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A New Era

Page 9

by Chris Red

  "Yizrah! You regained consciousness since how long? - at the moment. But I think that the time has come to address as "tu", don't you think? - yes, yes. Of course, she answered with a little intimidated smile, but revealing certain enthusiasm. - don't you think that the moment also came to inform me certain explanations? - yes, but it is not me who is going to load you with it. I am going to present you to the rest of the band."

  After a moment of respite, she pursued: "without waiting longer moreover. Come, follow me."

  She took Yizrah by the hand, opened the door of this very dilapidated chamber, and guided him in a long corridor rather dark. Walls were not furnished with decorations. This tunnel resulted in several rooms in view of doors situated on sides.

  Room in which he had rested seemed to be the terminus of this corridor. Then, she made turn left, then to the right and finally, they took a stairs. She kept waiting with him behind the door, she half-opened, inspected on the other side, then waved for her to come. She opened in big the door, preceded him then moved away on the left to leave him with the view of everybody. Three men sat in a Round Table, in front of them. The one who turned the back on them seemed of rather strong appearance just like two others who were held in front of him. They seemed both of Latin origin in view of the suntanned tint of the skin and the very brownish character of their hair.

  " Leade, behind you ", says Carlos Temba to indicate to him of the newcomer within his small restaurant.

  Temba turned around, perceived Yizrah who was held motionless beside Salina. He moved back his chair and ran to meet him while calling out to his dear protégée:

  " Well Salina, you do not present us? " He says with a big smile.

  Salina moved forward and took place with her boss and addressed Yizrah:

  " Yizrah, to tell you everything, I am part of a small organization how to call it ... Rebel ...

  - Freedom fighter would be more suited, corrected Temba.

  - Yes, here is a pro-independence organization, rather secret for the moment. We hold our discretion, but we plan be known at the appropriate moment under the name of Phoenix.

  - Here is an attractive nickname. Regrettably, the phoenix would be a kind of eagle. This noble bird was often related to dictatorships such as the third Reich, the Empire of Napoléo, or Roman Empire. It was often a symbol of conquest, I hope that you will give it quite a different sense.

  - We want to destroy a dictatorship Yizrah, not to establish another one. We are not in agreement by the regime been imperative by the management board, and in particular by the governor. Their methods and their direction of the humanism leave something to be desired. I present you Temba, our boss, who will explain you all this better than me.

  -Thank you very much Salina. But before deepening all this, would you wish to drink something? You are our guest after all. "Yizrah was taken aback, but also intrigued. For the moment, he had to let go himself in the game of the discoveries and see where all this would lead him. Thus he answered soberly:" an orange juice will be perfect. " Temba smiles, surprised by Yizrah’s choice, A rather simple choice. When two people meet, he is inevitable to feel an impression, positive or negative. Which can besides show itself false afterward. The fact remains that Temba had felt a lot of respect for Yizrah from the first moments of their meeting." Salina, be adorable, go and fetch us glasses and decanter of orange juice, he ordered in a so soft way that it could not be perceived as an order. As for you Yizrah, come to sit with us. I present you two of our members, Carlos and Dario. Besides, our small organization is not all here, Jérémy and Ayame, our two other walk-ons that you will have very fast the leisure to meet left attending to their personal activities. "They greeted each other simply by the head then Yizrah sat down without showing any sign of hostility. But he decided to open the fire. He knew how to be passive when he did not have the choice, but he did not like being either totally a spectator." My dear Temba, I believe that we have to discuss a lot. Apparently, my coming among you was waited. It seems to me that you and your city receive numerous secrets. Which makes me wonder strongly about the attention which you carry to me.

  - I understand your confusion. You know, if this city is closed on itself, it is not the fruit of the chance. The governor is an intelligent man, but also opportunist. He knew how to benefit from the Apocalypse. But before continuing ... you remember your evening?

  Since its awakening, Yizrah had put aside the events of yesterday evening. Stambouli Arena, his nephew, levitation ... He looked down before answering:

  " Yes, it is not the kind of thing which we forget easily.

  - Good. It is necessary to know that if the city is isolated, it is so that the rest of the Humanity does not know about what brews behind this mountain range. Do you know what really means the term "Apocalypse" my dear?

  - Devastate? End of the world?

  - No, you seem to me cultivated well, but apparently this detail escapes means "Revelation". The planet and the life were not destroyed when all our previous system collapsed. They gave way to another lifestyle. The humanity was offered in a way a new chance. "

  Temba was interrupted by Salina who brought the drink. Yizrah did not miss to thank her while observing her surprising servitude, then indicated to Temba to continue.

  "We were offered a new chance. But gives it changed Yizrah. You are not aware conscious of it, as well as the great majority of the other survivors scattered on all the surface of the globe. But here, we know about this reality, in particular the governor. I would get into detail concerning him later. The humanity fell over to a new era Yizrah. You saw the levitation yesterday evening. it is a part of a range of powers which the Man ignored and which, from now on, opened to us. Telepathy, telekinesis, precognition. All this is in us, in you. It is the possibility of a better world. The shock was to be rough for you yesterday evening. "

  In spite of a skepticism which invaded its thoughts, Yizrah could not deny a concrete fact: the levitation. As well as the immense technological wealth from which seemed to benefit the inhabitants of Stambouli City.

  " Let us admit, Temba. But how did you know my arrival, how you only know about my simple existence? "

  Temba appointed Salina who stood behind him.

  " Our charming Salina will tell you.”

  Yizrah frowned. He observed Salina, in particular the face. He did not understand.

  Salina spoke:

  " Can I, Temba?

  - But on the contrary, please."

  Salina sat down:

  " Yizrah, you met my grandfather. It is by his intermediary that I know you. He spoke to me about you. We communicate by telepathy. "

  Natan’s uncle put the elbows on the table and moved closer to her face of that of his interlocutor and expressed himself on the most serious tone:

  "Aaron is your grandfather?

  - Yes, Yizrah. You came to see him, you looked for your nephew. He lead you towards us. It was not complicated to make the link between you and your nephew. Nobody ignores who is Eyal Turdan here. But Aaron also hoped that beside your quest, you would help us. "

  Yizrah collapsed on his seat and raised the eyes to heaven:

  " It does not explain how you recognized me Salina.

  - The telepathy allows not only exchanging a conversation. We can exchange images, visions, even memories. The memory being more intense there. When somebody makes you live an intimate memory by telepathy, you feel all that he lived, you perceive exactly what he saw, you hear as he heard at this very moment, you inhale the same air as he, you smell the odors, all the senses are in turmoil. He thus showed me what you look like. You do not imagine to what extent it is fascinating Yizrah! "

  Temba took the relay noticing that Salina ignited.

  "Thank you Salina. I know well that the method which we used can seem depraved or sneaky Yizrah, but to send you an invitation card was impossible. We seized an opportunity which would never represent itself maybe. Except Stambouli, people are folded up on th
emselves. Aaron tried to draw the attention towards us, nobody took it seriously.

  - Yes, I see about what you are talking about. But you forget a detail. My nephew, Natan. I have to find him now, he must know about Eyal.

  - But Yizrah, it was necessary out of the question to let Natan be languishing to Jalalah. "Yizrah turned to the red, he hardly appreciated knowledge that the slightest details of their life were known to them. But he took care of remaining calm and of calming the waves of anger which he would be dying to release. Salina, as red as a beetroot, expressed herself with such a delicacy, so that every word going out of her mouth caresses the eardrums of Yizrah in the same way as the shoe of a ballerina caresses the ground, went back on the word:

  " Yizrah, you should know two or three things concerning Natan.

  "The latter was not surprise anymore:

  " I listen to you.

  - My grandfather went to meet him in Jalalah. They made friends. He began with him what he had realized with me.

  - which means?

  - He showed him ... how to free his spirit, she confessed in a hesitating way. From now on, he leave. Natan trains alone.

  "Temba put the hand on Salina and invited her to stop seeing that the emotion got the upper hand.

  " Indeed, Yizrah, Aaron revealed a very high potential at your nephew. He said that he felt a lot of energy in him. A slight common energy to tell the truth. And moreover he had a pure heart.

  The protective side of the personality of the uncle got over it without even realizing.

  " You want to involve my nephew in your fight? A fight of which he ignores everything and that does not concern us.

  - Yes, we count on him. If what feels Aaron is just, and he never made a mistake until now concerning somebody, we have very good reasons for believing in him. But we plan by no means to involve him in a fight which

  Do not concern us, and whom he would necessarily have been involved by the only presence of his brother. "

  And even before Yizrah reacts, he, who had opened the mouth and had got ready to respond, he concludes:

  " Furthermore , it concerns all of us.Including you. It concerns the humanity."

  Yizrah was open-mouthed. He did not take the risk of reacting to that. It was necessary to control his feelings. He seemed to ignore the truth hidden from this New World.

  " Yizrah, I believe that the time has come for both to have a small discussion in private ... Allow me to show you the city and to give the low-down to you of certain actions.

  - Or. How may I know what the right thing to do if I ignore everything of the situation in which I am? "

  Temba agreed by presenting him with a grateful smile.

  "What a pity it would be to leave a man endowed with so much wisdom in the ignorance!

  - I will do what I can, answered casually Yizrah the compliment sent by his host. "

  Both men got up on the initiative of Temba, they greeted Salina as well as Carlos and Dario, who had remained very silent up to there.

  Temba and Yizrah began a long walk. The leader of the freedom fighters showed first of all their district, the western district. It was the easiest district, by far. Buildings were magnificence such as so much beauty would almost blind you. Putting their eyes somewhere else would raise no interest, so tempted as being interested only in the aspect of things. For a superficial spirit, the western district, it was the dream of every man. The majority of the local residents were former boarders of North America, Western Europe, Australia and certain Asian countries, Having said that, the common point between them stayed the money. The currency had not disappeared on all the surface of the planet. The governor had created his own currency. Moreover, his face decorated the tickets and the pieces. It was there the reflection of its big humility. Having said that, means of payment in cash were little

  Usual, we favored the electronic payments. Indeed, every official inhabitant of Stambouli City possessed one ID, worth knowing an identifier which was passed on to him through a tattoo, often situated on a shoulder. What offended a little more Yizrah, it was to learn that thanks to this ID, the management board knew everything of each of the inhabitants. According to your acts, your income, your contribution to the company of Stambouli, you had access to certain privileges. To go to attend a match of flyball was of the utopia for certain members of the afro-Latin district. In this district, the population was essentially of South American and African origin, but also lived there the most deprived men, no matter their origins. Nevertheless, as Yizrah could notice it, it was the most alive, the warmest, most colored district. But also the most dilapidated and the most ruined. We were far from the coolness of the western district, in spite of its visual perfection. Between these two extremes were the oriental district and the Scandinavian district. For what was from the East, we attended a learned mixture of several Asian cultures. The Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Indian influences dominated. It was clearly the most cosmopolitan sector and the mestizo of all. What had the gift to amaze Yizrah regarding time, in spite of the qualities of these civilizations, the communitarianism was certainly their most regrettable defect. This district was the one which got closer most to the afro-Latin district. To finish, the Scandinavian district looked like the western district a lot, only his population differed. Each lived the life in the biggest indifference of his next one. For the most part, it was Scandinavians or the former inhabitants of the countries of Eastern Europe. Regrettably, among all these districts, the representatives of the oceanic cultures were little present, the major part of islands populating Pacific Ocean were gobbled up during the Apocalypse. The survivors counted on the fingers of one hand. In what concerned the arrangement of districts within the city, it was very simple. The western district was situated in the northwest sector, the Scandinavian in the northeast sector, the oriental in the southwest and the afro-Latin in the southeast. Seen by the sky, it looked like a camembert cheese divided into four. With the district

  Governmental right in the heart of this cheese. The various living districts surrounded the heart of the city. It was about buildings closely connected to the management board. It was there that the governor lived, that the militia was accommodated and trained, that the players of flyball lived, that the laws and the major decisions for the "well-being" of everybody were taken. The enumeration of all its activities would be too long and boring to be worth. To penetrate inside this perimeter was not given to the first coming fellow. The controls of being multiple ID, the attempts of intrusion were not legion. Seen from the outside, it looked like a fortress. It was what indicated moreover Yizrah to Temba while they observed since the western district where they had returned the immense buildings of the Governmental Residential area, its official name:

  It really looks like a fortress Temba.

  - As you say Yizrah, who got used to addressing as "tu" with Yizrah during their small tour in town.

  - It is thus there that my nephew lives. It is Natan who is going to be delighted. Now that we know where he is, a beautiful obstacle blocks us the road.

  - We shall help you.

  - The problem, it is because you will make it by interest, answered Yizrah by staring at his interlocutor.

  - Difficult to claim the opposite, Eyal could be a precious help, he could maybe allow us to make the management board fall .But Yizrah, we cannot be sure of his collaboration. Do not forget that he is a member of close relations to the governor. And then, we also hope that you and Natan adhere totally to our action when you will have seized the scale of the threat which this governor represents.

  - Then, let us stop the tourist visit. Speak to me about your action.and to begin, inform me a little more about this famous governor.

  - Lazarus Stambouli. Native of Italy formerly, I think, nobody really knows. What is certain, it is that he is western. He led a group of rebellion in the Balkans

  At the time of the Apocalypse, but we know few things on his past.

  - It is not its past which in
terests me to tell the truth.

  - What we know, it is that after the Apocalypse, he and his men took refuge inside this mountain range, shaped certainly following numerous movements of ground plates.First of all , they led rescue operations and established a camp, here shielded from storms reigning near mountains. His first intentions were positive as it would seem. He easily convinced and attracted the crowds, he distinguished himself by using rather unusual powers, those that you had the opportunity to admire in Stambouli Arena. For sure, it is master of the levitation. Each has the potential to levitate, to use the telepathy or still to practice the telekinesis, but we have all a key point, it is the levitation. He seems to be the man mastering in the perfection this art. People followed him without batting an eyelid. Certainly, they realized that he was not anymore the only one capable of these things, but he and his group of rebels had got the upper hand, they quickly imposed their imprint. Among this group were appointed four members establishing the management board, the Governmental Residential area was quickly built afterward. I am going to cross you details of the old story. A good summary of the history of the creation of Stambouli is posted in the entrance of Stambouli Arena. The city thus evolved, prospered, the new helping powers, to build was a new art. We were able to create materials, to build buildings and to reach ways which were formerly inaccessible for us. All that you were able to see here has a rational and scientific explanation.

  - Who is?

  - Do you Think that it is really important?

  - I want to understand.

  - You will know Yizrah, and you will understand. The fact remains that the city prospered more than of reason under the aegis of Lazarus Stambouli, and more this one developed, more it closed in its private surrounding wall.And the disparities began to appear. The hierarchical organization, the materialism, the currency ,numerous troubles which made suffer formerly the Humanity are


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