A Witches Proposition

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A Witches Proposition Page 8

by S Raven Storm

  “Keep your mouth shut and your eyes and ears open. This is a coven which means they can combine their powers as one.” Dom advised Jonathan as they walked through the invisible shield. Being The Watch gave them the key to enter any stronghold they ruled over.

  A large man with menacing eyes stood guard, with a booming voice he growled. “State your business.”

  “I need to speak to Lucas, I’m Dominick from The Watch.” Dom announced, his eyes never wavered letting him know fear was not present.

  “Wait here.” The man stated.

  “My time is valuable,” Dom replied.

  The man simple looked at Dominick with disdain and Dom returned the gesture. He was not about to give them an inch. Dom produced a small mouse in his hand and gently let it go. He watched as it scurried along the wall. Dom heard the conversation of the guard and a man whom he assumed was Lucas.

  “Did they say what they wanted?”

  “Only that he was from The Watch.”

  “Shit, did they mention anything about Cy?”


  “Okay, bring them to me.”

  The moment Dominick walked into the room, there was a smell of deceit that oozed from Lucas’s pores. Lucas was five feet, four-inches of ugly. He was a pudgy little man in his early thirties, yet the acne on his face look like that of a teenager. His beady little eyes darted backs and forth quickly between Dom and Jonathan.

  Dom approached, confident his height advantage would intimidate the little weasel.

  “I’m Dominick from The Watch. I need some answers concerning the attempted takeover of The Watch’s Manhattan territory and the kidnapping of Alivia Webber and the assault on her family, in order to obtain a magical goblet and everything you know about Cy.

  Before you answer, let me tell you that lying is a high treasonous offense and that The Watch is the law.”

  “I don’t know nothing about no kidnapping or anything else. I wish I could help ya.” Lucas lied.

  “I have warned you and I have advised you. Let the truth be released from your mouth or you will regret it.” Dom said.

  “I said I don’t know what ya talking about, sorry.” Lucas said.

  “No, you’re not sorry, not yet.” Dom said, as he held out his hand, placing his pointer finger and thumb together then drawing his hand back, pulling Lucas’s tongue out. When the guards approached, he snapped his fingers causing them to collapse. In a whisk he and his prisoner vanished as Jonathan followed.

  Silver ran ahead of Maverick, when she reached the box, she said, “this has to work or I’m going to go insane.”

  “So, there is no key, no lock to open this box.” Maverick repeated.

  “None, the letter said a strong powerful warlock...”

  “I remember,” he said cutting her off.

  “You know this could very well be a Pandora box and once open, well…” he said shaking his head.

  “I thought of that very thing.”

  “Fine, let see what’s, what.” He said with a wave of his hand he placed the box on the small table that sat between two chairs.

  Silver sat in the seat Axel had occupied. Looking at Maverick she could not tell if he was praying or thinking of a spell.

  “Magic will not open the box.” Silver reminded him.

  Maverick nodded, and turned the box around once again, examining the black and gold box more closely to see if he missed something. Then without fanfare, he flipped the latch and the box sprang open.

  “Oh yes! I knew it, I knew you could open it.” Silver shouted hanging her arm around Maverick’s neck, as she viewed the red velvet bag in the box.

  Silver reached in to retrieve the pouch and received a shock so strong it staggered her. She looked at Maverick to see if he witnessed what had just taken place.

  Maverick slowly reached in, lifting the pouch from its resting place. The bag was heavy in his hand as he untied the drawstring bag. Inside the bag contained a heavy crystal vase with a yellow note. The note read, ‘So you’ve passed the test, proving you are the best, now go back to the nest to find rest. Remember to gain power you must ask or the power you receive will be reversed with a curse. Keep the box it will help you make it to the top’.

  “Okay so this isn’t exactly what we expected, but it’s not a dead end either. I think I need to place this box somewhere safe. The story is, we have the goblet.”

  Silver followed Maverick through a maze of rooms, and up several steep steps. Once, they reached the top floor, they proceeded to walk down a long corridor. She couldn’t imagine where he was taking her. At the end of the hall was a huge double door. When Maverick opened it, Silver’s mouth flew open as she gazed around the large room.

  The bedroom was off from a huge sitting room, the heavy dark furniture screamed masculine, as well as the burgundy and gold heavy drapes with matching bedspread. The bed was three times the size of Silver’s bed, with four bed-posts that almost touched the high vaulted ceiling.

  His room was unlike anything she had ever seen. It was an apartment of its own. Silver was impressed by Maverick’s taste, especially the nude drawing on the ceiling.

  Maverick walked over to the wall that held a mural of beautiful forest, with a wave of his fingers the trees in the painting moved revealing a cave.

  “No place safer than a wall safe, love.” Maverick held his hand up which allowed the box to float into the cave, then as if nothing had taken place the trees fell into place.

  Silver had never witnessed magic so powerful, yet so effortless. Sitting on the bed she marveled at his mastery of wizardry, she thought her mother held great powers, but she was an amateur compared to Maverick.

  Maverick watched the expression on Silver’s face, but all he could think about was her sitting on his bed and how much he wanted to make love to her. Walking over to Silver, he bent down and kissed her. The kiss was soft as a whisper. He removed the elastic band in her hair freeing the ponytail, letting her raven tresses cascade around her shoulders. Maverick ran his fingers through the thick coarse mass, as it fell across his wrist he lifted the strands to his nose and inhaled the fragrance, she smelled of coconut.

  “Your scent is bewitching, love.” His dick throbbed to be released.

  Silver loved Maverick’s hands, they themselves were like magic. He made her feel sexy and powerful. She could feel all the deviant, naughty things she wanted to do to him bubble up inside. Silver never felt that way with any other man. She felt safe and secure with Maverick, again nothing she had experienced in past relationships.

  “Make love to me.”

  The buzz of the intercom was like a pail of ice water being poured over Maverick’s head. Silver could see the irritation in Maverick’s eyes, which pleased her.

  With a wave of his hand he shouted, “Speak!”

  Jonathan didn’t want to disturb Maverick for a second time that day, fearing punishment he decided to make Dom the sacrificial lamb by announcing, “Dom needs you, he has a prisoner and said it’s urgent.”

  “I’ll be right there.” Maverick responded.

  Dominick pushed Lucas onto the throne room floor. When he tried to rise while holding his bloody mouth, Dom pushed him back down with his large size eleven foot. Dom showed Lucas his tongue as he played with it like a toy.

  “Move again and I’ll fry it and have it for my fucking dinner.”

  Maverick sighed deeply as he looked down at Silver, “I’m needed.”

  “I’m going with you,” Silver replied.

  Maverick nodded in agreement. He took her hand and whisked them to the throne room. Maverick’s eyes avoided the group standing in the room, taking his time with slow deliberate steps he approached his throne, as if he and only he was present. Sitting regally on his throne he viewed the small group before him. A brow rose when he saw the man on the floor.

  Maverick waved two fingers upward to Dom, who snatched the man up, then pushed him towards Maverick.

  “This is Lucas, the leade
r of the Red Door coven. He is also a liar and a conspirator. I gave him several chances to tell the truth, however he chose the wrong road and no longer has the ability to tell anything.” Dom said showing Maverick, Lucas’s tongue resting in the palm of his hand.

  “So, I see.” Maverick took a deep breath before adding, “well Lucas I guess this is more of a show and tell opportunity for you. I can show you what happens to men in your current position, or you can tell me what I need to know.”

  Leaning forward Maverick added, “And if you tell me all, and I mean all, I might allow you to keep the little red member Dom holds, or I can simply throw it away.”

  Lucas shook his head frantically at the last part of Maverick’s speech. Maverick gave a twisted sneer before nodding at Dominick.

  Dom approaching the trembling man snapped his fingers, replacing Lucas’s tongue.

  Lucas overwhelmed with joy cried in between coughs. He grabbed the sleeve of Dominick’s shirt thanking him then Maverick.

  “Get him some water, Jonathan. Now it is time to show your appreciation. Talk!” Ordered Maverick.

  “He’s going to kill me if I talk.” Lucas cried.

  “I will kill you if you don’t. Ripping your tongue out will seem like a cake walk when I get finished with you.” Maverick bellowed, his voice bounced off the walls causing an echo to occur.

  “Okay, okay, Cy… Cy, wants the magic cup.” He cried.

  “I think that has been established.” Maverick yawned for dramatic effect.

  Lucas took a deep breath and said, “He’s set up a smoke screen, so everyone will think he’s in Jamaica, Queens, but he’s here. Here in the city.” Lucas waited for Maverick’s reaction to his new revelation, however the only response he witnessed was an arch brow.

  “Cy believes the cup will give him the power to take down The Watch. He kidnapped the girl, and we were going to kidnap her sister too, just to insure the cup would be turned over. No one was to get hurt... He sent someone to get her and the aunt. You have to understand, Cy came to the coven and threaten to kill us one by one if we didn’t help him.”

  “So, you scared asses didn’t think to report this to The Watch, so we could protect you?” Maverick asked, disgusted by Lucas and his coven’s cowardice.

  “He… He was going to kill us, it’s too late now.” Lucas whined.

  “You stupid ass son of a bitch.” Silver shouted. “Where is my sister?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know where she is, all I know is Cy, took her and told me to stay put, and he will contact me when he needed me.”

  “Well I hope he doesn’t need you!” Silver shouted before running her finger across her neck, as she watched the blood pour from Lucas throat. The cut so deep, that with a wave of her hand his head fell to the floor, his body remained standing for several seconds, before it too hit the floor.

  “Damn!” shouted Jonathan.

  Dom smiled as he watched the appreciation in Maverick’s eyes.

  Silver sat on the steps below Maverick, taking out her phone, she tried to call her aunt, but there was no signal. “I have to go, I need to check on my aunt.”

  “Wait, I’ll go with you.” Maverick responded.

  “Dom, get rid of the garbage. Take the head to the second in command, see if he’d like to keep his.”

  Standing on the porch with Maverick gave Silver courage, she didn’t even turn to see if the redhead or anyone else were around. She rang the bell and called out to her aunt, it took a while before aunt Grace came to the door. Once inside, Silver noticed her aunt was wearing a silk robe, her hair was in a disarray and her lips swollen. Before she could inquire, Axel came down the stairs. Silver stood frozen her eyes darting back and forth between the two.

  She couldn’t believe her eyes, here she is frantic with thoughts of her aunt’s life being in danger and instead she was fucking the afternoon away. Well look who is calling the kettle black.

  Grace began to speak but Silver cut her off, “Aunt Grace, I don’t want to know. I thought you were in danger, that’s all.”

  “Same here. I called Axel because of the strange warlock that was watching the house from across the street. I couldn’t reach you, and, well, he…”

  “Fine, I’m fine, everyone is fine.” Silver said nervously.

  “Maverick.” Axel said extending his hand.

  “Hello again. I am sorry for the intrusion, this seems like an uncomfortable family situation. Maybe I should go.” Maverick said, not wanting to leave Silver for he had plans of his own for her, but the tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.

  “Nonsense, this is Silver’s Aunt Grace.” Axel introduced Maverick to Grace, trying to change the subject from him and Grace which was hard since Grace had on a robe, and he was shirtless.

  “We found out the Red Door coven has been helping this man Cy.” Silver said, looking at Maverick.

  “Yes, I have my man going back to speak to the second in command for more answers.”

  “Did you try talking to the leader first?” Aunt Grace asked.

  “Yes, he didn’t have a good head on his shoulder concerning the situation.” Maverick replied with a straight face.

  “I’ll stay with Aunt Grace, maybe we can figure something out.” Silver stated, feeling like an overprotective child.

  “No need, I have Axel and you need to find out what you can about this Cy person. I feel better knowing you are with the leader of The Watch, and not running around doing something stupid on your own.” Grace said.

  “I second that,” Axel said, “and we tried to contact you and couldn’t.”

  He placed his hand on Silver’s shoulder, “We need to be able to reach you.”

  Maverick gave Grace his card. “This is my number, all other phones have a jammed signal, for security reasons. I promise you’ll be able to reach your niece whenever you want to.”

  “I don’t need a sitter and would rather stay home. By the way Maverick opened the box. We have what was in the box, but there is another piece in the attic we need. It was just a hoax not the real thing.” Silver rattled nervously uncomfortable with the situation between her aunt and godfather.

  “My goodness why didn’t you tell us this first, where is it?” Grace asked.

  “Safe at Mavericks. But the riddle hints that the real thing is still in the attic.” Silver replied.

  Grace hugged Silver and whispered, “Do you trust him?”

  Silver replied, “With my life.”

  “Then you will be well protected with him. Do you know what or where the other piece is?”

  “We don’t, however it is indeed in the attic, but I can see now is not the time to search for it so perhaps the morning would be a better time.” Silver stated averting her eyes from Axel’s bare chest.

  “Plus, I need to get back, love,” Maverick whispered to Silver, “and I think they prefer to be alone.”

  “Are you sure, I’d like to finish this crazy treasure hunt, I mean the sooner the better.” Aunt Grace announced.

  “Maverick is right tomorrow will be better, it will give us more time.” Silver stated before hugging both Axel and Grace as she prepared to leave.

  Maverick opened the door for Silver, as any gentleman would do. The moment the two of them exited the house three warlocks appeared, before they could attack Maverick put up a power shield deflecting everything they threw their way. Maverick pushed Silver behind him before closing the shield and with three mighty claps of his hands blew the warlocks to smithereens.

  Silver could hear Aunt Grace say, “Well I be damn! Axel did you see that shit?”

  Silver smiled, she loved having a kick ass for a boyfriend. Did she say boyfriend?

  “It’s time.” Holding Silver’s waist, he popped them back to his place. The throne room was clean and quiet as if what took place earlier had never happened. Dominick appeared the moment they entered the room, as if he’d been waiting for their return.

  “Court is about to start,
” he announced.

  Maverick took long strides to his throne and once in place he nodded to Dominick. When Dominick opened the great oak door Jonathan and several people crowded into the massive hall. Silver watched the people who had complaints, issues, or charges against them bow to Maverick, kissing his large silver amethyst ring.

  Maverick gives orders and listened to whatever crisis presented to him. He handled all the cases in a firm yet fair way. The people waited patiently for their turn to be next, all showing respect and appreciation for Maverick and his position.

  Silver dozed off to sleep while sitting in the corner listening to Maverick hold court. In her dream she and Alivia were teens running amuck and trying to keep their mother from marrying them off. Then her dream became a nightmare when she couldn’t find Alivia. It was dark, and Alivia was nowhere to be found.

  Silver woke up abruptly for the dream. The room was dark, only the moonlight shone through the large window. Silver looked around, recognizing the room as Maverick’s. She tried to find the light switch but found herself stumbling over items encased in the darkness of the room.

  Shaking her head, she said “Really Silver.” Then snapping her fingers, the lights came on. For some reason she was dressed only in her underwear, her clothes hung on the back of a chair and her phone sat on charge beside the bed. She spotted her shoes at the foot of the bed. Once dressed Silver tried retracing her steps from earlier and was glad she had paid attention for the house was like a maze.

  Suddenly she began to think about Alivia and her dream. Memories of their last conversation came to mind. Come on Sil what did Alivia say? Think dammit think. She said remember the little game when we were sixteen.


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