he gave Silver a nod of assurance and left.

  Maverick sat back down, crossing his legs, he asked, “So you are willing to do anything for my help, am I correct?”

  “Yes, I want my sister back, and I am willing to give you the goblet, money, anything you want.” Silver cried.

  “I am willing to accept your proposition, if you meet with my demands.”

  “What is it that you want?”

  “You... No games. No resistance. No fight.” He said as if it of no importance.

  “That’s absurd!”

  “I will put the word out on the street that there is a reward for information concerning your sister. My people will search high and low for your sister, however until that cup is found and the information concerning the people who are after it is revealed I am pretty much in the dark. Hopefully they will take the bait and come here after the goblet.”

  “I appreciate that, but the strings you’ve attached to this is... Well, not...acceptable.”

  “I promise it will not be as distasteful as it sounds. Take it or leave it.”

  “Let me think it over, in the meantime I’ll call Jonathan if I receive any information.” Silver advised, as she shook Mavericks hand reluctantly.

  For some reason her calling Jonathan instead of him did not sit well with Maverick. “No, you will not call Jonathan, you will call me directly.”

  He placed his hand on the side of her head and said, “Just say my name and you will be in contact with me.” Looking down into her beautiful eyes and watching her lick her lips made him want to take her right there on the floor. “I want your answer tomorrow, by noon.”

  Looking into his brown eyes made Silver shiver, she felt as if they had met before. As if he could read her thoughts and see her most intimate desires. Oh, please Silver, you’ve been closed in too long.

  Maverick smiled, then called for Axel to rejoin them, “Silver and I are in the middle of striking a deal which will place The Watch at her disposal. We will also find Alivia and those behind her kidnapping. If, she agrees to my terms.”

  “We are trusting in The Watch to help us.” Axel stated before shaking Maverick’s hand.
Maverick nodded in agreement. His eyes never left Silvers.

  The moment Silver and Axel left Maverick felt as though a part of him was missing. He had only spent a small measure of time with Silver, technically he knew nothing about her.

  Nevertheless, something was drawing him to her, something inside him was now immersed with wanting her. His rock-hard cock confirmed how much he desired Silver.

  He wanted her to stay but knew her uncle would intervene. He didn’t know how or when, but in time he would taste the sweetness that he sensed stirred below her hardened exterior.

  Maverick called for Mary to come service him once again, but when she arrived he felt a twinge of guilt. The idea of cheating on Silver gripped his thoughts. He had no idea why, when they have barely spoken, and no conversation of intimacy actually discussed. Yet, there he stood dick hard and sacs heavy, telling Mary to have a goodnight as he dismissed her.


  Silver asked Axel to accompany her to Aunt Grace’s, she didn’t want to break the news about Alivia alone, plus she needed an extra power to complete her spell to uncover the magic goblet and to help find Alivia. Tonight, she would find the damn thing if she had to pull the floorboards up one at a time.

  “Well, hello Axel Black, it’s been way too long.” Aunt Grace said with a warm genuine smile and a slight blush, as the two embraced.

  “Where is Alivia?” Aunt Grace asked.

  “Auntie… Oh, God! Aunt Grace she’s been kidnapped.” Silver cried as she collapsed in her only living relatives’ arms.

  “Kidnapped, oh my lord by whom?”

  “We don’t know, but The Watch is helping us find her.” Axel stated.

  Silver wiped the tears from her eyes, “We need to find that stupid cup, tonight!” Silver marched into the kitchen and took out a large pot.

  “Alivia is better than I at potions, but I was told Aunt Grace you were the best in our family. We need a locator spell to pour on the floor in the attic. One that will lead us to that damn cup. I also need something to locate Alivia, one that will allow us to communicate.”

  The trio spent hours in the kitchen working together. Silver enjoyed listening to the story of her mother and aunt’s friendship with Axel. He even told the story of how he became her godfather and to her surprised was present on the day she was born, instead of her father.

  After three hours, everything was ready to be tested.

  The first was a spell to contact Alivia.

  Axel pulled some strands of Alivia’s hair from her brush along with some herbs he had gathered from the cupboard, placing them in the copper bowl, he lit the items on fire. When the smoke billowed they could see Alivia, pacing the floor in a sparsely decorated room.

  “Alivia, can you hear me,” Silver asked.

  “Yes,” she whispered looking upward as if she was speaking to the Lord above.

  “Good, where are you, do you know?”

  “No! I was knocked out for most of the ride. I’m thinking Manhattan, it is definitely not Queens, maybe Brooklyn, I don’t know. But I am somewhere near a Chinese restaurant, because I can hear the music and people, I also smell the food.”

  “Can’t you use your powers to escape?” Axel asked.

  “No!” she shouted, lifting her arm showing a white band tied around her wrist. “And my incantations are powerless. I think this is some kind of magic thingy, or the room has been bewitched either way I can’t get out.”

  “Okay, so we don’t know how long we can keep this channel open, but we will find you sis. In the meantime, any clues to your whereabouts will help.” Silver said feeling a lot better knowing her sister wasn’t beaten, chained, or killed.

  “I can tell you this, it was that redhead bitch-witch that attacked me. And I promise the next time we meet, I’m taking her ass out.” Alivia announced before the sounds of keys in the lock was heard. Alivia quickly ran to the mattress and laid with her back towards the door.

  A tall burly man with a bald tattooed head asked, “Who you in here talking to?”

  “The president, who the hell do you think I’m talking too!” Alivia yelled.

  “No need to be nasty,” he growled.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m hungry and smelling that Chinese food is driving me nuts. I always thought Brooklyn had the best in Chinese cuisine,” she said.

  “I’ll see what I can do about getting you something. If you think Brooklyn have good Chinese, wait until you taste what the city has to offer.” He smiled a crooked smile before backing out the room.

  “Ha,” shouted Silver “so at least we know what borough you are in. Now to find the cup. Stay strong little sister.”

  “Just get me out of here.”

  “We love you sweetie.” Aunt Grace shouted from across the room.

  “Okay, let’s get this party started and find that cup.” Axel laughed clapping his hands.

  They stood in the attic doorway overlooking a darkened room. Silver handed Aunt Grace and Axel the incantation she devised. She instructed them to recite it after Axel threw the potion he and Aunt Grace made. Silver said a little prayer that the spell work, and they could proceed to the next step in getting Alivia back. Axel turned on the light which provided a dim, yellow glow in the huge room, without ceremony he poured the liquid on the worn splintered wood floor.

  Together they said in a strong voice, “With this potion let it run like an ocean, over the area that we seek. Let us find the missing cup, using our powers and a little luck.”

  Within seconds the clear liquid started to glow and shimmer. It gelled together and ran under the small makeup table that sat against the wall. Silver and Aunt Grace moved some boxes and crates out of the way to make room for the disposal of the makeup table that Axel had levitated off the floor.

  There were three floor boards the potion rested on, each took a board and began to pry it from the floor.

  The trio shouted with glee when a black and gold box was revealed. Axel pulled the box from its hole. The box contained a keyless latch, in the back of the box was an old faded envelope. Silver carefully began to peel the envelope from the metal plate. She was surprised how easy it was to dislodge without tearing.

  “Open it.” Aunt Grace instructed Silver.

  Silver inhaled deeply, then exhaled as she opened the envelope.

  It read, ‘congratulations you found the magical goblet maybe, but to open the box you must be a powerful warlock for only a strong powerful warlock chosen by the goblet, can be used as the key. But to receive the gift of power you must ask before you receive, or a reverse will take place instead of what you seek’.

  “Warlock! Warlock, how prejudice is that, da.” shouted Aunt Grace.

  “Well, since you’re the only warlock here, I guess it’s for you to open.” Silver said as she looked at Axel, “let’s go back downstairs.”

  “This is so exciting.” Aunt Grace exclaimed.

  Axel carried the box, as if it weighed a ton.

  Silver asked if he needed help and surprisingly enough he nodded in affirmation. Silver snapped her fingers and the box disappeared. She looked at Axel laughed and hunched her shoulders. She didn’t know why he hadn’t thought of using magic, but she thought of carrying a heavy box.

  Axel tried to open the latch but there was no key hole, no combination nothing but the latch. Axel tried everything from a screwdriver to a hammer and nothing worked, he even tried magic but only unlocked and open the majority of the doors and cabinets in the house.

  “How is this possible?” shouted Axel, unable to believe they had come this far for naught.

  “I don’t know, what can we do with it now?” Aunt Grace cried feeling defeated.

  “We give it to The Watch, like we agreed. It’s on them to find a way to open the damn thing.” Silver announced.

  “But I thought we were going to give them the goblet after they found Alivia.” Axel questioned.

  “What difference does it make if no one can open the box, we don’t even
know what’s in it.” Silver announced as she knocked the box onto the floor. Even with that it remained intact.

  “Okay, so let’s pick this up tomorrow I’m tired. Silver call me when you get home. Gracie, it was good seeing you again, I promise this won’t be the last.” Axel said before walking outside and disappearing into a puff of smoke.

  “I know you’re ready to go home but stay a little while and join me for dinner. I made lamb chops.” Aunt Grace said pleadingly.

  “I love lamb chop, especially if mashed potatoes are on the side.” Silver smiled, knowing her aunt was just as upset about Alivia as she was. Silver needed the company as much as her aunt.

  The food was delicious and the conversation light and airy like the mashed potatoes she had two helpings of. They contacted Alivia one last time.

  “Hey sis, we found the box, but hit a snag in getting it open.”

  “Well at least you were able to find it. But I was told The Watch is now in possession of the goblet.”

  “That’s what The Watch wants everyone to think, so they can find the person behind all this.”

  “Someone’s coming, remember our little game when we were sixteen.”

  Before Silver could reply a tall man wearing a hooded robe opened the door, he motioned to another man who carried a tray of food. Silver tried to see more but the link broke.

  Silver helped Aunt Grace clean the kitchen, each avoiding the subject of Alivia. When finished Silver gave her aunt a big hug and kiss promising the next time she saw her she would have good news.

  “I’m taking the box for safe keeping. I’ll work on a spell to get it open.” Silver announced.

  Aunt Grace slowly nodded in agreement. “If anyone can figure this out, it’s you.”

  When Silver got home, she did as promise and called Axel, “I just wanted you to know I’m home safe and sound.”

  “Good, I thought you’d forgotten and began to worry. I was just getting ready to call you.”

  “I had dinner with Aunt Grace, this is a lot on her.”

  “I can image. But Gracie is strong she’ll be okay.”

  “I know she will. We all will. Good night, I’ll call you tomorrow.”


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