A Witches Proposition

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A Witches Proposition Page 6

by S Raven Storm

  Silver took a nice hot shower, hoping it would relax her, but her mind would not turn off. She began to think about Maverick and his throne. His eyes appeared the moment she closed hers. Her body tingled at the thoughts of him and his proposal. Unable to resist, she licked her fingers and began to rub her clitoris, she slid her fingers into her pussy, feeling the juices that were flowing she continued to alternate between her clit and her pussy, until her body began to shake from its orgasm, she couldn’t help calling out Maverick’s name as the juices ran down her thighs.

  Maverick heard Silver call his name and the emotion attached to it made his penis stand at attention. He forgot linking their minds together when he gave her his number, evidently, she’d forgotten too.

  He now wished he had serviced himself with Mary, but instead he decided to take matters into his own hands, and without a second thought while lying naked in his bed, he gripped his thick rod and began to slide his hand up and down his throbbing staff, increasing the speed until his release shot across the mattress, mildly relieving him of the pressure he’d built inside.

  However, he still wanted more, he wanted Silver, he wanted to taste her, to feel her, to possess her.


  Silver tossed and turned all night. When daylight began to break through the darkened sky she was already up and preparing a spell to open the box. She wanted to break her grandfather’s spell, yet her three incantations proved useless against the spell protecting the box.

  She decided to clear her head, she knew Aunt Grace and Axel would have a heart attack if they knew she planned to leave her place without protection. But right now, a stack of pancakes, turkey sausage and hazelnut coffee were on her mind.

  Slipping into a pair of jeans, her strapless tee, a baseball cap and flip-flops. Silver walked out of her apartment, opting out of the idea of going to IHOP and instead the little diner around the corner from her apartment.

  She enjoyed the sun on her face and wished she could share the day with Alivia at the beach, then laughed knowing by the end of the day she would want to drown her sister.

  The moment Silver reached the end of the block, her senses told her something was amiss. She quickly crossed the street and rounded the corner towards the eatery. It was crowded, and Silver made use to its capacity by squirming her way to the back of the restaurant. She angled herself, so she could see the doorway. Ordering her food to go, she continued to watch the doorway. It wasn’t long before she spotted them. The red-headed witch and a tall burly man, possibly the same man who came into the room with Alivia. Maybe they hadn’t received word that The Watch was now in possession of the goblet, or maybe trading off two sisters would be better than one, either way she was in danger.

  Silver kept out of sight by continuing to move about the restaurant. She couldn’t believe how stupid they were not to split up.

  When the waitress waved her to the counter, Silver turned her baseball cap backwards, snapped her fingers at her side, produced a jean jacket in which she threw across her shoulders. Paying for the food she made her way to the bathroom. The moment she entered the stall she transported herself home.

  With her stomach full and her coffee gone, Silver sat on the floor with the box before her. She inhaled deeply trying once again to open the box. The results remained the same.

  Silver turned towards her bookshelf in the corner by the window, she reached up and caught the book-marked Mom’s favorite recipes in her outstretched hand. Opening the book, she flipped through pages of spells and incantations that once belonged to her mother. She couldn’t find anything concerning locks or locked boxes.

  Silver decided it was time to hand the box over to Maverick, maybe he had a solution to the problem. She went to her closet and smiled to herself, you need to stop, you know good and damn well you want to see him, and it has nothing to do with a box. Well, maybe not that box. She shook her head, she was attracted to Maverick, but also wanted to free her sister.

  Silver showered and put on her black and red romper with a pair of red sandals with a chunky heel. She put her hair up in a high ponytail and slipped her silver hoops through her ears. She once again placed her mother’s necklace around her neck, then added a little red lip gloss to her full lips. Walking over to the box on the floor, she stood beside it and with a slight wave of her arms she was outside Mavericks place, she looked at her watch, it was 10 minutes to twelve. She didn’t realize until that moment that the twelve o’clock deadlines was embedded in her thoughts.

  Silver nodded to the men standing outside the entrance. When she advanced closer, they stopped her.

  One of the men said, “We weren’t told of any visitors.”

  “Sorry, for my impromptu visit. If you don’t mind, let Maverick know I am here and that I bought a gift.” Silver said, looking at the box beside her. Silver thought the guard would go inside and deliver the message, or even send it telepathically, whatever the case she did not expect him to turn and push the intercom button to announce her arrival.

  The nod of acceptance and the opening of the door let her know she was welcome. She slowly walked down the long corridor, until a man met her half-way.

  “Hi, I’m Dominick, I’ll take you to Maverick,” he said quietly.

  Silver could tell by the way he spoke and carried himself that Dominick, was not an ordinary house boy. He was tall and extremely good-looking. She made a mental note to introduce him to Alivia.

  “So, Dom what do you do here?” she asked.

  “I’m a small mirror of Maverick.” He stated proudly. It was something about Silver he liked. Her aura, intelligence and power made him think she and Maverick would be good together. He wanted the best for Maverick. Maverick took life and his position too serious. Being the youngest leaders of any cult, especially The Watch held a huge amount of responsibility. Sometimes he acts older than the senior leaders and members themselves.

  “Wait for Maverick here. Would you care for a refreshment?”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “I’ll return shorty in case you change your mind.”

  When the door closed, Silver began to walk around the large room. She took note of the paintings on the wall and marveled at the artistry, they were dark in nature but with life.

  The colors a mixture of dark green, black, and red, drew her in. Some even had splashes of yellow as a contrast. Looking at the signature at the bottom she was surprised to see they were all signed Maverick Moor.

  Silver continued to explore the room, then her eye latched onto the throne again. It was as if it were a magical siren calling for her. Walking up the steps to the chair she let her hand roam across the warm wood and without haste she sat down. Closing her eyes, she let her head brace against the high back.

  When Maverick walked into the room, he smiled, again she was upon his throne. Her eyes closed, and her long shapely legs crossed Provocatively provided him with a picture he could never paint and do justice. He didn’t know if she was asleep, in prayer or just in deep thought. Not wanting to startle her, he coughed, gaining her attention.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” Silver said, jumping up as if the chair scorched her.

  “You know I can have one made for you, if you’d like.”

  “No, I don’t think that will be necessary.” She thought about it and asked, “Could you?”

  Maverick laughed, strangely enough he could not remember the last time he had laughed genuinely and freely. But there was something about Silver which made him feel light and free. He held his hand out to her, but to his dismay, she didn’t take it.

  He could smell her scent masked under her perfume, and it turned him on. Maverick took his seat on the throne before she could see the boner he was sporting.

  “I bought you something,” Silver stated, revealing the box to Maverick.

  “A box! And here I have nothing for you.”

  “The goblet is in the box.”

  “Open it, let me see this magical cup that everyone is willing
to either die or kill for.”

  “I can’t... I can’t open it. The letter that was attached said only a strong chosen warlock can open it, and if anyone drinks from the cup without asking permission they will instead of gaining power, will lose it.”

  “Fascinating.” Maverick smiled as he admired Silvers exposed thighs.

  “I was hoping you could use your powers to open it. Axel tried, but it wouldn’t open.”

  “What makes you think I can?”

  “You’re The Watch, you have power. My sister is still missing, I know now she is somewhere, here, in the city next door to a Chinese restaurant. The people that have her, well, they are still after me, they want to trade us for the goblet, they think you have.” She broadcast, raising her voice, causing Maverick to raise an eyebrow.

  “And here I thought you wanted to uphold your part of our allegiance.”

  “I don’t understand…”

  “Remember your proposition?” he asked while re-crossing his long legs.

  “I didn’t make you a proposition, I didn’t propose anything to you.” She said crossing her arms.

  “That was all you, sir. You made it a proposition.” She announced boldly.

  “Oh, no you made it a Proposition that is exactly what you did my dear. I in turn made a proposal to your proposition. I remember word for word, ‘I will do anything, give you anything if you help get my sister back’, remember,” he said in a mocking tone.

  “You’ve read more into it, than it was.” Silver shook her head side to side in denial.

  “I think you made yourself quite clear.”

  “Maybe I did say it, but I assume you would change your mind.”

  Maverick’s right eyebrow shot up as he displayed a crooked smile, “Now why in the world would I change my mind?”

  “What are you doing to find my sister.” Silver didn’t want to continue the conversation, to be honest she remembered what she said, and, in some ways, she wished he would take her, ravish her body, and give her the best sex she has ever had. Then what Sil?

  “We are working on it.” Maverick replied.

  “That’s not good enough!” Silver shouted, her anger had more to do with her feelings for Maverick than the rescue mission for Alivia.

  “Watch your tone, love. If I had my people in here, to witness your behavior I’d be forced to punish you for your insolence.”

  “Punish me? Are you kidding? I’m trying to get you to understand the situation.”

  “I’m aware of the situation.”

  Silver stood with her hands placed on her wide hips, “you sit way up there on your throne, using one liners as if there is nothing else you can offer me, or if you have nothing to contribute.”

  “You should be happy I sit way up here. And trust me, I have a lot to offer.” Maverick announced, as he cocked his head to the side watching fire rise up in Silver.

  “Threats!” she shouted back, with a scowl on her face.

  “Promises!” he shouted back, but with a smile.

  Silver began to march up the steps towards Mavericks throne, reaching the podium she stood before Maverick with her hands on her hips and hissed, “Vile.”

  “Victorious.” He responded.

  Silver wasn’t sure what kind of game he was playing with her, “I’m not afraid of you,” she stated, not sure if she was trying to convince him or herself.

  Maverick raised an eyebrow and said, “then I’m not sure if you’re brave or ignorant. But I must admit, I find you intriguing, love.” Maverick grabbed Silver by the wrist, pulling her onto his lap without hesitation he kissed her.

  His tongue gaining access to her sweet tasting mouth. He took his time exploring the wet warm cave, her taste proved to be unique to his taste buds. His tongue dueled with hers until he captured the member and began to suck upon it until her moans against his mouth made his dick twitch. Grinding his hips against her buttocks, he hoped she felt the hardness of his cock, he felt masterful, powerful with her in his arms. Maverick cupped her breast with one hand and pushed her free hand between his legs, so she may enjoy the bulge she helped create.

  Silver let out a gasp as the sensation made her shiver.

  It had been a long time since she had been with a man, but all of a sudden, every inch of her body seemed to come alive.

  She couldn’t think, she couldn’t breathe, she wanted him, she wanted to feel his cock unleashed. Silver’s hand ran up Maverick’s broad muscular chest. She twisted her body closer positioning her buttocks over his strained cock. She was lost in his kisses; each sweep of his tongue drove her crazy.

  Suddenly, without warning the huge double oak doors swung open, with no effort at all Maverick instantly slammed it shut, locking it with just a wave of his left hand, as his right hand grabbed Silver’s ponytail, once again capturing her lips.

  Dom flew back from the door, his back slammed into the wall behind him. Damn all he had to say was I’m busy...

  Silver could feel Maverick’s fingers unbuttoning the top of her romper. Every time she tried to break his kisses, he would pull her closer, giving her only a second to catch her breath before taking it away again.

  Maverick pushed Silver’s straps off her shoulders, he admired the feel of her silky skin. His warm lips placed kisses along her neck, across her collarbone, and along her shoulders.

  Silver slid her arms free of the fabric. She knew she should be ashamed of her wantonly behavior, but she wanted him like a hungry man wanted a meal. She placed her arms around his neck. He stood up, which caused her to slide down his powerful frame. She liked the fact he was taller than her, Hell, she liked everything about him.

  In the back of her mind she said, you just met this man, you should be ashamed of your brazen ass, but another voice said, he’s yours, and he needs to know it.

  When Maverick pushed the romper over Silver’s shapely hips, he let his hands roam slowly over her caramel colored flesh. She was beautiful like an exquisite painting. He enjoyed every curve, every freckle, every mole, hell every inch of her gorgeous body. “Stunning.”

  Maverick took a step backwards to view her beautiful body, he smiled, he liked what he saw. Her black and white polka dot lingerie made her curvy body, even sexier. He could snap his fingers dissolving the set, but he wanted to remove them the old fashion way.

  He pulled Silver back into his arms. Biting her lower lip gently, before kissing her again, he felt an electrical shock, they both backed away stunned by the event. But Maverick was too lost in his desire to think much about it, instead he captured her ponytail and bombarded her with his kisses. He walked her backward until she dropped onto the seat of his throne.

  He relinquished her mouth reluctantly, letting her get situated on his chair, before slowly removing her panties. A small smile graced his lips, as he watched her fluttering lashes lay against her cheekbones, reminding him of the moment he found her sitting upon his throne, it was only fitting that she graced it now.

  “I will remember this day, each time I take my seat.”

  Maverick inhaled the delicate material and his penis twitched with anticipation. Maverick placed Silver’s legs across the arms of the chair, opening her up like an oyster until he could see her tiny pearl peeking from its hiding place as the air and her desire coaxed it out.

  On his knees, Maverick let the tip of his tongue slowly run a line from just above her clit to just above her anus. On his way back upward, he stopped to stick his tongue inside her vagina tasting the sweet honey which he found to be one of a kind.

  When he finished sucking her juices, he let his tongue guide its way back to her clitoris where he licked, sucked, and teased until she began to moan aloud with desire, he whispered, “Relax love, just enjoy the ride.”

  Between the draft in the room and Maverick’s touch Silver’s body shivered. Not in a million years did she image she would experience the things Maverick was doing with his tongue.

  Her thoughts of controlling and using him to find Aliv
ia fell by the wayside. It was Maverick who was in control.

  She wanted to shove the notion of the proposition down his throat, but she was trapped in his vortex of foreplay. Silver, unsure if she should scream, cry, or stop him. So intense was the feeling that it was frightening. When he began to suck feverishly upon her clit, she grabbed a handful of his silky hair, letting her fingertips press against his scalp.

  Holding his head in place preventing him from moving away from the spot in which she knew in a matter of seconds would make her explode into a million pleasurable pieces.

  Slowing the tempo down Maverick quit sucking Silver’s clit and methodically began to lick it with long lingering strokes.

  Silver shifting her position as disappointment and frustration gripped her mind for like every man she has dealt with, Maverick missed the clues on how to satisfy her. Before she could linger on that thought, she felt his fingers enter her pussy and his thumb in her anus, the feeling was something new but exciting to her. She was lost in the feeling when he began to suck her clitoris again. Silver screamed his name then placed her fist in her mouth as the spasms of her orgasm took over her body. She felt alive, strong, and weak all at the same time. “Oh, my, ooh.”

  Silver slowly opened her eyes to see the most beautiful body she had ever seen on a man, outside the airbrushed magazine models. He had a six-pack with a hell of a V line. He had no hair on his chest, yet the patch below his belly button led a straight trail to his engorged penis, which stood straight as a board with a thick wide vein that seem to pulsate the longer she stared at it. His sacs were full and beautiful like a work of art.

  With lightning speed, Maverick had disrobed. He liked the look in Silver’s eyes and felt pride in the way she reveled in his body. He wanted her to drink him in before he made his move. When her eyes met his, he could see they mirrored his desire to take things to the next level. Maverick reached his hand out to Silver, she took it without hesitation, he quickly pulled her into his arms, kissing her.


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