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Full Potential: (A Heart of Seeton Novel)

Page 9

by L. J. Kentowski

  After clearing the table and cleaning up, Jena and Riley stayed inside to work on seating arrangements and table decorations for the wedding. Dax and Tyler disappeared to do whatever it was men do together. About an hour later, Riley got a phone call from her mom, so Jena took her beer and went out on the porch. With the setting sun, the air had cooled to a perfect temperature. Resting her elbows on the thick porch rail, she leaned over and peered out into the night. The stars were dim in the sky, but there were so many more visible than at home in the city. She stared up at them, a sense of peace enveloping her.

  “Nice view.”

  She jumped at the deep voice behind her, managing to spill half her beer in the process. Glancing over her shoulder, she realized Tyler was sitting on a bench, head tilted, one corner of his mouth lifted, and gaze directed at her ass.

  She spun to face him, eyes narrowed.

  He stood and slid in next to her, leaning a hip against the rail. “Doesn’t look quite like that in the city, does it?” he asked, motioning toward the sky.

  Jena studied his perfect features, the grin he wore deepening a dimple in his left cheek. “No.” Her voice was breathy, unsure if the view she was talking about had anything to do with the country skyline.

  “You have…uh…” Tyler’s finger advanced toward her chest.

  That finger mesmerized her until he motioned a circle with it in the air between her breasts.

  “Your shirt?” he said.

  The words weren’t processing until she realized he was talking about the beer she’d spilled on herself.

  “Oh.” She rubbed at the shirt in a futile attempt to dry it faster.

  “Want help?”

  She immediately dropped the hand from her chest and spun back toward the porch rail. “Don’t you ever stop?”

  He chuckled. “Why should I? You’re too easy.”

  Jena faced him again, this time with a hand on her hip. “Excuse me?”

  “Relax. I didn’t mean it like that.” He reached up and tugged at a lock of her hair. “I meant you rile up easy.”

  “Oh. Well, you’re relentless.”

  “You liked that about me when you were here before.” He was looking at her was as if he were reliving every moment of that time.

  “I told you. Things are different now.”

  “Oh, yeah. Steve, right?”

  “No, not just Steve. There are other reasons. Lots of them.”

  “Yeah? Name a few.”

  Damn, he wasn’t going to let her off the hook. She didn’t owe him any answers. She could simply go back inside and leave him standing on the porch without further explanation. But Tyler was relentless, and she had a feeling this scenario would be repeated until she gave him something other than Steve, which he obviously considered more of a challenge than a roadblock.

  “How about Melissa?” She hadn’t planned on that being the something. It simply fell out.

  His expression said he wasn’t expecting it either, but he recovered quickly. “Eavesdrop much?”

  “I wasn’t eavesdropping. I was standing right there, and Zane doesn’t really use his inside voice.”

  “Zane doesn’t have an inside voice.”

  “Well, too bad. You were caught.”

  “Caught doing what?”

  “Whatever it is you’re doing with her.” Her voice came out louder than she intended.

  “You sound jealous, Red.”

  She hated how hot her cheeks became and hoped the dim glow of the porch light wasn’t enough to reveal too much.

  “I’m not jealous.” Okay, maybe a teensy bit. “I just think it’s shitty that you’re trying to hook up with me when it’s obvious you have something going on with this woman.”

  “There’s only one part of that sentence you got right.”

  “Yeah? What part?”

  Damn my stupid mouth. Could it never go through the proper channels before spewing out whatever popped into my head?

  Tyler’s arm snaked around her waist. “Come here, and I’ll show you.”

  She allowed him to pull her flush against his body because her mouth wasn’t the only body part that didn’t go through the proper channels when it came to him.

  Tilting her chin up, their eyes met as he gazed down at her. He licked his lips and tucked that same piece of hair from earlier behind her ear.

  “Tyler,” she said on a breath, intent on warding off the kiss she felt coming all the way down to her toes. But words escaped her.

  “There’s nothing going on with Melissa, Jena. Not anymore.”

  Not anymore. Jealousy chipped at her heart. She didn’t want it, but it was there, nonetheless, and it foolishly made her want to claim him. “There’s not?”

  Leaning his head closer to hers as he slowly shook it back and forth, he mumbled, “Mmm mmm.”

  Jena knew allowing him to kiss her would be the worst move she could make. She’d be letting him break down the wall she’d put up, and it would be too hard to build it again. But her body didn’t give a shit about walls or barriers. In fact, the only obstacles her body was reacting to were the clothes between them, and it was itching to strip them away and go full throttle toward the end game.

  Their lips were only inches away from both heaven and sin when the front door opened. Riley marched out. “Sorry about that, Jena…oh…oops.”

  Jena pushed away from Tyler and pasted an innocent smile on her face while internally trying to tamp down the buzz pulsing through her body. “No problem, Riles. Tyler and I were…talking. Right, Tyler?” She didn’t dare look his way.

  “Something like that,” he said.

  Does his voice have to sound so husky?

  Riley suppressed a smile. “Okay, well, did you want to continue…talking, or do you—”

  “No. Actually, if you don’t mind, could you take me back to the apartment? It’s getting late, and the day is catching up with me.” Or the hormones.

  “No prob—”

  “I’ll take her,” Tyler interrupted. “I was about to head out myself. No sense in you having to leave and come back.”

  Jena’s eyes sought Riley’s in a silent plea to decline the offer.

  Her friend deliberated for a moment. “That would great, Tyler. Thank you.” Her sweet smile revealed Riley’s traitorous side.

  Wait. What? Had she sent the wrong signal? She’d been having trouble with those lately but thought she’d nailed that one.

  Tyler went inside to get his keys, and Riley aimed a smug grin at Jena.

  “Judas,” Jena said through clenched teeth.

  Riley winked. “I have potential.”


  Once on the road, the tension in Tyler’s truck was thick. Jena was stiff as she sat in the passenger seat facing forward, clearly avoiding him as much as she could in the small space of the cab. It was probably for the best since his own tension had yet to settle down, and it was damned hard to drive with wood between his legs. One glazed look from her would be all it took for him to pull over to the side of the highway and launch himself at her. Not that he was wishing the scenario away or anything, but he didn’t think she’d respect him in the morning. And for some reason, as much as he pursued her like a horny teenager, Jena’s respect had become important.

  “So, I heard you work at your parent’s restaurant,” he said, trying to ease the strain of emotions in the truck. “You plan on taking that over someday?”

  He kept his eyes on the road but saw her turn to face him.

  “Not really…no.”

  “No?” He’d hoped she would expand on the topic to keep the conversation going, so when she went silent again, he prodded for more. “You have other plans then?”

  She faced the windshield again. “My parents don’t really need me there. I work with them because I’m their daughter and they let me. Honestly, it’s not my thing. I’m more interested in the daycare business.”

  “A daycare, huh? I didn’t know you liked kids that much.”
He glanced over at her.

  “There’s a lot about me you don’t know.” Her eyebrow rose, a smirk playing on her lips. Damn, she was sexy.

  He chuckled, realizing she was using his words against him. “Touché.” The strain of conversation appeared to lighten between them. The sexual tension remained, but at least she’d eased up enough to talk. He wanted to keep it that way. “So, that’s what you want to do? Work at a daycare?”

  “Actually, I want to have my own business someday, but I’m not sure that’ll ever happen.”

  The complete resignation in Jena’s voice didn’t suit her, and Tyler hated it. One of the many reasons he’d been attracted to her was because she came across as a strong, take-charge kind of woman. “Why do you say that?”

  She let out a sigh. “Because there are tons of daycares in the city. Not many survive. The big franchises are hard to compete against.”

  “Sounds like you’re already set on failing. You must not want it bad enough.”

  “How can you say that? You don’t know me. I do want it.”

  The heat of her stare seared the side of his face. “Well, you’ve only given me reasons why you can’t do it. Now, tell me how you can.”

  She groaned. “That’s the problem. I can’t think of any way.”

  “As cliché as it sounds, you need to think outside the box.”

  “That’s what Aunt Terry said.”

  “Well, she would know.”

  “Yeah, but she lives in a small town where there isn’t much competition.”

  “That’s outside the box. Ever consider moving? There are no daycares in Seeton that I know of.”

  Their eyes met across the cab of the truck. He raised his eyebrows in question and then turned his gaze back to the road. As much as he’d casually asked, he found himself hanging on a thread waiting for her answer.

  “Are you suggesting I move here?”

  “Would you?”

  When she took too long to respond, he decided he didn’t want to hear the answer after all. Especially, if it was a no. Why did he suddenly have a glimmer of hope she’d stick around? “All I’m saying is, it’s an option to keep in mind. I’m sure Riley would love the idea.”

  “Yeah, she would.” He heard the smile in her voice. “So, what about you?”

  Tyler squinted over at her. Was she asking if he’d love the idea of her moving to Seeton? Did he?

  “Have you always wanted to be a fireman?” she added.

  He exhaled. “Yes. I remember when I was about five. My dad dressed me up in his bunkers, ten times too big for me—and put the helmet on my head, also ten times too big for me. When he set me in that truck and turned on the lights and sirens, I was hooked. But what solidified it for me were the stories he’d come home with from the job…tales of people he’d helped, lives he’d changed. I wanted to do that too.”

  “He was a hero,” Jena said.

  “He’d never call himself that, but the people of Seeton thought he was, and so did I.”

  “So, now you’re their hero.”

  He chuckled. “Nah. But now I know why my dad thought the way he did. There are not a whole lot of tragedies that require heroism in Seeton.”

  Jena slapped one hand over his arm and the other over her chest. “Wow. I never thought I’d see the day. Tyler Cole, modest? What happened to the cocky guy who wanted to prove how much of a man he was a few hours ago?”

  Tyler grabbed the hand on his arm and put it against the erection she’d managed to elicit with one simple touch. “Still here, Red. And still all man.”

  She snatched her hand away. “Damn it, Tyler.”

  “What? You asked where my cock was.”

  He could practically hear her eyes rolling.

  “I did not, and you know it. Do you always have to be so…”

  “Horny?” He laughed. “Only with you, Red.”

  “Doubt that.”

  By the time they’d pulled up to the bar, Jena had already unbuckled her seatbelt, her fingers on the handle of the door. He grabbed her arm. Whipping her head to the side, she stared at him over her shoulder.

  “Don’t,” he said. “I’m not that guy, Jena.”

  “What guy?”

  “The guy who sleeps with a woman and doesn’t look back.”

  “Oh, really?” Sarcasm dripped from her words.

  His gaze bore down on hers. “Really.”

  “So, what happened with Melissa and me?”

  If she only knew. The fact she’d put herself in the same pool as Melissa was laughable. He wanted to tell her, but his pride was holding him back, not willing to put itself out there to be knocked down by someone who probably didn’t feel as deeply about their experience as he had.

  He raised a hand to caress her cheek, then snaked it around the back of her neck and leaned over so their lips were as close as they could be without touching. Jena took one deep inhale but didn’t try to pull away.

  “You’re a fire that blew into this town and knocked me on my ass. I’d say the fact I can’t even be around you without my dick being so hard I can barely walk proves I’m looking back at you, Jena. Let me show you.”

  Her heavy breathing against his lips was green light enough for him. He pressed his mouth against hers, gently at first, but when she moaned as his tongue slid across the seam of her lips, he pushed harder, using his hand against the back of her neck to leave no room for escape. Jena’s lips parted on another moan that pulsated all the way down to the erection threatening to bust the zipper of his jeans. He plunged his tongue inside her mouth and felt hers lash against it, as desperate to connect as his. A moan of his own vibrated from within his throat as her hands went to the back of his head and raked fingernails at it as if trying to grab hold of the too short strands of hair.

  Tyler didn’t want to leave her mouth, but he was desperate to taste more of her, so he slid his tongue down her jaw and neck. Her body smelled like lavender. The salty, sweet flavor of her skin was like a decadent meal being offered to his taste buds after craving it too long. Need for more of her consumed him, and when his name came out on a breathy sigh from her lips, he molded a hand to her breast and thumbed over the nipple jutting from underneath her shirt. After she let out another moan, he trailed kisses back to her mouth and then ravaged it once again.

  Wrapped up in the feel of Jena, Tyler was living a dream, or maybe re-living a memory. He was savoring every second of it, but he wanted more, needed more of her. Two hands weren’t enough to touch all the places of her body he hungered to feel. He didn’t want to leave her beautiful, responsive breasts long enough to fondle the heat between her legs. But he did. And the cry she let out when he pressed against her fire made it worth the loss. He did it again and again as he moved his mouth down her chest, relishing in the sounds of ecstasy created.

  But then, those sounds changed, becoming strangled and retched.

  Tyler glanced up, concerned, but Jena’s features were still passionate and glazed. Another choked noise sounded. He realized it was coming from outside the truck. Peering out the passenger side window over Jena’s shoulder, he saw Mr. Johnson standing two feet away, hunched over and grabbing at his throat.

  “What the hell?” Tyler cried.

  Tyler scrambled out of the truck and rushed to the man. He was turning blue, obviously choking on something. Tyler wrapped his arms around the frail old man, placed his fists below the ribcage, and thrust his body back against him.

  “Oh, my God,” Jena yelled. She was out of the truck, standing in front of them.

  After a few more thrusts, something launched out of Mr. Johnson’s mouth, right into Jena’s face. She squealed and jumped back, her hand flying up toward her eye.

  “Holy shit, are you okay?” Tyler asked.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Mr. Johnson replied as he pushed at Tyler’s arms still wrapped around him. “Just got a damned kernel lodged in there.”

  Tyler turned toward Jena and pulled the hand away from her eye. “I mea
nt you. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, it didn’t get my eye, thankfully.”

  A bright red welt sat a half-inch below her right eye. With a blank stare, she said, “I can’t believe that just happened.”

  “I’m pissed that just happened,” Tyler said as he spun toward Mr. Johnson.

  A plastic bag full of popcorn lay at the old man’s feet.

  Tyler’s glare swept from the bag. “Are you kidding me?”

  Mr. Johnson scowled right back and crossed scrawny arms over his chest. “What? It was a good show.”

  “What are you guys talking abo—” Jena’s words cut off as the realization of the situation hit. “Oh, my God. That’s…that’s…”

  “Sick as hell,” Tyler provided. He upped the power of his glare. “Go home, old man, before I tell your wife you’re into porn and want to join her book club.”

  “That’s hittin’ below the belt, son. You should be ashamed of yourself.”

  Mr. Johnson reached for the bag of popcorn on the ground but ended up letting out a painful groan halfway down. Standing back up, he pointed toward it. “Can one of you…”

  “Get out of here,” Tyler yelled.

  He turned on a huff and scuffled away to his beat-up old car, grumbling under his breath about ungrateful kids.

  Inhaling deeply, Tyler tried hard to calm his nerves before turning to face Jena. She was brushing fingers over the welt, her features a cross between shock and disgust as she stared at the bag of popcorn on the ground. He stepped closer, but her gaze didn’t falter even though he’d put himself in front of its target. She was lost in her thoughts, and he was afraid of what those were. Hell, he knew exactly what they were. They’d been peeped at by a dirty old man while practically having sex in his truck.

  Pulling the hand from her face, he asked, “Does it still hurt?”

  Jena’s chin shot up as she locked eyes with him. “Not as much as the humiliation.” Her body was tense. Tyler could practically feel it crackling between them. She was ready to blow.

  He tried a comforting smile. “Come on. It’s not that bad.”

  Her eyes widened for a split second before narrowing. “Not that bad?” She shoved at his chest, causing him to stumble back a step. “Not that bad?” Her voice grew louder. “A ninety-year-old man sat and ate popcorn while watching us get it on in your truck like we were performing some dirty B-rated porn flick. Not that bad? It was mortifying. I feel like I need about ten showers and a hose down just to rid myself of the memory.”


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