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Uninhibited in New Orleans (The Becky Chronicles, Book 3)

Page 6

by Sienna Duncan

  I shook my head. “Oh, it’s nothing. I just realized this is my last day.” I glanced up at him.

  Max’s jaw tightened. It was easy to see he was not happy about me leaving so soon either. He scanned my face as though he was looking for something. He leaned his forehead against mine.

  I closed my eyes. I wanted to remember this moment.

  “Why don’t you stay a few more days?” He whispered against my lips.

  I opened my eyes at his suggestion. Does he want really me to stay?

  “I shouldn’t.” I was too chicken shit to ask.

  “Yes, you should.” He swallowed. “I’m not ready for you to leave yet.”

  His lips touched mine again, but this time he parted them with his tongue. I moaned as he caressed my breast.

  Max removed the cover separating us. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and tugged gently. I arched my back off the bed. My body was still extremely sensitive from the attention it had received the past couple days. Always the thorough lover, he paid equal attention to the nipple on my other breast. He kissed his way down my body. Max spread my legs wider and looked up at me.

  “This morning it is all about you.”

  Before I could ask him to elaborate, I felt Max’s tongue flick against my clit.

  I gasped.


  He flicked his tongue back and forth. His hands grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to his mouth. I’m not sure how much closer he intended to get. He closed his lips around my clit and started to suck on the tiny bud. I came immediately.


  Max started thrusting his tongue in and out. My hips tried to move on their own accord, but he was holding me in place.

  He replaced his tongue with one of his fingers and started pumping it in and out. I felt his mouth as it closed on my clit again. He gently tugged on it with his lips.

  “Max, please.” I couldn’t stand it anymore.

  I needed to come again. It was too intense. He inserted a second finger and curled them inside me as he pumped them in and out.

  “Fuck!” I gasped.

  He looked up at me with lust filled eyes.

  “Tell me you’re staying.”


  He pressed down on my clit with his thumb and rubbed in circles.

  “Oh, Max. Don’t stop!” I bucked my hips against his mouth.

  I needed to do whatever it took to relieve this tension in my body. I couldn’t think about anything else right now.

  Max stopped moving his finger. I glanced down at him and he was looking at me.

  “Tell me you’re going to stay.” He pressed down on my clit again.


  “Yes, I’ll stay.” I panted.

  I would’ve said just about anything at that point.

  He flicked his tongue faster against my clit. He curled his fingers inside me, and it was that fine line of pleasure and pain. H seemed to know exactly what I needed every single time.

  I bucked my hips wildly as I finally came. Fuck! I was breathing harder than ever.

  Max stood up and held out his hand to me. “Come with me.”

  My attention focused on his very erect cock. I looked up at him and was in awe of the control he was showing. He said it was all about me.

  Well, I wanted him inside me now.

  I took his hand and we walked in the bathroom. Max started the shower, and he pulled me in with him. I ran my hands over his chest and down the ridges of his stomach. I followed the water with my lips as it fell down his body. He leaned back and let the water fall on his head and face.

  I wrapped my hand around his erect cock and stroke him up and down. Max sucked in a painful breath. He covered my hand to stop me.

  “I’m too close to the edge for you to do that.”

  “I want to.” I insisted to him.

  Max shook his head. “When I come, I want to be inside you.”

  I stood up and pushed myself against him. “I want you inside me.”

  He pushed me against the wall of the shower, and put his hands on my hips.

  “I’d like nothing more than to be inside you right now. Make no mistake, I will be later.” He kissed me with so much passion I had to reach behind me, and touch the wall just to steady myself.

  We spent the next few minutes in the shower with Max taking his time washing every inch of my body. He massaged the muscles in my legs, arms, and back. I could’ve let him do that forever. A thought came to me after we got out of the shower. It pertained to the things we said during sex.

  Ummm….What exactly did I agree to again?


  I pretty much lived and breathed Max Roberts for the next few days. I didn’t give anything else much thought. I made sure to check in with Lynn, because she’d freak if I didn’t let her know something. She must’ve relayed all the info to our friends, because I received texts from Shelby and Taylor (my next-door neighbors) every day.

  My friend from work, Johnny, started asking me all sorts of personal questions about Max. His messages usually started out with, “hey, pussy…” I laughed, because I expected nothing less from him. Johnny says the only thing wrong with Max is that he isn’t gay. Other than that, he thinks Max I perfect. He’s kinda right.

  More than anything they all asked the same question: How long was I going to stay here? I didn’t have an immediate answer for them. I don’t have to rush back to the office, and my article is not due for a few more days. I have most of it completed thanks to Max. He took me everywhere you could possibly imagine in New Orleans. I had so much information, and I didn’t know how I was going to condense it all down to one article.

  My friends seemed to think it was getting very serious since I’ve stayed longer than planned. Honestly, I don’t have an answer to give to them. It’s too soon to think about something like that. For once, I am going with the flow. I refuse to think about anything too serious. I won’t be pressured.

  I’m sure we’ll get tired of each other soon.


  Max has been insatiable. In between my writing, and the fact he does have to go to work overseeing his hotels, we haven’t gone much further than his bedroom. Max insisted I stay at his house, so I checked out of my luxury suite at The Sanctum Grande Hotel. He made some room for my things in his closet.

  I felt…I don’t know. Not really uncomfortable, but surprised, at how he appeared so at ease with me being in his home. How many men are willing to share closet space with a woman they have only known for a few days? I don’t know of any. I can only guess it is because I am here for a few days more and that is all. It’s the only thing that makes sense.

  The more time we spent together, the more we shared about our pasts. I finally told him about Chad. I don’t know why I shared so much with him. I guess it showed the level of comfort we had with each other in such a short amount of time.

  He appeared to be amused when I described my mama to him. He really has no idea. I described my close relationship with my brother and I could see the longing in Max’s eyes since he was an only child. Trevor and I have our disagreements, but I can’t imagine my life without him. I wouldn’t have survived our mother without him. The conversation was steered into dangerous territory when Max asked about the person he knew occupied my thoughts. It’s funny he would ask me that, because I hadn’t thought about Chad as much as I usually do.

  Honestly, it didn’t feel right to discuss it with the man I was kinda involved with right now. Max insisted, so I gave him the short version of mine and Chad’s relationship. He understood my need to get away because I was being suffocated, but he didn’t think I should’ve left Chad with no word for all this time. I could tell he thought my actions were a bit childish, but there is nothing I can do about it now. Max did say something to give me pause. He said we all need closure and that I won’t be completely happy until I have it with Chad. I explained to him I hadn’t seen Chad in over a year so it didn’t matter anymore. At least tha
t’s what I told myself.

  Max fell silent for a while after that. I know there were lots of things he wanted to say, but decided not to do so.

  One evening he asked me if I always wanted to write or did I want to do anything else.

  “For a long time, I wanted to be a teacher, but I loved writing about exciting places more. I think I’m pretty good at it, too.”

  He nodded. “You are very talented. That’s why I asked Gwen specifically for you.”

  I blushed at the compliment. I know, all the things he and I have done the past few days and a simple compliment, of all things, makes me blush.

  “Have you ever thought about going back to college for a degree in education?”

  I snorted. “If I didn’t know better, I would swear you’ve been talking to my brother, Trevor. He has encouraged me more than once to do that. I’ve thought about it, but I usually just brush it aside. I really do love my job and can’t imagine doing anything else .”

  Max smiled as he ran his fingers through my hair. “You never know when your life will change again, and the opportunity may present itself to you.”

  I laughed. “Well, if it does then I’ll consider my options at that time.”

  “Fair enough.”

  Slowly over the next few days, Max began to introduce me to his world. We would run into some of his friends on the way to dinner. He never invited them to join us, because he said he wanted me all to himself. I didn’t mind, but as the days went by, it began to feel more and more like we were in a relationship. I had to keep reminding myself that he only asked me to stay a little longer. There was no set period, but I knew my departure was quickly approaching. We couldn’t continue to do whatever the hell it was we were doing. It confused things too much. I didn’t need more of that for sure.

  I must admit being around Max was intoxicating. It scared me a little to know how much I enjoyed his company. It wasn’t just about the sex anymore. Although it was off the charts. I was drawn to him in ways I couldn’t explain. The man. I wanted to deny it, but each day it became more and more obvious.

  It’s more than all that, too. He has me rethinking so many things I thought I wanted in my life. I loved my writing, but ever since he mentioned teaching, it had been on my mind. Is it possible I could get burned out from all the traveling? I honestly had not considered that before. Max made me think ahead. My mama would be jumping for joy right now if she knew I was seriously thinking about other options. That’s one phone call I will not be making unless I have already done it.

  I need to call my brother, Trevor. He’ll offer some insight, and help me clear my head about everything. He is always good at putting things into perspective for me.

  I really needed that right now more than anything else.

  One of the things about my brother I have always loved, is how he has supported my decisions no matter what. He hasn’t always agreed with the way I have handled everything (my move to Fairhope, for one) but he is always there to help in any way he can.

  Max has been fascinated by the close relationship Trevor and I have. He has hinted about inviting Trevor and his family here for a weekend during my stay. My mind was blown. How long does he think I’m going to stay here?

  Do you see what I mean? Max is talking about us as more than a fling. I know it’s terrible to say this, but I hadn’t thought beyond the here and now with him. His words hinted very strongly at that dreaded word: relationship. My mind was screaming for me to retreat.

  Maybe I’m wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time, and it for sure won’t be the last.

  Trevor called me a couple days ago to give me his thoughts. He was very encouraging, but wanted me to make sure my choice would make me happy and that I was being influenced by anyone. (Interesting choice of words). He knows how much I love to write and wanted to know where all this was coming from.

  Imagine my surprise when Trevor asked me about Max. He claims he cornered Lynn when he overheard her talking on the phone. Presumably with Shelby or Taylor. He was a little upset I hadn’t told him about a new man in my life.

  I didn’t know what to tell him, though. It was all happening so fast, and I hadn’t slowed down long enough to think about it. I know, I hadn’t felt this alive in a long time.

  “You sound different, Beck, but in a good way. More like you used to sound before you moved away.”

  His words brought tears to my eyes, because I knew it to be true. Somewhere along the way things had changed. I knew in my heart that a lot of it had happened since being in New Orleans. I don’t know when I let go of all the hurt and anger. I just…had. I believe Max is a big part of the reason.

  A little over a week passed by and I was still in New Orleans. Anytime I said I needed to go home, Max would find some very creative ways to distract me. Not that I minded, but I knew he was neglecting some of his duties. He scoffed at that notion when I mentioned it to him, but I knew there was some truth to those words. You don’t become as successful as Max Roberts is by staying away from the office all the time. I guess you could say I was proving to be as much of a distraction for him as he was for me.

  Unfortunately, reality always has a way of butting in. I knew that this wasn’t real.

  That doesn’t mean a part of me didn’t want it to be. If I wasn’t so fucked up maybe I would be more willing to see the possibilities with Max. Instead of running to him, I knew I needed to run in the opposite direction. My gut was trying to tell me one thing while my mind was screaming at me to do the other.

  I received an email from Gwen asking me if I had decided to stay in New Orleans indefinitely. I know she is just as curious as my friends about my stay with Max. She received my article for the magazine, so I had time to think about what I needed to do next.

  That was the wake-up call I needed! I couldn’t put everything I’d worked so hard for in jeopardy for someone I just met.

  Here comes the hard part. I knew I needed to say good bye to Max.


  I finished the latte I was drinking at what had become my favorite coffee shop. My thoughts were all over the place. I knew I needed to leave New Orleans and go back to Fairhope as soon as possible. Inside I was at war. There was a part of me, and that part scared the shit out of me, that wanted to stay.

  I was hoping the walk to the hotel would give me some clarity. Of course, it didn’t. I was more confused than ever.

  I walked into the hotel and rubbed my hands on my pants. My nerves were getting the better of me. I needed to calm the fuck down!

  I walked to Max’s office and was greeted by his assistant, Jeanette. She’s a sweet middle aged woman with the warmest smile I have ever seen. She kept her dark brown hair cut in a pixie, and I have yet to see her in anything other than a pantsuit.

  “Hello, Miss Stevens.”

  “Hi, Jeanette. Is Max in a meeting or anything?”

  She shook her head. “I’ll let him know you’re here.”

  I waited patiently as she called Max. I looked at the door leading to his office, and was a little surprised to see him open it so quickly.

  A sexy grin spread across his face as he looked at me.

  “I’m surprised to see you here so early.” He walked over to and pressed his hand to my lower back and guided me into his office.

  For a man with a luxury hotel, he had his office decorated very simply. Besides the huge desk announcing he was king of the hotel, there were two chairs, a sofa, small table, and a painting of downtown New Orleans on the wall.

  Memories resurfaced about the last time I was here. Max had me bent over his desk, and I knocked off most of his paperwork.

  I met his eyes and knew he was thinking about it, too.

  He motioned for me to sit on the sofa.

  “Would you like something to drink?” He sat down beside me.

  I shook my head. I knew he would send Jeanette to get me anything I wanted. If I did that, it would be stalling what I knew I had to do.

  “I c
an tell something is on your mind.” He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

  I looked down to try to gather my thoughts. Looking at the intensity of his gaze rattled me, and made it difficult to think clearly.

  Finally, I nodded.

  I risked looking back up at him.

  Big mistake.

  I had his complete attention and he looked prepared for the worst.

  Damn it! He isn’t going to make this easy for me.

  I wiped my hands on my pants again. He watched my every move without saying a word.

  “I received an email from my editor today and it reminded me of my obligations in Fairhope. I’ve been gone longer than I planned, and I need to get back.”

  I watched him swallow. “When?”


  Max took a deep breath and stood up.

  He walked to the window behind his desk and looked out over the street below. He stuck his hands in his pocket and looked at the ceiling before turning to face me again.

  He looked furious.

  “So, you’re just going to leave and that’s it?”

  What the hell did he expect me to say? I was so torn and he was making this decision that much more difficult.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say, Max. We knew I had to go back soon. I couldn’t stay here forever.”

  His nostrils flared. Max walked across the room to the sofa where I was sitting.

  “I am not going to let you run away just because we’re getting close. I know you feel the connection between us just as I do, damn it! Don’t pretend otherwise.”

  I stood up and we were face to face. Well, more like face to chest. (I’m super short compared to him) Not that it matters at this moment.

  “I’m not pretending anything, Max.” I paused to collect my thoughts and I knew he deserved to know the truth. “This is going way too fast for me.”

  Max invaded my space. “Tell me you don’t have any feelings for me and I’ll let you walk out that door. You’ll be lying to yourself if you do.”

  I just looked at him. I didn’t know what to say. I haven’t allowed myself to think about my feelings for him.


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