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Moonlight's Peril (Moonlight Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Ashlynn Monroe

  Law stood, panting and slightly dazed. The wild commotion of fighting dwindled, and he looked for his pack. He refused to think about losses until after Tobias was dead.

  “I found her,” Nik said.

  Relief dulled some of Law’s adrenaline. He looked back at where his friend’s voice originated from, but it wasn’t Chessa Nik discovered. Joy lay in Nik’s arms. Her eyes were closed. He hadn’t seen his sister in so long that all the aching he’d suppressed ravaged his soul as he drank in the sight of her. She was pale, too pale.

  “What happened to her?” Law asked. Emotion strained his voice.

  “She jumped on Clint’s back as he was going to attack me. The bastard threw her against a tree. He’s dead.”

  “Put her in the truck. She’s coming home,” Law said.

  His heart sank. There was no sign of Bianca’s daughter. He went after the only other thing that would make this nightmare worthwhile. Tobias.


  Gavin tried to drag Chessa away from Trax. She pushed Gavin back, but he took hold of her shoulders. Trax’s eyes stayed closed, and he bled. She pressed her hands down on the wound across his stomach.

  “Hang on,” Chessa whispered to him. Rage filled her. She’d never felt the kind of anger that seeing her friend’s blood on her hands made her feel. Hate. Gavin pulled a little harder. Chessa let the wolf have control. As she went lax, the older man pulled her to her feet, but she felt him pause.

  “What the…”

  She turned, slashing with her claws while howling her sorrow and rage. This ferocity was for her father, her mother, the brave boy dying, and the human girl who she’d been. Chessa let her darkest places free, and the wolf relished the freedom. She owned being a monster’s grandkid as she slashed and fought the sicko who wanted to hurt her. He fought back, but she was quicker and faster.

  Chessa’s vicious attack ended when two men sprang on Gavin. Gavin growled, but the sound died as one of the men cut his throat with a knife. Using a weapon seemed very un-wolf-like. Gavin’s anticlimactic assassination left Chessa dazed. She gazed down at the body until she started slowly coming back to her human form. The red rage was gone, and she found herself shaking. Remembering Trax, she turned and fell to her knees beside him.

  “Trax, come on, don’t die,” Chessa whispered, and her voice sounded strange. She realized the distortion existed because she remained partially wolf. “Live.”

  “We’ll get him back to town.”

  Chessa looked up and realized she knew the half-transformed wolf. “Mr. Adams?” He ran the hardware store.

  “You bet kiddo. Welcome to the club. Your mother has been frantic,” said Mr. Adams. He handed her his torn shirt before he and the other wolf picked up Trax. Chessa pulled the plaid fabric over her head. Returning to Trax’s side, she pressed her hands to the stomach wound again.

  “I can’t ever go home, not like this,” Chessa whispered.


  Tobias growled as Law and Nik moved in on him. Watched Tobias go full-wolf. The cartoonish half-human vanished, and a large gray wolf stood growling.

  Nic glanced over at Law in alarm.

  “Do it.” Law let his ancient form free. The alpha wolf relished the release. Nik’s black coat flashed out of the corner of Law’s eye as his beta wolf circled their nemesis.

  Tobias sprang. Law used his body to block the attack on Nik. Law and Tobias rolled, fighting. The need to destroy became everything. Nik joined the fight.

  Tobias bit into Nik’s flank. Nik’s yelp sounded almost like a scream and Law bit into Tobias’s shoulder. The wolf let go of Nik and growled, turning his attention to Law. He ignored the ache in his face where earlier claws marked him.

  Tobias stood his ground. When Nik’s jaws snapped, Tobias snarled. The old man seemed unbreakable. He bounded forward, and Law responded. They leaped at the same time, and mid-air Law sank his fangs into Tobias’s neck. He shook his head with vicious force. Tobias growled as he bled. Law pinned the older wolf to the ground. He couldn’t hold the wolf, and human frailty stole his raw animal strength. Malice burned in Tobias’s eyes as he died.

  “Come back; you’ve done it, Bro,” Nic said.

  Law pushed the wolf down. The man fought to be in control again. Naked, Nik sat in the grass. Law felt the cold on his vulnerable human skin. Blood snaked down the hill in a trail away from the dead man. Law rolled away. I killed Bianca’s father. Will she hate me?

  A group of the town wolves came and took Tobias’ body. “Where are you taking him?” Law asked.

  “Kane wanted proof when he was dead.”

  Law frowned. Kane should be here if he wanted to see Tobias dead. Taking the body back to town was risky.

  Nik found their tattered clothing and the pants were good enough to cover what needed covering. Law sat dazed for a second, but then pulled himself together and got dressed in what was left of his pants.

  “It’s no wonder most of our kind go commando,” Nik mused. “The cost of underwear would bankrupt the pack.”

  Law snorted. Even in the midst of all this carnage, the man could crack a joke. He knew Nik was trying to distract him from the killing. The wolf accepted ending a life, but the man always fell into the melancholy of regret. Nik, being more in touch with his primal side, handled it better.

  “Check on Joy. I hope she hasn’t run,” Law said. Then he heard the brush rustle. Looking up Law saw a sight that made his heart lightened. Chessa. She had her hands on a naked, bloody boy, but she was alive. He stood and rushed to where the men were loading the boy into the back of his pickup. Peter Adams morphed back into a human. The older man had never fully transformed during the battle, but he was a born. Nik had put Joy across the front seat next to him.

  “Your woman will be happy to see the kid,” said Peter. “She should ride with you.”

  “I’m not leaving Trax,” Chessa said.

  Law sighed. “I’ll ride in back with you then. We have a lot to talk about, Chessa. My name is Law Foster, and I will keep you safe. Your mother has my protection.”

  He could see the girl didn’t fully understand, but she shrugged. “Can you help my friend?”

  Something inside of him broke. The girl is so young and vulnerable. She’s my responsibility. A daughter, I have a daughter. Immediate love took him by surprise. “I’ll do everything in my power to help this boy.”

  Chessa gave him a sad, shy smile.

  Law’s heart twisted. He helped her into the truck before pulling himself up. Chessa gazed down at the injured boy, and Law saw how much she resembled her mother. This child belonged to his pack, and more importantly to his woman. I’ll never let anything bad happen to Bianca’s little girl again.


  Bianca couldn’t sleep, but she was drowsy. She sat out on the rickety porch of the common house drinking tea, wearing her pajamas. She’d pulled her favorite angora sweater on before coming outside and it was keeping her warm enough. The compound was as still as a tomb. Bianca looked down as a fluffy orange cat rubbed against her leg. She gave the cat a crooked grin and scratched him behind the ear. “Hey, buddy, I didn’t think cats liked canines. Where did you come from?” The cat didn’t answer. “I’m getting so used to weres I guess I thought you might be one too.” The cat purred.

  In the distance, the chattering trills and chirps of insect song played. A whippoorwill cried. Murky gray pre-dawn light grew brighter as it pushed the darkness away. The distant sound of vehicles chased away any thoughts of sleep. A cold shaft of dread mingled with anticipation as her adrenaline spiked. The teacup tumbled from her shaking fingers, shattering. This was it. Chessa. Bianca ran.


  “I can’t see my mom again,” Chessa’s lower lip trembled. “I won’t, not when I know I have to say goodbye.”

  “Hand me that antiseptic,” Mr. Adams pointed next to Chessa’s leg. She nodded, handing the man the bottle. Mr. Adams was stitching up Trax, and she marveled at how he was able to do it wh
ile bouncing around in the back of a truck. A man leaned through the back window of the truck pointing a flashlight at Trax.

  Ches looked in the back window of the truck. Joy was okay; she lay between the driver and the man with the flashlight. Chessa sat back and looked at Law and Mr. Adams carefully. They appeared human again, but looks were deceiving. I don’t want monsters, like me, around my mom.

  “You’re going to be safe now. You have my promise you’re going to be safe,” Law said. The conviction in his tone was hardcore. He must really be into my mom. Yuck.

  “I don’t want her to get sick. She doesn’t deserve to get this. You haven’t made her—sick? Right?”

  Law reached out and put his hand on her shoulder. The crinkles by his eyes deepened when he smiled. He had a kind face, and even if he was a scary wolfman, he seemed just a little less terrifying.

  “What you are isn’t a sickness or something to catch. Bianca can’t become a werewolf unless you bite her hard enough to draw blood. I will never hurt your mother. Do you bite your mom?”

  “No, of course not,” Chessa said as the mental image played out in her head. “He…he told me I’m his granddaughter. Did he lie to me? He lied about me making mom sick.”

  Law let go of Chessa’s shoulder. “I don’t know if he’s your family, but I do know your mom loves you. I know she can’t become a werewolf from just being around you. I’ve never seen someone fight so hard. Finding you has been her life.”

  Unshed tears made everything blurry, but Chessa didn’t let them fall. “But I’m different.”

  “It won’t matter. Give your mother some credit. She’s a tough lady.”

  The way Law’s face lit up when he talked about her mom made Chessa smile, but she wasn’t completely sure why. I never considered what it would be like for Mom to have a boyfriend. And Mom doesn’t do anything normal. Only my mom would go straight to werewolves.

  “So you’re dating my mom?”

  Law’s expression closed off. His brows drew together. Chessa thought she noticed a hint of a flush on his tan skin.

  “It’s complicated,” he said.

  Lame. Chessa scoffed. “That’s what adults say when they don’t want to tell kids the truth. My parents were complicated. Mom’s job is complicated. My math homework is complicated. Mom is awesome, how complicated is that?”

  “I swear to you I will never abandon your mother. I…she and I…I have declared she’s mine.” He paused as if that should explain the whole relationship. “I made my declaration to the pack. What’s hers is mine to protect. That makes your safety my responsibility.”

  Crazy, but hearing him say it makes me feel better. “Uh, thanks.”

  “I mean it. I will protect you both.”

  “Good, now promise me you won’t let me hurt Mom.”

  Law gave her a firm nod. “I know being the wolf can be tough at your age, tougher for a bitten. Anger is an emotion all weres have to fighter harder than humans to suppress. I will help you, but only if you can be brave enough to push the darkness away.”

  “Hold this.” Mr. Adams handed her some folded gauze. “Press it here.” He indicated Trax’s stomach wound closest to her. She nodded and did as asked. “Law is a good man. Your mother couldn’t ask for a better mate.”

  Chessa’s head snapped up. “Mate?” she squeaked. They approached a farm. She didn’t have time to ask more about her mom having a mate because her throat tightened as she smelled her mother’s orchid perfume. Before Chessa saw her mother, she knew Bianca was there. When the gate opened, Chessa saw a figure running. She also noticed no one was sleeping in the grass. There were little houses and other buildings. Everything looked clean and well cared for. Law’s pack weren’t savages. Maybe Mom will be okay.

  “You live here, right?” Chessa asked looking at Law.

  He nodded solemnly. “And your mom and you if you both want. I have a house, and there’s a room that’s pink. It was my sister’s when we were kids.”

  “How about Trax?” Chessa glanced down at her prone friend.

  Law sighed and ran his hand through his hair. “And Trax, if he’s willing to obey our rules and swear his loyalty to our pack. I’m guessing he’s not going to fight you for the pink room.”

  Chessa giggled. She hadn’t giggled in a long time.

  The running figure came closer, and Chessa knew who it was. Judging by the soft look in Law’s eyes, he did too. The gray sky proclaimed dawn lingered near.

  Chessa and Law were in the last vehicle. The driver stopped as her mother jogged up near the truck bed. Tears streamed down her mom’s face.

  “You brought her back,” Mom gasped between sobs. “Thank God you brought her back.”

  Law pulled her mother up as if she weighed nothing. Chessa chuckled at the goofy look of surprise on her mom’s face.

  “Mom,” Chessa couldn’t find the rest of her words. She had so much to say, but she just couldn’t say a thing.

  Bianca reached out, and Chessa leaned into her embrace. I’m safe. Her mom smelled like home. Chessa rubbed her cheek against the soft material of Bianca’s sweater and closed her eyes. She just wanted to be herself again. Mom, just hold me until all the monsters are gone. Bianca pulled a dry leaf out of Chessa’s long tangled mess of hair. The lopsided grin on Bianca’s face tugged at Chessa heart. I love you, mommy. A quiet, piteous groan pulled her away from her reunion. Chessa looked down at Trax. “He needs a doctor.”

  “What happened?” Mom asked.

  “They didn’t give up; the fight was messy. We need to get the boy to my mother.”

  “What aren’t you telling me Law? You look worried,” her mom asked.

  Law scowled. “Nothing.”

  “Bull,” Mom said.

  Law breathed out a sound caught between a growl and frustration. He ran his hand through his hair. “My sister. We have her.”

  Mom gasped. “That’s wonderful. Is she okay?”

  “I hope. After that long there I have no idea.”

  “Who’s your sister?” Chessa asked.

  “Her name is Joy.”

  Chessa bit her lip. “She’s my friend.”

  Law’s shoulders relaxed, and he sighed. “So she’s not like the others?”

  Chessa nodded. “She’s nice. Joy took care of me. The man, her mate, he hurt her.”

  Law looked ready to murder.

  “Did anyone hurt you?” Her mother asked in a stilted way that made the fearful innuendo of her question clear, even for a thirteen-year-old.

  “No. They locked me up for a long time in some weird bunker thing, but other than the bite I wasn’t hurt.”

  Bianca’s eyes widened. Does being reminded of what happened to me make her love me less?

  “Yeah, I was bitten, and now I’m a freak,” Chessa spat. She gazed at her mom waiting for rejection.


  Bianca reached out and pulled her daughter close. I can’t imagine what she’s going through. Chessa went stiff in her arms. How much did she suffer out there?

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me. All I’ve ever wanted to do was keep you safe and happy,” Bianca wiped tears from her cheeks.

  “It’s not your fault. Geez.” Chessa pushed her away so hard that Bianca would have tumbled out of the back of the moving truck if Law hadn’t grabbed her arm. Her shoulders ached were her daughter had shoved her.

  “Chessa, please, I…”

  “You don’t get it, Mom.” Chessa growled low in her throat.

  The hair on the back of Bianca’s neck rose, she looked at Law hoping he could clear up her confusion.

  “This is a rough age for a were, and harder for a bitten,” he said.

  Bianca stared at her daughter. “Ches, I love you so much.”


  The truck stopped, and Chessa climbed out first. Bianca didn’t understand why Chessa was angry. She and her daughter were close. What am I doing wrong? She’d focused so much energy on finding Chessa she d
idn’t consider what she should do once her child was home.

  Janna rushed towards the truck. She wore a fluffy white robe and tennis shoes.

  “They said you have one with a bad stomach wound. Bring him inside, the first room on the left off the kitchen,” Janna pointed toward the side door with the rickety porch. “How many others?”

  “Just a few injured and our dead. Most have already gone towards town. This one was one of Tobias’, but he’s young, and he tried to save the girl,” Peter Adams said. “We’re all the help he’s going to get.”

  “I promised Chessa we’d take care of him. Kane said all of Tobias’ die. Say nothing to the town wolves.” Law turned to Peter. “I know we can count on you.”

  “Definitely, there’s no reason for an innocent kid to die, no matter who his alpha was.”

  Janna nodded. “He could be in worse hands. Looks like you’ve already done a lot for him. Thank you, Peter.”

  Law and Peter picked the boy out of the truck and gingerly handed him down to Ethan and Kort.

  Chessa teared up. “Be careful with him.” The men ignored the emotional teenager, but it was clear they were gentle. Chessa followed the group.

  Bianca reached out and took her daughter’s arm, but Chessa shook off her touch. “I’m going in there to see if I can help. Trax tried to save me,” Chessa said. She hurried away to catch up.

  Bianca stood dazed. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but she’d anticipated a more joyful reunion.



  Kane closed his eyes. So close. Margot screamed with pleasure. She’s faking it, but I don’t give a shit. Fucking his mistress with all his strength, Kane closed his eyes and pictured the first woman he’d ever loved. “Joslyn,” Kane whispered with reverence as his cock erupted.

  Margot stiffened and stopped crying out. She knew better than to speak until he finished. Kane grunted out and collapsed on the petite blonde. Her hair color was as phony as her nails and breasts. He’d paid for all of it. She owed him his moment in the past.


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