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Uninhibited in New Orleans (The Becky Chronicles, Book 3)

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by Sienna Duncan

  I don’t know how I walked out of the elevator, because my legs were shaking so badly. I knew without looking that Max was behind me.

  I took out the card for my room. My hand was shaking as I tried to unlock the door. Max covered my hand with his own and took the card from me. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he reached around me. I heard the door unlock. I quickly opened it and walked inside. I turned around to see Max standing in the door way.

  “I’ll meet you in the lobby in an hour to take you out to dinner.”

  He spoke in such a commanding voice that made me weak in the knees.

  “Wear something casual.” His eyes swept over me once more before he stepped away from the door.

  I couldn’t find my voice. I think I whispered “okay” or something like that. My senses were so overwhelmed and I found it difficult to think clearly around him. What the hell is wrong with me? Just standing there like a fucking idiot. I don’t want to know what Max thinks of me.

  I closed the door (finally). My heart was beating so hard I was afraid it was going to beat out of my chest. I walked into the bedroom of my suite and sat down on the edge of the bed.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  I fell back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. I must be out of my mind! I can’t go out to dinner with him. Not when my hormones are out of control. The tension I felt between us in the elevator was so strong, I don’t know if I’m ready for all that.

  I know…it isn’t like we’re going to be in a relationship or anything. I can hear Lynn now. She’d tell me to just fuck him. To be honest, a big part of me is screaming to give in for just one night. I mean, what could it hurt? Right?

  Then the sensible part tells me to run away as fast as I can. I have a bad feeling I know which part is going to try to win.

  I don’t understand this level of attraction I have for Maxwell Roberts. I’ve been around lots of attractive men in my life, but none have made me feel this way. It’s like I have no control when he’s near me. What makes it worse, is that Max knows the effect he has on me. I haven’t fully decided if that’s a plus or minus in his favor.

  I took a long shower and dressed “casually.” I hope his idea of casual is the same as mine. I decided to wear jeans and my favorite black blouse with a three quarters sleeve. I slipped my feet into a pair of black ankle boots.

  I straightened my hair as I dried it. I don’t know why. It’ll be in a ponytail anyway. I made a face at my hair as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

  I applied some black eyeliner on my top lid and some black mascara. A dab of blush and a little lipstick, and I was ready to go.

  I took a couple deep breaths before grabbing my purse. I knew Max would be meeting me in a few minutes, and I wanted to make sure he did not come up to my room looking for me. My gut was telling me we wouldn’t leave my room for the night if he did.

  I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. Here goes nothing.


  Max was waiting for me as I walked out of the elevator. He was speaking with the person at the front desk. I stood still for a moment to drink in the sight standing before me. Damn. He’s gorgeous. I was glad to see he was also wearing jeans and a black buttoned shirt. He turned his head to the side and smiled when he saw me. He said a few more words to the young man before walking toward me.

  It felt like his eyes took in every inch of me.

  “You look beautiful as always.” Max grabbed my hand and place a soft kiss on it.

  “Thank you. You look very handsome, but you already know that.” I know…the smart ass in me had to come out.

  Max raised his eyebrows and then smiled. “I see we chose similarly.” I tried not to notice that we both had on black shirts with jeans. We couldn’t have planned it better.

  “Small world.” Geesh! My vocabulary was getting smaller and smaller.

  The wicked twinkle I saw in his eyes made me pause.

  Ah hell. He must be one of those men who like women with smart mouths. I am in so much trouble.

  Max didn’t say anything, but held out his arm for me to take.

  “Thank you.” I managed to get out.

  I smiled at his gentlemanlike manner. He escorted me out of the hotel to his car that was parked out front. I stopped beside Max and blinked my eyes. He opened the passenger door for me.

  Who the fuck can afford a Ferrari? Damn!

  If I had any doubts before, the truth was on front of me right now. This man is waaay out of my league! Thinking about my trusty Honda in the parking lot made me giggle a little. What am I doing here with him? This was a clearly mistake. I composed myself by the time he slid into the driver’s seat. Max glanced at me before starting his car. I reminded myself not to look like the country bumpkin I felt I was at that moment.

  “Do you like gumbo?” He asked as he put the car in gear and pulled away from the hotel.

  Okay…I wasn’t expecting that. “Yes, just not with shrimp.”

  He looked at me questioningly. “What do you have against shrimp?”

  I explained to him I had a reaction to shrimp as a child, and have been too afraid to see if I had outgrown it. I further explained that I can eat crab without it affecting me, but I stay away from most seafood.

  “Hmmm…that’s interesting. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Okay…that has me a little worried. I’ll be checking my food all night now. Great.

  I turned my attention back to the road. I tried to pay attention to all the turns Max made, but I finally gave up when he started driving down what appeared to be a deserted road. There weren’t any street lights, so you can imagine how quickly my imagination went into overdrive. I mean, how much do I know Maxwell Roberts?

  Max reached over and squeezed my hand. Without me saying anything, somehow, he knew I was a little nervous. Who am I kidding? I was having all kinds of crazy thoughts.

  “We’re almost there.” He said reassuringly.

  I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. Max looked at me and winked before turning his eyes back to the road. Within minutes we pulled up to an old white building. I’m guessing it is a restaurant. Not too sure by the way it looked. There were about ten cars parked in front of it.

  Max walked around and opened my door. Instantly I could smell the delicious scents coming from inside. Well, I said I wanted to taste the real New Orleans.

  Max pointed to the building. “This is Mama Delphine’s. If you’re a native, then you know this is the place to be. She makes the best gumbo and red beans and rice. I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  “It smells wonderful. I can’t wait to go inside.”

  Max grabbed my hand as we walked toward Mama Delphine’s. I could tell that he was in his element here because he was more relaxed in this atmosphere. Interesting considering he’s surrounded by luxury all day. It was a side of him I found myself wanting to know more about. When we walked inside, immediately I heard someone call Max’s name.

  “Hey, Mama Delphine.” Max smiled at a jovial older woman who was as round as she was tall. Her caramel skin was a striking contrast the gray eyes looking back at me. She flicked her eyes at Max and then back at me before raising her eyebrows in question to Max.

  “Well, are ya gonna introduce me your lady friend?”

  Max laughed.

  “Of course, I am. This is Becky Stevens. She is writing an in that magazine I was telling about. She’s staying in my hotel.”

  Mama Delphine stared at Max for a few seconds before a wide grin spread across her face.

  “Mmhmm…never seen you bring a lady here before. Not even for business.”

  Max shook his head, and I could see the laughter in his eyes.

  “Don’t give away all my secrets.” He winked at her.

  Mama Delphine burst out laughing. She had to wipe away the tears she was laughing so hard. She placed her hand on Max’s shoulder.

  “Honey…. I don’t have time in
the day to tell her all there is to know.” She glanced at me. “Well, maybe if you tell Mama a little about yourself I might let something slip out.”

  “I see now I’ll have to keep you two apart.” Max jokingly said.

  “You still haven’t learned women yet.” Mama Delphine shook her head.

  “I know all I need to know.” I looked up to find Max was staring at me.

  Mama Delphine started laughing again. and she waved the cloth in her hand at us. We followed her to an empty table.

  “Whew! I see I’m gonna need a fan when I’m ‘round you two.”

  I felt my face getting hot under all the scrutiny. I don’t know who more from, Mama Delphine or Max.

  Max ordered us some gumbo, but he made sure she knew I couldn’t have shrimp. Mama Delphine reassured me she always made some with chicken “just in case folks have allergies.” I felt so comfortable around her. I think it’s because in some ways she reminded me of some people back in the small town where I grew up. Well…when they weren’t being nosy.

  Max asked me more questions about my childhood in Arab, Alabama and about my family. He still seemed interested. I must admit it surprised me how much he listened. I was sure he’d be bored to tears by now. I’ve been told I tend to ramble sometimes, and people (my family) will ignore some of the things I say.

  I know what you’re thinking. That’s just so wrong, right? Plus, that’s the wrong thing to do to this chick. I won’t be ignored unless I choose to be.

  When I asked Max questions about his business, he hesitated before speaking. I know. A man who doesn’t want to talk about himself or his accomplishments? Especially someone as sexy as Max Roberts.

  Well, you can call me pleasantly surprised!

  I found out during our previous conversation (for my article, of course) that Max’s family business started out with a small hotel. His grandfather expanded it to the chain of hotels it is today. When Max took over five years ago, he continued with the expansion. The Sanctum Grande Hotel is synonymous with all things luxurious.

  I also learned two facts. One of which was not solicited. 1) He is thirty-four years old. (hey, inquiring minds wanna know) 2) He is not married. (Max happily volunteered that tidbit)

  Sooo…here I am having dinner with an very sexy, older man (not that his age matters).

  I’m just a little intimidated.

  We’ve been talking like we’re old friends or something. I am not sure how he has been able to put me at ease, but he has. Not many people have that ability. I have laughed so much at his childhood shenanigans. Apparently, Mama Delphine knew Max when he was a little boy, because she dropped a few comments here and there. She laughed when she told me about all the times he used to get in trouble. By the time we finished our meal (the gumbo was delicious) I was seeing Max in a different light.

  One I liked very much.

  Gone was the arrogance I saw when we first met. That doesn’t mean it isn’t still there. He’s just… more real to me tonight.

  We walked back to his car in companionable silence.

  If you ever need a wake-up call, getting into a Ferrari will do that. It’s a little reminder he’s a wealthy hotel owner.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Max interrupted my thoughts. I looked up and saw he was furrowing his eyebrows. I have noticed him doing that when he is concerned. I took a deep breath and smiled.

  “Nothing is wrong.” I turned my head toward the window.

  I felt his fingers touch my chin as he turned my head back. The look on his face was pure determination, and he also looked a little aggravated.

  “Don’t ever lie me. Something changed from the walk from the restaurant to my car. I want to know what it was.” His eyes never left my face.

  I knew not to look away. “Tonight has been incredible. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.” I admitted.

  Max sighed. “Okay, but that doesn’t explain why the sudden change.”

  I started to turn away, but he pulled my face back to him.

  “Tell me.” Max spoke very softly, but clearly he was demanding an answer.

  “This is all too much.” I waved my hands at the inside of the car.

  Max looked confused for a moment before he realized what I meant. His eyes softened as he rubbed his thumb across my cheek.

  “I take it you’re not impressed with my ride.”

  I sighed. “I honestly don’t care what kind of car you drive. This is a little intimidating, though.”

  Max nodded in silent contemplation. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He released my chin and started his car. I took a deep breath and leaned back in the seat.

  It was a quiet drive back to the hotel. The radio station he had it on was playing the latest song by Maroon 5. Once we got back to the hotel, Max insisted on walking me inside and up to my room. I was a little on edge in the elevator, considering the tension between us earlier.

  This time, Max, was a complete gentleman.

  I don’t know why that bothered me so much.

  We walked down the hall to my room. I inserted the key card and opened the door. I could feel Max at my back, and I stepped forward in the doorway to put a little space between us. When I turned around, he was standing so close there was barely any space between us.

  I started to back away, but he wrapped his arm around my waist, placing his hand on my lower back. My wary eyes met his intense gaze. We stood there for a moment, not saying a word.

  Max dropped his hand and stepped away from me. He cleared his throat before flashing me a smile.

  “I’m glad you agreed to come to dinner with me tonight.”

  “Me, too. I had a great time.” I leaned against the side of the door.

  Max rubbed the back of his neck. He almost seemed unsure of what to do next. I watched as he shoved his hands in his pockets before looking back at me.

  “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “I need to go beyond what the average tourist sees. I can write all day about the places everybody has heard about, but it is nothing new. People want to know where the locals go, because those are always the best places.”

  Max nodded. “Ah, I see. Places like Mama Delphine’s.” He leaned against the wall outside my door.

  I smiled. “Yes, exactly.” He has no idea how much it pleased me that he chose that restaurant tonight.

  “I know of several places you would like. I’ll take you there tomorrow.”

  Umm…he’s sexy as hell, but if he thinks he can set up my itinerary and be my guide (it’s kinda sweet, though) he has another thing coming. Did he bother to ask if I wanted his company?

  Nope, he just assumed.

  “Thank you for offering to help, but that isn’t necessary. If you’ll leave the names, and some sort of directions, I’m sure I can find them on my own. I know you’re very busy.”

  Max stepped toward me and caged me in his arms. I gasped when he leaned his head closer to mine. He glanced at me lips before looking back into my eyes.

  “If I was too busy, I wouldn’t have offered to take you.”

  I swallowed a little too loudly. Max looked at me a few seconds more before shaking his head.

  He spoke very softly. “You aren’t quite there yet, but you will be.”

  What? That made absolutely no sense!

  Max kissed my forehead and backed away. “I’ll meet you around 9:00. After you’ve had breakfast.” He left me standing in the doorway.

  What the hell was that all about? Grrr! I was fuming when I closed the door. What am I not ready for? I hate it when people do that shit to me. Well, you know what?

  I am not going to worry about that now.

  I walked through the sitting room and glanced at the bed that had been turned down for me. I must admit that is a lovely service to have at the hotel. I walked into the bathroom and froze.

  The bathtub was full of water and red flower petals were scattered across the top. I slowly walked inside and let
my fingertips touch the water. The temperature was perfect.

  A folded white piece of paper on the vanity caught my attention. I walked over to it and noticed my name written across the top fold.

  The perfect ending to a perfect night. Enjoy.


  Wow! He must’ve planned this before we went out to dinner. I hope he expect to join me.

  Hmm… No, I don’t think so. The note doesn’t indicate that.

  I am getting more confused than ever about who is the real Max Roberts.

  From the first moment I met him, his arrogance irritated me. Since then, he has shown a completely different side. Someone I feel completely comfortable with. Someone who is beginning to occupy my thoughts a little too much.

  Maybe I’m starting to like him more than I should.


  True to his word, Max was waiting for me after I finished breakfast. He was sitting in the lobby when I walked out of the restaurant.

  He stood up when I approached him. “Good morning.” He swept his eyes down my body then back up to my face.

  “Good morning, Max.” I was a little nervous. “I want to thank you for the wonderful surprise waiting for me last night. The hot bath was the perfect ending to my day. It was very thoughtful of you.”

  Max smiled. “It was my pleasure.”

  He extended his arm. “Shall we?”

  I smiled at his chivalrous side. It touched that part of me that loved and appreciated a man with really good manners.

  When we walked outside I was shocked to see a horse drawn carriage waiting for us. I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.

  “Wow!” I know I didn’t just squeal like a kid. Max chuckled behind me.

  Yep…I did.

  “You didn’t like the mode of transportation last night, so I was hoping this would do.”

  He was hoping this would do? Hell yeah! The little girl inside of me was jumping up and down in excitement.

  “This will definitely do.” I glanced back at Max.

  He had a twinkle in eyes. “May I?”


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