A Witches Proposition

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A Witches Proposition Page 9

by S Raven Storm

  Silver remembered the game in which they took personal items and smeared it with blood to track someone, back then that someone was their mother.

  The sound of voices directed Silver to the throne room where she found Maverick, Dom, and Jonathan in deep discussion with a tall, lanky man who repeatedly nodded his head in agreement with whatever Dom was saying. When her presence was made known, the men stopped conversing. Silver knew at that point she was the topic.

  “Silver, this is Anthony Wright, he’s the second, I mean the new leader of the Red Door coven. He was telling us about the arrangement made with Cy. He has his scouts out looking for your sister.”

  “Thank you.” Silver said quietly to Anthony Wright.

  “May I speak to you?” she asked Maverick.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen.” Maverick lead Silver by the elbow outside the chamber.

  “I know how to find my sister, but I need a room to work in.”


  “I have something of hers and can do a blood tie spell.”

  “Okay, follow me.” Maverick took Silver back to his bedroom. He opened a narrow white door near the bathroom, which she assumed to be the closet. Maverick turned on the lights showcasing his spell room. There were shelves full of herbs, and a beautiful gold and black cauldron that she knew Alivia and her Aunt Grace would die for.

  “Okay, what do we need to get started.” He asked, as he rolled up his sleeves.

  “I need to do this alone, please. I’ll join you when I’m through,” Silver said softly.

  Maverick gave Silver a kiss on the cheek then left closing the door behind him.

  Silver moved quickly, snapping her fingers producing a map of New York City. Removing the necklace her mother gave her, and taking a knife she saw on the mantle, Silver then took Alivia’s lip gloss from her pocket, hoping the fact that she had used it would not corrupt the ritual. Placing the lip gloss in the middle of the map, she carefully made a small incision in the palm of her hand, when the blood began to flow she let small droplets fall onto the tube of lip gloss.

  Holding the necklace over the bloody lip gloss she chanted, “With the blood tie that binds let me find what’s left behind. Let the blood allow me to see what I’m not meant to see.”

  The crystal dropping like a heavy stone began to drag across the map, smearing blood in its wake. The stone stopped on Clinton Street.

  Silver using the Google Earth map on her phone to get a better look of the area. The Google Earth Map went into more detail allowing her to find an address next to a Chinese restaurant where she believed Alivia was being held.


  Running out of the room, Silver made a wrong turn and found herself at a dead end. She began to panic then laughed, she had lived her life limiting her powers, but since this all began especially being around Maverick she realized just how special her gifts were. Snapping her fingers she found herself in the middle of Maverick’s courtroom. Heads turned when she insinuated herself amid the courtroom. Before she could apologize for the intrusion, Dom was by her side.

  “This is the last case. Come with me,” Dom announced, as he walked through the double doors.

  Silver wondered how many rooms were actually in the house, it appeared three times the size of its exterior. Then again, she was talking about a master warlock.

  “What’s going on.” Dom asked as he magically produced a glass of chilled white sangria.

  “I found her! I found my sister, and she’s okay,” she shouted breathlessly handing Dominick the paper she’d written the address on.

  It was at that moment Maverick came through the door, with an arch of the eyebrow, which spoke volumes. He narrowed his eyes speculative towards Dominick.

  Dom could see Maverick’s jealousy written all over his face. He immediately read the paper aloud then handed it to Maverick.

  Reading the paper, Maverick handed it back to Dominick saying, “Take care of it.”

  “No! I’m going. She’s my sister.”

  “This could be a trap, either way it’s too dangerous for you to go, love.” Explained Maverick.

  “Then come with me.” Tears began to roll down Silver’s face.

  “No Ms. Silver, Jonathan and I will go this way if it is a trap, neither you nor the leader of The Watch will be in danger.” Reasoned Dominick.

  “You don’t even know what my sister looks like and stop with the Ms. Silver. Its Silver, please.” Silver shook her head against the idea if not going in search for Alivia, wiping the fallen tears from her face.

  “Then show me her picture. But if she looks anything like you and is as stubborn as you are, I will find her. No offense.” Dom said with a humble bow once he caught notice of Maverick raised eyebrow.

  Alivia was hungry, and her stomach rumbled loudly when the giant brought a tray full of Chinese food. She was happy to see he had also included two cans of Pepsi. She would have preferred a Dr. Pepper; however, beggars can’t be choosers.

  “I can tell you we have the best Chinese food around. I know you’ll enjoy it,” the gentle giant bragged as he placed the tray on the bed beside Alivia.

  Alivia held her hands up and said, “It’s going to be impossible to enjoy anything with my hands tied.”

  “Fine, but if you try anything I promise you’ll regret it.” The giant looked around the small space, to assure himself that removing the ties would not create a problem. He stepped forward and with a large knife he had produced from his side pocket, he cut the plastic binding.

  Alivia bent her head down and inhaled the fragrant aroma of the food. The tray held three plates, one contained fried rice, sweet and sour shrimp, and general Tso chicken. The second plate overflowed with lo Mein, egg foo young and Chinese spare ribs, the third was shrimp rolls, spring rolls, steamed and fried dumplings.

  “Wow you went all out for me,” she smiled at the gentle giant. Alivia swore she saw him blush under his ruddy complexion. Alivia began to unwrap the chopsticks, then proceeded to shove the food one by one into her mouth, tasting all her favorites first. The moment the gentle giant left, Alivia tried using her magic to escape, but for some reason she could not. She realized quickly that a spell was preventing her from using magic and to escape the cramp space. She ran to the door, placing an ear against it to make sure no one was on the other side, she slowly turned the door knob. To her dismay the door was locked. She would need time to think of an escape plan, but the aroma from the Chinese food caused her stomach to rumble as a reminder that she was still hungry. Alivia sat at the edge of the bed as she continued to devour the elaborate meal while imagining different ways in which she could escape.

  The gentle giant returned for the tray, shortly after she finished. “Thank you again for the meal. You might be right about the city having better Chinese food, or I’m just too hungry to tell the difference,” she laughed.

  He smiled in return, however before Alivia could relish in the bond they shared, he grabbed her wrist with one giant hand and placed the plastic handcuffs on her once again.

  “You don’t have to do this. Please, just let me go.” Alivia pleaded as he walked out the door.

  “Shit, shit, shit,” she shouted, her plan was to stab him in the neck with the chopsticks or convince him to allow her to remain free since her magic was futile.

  Silver tried to contact Alivia, each time the connection broke. She knew in her heart that Alivia was still alive, the question was in what condition would Dominick find her sister?

  Maverick placed his hand over Silvers’ nervously tapping slender fingers. He gave her a look of encouragement before boasting, “Dominick and Jonathan will bring Alivia home, he never fails, I promise. Dom is the best at what he does, love.”

  “Which is?” Silver asked, looking into Maverick’s hypnotic eyes.

  “Whatever I tell him to do,” he stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Then smiled to lighten the mood.

  Silver wanted to laugh at his cocky attitude but if truth be
told, she knew his confidence was not without validity. Maverick was unlike any man she’d ever met. He was all man, from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. He was the true definition of the word, and for Silver the word manly and male translated to just one word, Maverick. It was his high testosterone that made her head spin.

  “I trust you and have faith in Dominick. I need to contact my sister, she’s not going to trust Dominick.”

  “Okay, give me a password or tell me something to convince her that Dom is a friend.”

  “I guess he could tell her that Charmed loves pizza.” She said, explaining to Maverick that Charmed is the family cat.

  “Good.” Maverick replied. Pushing the intercom, he instructed, “Dom, Jonathan come to me.” His tone, curt and to the point.

  Silver listening to the short and almost angry sound of Mavericks voice, lead her to believe his staying behind with her may be more of a burden because he wanted to join his men.

  “I don’t mind staying behind with you.” Maverick let a lopsided smile grace his lips.

  It took her a moment to realize what was going on. “I don’t like people reading my mind, especially when I can’t read theirs.”

  “Protect it.” Was his only response which was followed by a winning smile.

  The moment Dominick and Jonathan entered the room Mavericks demeanor changed, he was all business. He took slow deliberate step to his throne. He adjusted himself in the seat before speaking. His eyes were menacing. They appeared shiny and dark as if it were obsidian.

  “You are to bring Alivia here by whatever means you deem necessary. There will be no bargaining, negotiations, or forgiveness. If she gets spooked, tell her that Silver said Charmed likes pizza. He’s the family cat. Is all understood?”

  “Completely.” Dominick replied.

  “Understood.” Jonathan added.

  Silver gave Dominick a hug whispering in his ear, “Bring my sister to me, please.”

  “I promise, I will bring her home. All will be well.” He kissed her hand and bowed before her, then nodded to Maverick, who stood up the moment Silver hugged him. Dominick was amused by Maverick’s obvious jealousy where Silver was concerned. If he weren’t so scared of losing his life, he’d share that humor with Maverick.

  The moment Dominick and Jonathan transported to the address Silver gave them, they turned towards one another and nodded in unison. An undeniable power of magic surrounded the building, it was so thick they could almost see it. The store window was crowded with dolls, trucks, and other toys, yet it still smelled of dark magic. When Jonathan opened the door a little bell that hung over the door rang, within minutes an elderly gray-haired gentleman came from the back of the store.

  “Friend or foe?” The older man asked as he walked behind the counter.

  “Well, that depends on you Sir.” Dom said leaning against the counter as Jonathan moved closer to the doorway the man came out of.

  “What can I do for you? For some reason I don’t think you’re here to purchase a toy.” The man said narrowing his eyes at Jonathan, as a warning.

  “I see you’re a smart man, so I won’t play games with you. We want the witch you have as a prisoner.” Dom stated slowly.

  “I’m not saying I have this so-called witch, but if I did why would I hand her over to you.”

  “We are from The Watch and it would be beneficial for you to cooperate with us.” Jonathan announced moving closer to the doorway.

  “The Watch! Is that supposed to scare me,” the old man laughed. He turned to Dom and said, “If you leave now I’ll forget all about this… intrusion. Now get out!”

  “Don’t you ever threaten me. I don’t take orders from you, old man!” Dominick shouted as he took a step closer to the man.

  “Trust me the easiest way out of this is to release the girl to me, now. I promise to reward you for your cooperation.” Dom hissed.

  The man lifted his arms to release his magic however his attempt came to naught as Dom broke both arms of the man with little effort. Lifting him off the floor he said, “The last thing I want to do is hurt an old man, but if need be, I will kill you.”

  “I suggest you do just that Sonny, because if I gave you that pretty little prize, I’m as good as dead.”

  Dom sent the man flying across the room, his head made a loud thump rendering him unconscious as his body slammed against the wall, leaving a blood spot where it hit.

  “Okay let’s shut this shit down.” Dom instructed locking the store door, flipping the open sign to closed, and securing the motionless man. He then bent down releasing his tiny rodent before standing at full height.

  Dom could see a door at the end of the hall, through the door sat a young man with his long legs stretched before him, he was watching television. The man periodically looked at the door in front of him. Dom related to Jonathan what he saw.

  Slapping Jonathan on his back Dominick asked, “Ready?”

  “What’s the plan?” Jonathan asked.

  “To free Silver’s sister. Just be ready for any and everything. Remember you got to be in it to win it.” Dominick laughed.

  Letting the door knob turn slowly in his hand to see if it were unlocked, and it was, Dominick pushed the door open. He believed the element of surprise being the best tactical offense. Their busting through the door startled the young man, causing him to fall out of his chair. The man quickly recovered but not before Dom struck a blow across his cheek.

  The young man released a weak stream of energy that barely moved Dom. He had no intentions of killing the young man, in fact the plan was to take all concerned back to Maverick, so they could face The Watch’s trial and answer questions in Maverick’s court.

  Everything began to escalate, within a blink of an eye all hell broke loose. A second attempt by the young man was fortified by a synchronized attack that included a huge man who entered by a side door. The man was a giant, bigger than any man Dom had ever seen. Unfortunately, he moved like a much smaller man and within seconds he had Jonathan in a bear hug.

  Dom finally subdued the younger man giving him the opportunity to gain entrance into the side room. Dom tried to open the locked door, but nothing was working. Not sure how close Silver’s sister might be to the door, he decided not to blow it off the hinges. Finally, fed up with the situation, he used brute strength by ramming the door with his shoulder. It took two tries, before the wood splintered and gave away.

  Jonathan tried to free his arms, but the giant had them pinned down. The pain and pressure from the giant’s grip felt as if his ribs were being crushed. He used his head, butting the giant between the eyes, then as a last resort Jonathan sank his teeth in the side of the giants’ neck. The moment the giant’s grip lessened Jonathan used his powers to freeze him.

  “Shit!” shouted Jonathan as he bent down placing both hands on his thighs, taking deep breaths to ease the pain that clenched his rib cage.

  Dominick could not move. He wasn’t even sure if he were breathing, for the woman standing before him took his breath away. She had flawless coffee colored brown skin, wide almond shaped eyes that were chestnut brown with fire, they reminded him of Silver. Her hair jet black, thick and wildly displayed around her heart shaped face. She was tall and shapely, with wide hips and thick thighs. Dom noticed the ties on her wrist and with a snap of his fingers the bonds fell to the floor. Dom watched her eyes widen, and then narrow. Suddenly she began to charge towards him, causing Dominick to back away. Dominick felt a strong magical pull inside his chest the moment she ran towards him, before he could say a word, she shot a beam unlike that of an energy ball. The sphere flew past the left side of his hip. When he turned, he saw the bolt strike a beautiful redhead on the shoulder.

  To Dom’s surprise the redhead rallied with a fireball that missed Alivia by an inch. Alivia magically slashed at the woman’s face, frantically as if possessed. The witch doubled over screaming, as she crumbled to the floor. Alivia approached the woman as she laid in a fetal
position on the dirty heel marked floor and began to kick her repeatedly, screaming, “You, fucking redheaded bitch witch, I’ll kill you.”

  Dom could see by the look on Alivia’s face and the force behind her blows that whatever was taking place, was on a personal level. He ran over to Alivia, in order to stop her assault. It took some doing to pull her away from the redhead, she was small but mighty Dom thought to himself.

  “She’s down. She can’t hurt you.”

  “No, but I can hurt her… Get off me damn it!” Alivia screamed.

  “Who the hell are you?” she asked, trying not to look in his gorgeous eyes. It was something about the handsome stranger who stood before her like a modern-day Adonis. She wanted to run into his arms, Hell, that’s a lie, she wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and shove her tongue down his throat. He was strong and fine as hell. Her heart began to race and her palms sweat at the mere thoughts of being in his arms. She wasn’t sure if it was him or if she was having a heart attack, either way it was a problem.

  “I’m Dominick from The Watch, your sister Silver sent us to find you.” He stated in a baritone voice.

  Alivia didn’t realize until he said us, that there was another person in the room other than her captures. “Sil sent you, is she alright?” Alivia cried, throwing her arms around Dominick. She could smell his sandalwood soap, his spicy cologne, she could hear the sound of his heart beating rapidly and wondered if it was from the excitement or her.

  Dominick liked the way Alivia felt in his arms. But now was not the time.

  “She good, just on pins and needles waiting to hear that you’re safe and unharmed.” Dominick whispered in a hoarsely voice.

  “We need to go, now!” shouted Jonathan.

  “Bring the old man and the girl, I’ll take the young lad and Alivia.” Dom directed.

  “What about the giant?” Jonathan asked.

  “Leave him. It’s safer this way.”


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