King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair

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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Page 13

by Mz. Lady P

  “Man, would you calm the fuck down!”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down Santana. I swear to God I will fuck you up in this house. That bitch is playing with my fucking livelihood. I’ve been at my job for three years now. I refuse to lose everything I’ve worked for fucking with you and your dirty ass baby momma. My life was good before I started fucking with you. I don’t do this type of shit. I’m a grown ass woman and I don’t have time for games. It’s been a minute since I done whooped a bitch ass and she’s just the one to make me come out of retirement.

  “I’m not gone tell your ass again to calm down. I don’t want you working no way. All you need to do is stay home and make sure me and Mercedes is cool.” I turned around and looked at him like he had lost his fucking mind.

  “I understand you have more money than you know what to do with, but all the money in the world will not make me a stay at home wife. That’s not me baby. Now don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with doing what I have to do by you and Mercede. However, I will always keep me a job and a backup plan. That’s just the type of woman that I am. At the same time this shit with Lexus ends here so I’m gone say this one last time, take me to that bitch house so I can whoop her ass.” Santana thought that I was playing, but I was dead ass serious I wanted him to take me to whoop Lexus ass.

  “Fuck going to fight! That shit is unladylike. What you can do is get over here and ride this dick? Tend to your nigga, ma. You worried about the wrong shit.”

  “I wish I would ride your little ass dick. The only place I’m riding is over to Mercedes house and if you don’t take me I’ll go over there myself. I refuse to go another day letting her think its okay to disrespect me. That bitch ain’t got to like me, but she will respect me. Disrespect is something I don’t know how to deal with easily. That shit makes me nut up quick on a bitch.

  “Now, you know my dick ain’t nowhere near little. Your mouth tells me each time I be making you gag off this motherfucker. Quit playing with my dick.”

  “Don’t play with me Santana!”

  “Fuck all that! You ain’t going to ride this dick huh?”

  “No, I’m not. I want to beat your baby momma ass.”

  “Well, get the fuck out my car and walk to the bitch house.” Santana popped the locks on his car and I just sat there with my hands folded across my chest because he plays too much.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  “Hell yeah! Beat them big ass feet!” I looked out of the window and it looked like it was going to rain. The last thing I wanted to do was get wet trying to walk over to Mercedes house and beat her ass. I decided to take one for the team because a bitch definitely wanted some of that daddy dick. I started unlacing my Jordans and I kicked them off.

  “What fuck you gone do walk bare foot to whoop her ass?”

  “Hell no nigga. Recline that seat; I’m about to ride that dick!” I had a devilish grin as I removed my leggings and straddled him.

  “That a girl. Now tell me I got a big dick! You hurt his feelings with that lil dick comment.” I couldn’t do shit but laugh because Santana was so damn crazy.

  “You got a big dick, bae!” I kissed him on his lips and he lifted me up and inserted himself inside of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rode his ass into another universe. It was something about this crazy lil nigga that got me so in love him. After we were done we headed back home to watch Netflix and chill. I had calmed down for the moment, but I was still whooping Mercedes ass on sight. It’s going to take more than some of his good dick to make me change my mind.

  Chapter 24-Siyah

  It had been a month since the last time I physically saw Kingston. We talked on the phone daily, but it was mostly about the kids. We were still going through my mother to get the kids back and forth between us. I actually liked it this way because I didn’t have to see King. This month has been kind of great on my part. Instead sitting and sulking about this shit with King I immersed myself into Princess Publications, not to mention I had been going so hard on my own book. I hadn’t came up with a title for it just yet. I decided to just write until something came to my mind. It felt so good to be able to just put all of my emotions on paper. Writing had been my biggest escape from my reality. I’ve been receiving submissions for my company and I’m real excited about that. I have so many good things going on in my life. One would think I would be so happy, but it’s really nothing if you have no one to share it with. All of my friends are preoccupied with their own lives, but I know they are proud of me and want nothing but the best for me. My parents are building their new lives together so they really have no time for what’s going on in my boring ass life. Who the fuck am I kidding my friends and my parents are here for me in every way that they can be. I guess I’m just fucked up about not being able to have King around to share my good news. He’s supposed to be here for this, after all it was him who made Princess Publications possible. I told him my dream and he made it come true. People can say what they want success ain’t shit if you have no one to share it with. It is what it is though. I’m just grateful to at least have Princess and Prince to go home to at night. I’ve grown so fond of him. I wanted to go and find that bitch myself after he told me everything that had happened. I could imagine what King felt knowing that bitch and Vita were in on that bullshit. That nigga is slowly but surely realizing that I was the realist bitch on his team, but that’s neither here nor there at this point. My main focus right now is establishing myself in the literary world.


  “You really need to get out of this house Siyah. I know you don’t want to see King, but I promise him, Santana, and Legs have a business meeting. Plus, it’s King birthday weekend so them niggas going to Miami. We have free reign to fuck this city up.” Na-Na had been at my house for the last two hours trying to get me to go out and kick it, but I just wasn’t in the mood.

  I had forgot all about it being King’s birthday. That wasn’t my concern though. I was more worried about that nigga Gutta still being on the damn loose. I heard his ass been hiding out since he pulled that shit on me. Not to mention King got a bounty on that nigga’s head. He’s crossed so many people that people are dying to find out his damn whereabouts. At any rate I guess I’ll go ahead and go out. I’ve been scared to drink any alcohol since that shit happened to me. I swear I’ve been paranoid about drinking water. Gutta really fucked me up doing that shit to me. I’m just glad that shit didn’t do any permanent damages and have me walking around here all psychotic and shit.

  “I swear your ass is worse than Blacky. That bitch will come and get me out my sleep to go hang out. You lucky I love your ass. Give me about thirty minutes, I need to find something to wear.”

  “You don’t have to rush Blacky, Star, and Rika on their way.” I rushed off and started getting dressed. I was glad my momma and daddy had took the kids to Key Lime Cove for the weekend. As I got dressed and applied my makeup I became more excited about going out and having a ball with my bitches. Afterall a bitch was single as fuck.

  “Let me hit that shit.” I said, as I grabbed the blunt from Na-Na. Of course she was in the middle of the damn floor shaking her ass. I still can’t understand how Santana was able to get her to be in a relationship with him. Then again they’re both crazier than a motherfucker so they make the perfect couple. Seconds later I heard my security system alerting me that someone had entered the property. I hit the button and opened the door because I knew it was my girls.

  “Damn bitch! Why King got this motherfucker rigged like we trying to get into the White House or some shit. I almost pissed on myself trying to get through them damn gates?” Rika said, as she took off running towards the bathroom. We all laughed looking at her pregnant ass running.

  “All that bitch do is piss. We should have left that hoe at home. That bitch bet not think for a minute she gone slow me down trying to hang pregnant and shit. I’m out the motherfucking door. Where the damn glasses at? I need a drink to calm my nerves

  “I know that shit right Blacky. Come on y’all. I’m ready to get fucked up.” Star said, as she pulled out a fifth of Apple Ciroc.

  “I’m drinking Remy. That shit makes me act a donkey?”

  “Na-Na any liquor makes you act a donkey.” I said, as I poured me a straight shot of Remy. For the next hour or so we were knocking back shots and dancing before we headed over to the Black Room, a new club that had just opened up. As we walked inside of the club I wished I had stayed home because it was so packed. I was glad as hell we were in V.I.P. because I don’t do well with crowds at all.

  Jumpman by Drake and Future blasted through the club as we sat in V.I.P. getting fucked up. I was feeling no pain and feeling free as a bird kicking it with my friends with no worries. Since we had came out on Throwback Thursday the DJ slowed the music down and began to play all the old school shit. The DJ started playing There You Go Telling Me No by Keith Sweat. At the same time a feeling came over me that made me look over at the entrance of the club. My heartbeat sped up as King and his entourage walked in, looking like straight bosses. My happy ass mood went from sugar to shit when I saw a chick walk up on him and he grabbed her around the waist. He grabbed her hand and they proceeded to walk towards the V.I.P. section where we were. It was obvious that him and the chick were quite fond of each other. He was all over her and this bitch was acting like she had won the lottery. I was ready to leave at this point. I was in no mood to see King parade this bitch around me.

  “Fuck him friend. I swear to God you better not cry.” Rika said.

  “I’m good.” I said, but of course I wasn’t good. Nothing was good about me seeing him with another woman. Granted we weren’t together, but I didn’t want to see him out with another chick. At the same time this was a test of my strength. So instead of me acting all hurt and wearing my emotions on my sleeve I decided to put my feelings in my back pocket and sit on them.

  Our eyes locked as they sat down in their section and it was like there was no one else in the room, but Keith Sweat’s voice and the both of us.

  There you go telling me no again

  I want to be more than just your friend

  We all sat sipping and swaying to the music. I ordered another bottle and we all continued to enjoy ourselves. Occasionally King and I would look at one another, but I would quickly turn my head.

  “Here we go with the bullshit.” Blacky said, as King, Legs, and Santana walked over to our section.

  “I knew it was only a matter of time before they came over here and fucked up our night. I knew I should have called Santana to see what they were doing before we came here.”

  “Legs better not come over here fucking with me. I can’t drink or smoke so I’m big mad. This damn virgin daiquiri not doing nothing but making me mad.”

  “I want all of y’all to get up and leave. Some shit about to pop off and I don’t want ya’ll here when it does.” King said, as he removed his gun from the small of his back. Legs and Santana did the same.

  “What’s going on King?”

  “Not right now Siyah! Damn! Just do what the fuck I said.”

  “Don’t come over here trying to handle me. Take your ass back over there and entertain that bitch who been up in your face all night.”

  “This the shit I be talking about with you. I’m sitting here telling you to leave because some shit about to pop off. You think I care about that bitch over there? I’m right here telling you to leave because the last thing I want is for the mother of my child to be caught up in the damn crossfire. Now get the fuck out of here and take your ass to my crib. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” King walked away before I could say anything else.

  “Come on Siyah, let’s go! I’m not about to be in here when bullets get to flying.” Star said, and we all gathered our belongings and headed out of the club. My nerves were bad as hell the entire ride over to King’s crib.

  I was trying my best not to worry about him, but the shit was hard. I didn’t like the looks that were on him, Legs, and Santana’s faces. Rika and I stayed on the phone for about two hours until we both ended up falling to sleep. I was in a deep sleep, but I could constantly hear my phone going off. After letting it ring for what seemed like forever I finally answered it without looking at the screen. I jumped up quick as hell hearing Rika hollering through the phone about King getting shot.

  I don’t even know how I made it to the hospital without getting into an accident. I rushed inside the emergency entrance. Legs and Santana were standing at the nurse’s station.

  “Where’s King? I need to see King!” I said, in a panic-stricken voice.

  “Calm down, sis.” Legs said trying to calm me down, but I was slowly loosing my mind not knowing what the fuck was going on with King.

  “I can’t calm down. What if he doesn’t make it? There’s so much we haven’t accomplished. I have so much to say to him. Princess needs her daddy. Oh my God what am I going to do if he doesn’t make it?” I sat down and put my head down in my hands. I was crying so bad that tears were seeping through the cracks of my fingers.

  “Everything is going to be okay, sis. You know that nigga King is stronger than a ox.” Santana said as he rubbed my back, trying to console me. Nothing was going to make me feel better until I knew for sure that King was okay.

  “How come they not telling us anything?”

  “The Dr. had just came out before you got here. They wouldn’t tell us anything because we aren’t immediate family.”

  “They have me fucked up. These people gone tell me something.” I walked back over to the nurse’s station and I tried to get the nurses’ attention but she was too busy yacking on her phone.

  “Excuse me, I’m trying to find out the status of a patient by the name of Kingston Banks.” She looked up at me and rolled her eyes. She looked inside her computer and then looked back up at me.

  “Are you an immediate family member?”

  “I’m his wife Mrs. Banks. Is that immediate enough for you?” I was about one second away from reaching across the desk and knocking the shit out of this bitch.

  “Room 2455. He can only have two visitors at one time.” I snatched the visitation passes out of her hand and walked back over to where Legs and Santana were. They quickly got off of the phone when they saw me approaching them.

  “Hey, they said that he can have two visitors. Which one of y’all want to go back there with me?

  “You go ahead, we got some shit to handle real quick. Tell my nigga we’ll back as soon as we can. Love you, sis.” Legs and Santana hugged me and then they headed out. I knew their asses were up to something, but at the same time I couldn’t worry. I needed to get back there and see what was going on with King. I took baby steps as I headed towards his room. Once I walked inside of the room I was relieved to see him sitting up and eating a cup of Jell-O.

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was scared as hell.” I said as I walked over to his bed, and wrapped my arms around him. I hugged him tighter than usual. At that point it didn’t even matter why we were mad at each other or what we had been arguing about. The only thing that mattered was that King was still here to see his kids grow up.

  “Calm down, Siyah. I’m okay. It was just a leg shot.” He reached up and rubbed the side of my face.

  “People die from leg wounds too. Stop acting all nonchalant. What would we have done if you would have died?” I didn’t even mean to be standing there and be acting all upset and shit. Tears were falling and that’s not what I wanted to happen in front of him. After all we we’re no longer together and I’m not supposed to be affected by this shit.

  “Awwww! You really do love a nigga huh? Get up here and lay on daddy.” King reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to his bed. At first I thought he was just being funny, but he when he let the bed rail down I knew that he was serious. I stepped out of my UGG boots and climbed up in bed with him. I laid my head on his chest and remained silent as I listened to his heartbeat. />
  “Why do you doubt my love for you? All I’ve ever done was be here for you and show you that I care about you. Besides Princess nothing in this world matters to me but you. I just don’t understand why you make loving you so hard.”

  “Love ain’t easy babe and if it is then I don’t want it. I want the type of relationship where we have to work to make each other happy. If that means going through trials and tribulations to get there then so be it. Loving a nigga like me is a struggle. I don’t mean to have you all stressed out over my behavior. At the same you stressing shows me that you care. If you didn’t stress I wouldn’t fuck with you period. That would mean that you didn’t care and a bitch that don’t care ain't for a nigga like me. Now don’t get wrong my goal is not to stress you out. You’re far too fucking beautiful to stress over any nigga. As a matter of fact you can have any nigga you want, but you chose to be with a king. Let keep this shit one hundred. At this point you’ve come to the realization that I’m one fucked up ass nigga. I have some fucking screws loose that cause me to react in ways a normal motherfucker wouldn’t, but that’s what make me a different type of animal. I’m one of the toughest niggas out here in these streets, but it’s something about the love I have for you that makes me soft. Never in my life did I think I would fall in love or be a father. You, Princess, and Prince show me everyday what it is to be loved by someone. The way my kids look at me with those loving eyes make me want to conquer the world and give it to them.

  There something about the way you say that you love me. It’s scary because I know you mean it from the bottom of your heart. I’ve never been loved before for the person I am. You don’t care about me being king of these streets. You love me for me and that’s real. I don’t doubt the love you have for me. I know you love a nigga. Each and everyday you’ve shown me that you love me and have my best interest at hand. You’re showing me right now just by being here. You didn’t have to be here Siyah, but you are and that means a lot to a nigga. You could have easily said fuck me because we aren’t together at the moment, but your presence here speaks volumes. If there is anyhing in this world I’m sure of it’s the fact that you love a nigga, and without a doubt I love your beautiful ass. At the same time I’ve never been loved by anyone in my life so it’s harder for me to love you the way you need to be loved. That’s why I’ve always asked that you never give up on a nigga. I’m in the progress of becoming a better man. It just so happens I have you, Princess, and Prince here to help me on my journey. Life ain’t shit without you and the kids. That’s why I go crazy when I think you’re slipping away.” I lay there taking in everything that he was saying. It gave me insight into the reason why he acts the way he does, but at the same time it’s not acceptable.


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