King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair

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King and I 2: A Royal Love Affair Page 14

by Mz. Lady P

  “You don’t have to ever think I’m slipping away because I have no desire in this world besides being with you. King, I need you to understand that you don’t get to push me away and think that shit cool because you had a fucked up childhood. Do you see me blaming you for growing up in the house with an alcoholic mother and jailbird father? No, you do not. Let me tell you something, you are not what your parents did to you. You’re a wonderful, loving, and smart man. I see all of those qualities in you, but it don’t mean shit if you don’t see the worth in yourself. Stop walking around with all this baggage. You just do what you need to do when it comes to me and the kids. You have to be a better parent to your kids than your parents were to you. That’s where your growth comes in at. Stop letting this shit with your parents hinder you from enjoying your life. Yeah, you’re the king around these parts and the streets love you, but you better believe them streets don’t love you like I do. These bitches like you because of your sex appeal, the way you carry yourself, and your money. Now don’t get me wrong, when I first saw you I wanted to know what that dick felt and tasted like too, but after getting to know you I wanted to know more like your dreams, your goals, and your aspirations. I wanted to know what I could do to make you a better man than you already are. Trust and believe me these hoes could care less about what’s on the inside of you. They want the privilege of saying they fucked a king. Meanwhile I want the privilege of being married to a king. These hoes don’t love you because all they want is the clout off your name. At the same time little do they know that loving a man like you ain’t easy? They wouldn’t last a second. Meanwhile I’m the one you think is so weak and can’t handle a nigga like you. If I couldn’t handle your ass I would have been long gone and never looked back. I don’t give up though. I saw you, I wanted you, I got you, I carried your seed, and I ultimately will be your wife. I’ll never give up on what I worked so hard to get. It’s safe to say that we both have been through some things and that’s what brought us here. This shit has been put up in the universe that we were destined to be together. So there ain’t a nigga or a bitch that’s gone be able to come between that. Right here and now we can wipe the slate clean and start fresh. It’s totally up to you. I know where I want to be. It’s you who’s trying to find yourself. With that being said I love you Kingston and I want nothing more then for us to be a family. At the same time I won’t beg you.” I kissed his lips and raised up off of him. I placed my shoes back on my feet. I locked eyes with Kingston and I could tell that he was in deep thought about our conversation because I was too. I was glad that he finally opened up at least a little. I guess it safe to say that we both needed to get some things off of our chest. I feel like a big weight has been lifted off of my chest.

  “Mr. Banks here are your discharge papers, you’re free to go home. There was no real damage done to your leg. I just advise you to stay off of it for a couple of days. Here’s a prescription for some Tylenol 3 to help with the pain.” The Dr. came in and handed King his discharge papers. I was actually glad he was able to come home. The last thing I wanted to do was go back to his house and be alone. Gutta was still on the loose and King being shot let me know that there was more bullshit to come, I could feel it. I had a really bad feeling that something was going to happen. I didn’t want to tell King because he has enough on his plate. That would only add to his worry and that’s something I didn’t want.

  “Thanks Doc.”

  “Let me go to the house and get you some clothes.”

  “Fuck all that, this gown is just fine. I’m ready to get the fuck out of here. Hand me them crutches over there.” I handed Kingston his crutches and helped him up and out to the car. The ride home was silent for the most part. I looked over at Kingston and I knew he was in deep thought. As I drove I reached over and placed my hand on top of his.

  “I love you man. I don’t know where I would be without you Siyah. Don’t ever think I don’t appreciate you. I know that our wedding was a disaster and I never properly apologized to you for what happened. I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart Siyah. I really want us to tie the knot and make this shit official. Do you think I deserve another chance or nah?”

  “I want nothing more than for us to get married, but we’re still work’s in progress. There’s no need to rush it. Let’s just work on building our relationship. We both can agree that with each other is where we want to be. A piece of paper won’t change anything.” I wanted nothing more than to be Mrs. Kingston Banks. My heart was telling me to say yes and my mind was telling me not right now. For the first time in my relationship with King I decided to follow my mind. My fucking heart been getting me in trouble lately.

  “That’s real. Don’t keep a nigga on standby too long.” King reached over and we engaged in a passionate kiss. We were now in the driveway of our home.

  “I won’t. Now let’s go inside because you need to tend to Ms. Kitty. She’s feeling real neglected.” I grabbed his hand and placed it in between my legs.

  “I’m starting to believe you only fuck with me because you love a nigga’s doggy style.” I couldn’t do shit but laugh because it was the truth. This nigga’s doggy style was the motherfucking truth and he knew it with his cocky ass.

  “Don’t be like that King. I love you and your doggy style.” I reached over and grabbed a hand full of his dick and it swelled up instantly.

  “Let’s go in the crib so you can show me.” We walked into the house and it went down on the couch. We couldn’t even make it upstairs. I was glad he had that damn gown on. I was fiending so I had to put in that work on the couch. His leg was in pain so there wasn’t much that he could do. It actually felt good to finally be back in a good place with him. I knew shit wouldn’t get better over night, but it was worth trying to make shit right with us.

  Chapter 25-Kingston

  Siyah had put some real live shit on a nigga’s mind. It felt good knowing that she still wanted to fuck with a nigga after everything that had transpired between us. Just when I thought I knew myself and my issues she shows me that I really didn’t know shit. It was like she hit everything on the head. I’m still a work in progress, but I need to do better by Siyah. I need to learn how to control my anger. I swear she’s the type of woman that a beast like me needs. Siyah is the only one that has that type of hold on me and that’s the shit that has me crazy. I love her to death, but I hate the hold she has on a nigga. At any rate I welcome it and it’s good for a nigga like me. Instead of me pushing her away it was time I accept the fact that I had a down ass bitch that really did love a nigga. She didn’t have to be the type of woman who would pull a trigger for me or get out and grind for a nigga. That wasn’t my definition of a down ass bitch. A down ass bitch is the woman who will be there when shit get rough. When the weight of the world is on a nigga’s shoulder and she’s there to lift any and all burdens. Siyah understands me and that’s why she’s the realist bitch on my team.


  “Pleasssseee! Just kill me!” This nigga Gutta had been begging me to kill his ass all day and I was taking my sweet little time. I’ve had him in my possession since the shootout we had at the club. The bitch that I was with was also someone who had lured him to the club under the false pretense that he would get some pussy at the end of the night. That nigga had inboxed the bitch on Facebook trying to hook up with her. This nigga would do anything for pussy. She immediately hit me up. Of course it was so that she could get that bounty money. Who was I to judge her? I was just glad she delivered that nigga to me. For a minute I thought that I would never find his ass.

  “Shut the fuck up!” I said as I brought the sledgehammer down on his left leg. I had already mangled his right one.

  “For a nigga that like to walk around throwing threats you sure are a coward motherfucker when shit get real.” Santana said, as he grabbed the wire pliers and handed them to me.”

  “Can we get this shit over with? I’m hungry as fuck.” Legs said, as he started beating the shit of Gutt
a. He was damn near passed out, but I was getting ready to wake his ass up.

  “Nigga it’s my birthday. Let me kill my present in peace.” I stood up and took the wire pliers and forcefully removed each and every one of his fingers. That’s what a motherfucker gets when he touches what the fuck doesn’t belong to him. I ran my hands across my nose and sniffed them. The smell of Siyah’s pussy was still on it from this morning when she gave me the best birthday sex ever. The thought of her made me pull my gun out and empty the clip in his ass. This nigga had violated her in the worse way and he didn’t deserve to still be breathing the same air she did.

  “Go put his ass in the incinerator. I’ll meet ya’ll at my crib. Siyah is going to have a fit if I be late for my birthday dinner.

  It felt good to be amongst everybody that I loved, enjoying my birthday. I had never celebrated my birthday before so this made me feel real good.

  “Are you enjoying your birthday, King?” Siyah asked, as she came and sat down on my lap.

  “This is the best birthday ever. You know I’ve never had a cake before? Just you buying me a cake was the greatest birthday gift ever. Thanks for everything, ma. I love you, Siyah.”

  “I love you too, Kingston.” We passionately kissed one another at the same time someone started to bang on the door.

  “Watch out!” I jumped up and headed towards the door. I looked through the peephole and was surprised to see the fucking police.

  “Who is it Kingston?”

  “It’s the police. You know where the bond money at right?”

  “Yeah I do, but what are you talking about bond money?” Siyah eyes were glossy and I shook my head telling her to stop. I walked over to where Nita was and placed a kiss on my Princess forehead and gave Prince dap.

  “Hold shit down for me okay?”

  “Okay Pops, I got you.”

  “Nita take my kids in the back.” I headed over to the door and opened it.

  “Can I help you officers with something?”

  “Kingston Banks you’re under arrest for the murder of Lovita Jennings.” I placed my hands behind my back and allowed them to put the cuffs on. I knew for a fact they had nothing. I smirked at their pig asses.

  “No! You can’t take him in to jail, it’s his birthday.”

  “Calm down, Siyah. This will all be over soon and I’ll back home to you and the kids. You the realest on my team, babe. I need you to hold it down for me.”

  “Let’s go Kingston.” The police jerked me out of the house and placed me into the back of the squad car. I watched Siyah as she stood in the door with tears in her eyes.


  “Banks your outta here!” The C.O said, as he opened the bars. I jumped off my bunk and looked at him like he was crazy. It had been two months since I had been arrested and I had been held without bond. So, I was confused as to why I was being released. After about three hours of being processed out I walked out of the county jail a free, but confused ass man.

  “What the fuck is going on? I asked, as I got in the car with Santana and Legs.

  “Here, flame this up. You’re going to need it.” Santana said, as he passed me the already lit blunt. I hit it a couple of times and passed it to Legs.

  “What’s good?”

  “Siyah’s in jail.”

  “What the fuck you mean she in jail?”

  “She went down there and confessed to killing Vita. You got out because she confessed.”

  “Why the fuck would she do some shit like that?” I roared as I hit the dashboard over and over again.

  “She didn’t tell nobody that she was doing that shit. Nita been going crazy behind this shit.”

  “Take me to my kids. I need to figure this shit out.” I was speechless the rest of the ride over to get my kids. Why would Siyah do some shit like this? I just shook my head thinking of Siyah. This damn girl was going to be the death of me. In the meantime I needed to get in contact with my lawyer to figure out how we were going to get her out of this fucking jam she put herself in.

  Chapter 26- Siyah

  I know you’re wondering why would this stupid bitch do some shit like this. It’s simple. I have a better chance at getting off than he does. After all this was the same bitch that had shot me, kidnapped my daughter, and drugged me up. The best part about all of this is that they have nobody, just an informant who says that Kingston is the killer, but how can he be if I’m confessing to the murder. Yeah, the State has their work cut out for them. It had been a week since I had been locked up and I was trying to make the best of it. At the same time wondering what Kingston must be thinking. I know that he’s livid with me. I was a ball of nerves because I had got word that he was coming to visit with our lawyer. Despite being scared to see him I couldn’t wait to see him. At the same time I was glad this was a special visit with our lawyer and we could speak on everything without our conversation being heard.

  “Why would you do this Siyah?” King went straight into it. No kiss, no hug, or nothing. I expected that reaction though.

  “I have a better chance at getting off than you do. After all the bitch shot me, kidnapped our daughter, and drugged me. This case is circumstantial. Someone is fingering you as the killer so you need to get in them streets and find out who the fuck it is. After all there’s no body right? Plus, you have an empire to run. You can’t make that money if you’re in here. So, I need you to go out in them streets and get in beast mode. The quicker you handle shit the faster I’ll be home to you and the kids. I know that Nita will make sure that Prince and Princess are okay while you’re out doing what you need to do for this family. I’ll be in here holding it down for my king, my prince, and my princess. After all I am the realist bitch on your team. I love you Kingston. Guard!” I banged on the door and the guard escorted me out. I walked out fast as hell. I didn’t want Kingston to have a chance to say anything. What’s done is done and now it’s time we put in work. The streets have been blessed with royalty with King running shit. They have not even come to imagine the power I have or that I now thirst for. He wants me to understand him and never give up on him. In order for me to be what he needs me to be. I have to get in his head and think like him, I have to move in these streets like he moves, at the same time taking care of my duties as a mother and a wife. Fuck all this weak ass crybaby as shit. I need to boss up on this nigga. King has been sleeping on my potential and my ability to be his greatest asset in these streets. All hail to Queen Siyah as I ride shotgun with my king killing any and everything that threatens our empire. The streets aren’t ready for King and Siyah Banks. Stay tuned because we’re coming back stronger and harder than ever!!!!


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