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Death in the Aegean

Page 12

by Irena Nieslony

  “I’m flattered then,’ she replied. “Hey, do you fancy going to The Blue Lagoon after we’ve had this drink?”

  “Oh, I don’t think Justin will be up to going somewhere like that tonight,” Paul butted in. “I mean his mother’s just been murdered and it’s been a difficult day today for all of us. Justin went and identified his Mum and the police questioned both Kevin and me. I’m sure they want to pin the murder onto one of us.....” Paul’s voice trailed away.

  Eve gasped when she heard this, but said nothing.

  So Paul’s also a suspect. Well, well, Eve thought.

  “I’m sorry, I should have been more thoughtful,” Emma said, looking embarrassed.

  “Hey, I’m still in the room,” Justin said. “I think I can make up my own mind as to what I do tonight........... I’d love to come with you, Emma.”

  “Justin,” Paul said immediately. “Do you think it’s wise?”

  “Yes, yes I do. I’ve felt like hell since I got the news about Mum. I need to get my mind off her for a few hours and this is going to help. Of course I’m upset about her and especially about the way Dad treated her, but I want to relax for a bit.”

  “Yes,” Eve put in, never liking being left out of any conversation. “I’m sure it will do you a lot of good to have a bit of fun tonight.”

  “But Emma, you had an early start this morning. Don’t you think you should get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight?” David pleaded with his niece. “You start work tomorrow.”

  However, it was to no avail. Emma was determined to spend the rest of the evening with Justin and that was that.

  “Uncle David, I’m young. I can stand the pace. Anyway, I don’t start work until eight o’clock tomorrow night, so I can have a lie-in if I want.”

  “I think you two men are going to have to admit defeat,” Jane said, grinning.

  Paul and David looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders, both knowing that there wasn’t much they could do anyway. Justin and Emma were both twenty-one and adults.

  Eve smiled with satisfaction, pleased that they had got their way. She did like Emma despite being depressed that she was so young and attractive. Emma had the same spirit she had and Eve liked to see that in another woman. Both of them went for what they wanted and desired an exciting and fun-filled life. For all intents and purposes, you would have thought Emma to be Eve’s niece, not David’s.

  * * * *

  Emma and Justin had been at The Blue Lagoon for well over an hour, but they wouldn’t have known it. The time had flown by. They had talked about everything; their childhood, family, school, university, what they wanted to do in the future, everything except for Justin’s mother. However, he suddenly brought her into the conversation.

  “We can talk about my Mum if you want, Emma.”

  “We don’t have to if it’s too painful.”

  “It does hurt, even to think about her, but I need to talk to someone who didn’t know her. Most people here are too opinionated. I know many of the ex-pats didn’t like her; she could be unfriendly I suppose.”

  Justin paused and Emma could tell he was thinking about asking something. She decided to make it easy for him.

  “Is there something you want to ask me?”

  “Yes. I’d better come straight out with it; otherwise I’ll be too scared to say anything.”

  Justin stopped again and Emma wished he’d hurry up as she was filled with curiosity.

  “I’ve heard that your uncle’s girlfriend, Eve Masters, is good at doing a bit of private sleuthing. I was wondering if she was looking for my Mum’s killer.”

  Emma smiled. Eve’s reputation certainly had got around. No wonder her uncle was worried for her safety.

  “Well,” Emma started speaking, “Eve did find out who the murderers were in the last two cases, but my Uncle David hates her doing it because it’s so dangerous.”

  “How come they’re still together if they disagree on something so important?”

  “I reckon he really loves her. Anyway, this afternoon he was telling me that he came to her rescue when she was almost killed by the murderers. He gives the impression of being dull, but it looks like Uncle David is braver than he seems. I was quite impressed.”

  “It all sounds very romantic,” Justin said. “I think I’d do the same though, you know, come and rescue you if you were in any sort of trouble.”

  Emma laughed.

  “What?” Justin asked. “Don’t you think I would?”

  He pretended to look hurt and Emma kissed him quickly on the cheek.

  “I have no doubt whatsoever that you would save me, Justin, none at all.”

  He grinned, but couldn’t think of what else to say. He was too stunned by the kiss. Emma looked into his eyes and grinned back.

  “So, how long do you think you’ll be staying here, Justin?”

  “I was going back as soon as I could, but I might stick around to see if the police catch Mum’s killer...... and, well....”

  “Well, what?” Emma asked, a mischievous grin appearing on her face.

  “You know exactly what I’m thinking, Emma,” he replied. “It would be nice to get to know you.”

  Emma smiled happily. This trip was turning out even better than she could have imagined.

  Justin ordered them some more drinks and then turned the conversation back to his mother. Whatever he did, he was unable to put her to the back to his mind.

  “I wish they would find Mum’s killer as soon as possible, Emma. I don’t think I’ll sleep properly until they do.”

  Emma nodded in sympathy as he carried on speaking.

  “Do you think the police here are competent enough? I’m sure they are whatever Eve says against them. Jane said this afternoon that Eve was always falling out with the police. Mind you, she’s probably as good as them. She seems very perceptive. Have you heard her say anything important?”

  “Well I did, but it’s all conjecture so I won’t repeat it.”

  “Please, Emma, it could be important.”

  “Okay, but I don’t want to upset you and make you think badly of your Mum. For all we know it could be a pack of lies.”

  “Tell me, please, I need to know.”

  “It was when we were in The Black Cat earlier on. We were all standing near the bar and those friends of Paul had joined us. Well, Eve and Jane can’t have noticed that I had gone to the ladies because they went in shortly afterwards and started talking. I was in the Ladies and was going to come out, but when I heard what they were saying, I stayed put and hoped they’d go before too long. Thank goodness they did, as I don’t think they’d be happy that I overheard them.”

  “Come on Emma, what did they say?”

  “Don’t be so impatient. I’m coming to it. Now promise me you won’t blame me for what I’m going to say.”

  “Look, if it’s about my Mum having an affair, I know she did. Dad drove her to it. I don’t know who she had it with though.”

  “Well, Jane saw your mum kissing this guy Yiannis Neonakis and...”

  “What?” Justin interrupted Emma. “How could she. He’s at least fifteen years younger than she was and he sleeps with anyone.”

  He was trembling and Emma started to become worried.

  “Hey, Justin. Calm down,” Emma said. “She was probably flattered that such a young man found her attractive after her marriage was falling apart.”

  Emma took Justin’s hands in hers and he started to quieten down.

  “I suppose you’re right. I can’t stand him though. He was horrible to that nice girl, Laura. Even though Phyllis killed her, I blame him....... Anyway, were there any other suspects?”

  “Eve said she saw Pete Davies with your mum, but she doubted that they were having an affair. Jane told the police about Yiannis, but Eve didn’t tell them about Pete as she decided it was very unlikely that he was having an affair with your Mum. I’m sure she’s right. He’s a good mate of my uncle and he and his wife Annie are very c
lose, but still, you never know.”

  “No, you don’t, but it sounds more like Yiannis to me,” Justin said. “He could have killed her too.

  Justin’s voice started to rise in anger.

  “How come if they were lovers?”

  “He could have ended their affair and she didn’t want it to finish. Mum could have begged him to stay and in the heat of the moment, he killed her. He’s got a bad temper.”

  “Or she could have ended it and he was angry. I doubt if a man like Yiannis likes to be dumped.”

  Justin nodded in agreement.

  “What did Eve and Jane say after that?” he asked, keen to know if anything else had been said,

  “Not a lot. Jane seemed to think that Yiannis would be questioned and that was it.”

  “I hope Yiannis doesn’t come in here tonight otherwise I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself.”

  “You’ll have to, Justin.” Emma commented, now looking a bit worried. “If he’s the killer and thinks you suspect him, he could always hurt you; I’m sure of it.”

  “Okay, okay. I’ll try. I can’t say that my brother Wayne will be as restrained. He arrives tomorrow evening.”

  “Perhaps you’d better not tell him.”

  Justin shrugged his shoulders, thinking that someone would let the cat out of the bag even if he didn’t.

  “So what do you reckon about Eve, Emma?” he continued, deciding it best not to talk about Yiannis anymore. “Do you really think she has a plan to find the killer?”

  “I’m sure she has. When I met her in England, she told me all about her adventures last year and she made it sound so exciting, but also a little dangerous. I can understand why my uncle wanted her to give it all up, but she needs the excitement.”

  “I reckon she might have brought in Jane to help,” Justin added. “That’s why they were discussing it in secret, or at least somewhere they thought they couldn’t be heard.”

  “We’d better keep it to ourselves as well,” Emma said. “I don’t want to get Eve into trouble. And if the killer is Yiannis and he finds out that who told the police, Jane’s life would be in danger.”

  “And so would Eve’s if he finds out they’re working together. He’d guess she’s the mastermind behind the plan and do away with her.

  Justin put his arms around Emma and gave her a hug. She looked quite worried now and a couple of tears fell giving Justin the perfect excuse to hold her. Emma felt soft and smelt like strawberries and Justin didn’t want to let her go, but it was getting late and he had barely slept the night before. He had kept tossing and turning, visions of his Mum flashing through his mind all the time. Emma too was tired now. She had got up at four that morning to be at the airport in time to catch her flight over to Crete.

  Justin reluctantly released her and was pleased to see that she looked slightly more cheerful.

  “I’m sorry I got upset,” she said. “I’m probably overtired.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Justin replied. “I don’t think either of us wants any more murders to happen here. I’m pretty tired myself. It is after one so shall I walk you home?”

  “Yes please, Justin,” Emma replied.

  They walked back to David’s house slowly, holding hands and not saying anything, but feeling relaxed in each other’s company. When they reached the house, Emma spoke first.

  “Thank you for a lovely time and for walking me home.”

  “It’s been a pleasure. It’s been a great evening. It’s stopped me thing about Mum too much, though I do feel a bit guilty. I should be thinking of her, not going out enjoying myself.”

  “I’m sure your Mum would want you to enjoy yourself and not cry over her all the time. Mums are like that. I know mine wouldn’t want me sitting at home crying.”

  Justin was about to say that his mother would want him to grieve and grieve a hell of a lot, but Emma didn’t give him a chance. She reached over and surprised him, giving him a gentle kiss. He smiled, but blushed as well. Justin couldn’t believe that such a gorgeous girl wanted to spend time with him, but then his heart sank. Would she still be interested when she found out he was bi-polar. He’d have to tell her sooner or later. It wasn’t something you could keep a secret. He did take his meds, but he could still get moody and difficult. Not everyone was sympathetic and understood the illness he had. What if she didn’t and thought he was crazy. As Emma went into David’s house, his light, happy mood had changed to a dark miserable one.

  Chapter 10

  David shook Eve gently the following morning, not wanting to frighten her.

  “Wake up, Eve; I have something to tell you,” he whispered.

  Eve immediately sat up, but still felt half asleep. She knew she’d had too much to drink the night before, but she had been feeling insecure about her relationship with David. Now here he was in her bedroom when he should be at home.

  “What’s wrong,” she asked, trying to wake up properly.

  “There’s been another murder. There’s quite a commotion down the road.”

  “What? Who’s dead now?” she asked, now waking up very quickly.

  And why’s David come over to tell me this? He didn’t want me involved in anything to do with Lucy’s murder and yet he’s rushed over at goodness knows what hour in the morning to tell me about another killing.

  “It’s Yiannis. Yiannis Neonakis.”

  Eve gasped, hardly able to believe that her arch enemy was dead.

  “Not only that, there’s been an arrest.”

  “Blast,” Eve mumbled under her breath.

  All her hopes for solving the case disappeared in that moment, not that she was sorry that Yiannis was dead. He had never been pleasant to her and had, in fact, been downright rude. He had even threatened her a few times.

  “It’s a good job somebody has been arrested for the crime, Eve; otherwise you could have been a suspect. Everybody knew that you hated Yiannis.”

  Eve glared at David.

  “That’s a terrible thing to say, David. How could you even think I would have the inclination to kill Yiannis? Do you think I’m that terrible a person?”

  It made her sound awful and she wasn’t that bad, but Yiannis had been a nasty piece of work and definitely the cause of Laura’s death. She certainly wasn’t going to shed any tears over him.

  “We’re going off the subject, Eve,” David muttered crossly, ignoring Eve’s question.

  He wondered why she had to turn every conversation into one about herself.

  “Anyway, the person who’s been arrested is Justin.”

  “Justin!” Eve exclaimed. “He couldn’t have killed his mother. He was in Athens when she was murdered.”

  “What are you going on about, Eve? I didn’t say he had been arrested for killing Lucy. No, that case is still open. He’s been arrested for killing Yiannis. Apparently, after he walked Emma home, he strolled by the bars in Almerida and saw Yiannis in one of them. He went in and confronted him about his affair with Lucy and they had a fight. Yiannis’s friends separated them, but Justin was heard saying he would kill Yiannis. Justin supposedly went home after their fight at about one forty-five and Yiannis left the bar alone at two thirty. A friend of Yiannis’s was walking back from The Blue Lagoon this morning at four and found him dead at the side of the road.”

  “I don’t believe Justin killed him” Eve said, sounding shocked. “He seems so sweet and gentle. Yiannis was a strong man.”

  “He suffered a blow to the back of his head. Justin could have done that.”

  Eve nodded in agreement, but inside she still couldn’t imagine Justin being the murderer. Perhaps she should try and prove his innocence. And of course, there was still Lucy Fowler’s murder to solve. Things weren’t quite so bleak after all.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to tell Emma, Eve. She seemed very keen on him.”

  “I didn’t think you wanted those two together, David. You should be relieved.”

  David was going t
o deny this, but he realized that Eve was speaking the truth and he felt guilty. He shouldn’t have interfered, although now it seemed as if it had been the right thing to do. He would have to tread carefully though. Emma was bound to be upset.

  “I know I’m too protective towards Emma. I’ve got to accept she’s grown up, but it’s difficult.”

  “Just be sympathetic today, David, and be a shoulder for her to lean on. That’s what she’ll need.”

  Suddenly, Eve and David heard loud banging at the door.

  “Who on earth can that be?” Eve asked, looking at her clock and seeing it was only seven thirty. “Who would have the nerve to call at this time of the morning?”

  She had completely forgotten that she had phoned Jane even earlier the previous day.

  “I’ll go and try and get rid of them for you,” David said helpfully.

  “Thank you, darling.”

  However, as soon as David had gone, Eve jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to do something with her face and hair. It could be someone who refused to go away and she hated to be seen without her make-up on.

  * * * *

  David walked down the stairs slowly, hoping that the person at the door would go away before he got there. He didn’t like confrontation and it could be someone who wouldn’t leave without seeing Eve.

  David wasn’t happy with the turn of events. He didn’t much like Yiannis either, but didn’t care one way or another that he had been murdered. All David was worried about was that Eve would take a bigger interest in the case. He had decided to come over and tell her about it as he wanted to judge her reaction. Unfortunately, he thought she looked keener than ever to solve the case, especially as she didn’t believe Justin was guilty. David wanted to keep an eye on her, but he couldn’t be with her all the time, especially with his niece staying.

  The person banging at the door started again and then he heard Jane’s voice. When he opened the door, he found Jane standing there looking as if she were about to burst into tears.

  “Jane. What’s wrong?” David asked, knowing full well that he wouldn’t be able to turn her away.

  “Kevin’s been arrested for murdering Yiannis.”


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