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In Love (The Knights of Mayhem Book 5)

Page 2

by Brook Greene

  Leo crosses over to the bar, pouring his glass full again, while giving me a shit-eating look. I shrug my shoulders at him and smile. “You have lice or something? Is that why you cut that nasty ass nappy shit off your head?” he asks, not being able to be one-upped around Avery.

  She slaps his arm, narrowing her eyes at him. “Don’t be a dick, Leo. You need to lay off the drinks, you have to drive,” she says, cutting her eyes to me and winking. “Thank you for cleaning up, Matty. You do look good.” She gets a greedy little glint in her eyes.

  A knock at the door has us all stopping and looking around at everybody, then back to the door. I smile.

  I finish off my drink, setting the tumbler back down to fill it. “No need to worry, Avery, I ordered us a limo,” I announce, looking at the watch I’m having a hard time getting used to having on.

  Piper squeals, and Jo crosses over to the bar. “A limo? I’ve never ridden in a limo before,” she exclaims, wide-eyed, pouring herself another glass of wine. She’s looking especially fine in the dark purple, off the shoulder dress she’s wearing. I hear Eno clear his throat, and I have to literally tear my eyes away from her cleavage that’s on full display to meet his warning gaze. He’d made it clear to me on more than one occasion that she isn’t like all the rest of his women. She’s not ever going to be shared. But shit, I’m a man, and I appreciate a full set of tits served up in a shelf bra.

  “Yeah, yeah, we all know Matty is flashy,” Eno mocks, refilling his glass. “But thanks, brother.” He tips his glass at me.

  I salute him back. I’d reserved it knowing this group very seldom get a night out, much less one where the women get all dressed up and taken out properly by my brothers. “No need for any of us to be getting DUI’s or anything tonight.” But that’s not the only surprise I have for them all. That’s for later.

  “It’s time,” Avery gleefully announces as she tugs Leo by the hand toward the door.

  I look around and count—Beeker, Kayla, Josie, Eno, Dalton, Piper, Roman, Hollis, Leo, and Avery. Then there’s me, stag as always, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, it’s probably not a good idea for me to show up to a bachelor auction with a date anyway.

  The chauffer opens the door and we let the ladies enter the limo first, then we enter one by one until we’re all seated. I reach for one of the bottles of champagne and open it, letting it pop as the girls scream with delight. I gesture for each of them to take a glass.

  “Going all out, aren’t you, brother? Making the rest of us look bad,” Roman grumbles quietly as he reaches for a glass.

  I hold up my glass as the others do the same. “Nope. Just wanted to say thank you.” All our glasses meet in the middle of the sitting area as we say our cheers in unison, before drinking the bubbly liquid.

  An hour later, we arrive at the very crowded resort the event is being held at. The hospital has gone all-out for the evening, red carpet and all. I watch as the ladies glow with amazement, and my brothers try their best to not really be seen. I dismiss the chauffer for the rest of the night and extend his room card to him, thanking him for spending the weekend driving us.

  We enter the lobby to the buzz of a supercharged night. My eyes light on a few women I hope bid on me. Full service is not expected, but I would be more than happy to show them all my talents.

  Avery turns, stopping us. “Okay, I’m gonna get us signed in.” She turns to me. “Matty, you come with me. They need you to register for the auction under my name.” She tugs my hand and I offer her my arm. I look over at Leo to let him know I’ll keep an eye on her. He nods and steps away as Avery leads me to a table, where several older women are sitting.

  Once I’m signed in and have all my orders, I excuse myself from Avery under the ruse of needing the gentleman’s room. But instead, I head for the concierge at the front desk. The second part of the night I have planned for my friends is safely in my pocket as I rejoin them at the cash bar.

  The night flows, and as I mingle, I’m bombarded with sexual advances. Room cards are slipped into my hands, and more than a phone book full of numbers have been deposited into my coat pockets.

  I finally, after an hour, separate myself from a gaggle of young women who couldn’t carry on a conversation with a fence post, and make my way to the bar. Don’t get me wrong, I love a mindless fuck every once in a while, but I need to have a stimulating conversation every ten minutes or so at least. I might not have many standards, but it’s always good to have a few to keep up.

  I check my watch as I wander back over to my brothers, who have gathered around the bar. Not surprising. I come to a stop beside a very bored looking Roman and shove my hands down into my pockets, rocking back on my heels. “Need some phone numbers?” I ask him as I get the bartender’s attention.

  “Numbers for what?” he asks, looking puzzled.

  I shrug at him and smile as I take the Jack on the rocks. “The kind you write on the back of a bathroom stall door with ‘for a good time, call’ under it.” I raise my eyebrows at him.

  “Those should be right up your alley, brother. No takers for you?” he says, slapping me on the back.

  I wrinkle my nose at him. “Not into the ones looking to get their hooks in me.”

  “Hey boys, what are you talking about?” Hollis smoothes up to Roman’s side.

  “How his manwhore status is slipping.” Roman tilts his head at me.

  She rolls her eyes at Roman, then smiles at me. “I love you, Matty,” she blurts out. Her words are a little slurred as she leans up on her tiptoes to give me a more than sloppy kiss on the cheek.

  “How’s that wine working for ya, Hollis?” I ask, holding back a burst of laughter as she wobbles to the bar.

  She looks back over her shoulder at me. “Awesome.”

  “She’s running a fucking tab,” Roman says flatly.

  “Hell, they all are.” Leo stops beside me, getting out of the way of Emily and Avery as they hurry, arms locked together, to stand beside Hollis in the bar line.

  I look over to Leo. “You can do shit like that at these kinds of events?”

  “You can if you’re Avery,” Leo drawls, draining the remaining contents of his glass.

  “Good God, we’re gonna have our hands full in about twenty minutes,” Cowboy sighs.

  We all stand shoulder to shoulder, facing the bar, watching the three ladies use each other to hold themselves upright as they laugh hard at something one of them has said.

  “Where the hell is Piper and Dalton?” Cowboy asks, looking around the room behind us.

  “I haven’t seen them for the past ten minutes,” Leo says with a hint of humor in his words.

  “Please, God, tell me he is not fucking my sister in a broom closet somewhere?” Roman growls, depositing his empty glass onto a tray a waiter is carrying around.

  “Yup.” Cowboy laughs as Dalton and Piper walk up to us, trying to act calm, but her messed up hair and Dalton’s open fly gives them away.

  “You stink like sex, man.” Leo snarls, wincing as he steps away from the couple.

  “And toilet cleaner,” I add, laughing along with Cowboy.

  “Shit,” Roman groans as he goes to the bar to retrieve another drink, which he throws back before holding the glass out for a refill. “You have my credit card on file, fill the fucking thing all the way up this time.”

  I check my watch again, throwing a glance over to Leo, confirming the time. “You think she can get through this?”

  He takes a step in Avery’s direction. “If she stops now.” He gently removes the full glass of wine from her hand, stopping her protest with a look. “Avery, you’re here to work. Go get your shit with Matty done and I’ll buy you the whole fucking bar if I haven’t already.”

  She gives him a pouty look, then spins on me, spearing me with her sharp green eyes. “You.”

  I hold up my hands in surrender. “Hey, babe, this was your big idea.”

  She less than gracefully hikes up the hem of her
dress, trying her best not to trip over it as she comes to me, snaking her arm through mine. “Then walk me back and let’s get this shit show on the road.” She practically stumbles, pulling me in the direction of a long stage and curtains at the far side of the room.

  “Good luck, brother,” Cowboy calls after me, still laughing.

  Chapter Three

  Matty Boy

  I stand backstage with a tipsy Avery leaning against me for support. She’s resorted to using one eye to focus on all the activity going on around us, as I patiently wait for her to tell me what to do. There are several other younger men mingling around in tuxes, who I assume are on the auction ticket as well.

  “You’re last,” Avery announces. Her slur is getting a little better since I’ve been supplying her with bottled water.

  “’Cause I’m the oldest,” I say, looking down at her.

  “No,” she huffs. “It’s because you’re the best catch we could find.”

  “Yeah, right.” I tip the water bottle back up to her lips. “Drink a little more water, Avery.” It’s easy to dismiss her statement because I know what the people in the town I live in thinks of me. I’m nothing but a male whore who hands out orgasms to any willing participant that will lay in my bed with me. I’m by no means past my prime, but the younger men mingling around are just that—younger.

  Avery spins on me for the second time tonight, narrowing her eyes at me. “I’m getting sick of you selling yourself short, Matty.” She waves her hands in the air over her head as she continues. “I don’t know what the fuck happened to you, but you’re a good man.” She slams her hand against my chest, emphasizing each word she speaks. “And come hell or high water, I’m gonna find you a woman you can settle down with if it kills me.”

  I take her by her small wrists and tug her to me. “Sounds good, but you should sit down and let me go figure out what’s going on.” I find a small folding chair at the side of the stage. Stepping through the curtain, I get Leo’s attention and wait for him to come to Avery before I leave her. “She’s shot her wad, man.”

  Leo shakes his head at the mother of his child. “She doesn’t get out much,” he mutters.

  “I can tell. I’ve been feeding her water,” I advise him, handing over her half full, second bottle of water.

  “She’s gonna be so pissed at herself tomorrow.” Leo walks over to her and hands her the bottle of water. “Drink that, now,” he tells her. I watch as she complies without argument.

  I can’t help but wonder if there’s a Dom/sub relationship going on behind closed doors with these two. “You got her?” I ask him. Avery isn’t too bad, but she’s worse than I’ve ever seen her.

  “Yeah, I’ll get her back among the living. You go find out what’s going on,” he tells me as he hands Avery another bottle of water.

  I nod as I walk around, trying to find someone who looks like they’re in charge. I finally find a woman with a headset on and a clipboard in her hand. “Hey, I’m Matthew Keagan. I’m on the auction block for this evening.”

  She looks at the paper, then looks back up at me, smiling. “Yes, you’re last, but we’ve already received a few silent bids for you, Mr. Keagan.” She takes me by the arm, leading me to another area backstage. I look back at Leo who nods to me, smiling with an almost alert Avery sitting beside him. “You should be over here. I’ll let you know when it’s your time to go on stage.” She checks a few things off her paper, then says a few inaudible words into her headset before turning back to me. “So what is your major selling point?”

  I tilt my head at her. “Selling point?” I ask, confused as to what she means.

  She licks her lips as her eyes devour my body. Reaching up, she smooths her hand over my full shoulder, under my tux coat. “Give them something that will push your bid over the top.”

  “This is a hospital charity event. I’m not sure what I can offer will be well-received with your stuffy bidders.” I tug nervously at my tux’s cuffs, something that’s completely unlike me.

  She levels her eyes at me. “Mr. Keagan, you are well-known in your town, and gossip travels fast. Show us something.” She reaches up, wrapping her fingers around my bicep, gripping it a few times. “Ladies like the guns, baby.”

  It’s then that I realize what she’s asking me to do, and I know I’ll do it to make Avery look like the superstar of this charity event.


  I slip my coat back on and exit the bathroom to a waiting headset girl. “You’re on in ten, Mr. Keagan.” She takes my arm, leading me to the back of a short line of men waiting to go on stage. I search for Avery and Leo, but they’re nowhere to be found, and the chair I’d placed her in has been moved.

  Headset girl turns to me. “So what did you come up with for your selling point?” Her greedy eyes look me over again.

  I lean in. Taking her left hand from the clipboard, I grab it with mine, bringing it down to cup my cock. “If my reputation precedes me, then you know what I have to sell.” I squeeze my hand, making her delicate fingers grip my cock. I hear her gasp, and I smile as her tongue flicks out to lick her lips. “Are we good?”

  Her shaking hand takes a piece of paper from the clipboard she hands to me. “G-Go,” she stutters. “Go over your profile and make sure there isn’t…” She stops again, looking down at my crotch, then back up at me. Taking a calming breath, she continues with a steadier voice. “Make sure there isn’t anything that needs to be taken out, or there isn’t anything you want to add. This is what the announcer is going to read as you do your walk.”

  Any other time, I would have this woman somewhere with her jeans down around her ankles, her panties ripped off, bent over something while being buried balls deep, fucking her as she screams for me to do it harder. But out of respect for Avery, I don’t, because I have to be on stage to auction my body off to the highest bidder for charity.

  I hold out the piece of paper with my history and achievements printed out on it. I frown at the two short paragraphs that only take up half the page announcing my achievements during my thirty-six years. Avery had left off the DEA aspect, but included the Special Forces angle. All my military career is added along with some, but not all, of my college years.

  It’s sad to know my whole life can be summed up in two short printed paragraphs. It’s all right in front of me in black and white, the uselessness that is and has been my life. What I’ve done with what I’d been given is nothing.

  I feel a tug on my hand as she steps away, breathless. I find my place in line, getting appreciative glances from all the others ahead of me. “Boys, it’s all in how you sell yourselves,” I tell them with a smug smile on my face.


  I step off the third step, coming down off the stage. I barely get my footing before Avery throws her arms around me. “Matty, that was wonderful,” she practically screams in my ear. I hug her tight before releasing her, setting her back on her steadier feet. She’s sobered up a little, but not completely.

  Headset girl comes over to us, smiling, her cheeks still rosy from my earlier confession to her. Avery takes the clipboard she offers her. “Thank you, Morah.”

  I wink at Morah as she backs away from us. “Holy shit, Matty!” Avery exclaims.

  “Who won me? Is she eighty? Ninety? I can plan us an early bingo evening,” I joke, but Avery’s wide-eyed glare shuts me up.

  “No…well, I mean, I don’t know.” She flips through several pages. “It was a silent bidder.” She turns to Morah. “This is it? All we got is a direct deposit notification.”

  Morah steps up next to Avery as Leo comes to stand by me. “The ladies love a gigolo, man,” he says, stifling his laugh. “The old ladies do anyway.”

  I punch his arm. “Hey, they all need lovin’ sometimes,” I drawl, then shudder at the thought.

  Avery says her goodbyes to Morah and comes over to us. She throws her hands out to her sides, letting them fall back to her thighs with a smack. "Who the hell knows? But you did ma
ke the most money over anyone tonight.” She smiles as she slides up under Leo’s lifted arm.

  “And how much was that?” I ask, needing my ego stroked just a little bit more tonight.

  “Seven thousand,” she states proudly.

  “Really? Wow,” I say. “Looks like we need to go and celebrate.” I walk beside the couple out into the now emptying ballroom.

  “Back to the clubhouse?” Leo asks as we join the others.

  “Hang on a minute, man,” I say before reaching inside my suit coat. Pulling out the hotel key cards, I hold them up. “We don’t have to go anywhere. We have the largest suites in the hotel at our disposal tonight. There’s enough room for all of us.” I hand each of the women a card as they squeal with delight. “With the adjoining rooms, we can all stay here and party like hell tonight.”

  Leo goes to speak and I hold up my hand, stopping him. “I’ve already cleared it with Imma and Hugh, and they were more than happy to keep the girls overnight. Y’all head on up. I have fully stocked the bars and I’ll be up in a minute,” I inform them before I excuse myself to go and retrieve the little brunette I’d begun to prime at the beginning of the auction.

  I watch as the ladies drag the men to the elevator as I turn to go backstage again, hoping to find the delectable little morsel that is Morah. Finding her on the other side with her back to me, I slide up behind her. Removing her headset, I let it drop to her side. She stills as I lean in, letting my lips drift across the top of her ear. She shudders against me as my hot breath ghosts across her skin. “I have a room and a big cock, and both are all yours tonight if you want them,” I murmur, grinding my stiff dick into her pert little ass.

  I back away, giving her just enough room to turn to face me. I take her by the hips, backing her into the wall, pressing myself up against her. She has yet to say anything or object, which is a great sign for me. I dip my head and tap her nose with mine. I can feel her hot, quick breaths on my face. “So what do you say, Morah? Wanna fuck?”


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