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Page 19

by Aubrey Ross

  Ignoring the knowing sparkle in Palmer’s gaze, Ashton asked, “How long will it take you to retrieve the transportation device and install it on my mother’s schooner?”

  Corry quickly explained what they had planned, bringing Korbin up to date without elaboration. “Can you have it ready by tomorrow morning?” she asked.

  “Installation will only take an hour or so. Retrieving the device before morning could be a problem.”

  “Why? Where is it?”

  Though Ashton’s tone was casual, Korbin hesitated to explain. “In a storage compartment.”

  “Why are you being so evasive?”

  Korbin glared at Ashton. “Why are you being so helpful? How do I know you’re not after the device? The executive council would do anything to get their hands on it. Am I really supposed to believe you’ve turned rebel overnight?” He shot a suspicious glance at Elaine to reinforce his point.

  Corry moved to his side. “We don’t have time for this. I trust them and that’s going to have to be good enough. What do you need to retrieve the device? I…have a good idea where you hid it.”

  His gaze narrowed. How could she possibly know, unless she knew about…

  “Is it in one of the training rooms?”

  Shit! She knew. He swallowed hard and glanced away. How had she learned? It didn’t matter. They had work to do.

  “Yes, it’s in one of the training rooms. I have to have a plausible reason for retrieving it, but they can’t realize who I am. I can com Petra and make sure the room is available, but I can’t draw attention with my actions. I need a trainee.”

  “I’ll go.”

  Danette’s offer slammed into him like a fist. He still hadn’t looked directly at her.

  “Ms. Tiptonn,” Corry began awkwardly, “I don’t think you understand where—”

  “I understand. Korbin knows why I’m the perfect choice.”

  “You guys lost me half a conversation ago.” Palmer stood. “Are we on or not?”

  “If we can’t pull it off, I’ll contact you.” Ashton stood as well. “If you don’t hear from me, be at my apartment at seven tomorrow morning.”

  Palmer and Elaine left.

  “What do you need from us?” Corry glanced from Korbin to Danette and back again.

  “Whose apartment is this and where is the schooner?”

  “A friend of my mother’s owns the building,” Ashton told him. “The apartment is vacant and there is no surveillance inside the complex. As soon as you have the device, I’ll meet you with the schooner.”

  “We need clothing appropriate to our destination.”

  “I’ll take care of it.” Corry departed with Ashton, leaving Korbin alone with Danette.

  She flew into his arms, her lips parted and waiting. Korbin kissed her and tasted her. With a frustrated sigh, he set her away from him. “I don’t want to take you there. I’ll have to be just a faceless Dom with no authority. I can’t be Pleasure Master Nine. Too many people know he’s NëvouS, and NëvouS is a criminal. If a pleasure master wants to look at you, touch you, I’ll have to let him. I couldn’t bear—”

  She pressed a kiss to his mouth, smiling into his eyes. “I’ve been through it before. I know what’s allowed and what’s forbidden.”

  She was willing and there was no other way to retrieve the device. Still, his heart was torn. “Let’s set parameters now. If they expect a show of obedience, would you rather touch or be touched?”

  “Be touched.”

  “It will be far less suspicious if we actually use the training room. The device is with my—travel kit. Do you realize…”

  “I know the sessions are supervised. It doesn’t bother me. You can command me. I’ll obey, even if others are watching.”

  “You can’t be too obedient. The private training rooms are only used for new trainees.”

  “I know. I was trained at the Pleasure Palace by—”

  He silenced her with a lingering kiss.

  Corry arrived a few minutes later, carrying a large parcel. “I think everything you’ll need is in here.” She handed him the bag. “There’s an automated shuttle in slot 290. It will activate on your voice command. Com us when you’ve got the device.”

  * * * * *

  The Pleasure Palace. Danette had never thought to enter its halls again. Concealed completely beneath a hooded cloak, she followed in Korbin’s wake. He held the chain attached to her slave collar as they moved through one of three common rooms.

  Couples sprawled everywhere in various stages of undress. The uninhibited atmosphere sent excitement skittering along her nerve endings. Her nipples tightened against the fabric of her cloak and heat erupted in her core.

  She’d been terrified when Paul first brought her here, but by the end of her training, she hadn’t wanted to leave.

  “Hold there!” The deep voice of one of the Pleasure Masters brought Korbin to a halt.

  “Yes, Sir?” Korbin sounded far less assertive than his usual tone.

  “Slaves are to be uncovered in the common rooms.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. She’s just beginning her training. I reserved one of the private rooms.”

  “Even so, I would see her. Display your slave.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Korbin, whose face was concealed by a three-quarters mask, turned to Danette. “Give me your cloak.”

  Danette’s hand trembled as she unfastened the garment. She had worked her thick hair into a simple braid and wore a mask similar to Korbin’s. His was black, hers red. Swinging the cloak off her shoulders, she handed it to Korbin, careful to keep her gaze lowered. Supple red boots climbed to mid-thigh, held in place by the crisscrossing laces that ran up one side. A tiny triangle of red material covered her mound, leaving her ass cheeks bare. A boned corset thrust her naked breasts up and together, completing the display.

  “She’s fabulous!” The Pleasure Master circled her and Danette tried not to fidget. He wasn’t allowed to fuck her unless her Master gave him permission. She tried to find comfort in that fact, despite her pounding heart. “How far has her training progressed? Does she understand the Offering?”

  “Her training has barely begun, Sir, and I am eager to proceed.”

  “Where are you headed?”

  There was only one reason he’d ask. He intended to watch the training session. Danette swallowed around the lump in her throat. As long as Korbin was the only one to take her, she didn’t care who watched.

  “Training room seven, Sir. May we go now?”

  “I would sample her first.”

  “Of course, Sir.” Korbin moved behind her and drew her arms to the small of her back.

  Danette remembered to struggle. Most new trainees would resist. The Pleasure Master stroked her breasts, rolled her nipples until they stood proud and ready for his mouth. He bent and sucked on one while he plucked at the other. Danette clenched her jaw against the sensations his practiced skill evoked. She didn’t want to feel pleasure at this man’s hands.

  “When a Pleasure Master lavishes you with attention, sweet slave, you show your appreciation with your cries and moans.” Korbin’s voice sounded harsh and disapproving.

  He cupped her breast, offering it to the Pleasure Master. Danette gasped and twisted, moaning loudly as the Pleasure Master worked her nipple.

  “Much better.”

  The Pleasure Master dragged her panties down to her knees and pushed his middle finger into her cleft. “She’s not very wet. You will have to work on her responsiveness. Build her desire for at least an hour before you let her come.”

  “I understand, Sir.”

  “Part her for me. I would taste her clit.”

  Korbin’s hands moved immediately to her sex, parted her folds for the Pleasure Master. She turned her head and closed her eyes, making soft keening sounds. She loved having her pussy licked, but she didn’t want to surrender to this stranger. Her pleasure was reserved for her true Master. Only for Korbin would she come.

  The Plea
sure Master flicked her ruthlessly, his touch skillful and persistent. He’d told Korbin not to let her come. She gasped and arched into his mouth as if an orgasm were nearly upon her. As she’d hoped, he pulled back with a laugh.

  “See. It’s working already. Deprive her until she’s mad for it.”

  Danette reached for her thong, meaning to cover her naked mound. Korbin stopped her. “No. Take them off and give them to me. You’ve lost the privilege of modesty until you learn to respond without hesitation.”

  Pushing the scrap of material past her knees, she stepped out of her panties and handed them to Korbin.

  “Now apologize to the Pleasure Master and let’s be on our way.”

  “I’m sorry for displeasing you, Pleasure Master.”

  “You’re off to a good start, slave. You just have much to learn.”

  “Thank you, Pleasure Master,” Korbin muttered.

  “When you’ve progressed a bit further, I’ll expect a full Offering.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Korbin inclined his head and tugged gently on her chain. He led her across the common room and through a wide archway.

  “He’ll go to the control booth and watch us,” Danette whispered, head bowed.

  “I know.”

  After a pause, she whispered, “I missed you,” not daring to glance his way.

  “I missed you too.”

  Tenderness washed over her at his unexpected response. Was it possible he felt something for her? Their interaction had been unconventional to say the least.

  “I’ve thought of nothing but you since I was dragged back to Halley Prime.”

  He whispered so softly, she might have imagined the words. Her breath escaped in a ragged sigh. She needed to touch him!

  “How long do we have? Do we dare?”

  “We’ve got all night, sweet slave, and I suspect you’re going to be very difficult and force me to do all sorts of nasty things to your luscious body.”

  “Yes, Master!”

  Korbin opened the training room door with the code Petra had given him. Lights blinked on as they stepped through the threshold and he waited for the privacy panel to close behind them. His gaze moved immediately to the walk-in locker, which contained the private storage bins.

  “Get on the table. I’ll return in a moment.” He turned her toward the high-padded table and ducked inside the adjoining room. He scanned open the compartment and heaved an audible sigh. This device might well have cost his father his life. But Korbin couldn’t think about the past tonight. He had to focus on the future.

  The “travel kit” was large and heavy enough to require a hover-case. He removed the remote from its holder and activated the unit. It hummed and levitated. He guided it out of the storage compartment.

  Danette sat on the edge of the table, her long legs nearly reaching the floor. The bustier supported her breasts without covering them. Gods, she looked delectable. His cock lurched in eager anticipation and warmth spread through his chest. How could he want to fuck her senseless one minute and cuddle her gently the next? She made him irrational!

  Her eyes widened with clever curiosity. “What’s in the case?”

  “I’m going to take this home with us when we’ve finished, so we can continue your training there. I find myself impatient for you to develop specific skills. The Palace has certain amenities I can’t duplicate at home, but I’ll supplement your lessons in between.”

  “Whatever pleases you.”

  “Lie on your back and extend your arms and legs.” The X-shaped table had been designed with this in mind. Wide padded cuffs secured her wrists and ankles, and a control panel allowed him to adjust her position any way he liked. He spread her legs and bent her knees.

  “When is it permissible for a slave to come?” he asked in an autocratic tone.

  “When her Master gives her leave.”

  “Very good.” He turned her face toward his, looking deeply into her eyes. “I do not give you permission. You will not come until I tell you to.”

  “I understand.”

  He flicked her nipple hard and she gasped. “Yes, Master. The proper response is ‘Yes, Master.’”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Korbin opened a side compartment on his travel kit and retrieved two small metal rings. Many slaves pierced their nipples, making the rings permanent. It warmed his heart to know she hadn’t loved Paul enough to alter her body.

  Suckling her nipples, he worked them into tight peaks. He slipped each ring into place and suckled again, making each progressively smaller until she moaned. Danette had the most beautiful breasts Korbin had ever seen—high, round, the nipples responsive and vivid red.

  “How does that feel?” He breathed across her turgid peak.

  “I ache.” She wiggled restlessly. “It’s almost as if I can still feel your mouth on me.”

  He brushed his fingertips across her belly, watching the taut flesh jump and quiver. Her skin was so sensitive. He loved touching her, would never tire of touching her, but Korbin knew too well what went on in the control booths. The Pleasure Masters watched, assessed, and determined what Offerings they would demand from the slaves. Pleasure Master Sixteen had his sights set on Danette.

  Watching the other man touch her had been almost more than Korbin could bear. They would have to make a hasty exit if they wanted to avoid him on the way out. Still, if they left the training room too quickly, he might question their sudden departure.

  Korbin had no option but to play his role, at least for a time. “The Pleasure Master is right. You must learn to respond immediately to my every touch. You love having your pussy licked, so we’ll try something different.” He retrieved a slender dildo from one of the compartments in his travel case and depressed the end until beads of lubricant appeared along the pink shaft. “You offered me your entire body without reservation when you agreed to be my slave. Tonight we’ll take another step toward that goal.”

  He stepped between her legs and pushed two fingers into her feminine core. She sighed and arched, then her eyes widened as he rubbed the toy against her anus. “I don’t want—” Her sentenced ended abruptly as he pushed the toy past her sphincter. Her horrified expression and ragged panting was perfectly convincing. “I don’t like that. Take it out!”

  “You’ll learn to like it or I’ll be forced to punish you. Would you rather come or be punished?”

  “I’d rather come.” Her whispery tone was just loud enough for the surveillance feed to register.

  “Because this is your first time, I’ll also use vibration.” He removed his fingers long enough to twist the base of the toy. When it hummed deep in her ass, he thrust his fingers back into her cunt. “Concentrate on the vibration and the slide.” He kept his fingers buried in her pussy while he slid the dildo in and out of her ass. She moaned and tossed her head. Her breasts quivered with each harsh breath. “Come for me now!”

  Slowly twisting the toy as he drew it out, he felt her inner muscles spasm with release. Her cry was real and the flush spreading across her delicate skin made him want to soothe her with kisses.

  “You did well, but I think you can do better.” Tossing the toy into the trash bin, he returned to his case. He seldom used this next device, as it caused more pain than pleasure, but it was their ticket out of here.

  Korbin moved back between her legs and bent toward her pussy. Her folds glistened with cream. Could the bastard see how wet she was? He licked her slit, savoring her salty-sweet taste. “Each time you fail to respond quickly enough I will clamp your clit. It causes no permanent damage, but I’m told it’s uncomfortable.”

  Holding her open with one hand, he carefully applied the clamp. He had three and this was the mildest. Her sudden scream startled him and he reached for the clamp. It shouldn’t have hurt her that badly. She twisted her hips away.

  “No, Master, I deserve it. I will try harder to please you. I will be ready for your touch, your kiss, your cock, whenever you desire me.”

e understood. He breathed a sigh of relief and unfastened her ankle cuffs. “You will wear the clamp and the rings until I take them off.”

  “Yes, Master.” She panted harshly. “Thank you.”

  He shot her a warning look. That last bit had been a little too much. He helped her down from the table and gathered their belongings. “We’ll continue this lesson at home.” Activating the case, he opened the door and led her into the corridor. “If we hurry, we can be out of here before he returns from the control booth.”

  “Well, this fucking clamp isn’t making it easy to walk,” she whispered in a sharp, agitated tone.

  “Ignore the pain, my love, and I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

  Chapter Nine

  Moments after the shuttle left the ground, Korbin swiveled Danette’s chair toward the aisle and knelt in front of her. He left her safety restraints in place and lifted her legs to his shoulders. Blood surged into her clit as he released the clamp. She cried out, clutching the armrests.

  His hands slipped beneath her bare behind and his thumbs parted her folds. He pressed a kiss to her abused clit, circling the swollen nub with tender strokes. She relaxed against the chair, grateful for the safety restraints, needing the confinement.

  On and on he soothed and caressed her. The sting faded, replaced by a delicious throb. “Yes, Master, just like that.” She hadn’t meant to speak the words, but they escaped and Korbin raised his head. Danette froze. “I’m sorry.” She knew better than to speak without permission. What was wrong with her? He’d have to punish her. Her pussy clenched and her clit gave off a little pulse of protest. As long as he didn’t clamp her again, she’d…

  Lowering her legs to the floor, he cupped her mound and stared into her eyes. “I can’t be your Master, Danette, not now. Perhaps not ever.”

  The world narrowed to his tormented expression and the pain searing her heart.

  “A Master must be able to protect and provide for his slave. That’s why I worked as a Pleasure Master. It allowed me access to a lifestyle I can’t afford.”

  Tears swam before her eyes. She longed for him, burned for his demanding possession. How could he deny her now? “I don’t want anyone else. I…need you.” Her voice trembled, rough and raw.


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