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Emma Catwalks and Cupcakes!

Page 3

by Coco Simon

  “Harrumph!” said Alexis. “I thought I liked it up until you said that.”

  “Poor Alexis!” I said, devouring the second part of my cupcake. I wished we’d gotten more and was already trying to think of when I’d be back in the city to go to Three Sisters again. “I’ll get more, and we won’t let Mary Jane Peterson have any!”

  “It’s Mary Jane Parks!” snarled Alexis.

  “Sorry!” I said. “I didn’t know you cared!”

  Alexis stormed back to the family room to watch one of her endless dance competition reality shows while the rest of us tried the last cupcake and then cleaned up.

  Katie was already on her phone, checking how to make cotton candy–flavored cupcakes.

  “Poor Alexis,” Mia said quietly. “She was so psyched for that job and looking forward to learning so much about the food service industry. I feel so bad for her.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. “Maybe when we go there tomorrow, we can lighten things up or even try to think up some ways for her to make it better.”

  “She could always quit,” said Katie, her fingers flying over her phone.

  “Alexis? Quit? Ha!” I laughed. “Have you met Alexis Becker?”

  Katie looked up and smiled at me. “Good point.”

  “We’ll think of something,” said Mia.

  • • •

  After the cleanup we were all hanging out in the family room, watching Alexis’s show, when the topic of Katie’s modeling job came up. Alexis hadn’t heard the details so now I had to live through it all again for the umpteenth time.

  I have to say, I was really sick of it at this point. The more I thought about how I’d encouraged Katie to come and she’d then stolen my job out from under me, the madder I got. (Of course I was conveniently forgetting that the job could have gone to one of any of the dozens of girls who were there with us.)

  “I think it’s superamazing!” Alexis squealed. “Katie, just think—you were ‘discovered’ today! This could be the start of a very successful career for you!”

  “Katie Brown, America’s next top model. Who knew?” Mia joked.

  “Who knew?” I muttered. “Who knew that messy hair and dirty clothes would be just the look they were after?”

  I knew it was mean, and I hadn’t really meant to say it out loud, but I was kind of glad I had. I’d been feeling like saying something about Katie’s “style” all day.

  But then everyone turned and stared at me.

  I forced a little laugh. “Oh come on!” I said. “Katie, don’t feel bad. I’m sorry. I’m just being honest. It’s just . . . look at you!”

  I could see that Katie was, unfortunately, hurt.

  “I thought you didn’t mind my modeling,” she said finally.

  I was sorry I’d said what I was thinking, but I wasn’t sorry I was thinking it, which made it hard to apologize. I may have gone too far, but I was frustrated.

  “Katie, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings,” I said. “Honestly, I didn’t. But you have to understand where I’m coming from. I took so long to get ready for that go-see. And then you . . . you just basically roll out of bed and get the job? Seriously. It’s just not fair. Not really.”

  “Modeling agencies are always searching for ‘new looks,’ ” Mia pointed out. “Who knows? Katie may be the next big thing.”

  I rolled my eyes. I hope not, I thought.

  “Look,” said Alexis. “It’s a bummer you didn’t get the job, Emma. I know your modeling go-sees are something you work hard on and that it’s disappointing when you don’t get the job.” She looked at me kindly. “But it’s great that Katie did, if the contract had to go to anyone else. Jobs come and go, but friends last forever, right?”

  I sighed. “Yeah. I guess.”

  Alexis continued, “You know something good will come out of today, so don’t worry. Katie’s thing might just be a fluke or it might be the beginning of a big career. But it’s unlikely you two will ever be competing for the same job again. You have such different looks.” She shrugged. “Okay? Peace?”

  “Okay.” I choked out an apology that I knew was right but that I didn’t really feel yet. “Sorry, Katie.”

  “I’m sorry too, Emma. I never set out to take work from you.”

  I sighed again. “I know.”

  “I might even hate it,” said Katie.

  Privately, I hoped so, which was awful. I had to let my annoyance go, but I didn’t really feel better.

  • • •

  After the Cupcakers had left and we’d confirmed our plan to meet at the pool the next day, my mom came into my room to chat.

  “Everything okay?” she asked, sitting down next to me on my bed.

  I groaned because everything wasn’t okay. I’d been wanting to talk to her all day about what had happened, but there’d always been someone else around. I was glad she came to check on me.

  “I feel like such a jerk for having such bad feelings,” I admitted.

  “You’re talking about what happened with the job in the city this morning?”

  I nodded. “I guess I’m . . . jealous, maybe? And mad. Just plain mad. Like, I invite my friend to do something fun, something that’s mine, and she steals it out from under me. I just feel so mad!”

  “I know. I understand,” said my mom. She bit her lip and thought for a minute. “You know how Dad and I feel about the modeling business. For an industry that’s so focused on beauty, it brings out some ugly feelings in lots of different ways. It’s okay to feel mad, but you can’t blame Katie. She certainly didn’t set out to have that happen. You can be mad at the people who picked her if you want, but don’t be mad at Katie.”

  “Still mad,” I muttered, and my mom laughed.

  “It will fade,” she said. “Just focus on the things you love to do with your friends. It’s summer! And remember, the fashion world is always changing. Who knows what will be in tomorrow? It might be that everyone wants redheads, and suddenly, Alexis is in high demand!” She tickled me until I smiled.

  “I guess.”

  “Any fun plans?” she asked, and I told her about our arrangement to meet at the pool the next day.

  “Good,” she said. “Have fun and just relax. You can always find another job, but it’s not as easy to find another friend. And anyway, at your age, summer should be about fun and not work. Not quite yet. So enjoy it while you can.”

  She hugged me good night and left me with my summer reading, which I’d promised myself I’d get out of the way ASAP this summer (which is what I promise myself every summer, and it never happens!).

  I made up my mind to forget all about work and just enjoy the summer for a few days.


  Pool Time

  Mia’s stepbrother, Dan, drove Mia, Katie, and me to the town pool the next day. He’s nice, even if he is majorly into heavy metal music and kind of goth stuff. Today, Dan was meeting a friend at the pool for a swim and then was heading out to his job. Mia’s mom would pick us up at the end of the afternoon.

  We checked in at the entrance, and then we piled through the gate to try to claim some lounge chairs together. Unfortunately, they were all taken, at least for now, so we grabbed a lunch table near the snack bar—waving all over the place at kids from school—and hoped that some lounge chairs would be free after lunch when the moms went home with the little kids for naptime.

  The whole complex was crowded. There were kids of every age, shooting basketball at the outdoor courts, playing four square or hopscotch, fooling around on the swings, and of course, swimming in the pool. The pool itself was really made up of three pools. There was a diving pool that was really deep, a regular pool that was pretty shallow (only seven feet deep in the deep end), and then a baby pool that had a gradual entrance, like the ocean, which got deeper inch by inch until it was two feet deep. There was also a sprinkler area outside the pools, with posts of various heights spraying out water in different ways: streams, mists, and geysers. There was somethin
g for everyone, and today’s clear skies and warm temperature were the perfect weather for enjoying it all.

  To secure a lunch table and chairs, we draped our towels over them to save our spots. Then the three of us took our money and joined the long line for the snack bar. We could see Alexis hustling around behind the counter, and we giggled a little at her hairnet, but it didn’t look too bad. There was a guy—an adult—working in the back (he must have been Fry-o-lator–certified) and a young boy who seemed to be doing a lot of heavy lifting—bringing in cases of soda and taking out the trash—and then there was a very petite dark-haired girl who was standing inside doing nothing, her arms folded across her chest and a look of total boredom on her face.

  I wondered aloud what her role might be.

  “Maybe she’s with the health department,” joked Mia. “She makes sure no one forgets to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom!”

  “No wonder she looks so bored,” Katie said with a laugh. “How many times a day could people need to go to the bathroom?”

  “Oh, maybe she does inventory control and she has to count sprinkles. That could be why she looks so bored!” I kidded.

  We inched forward, and the smell of French fries and grilled meat filled the air. My stomach rumbled as kids jostled for positions at the front of the counter.

  Alexis saw us and waved, but stayed very professional, writing down orders and calling them in to the guy in the back. She scooped ice cream into tall silver canisters and set them to run on the milkshake machine while she bustled around assembling orders. The other girl seemed to do nothing except occasionally glare at Alexis. It was weird. Alexis obviously could have used the help, and the young boy seemed to pitch in as needed, but it was a lot of work.

  Finally, we reached the front.

  Alexis grimaced at us in some version of a smile, but she didn’t have time for any small talk.

  We placed our orders, and then I asked quietly, “Where’s you-know-who?”

  Alexis jerked her head toward the bored snack bar girl, and my eyes widened.

  “She’s your boss?” I asked incredulously. “That’s Mary Jane?”

  Alexis nodded and rolled her eyes.

  “But she isn’t doing anything!” I whispered.

  Alexis shrugged. “She’s critiquing my every move and will report it back to her boss, Mrs. Chilson, when I go on break,” she whispered back.

  “Wow,” I said, and then I explained to the others.

  We all took a good look at Miss Mary Jane Parks, and when we reached our lunch table to await our number to be called, we decided we needed to act.

  “We need to plot revenge!” said Mia, her eyes blazing.

  “But it should be devious. Something not too obvious!” agreed Katie.

  I thought for a minute. “You know how Alexis always has her mottoes? What’s that one about winning bees with honey?”

  “You catch more bees with honey?” said Mia. “Something about being nice to mean people?”

  I pointed at her. “That’s the one. What if the Cupcake Club made some delicious cupcakes for Alexis to bring in for the staff, as a morale booster?”

  “I like it!” said Mia, nodding.

  “Let’s do it! Sweeten her up!” agreed Katie.

  “We bake tonight!” I said in a deep movie-villain voice.

  • • •

  After the big lunch rush, Alexis got her break and came to meet us at the pool. We’d been able to secure lounge chairs after the lunch rush and had been laying in the sun, slathered in sunscreen. It was hot, and we were definitely ready for a dip. Alexis had on her swimsuit under her sundress, so she peeled off her outer layer and hurried in.

  As Alexis swam the length of the pool underwater, Mia cried, “Oh no! She left her watch on!” But as Mia awkwardly tried to rush into the pool to grab Alexis, she slipped and kind of fell in.

  “Mia!” gasped Katie.

  We both jumped in, and as I went under, I heard a whistle blow, and then there was a huge splash. When I popped up someone was pulling Mia to the side of the pool.

  Mia was sputtering, and Katie and I gathered around, with Alexis swimming up alongside us.

  “Mia! What happened? Are you okay?” Alexis said in alarm.

  The person who had jumped in after us was a lifeguard—a young guy. He held Mia’s arm and looked at her in grave concern. “Did you hit your head? Twist an ankle? What happened?”

  Mia was fine now that she’d had a minute to breathe. She dunked under and smoothed her hair back off her face, then resurfaced, laughing in embarrassment.

  “I saw that Alexis had gone in with her new watch on, but when I went to tell her, I slipped like a klutz and fell in. I’m okay, though.”

  “Darn!” said Alexis, looking at her watch and smacking the water in frustration. “Thanks, Mia.” She jumped out and took her watch off to dry on a towel, and then she hopped back in.

  “Sorry to cause a scene. I feel like such a spaz!” Mia laughed.

  “Don’t be sorry,” the handsome young lifeguard said. “You’re not a spaz. Accidents happen here every day.” He smiled widely, revealing perfectly straight, white teeth that contrasted with his wavy jet-black hair and deeply tanned skin. “Hi. I’m Luis. I’m one of the new lifeguards around here.”

  “I’m Mia,” Mia said, looking starstruck. “And these are my best friends, Alexis, Katie, and Emma.”

  “You I recognize from my lunch break,” Luis said, pointing at Alexis, who grinned and waved. “Nice to meet you, other friends.” Then he gently put a hand on Mia’s arm. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine, Luis,” Mia said. “Thank you.”

  “Well, I work here from one o’clock to five o’clock every day during the summer,” Luis said. “But I usually get here around noon, if you’d ever like a free swimming lesson.” And he gave Mia a huge heart-melting smile.

  “Oh, but Mia—” Alexis began, and I saw Mia kick her under the water.

  “Can always use a few pointers,” Mia finished for her. “I will remember that. Thanks, Luis!” she said. She smiled sweetly at him.

  And with another dazzling grin, Luis was back to his post.

  Once he was gone, Alexis gave Mia a look. “You’re already a great swimmer, Mia,” she said.

  Mia smirked. “I know that and you know that, but does Luis, the cutest lifeguard ever, need to know that? I don’t think so.”

  “He is cute,” I agreed, and Katie nodded with a huge smile.

  Alexis sighed. “I don’t like the sound of this,” she said.

  Mia fluttered her eyelashes at Alexis. “There’s always room for improvement!”

  “Hey, Alexis!” I said, thinking about how we planned to hopefully make Alexis’s working situation better. “We had a pretty great idea at lunch. We are going to bake some cupcakes after this, so you can bring them in for Miss Mary Jane tomorrow to sweeten her up. What do you think?”

  “Ha! It’s going to take a lot more than cupcakes!” she said. “But thanks. If you could please make a bunch, I’d love to share them with Aldo, who does the cooking, and the kid, Finn, who’s my helper. I’d even give one to Mrs. Chilson.”

  “Great,” we agreed.

  “And I’ll personally deliver them myself tomorrow, just in time for my swimming lesson!” joked Mia.

  “Oh brother,” said Alexis. “I don’t want any part of this!”

  She left to change into her work clothes while the rest of us played a loud game of Marco Polo with a bunch of kids from school.

  • • •

  The rest of the afternoon passed quickly, and though we left before Alexis had finished work, she promised to check in with us when she was home and showered.

  We went back to Katie’s to whip up a basic batch of vanilla cupcakes. We were going to make some with vanilla frosting and some with chocolate frosting, since we weren’t sure if Mary Jane was a chocolate or vanilla person.

  While we waited for the cupcakes t
o cool so we could frost them, Katie’s mom telephoned from work, and Katie took the call in the next room. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn’t help overhearing everything from where I was sitting.

  The modeling agency had followed up, and Katie had a test shoot booked for Monday with a local photographer I knew. I could hear the excitement in Katie’s voice, and the feelings of annoyance rose in me again. I pushed them down and focused on what a great friend Katie is and how smart she is and that she’s a talented chef. And I reminded myself that times change, and I might get a call for a great job soon. I took deep breaths and sampled both frostings, which were extra delicious.

  Katie came bounding back from the other room, her eyes bright with excitement.

  “Guess what? I have a test shoot on Monday!” she said excitedly.

  “Cool beans!” crowed Mia.

  “Nice,” I said, trying to be a better person than I was.

  Katie turned to me. “Oh, Emma! Is there any way you’d be willing to come with me? I’m so nervous, and I have no idea what to do! My mom can’t go because she’s booked solid at work, and Jeff is out of town next week at a teachers’ conference. And there’s no way my dad would go. Please?” Her big brown eyes looked so hopeless and scared, how could I say no?

  I took a deep breath. “Sure,” I said. “I’m free, and I’d be happy to go with you.”

  She threw her arms around me. “Thank you so much, Emma!”

  I patted her on the back. “No problem.”

  I wondered if I’d ever model again, or was I just doomed to become Katie’s manager for life? A has-been? All washed up as an early teen? I tried to think happy thoughts, but it wasn’t easy.

  Mia asked, “Will you girls be back in the city? You could pick up some of those insanely delicious A Summer Day cupcakes!”

  “Oh, the shoot is local, but I think I learned the cotton candy trick!” said Katie. “It’s cotton candy extract! Can you believe there’s such a thing? It’s only three dollars a bottle, and Jeff promised he’d pick some up for me today on his way home.”

  “Great!” I said. “We can make them on Friday during our regular session.”


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