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12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four

Page 11

by Piper Stone

  “Where’s your bedroom?” he asked her.

  She pointed. “Through that door.”

  He carried her through to the bedroom. She breathed in the scent of freshly washed sheets as he lowered her onto the bed. He slipped his hand between her legs and massaged her clitoris through her already wet panties. Fel moaned and raised her buttocks, as she grew more soaked. Finally, Nick pulled off her panties.

  “You’ve just had one kind of licking from me,” he said. “Now you get to experience another kind.”

  He shoved his head between her legs. The long, slow, gentle strokes of his tongue made her squirm with pleasure.

  “So which kind of licking do you prefer?” he asked when he came up for air and to pull down his shorts and jocks.

  Fel grinned. “Both,” she said and was rewarded by him lifting her legs and delivering a sharp slap to her bottom.

  “It’s very clear to me,” he said, pulling her on top of him, “that it’s not just the weather that’s going to be hot this Christmas season.”


  On the evening of Australia Day, 26 January, Fel and Nick sat at the far end of the dunes at Tarwin Bay, watching the sunset. The tide was starting to crash in and a refreshing breeze cooled the bush down after yet another scorching summer day. The sandcastles that dotted the beach displayed little Australian flags tonight, rather than the shiny festive baubles of five weeks ago. Fel and Nick had the dunes to themselves and only a handful of holidaymakers wandered along the beach. Most people were at the campgrounds, tucking into their evening meal.

  This was the final weekend of the holiday season. On Monday the children would be back at school, and nearly all the tourists back at their jobs. Nick would be gone as well, along with Kane, and the surf lifesavers and volunteer rangers who helped run the national park over summer. Nick would be back at Tarren police station, working his way through a lengthy list of farm visits.

  “We’ll see plenty of each other,” he assured Fel now, hugging her close. “We’ll organise to have the same days off so we can spend all our free time together.”

  “Yeah, but I’ll miss seeing you every day.”

  “You tried to avoid me at first,” he reminded her.

  “Ah well, that was before…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Before I reminded you what awesome spankos we are together?”

  Fel chuckled. “Yes.”

  It had been a great summer. There had been a handful of alcohol-related flare-ups on New Year’s Eve and some illegal fishers had been caught in one of the more secluded coves. Other than that, the Christmas season had been mostly trouble-free. And despite the heat, the weather had been kind – no wildfire-fuelling winds. In fact the only fires in the park this summer had been the ones that lit up Fel’s bottom on a daily basis. They might be painful at the time, but Fel couldn’t get enough of them. She loved going about her daily work with Nick’s handprints still tingling on her backside.

  And he gave great tongue as well.

  “By missing me, you mean you’ll miss the spankings,” Nick said. “Don’t worry, I’ll make up for lost time every time we meet. And we’ve still got three more nights.”

  She wriggled appreciatively.

  “And that maid’s outfit should turn up soon, now that the post’s getting back to normal,” he reminded her. They had ordered the outfit online a few nights ago. “I’m looking forward to a good game of furious lord and slack chambermaid.” His arm slid down her back and he patted her bottom. “We’ll use that nice antique hairbrush for that one, I think.” They’d found a silver hairbrush at the antique store in Darby Creek when they’d had an afternoon off together just after New Year’s.

  “We could always play it tonight without the dress-up,” she suggested.

  “Now, there’s a hint.” Nick hauled Fel to her feet. “Your place?”

  “Where else?” She grinned. “I take it Kane and Charlotte are occupying your hut?”

  “They are indeed.” Kane had hooked up with a volunteer ranger on New Year’s Eve. “I don’t envy him, making love on those uncomfortable beds. I’m definitely glad my ranger has her own house, and I don’t have to go back to that dismal hut for sex.” Nick and Fel jumped down from the dunes and began to walk hand-in-hand along the beach.

  “Sex with you would be amazing wherever we were,” Fel told him.

  He swatted her bottom. “Flatterer.”

  Fel and Nick, and Kane and Charlotte hadn’t been the only relationships forged over the holidays. Jodi had gotten together with a hipster tourist, and planned to visit him in Melbourne on her next weekend off. “It’s been an amazing summer,” Fel said.

  “Yes, things have even worked out well for Doug Weaver,” Nick mused. As predicted, Weaver had been given a suspended sentence. Even better, his daughter had persuaded him to sell the farm and move up to the Gold Coast. The farm was going to auction next month. Fel and Nick were sure he’d get a good price for it now that the drought was long over and land at a premium. Fel and the other car owners had been reunited with their stolen vehicles. All they could do was sell what remained of them for scrap, but Fel was happy to have a little extra money.

  The youths had also been caught, thanks to Fel’s descriptions of them and her photo of the van’s numberplate. Police had arrested them before they had a chance to use Weaver’s guns in a home invasion.

  “I was thinking,” Nick said. “There’s another game we might like to play together. A variation on the same theme – furious husband and recalcitrant wife. You up for it?”

  Fel laughed. “I’m up for anything spanking-related. You know that.”

  “No, I mean it.” He stopped walking, took her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. “Will you marry me, Fel? I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  She leaned forward, pressed her mouth on his and kissed him hard, hungrily.

  “You didn’t answer,” he said when she finally let him go.

  “Oh.” She grinned. “I thought I just did. Yes, of course I’ll marry you.” She paused then added with a wink, “Sir.”

  The End

  Other Titles by Bethany Leigh

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Bethany Leigh and Blushing Books!

  Are You Sitting Comfortably?

  A Cure for All Ills

  At Dead of Night




  At Dead of Night

  Bethany Leigh

  Bethany Leigh wrote her first spanking romance short story in 2013, and sold it to an online magazine. Encouraged by that, she wrote several more short stories, which now appear in two collections published by Blushing Books and titled A Cure for All Ills and Are You Sitting Comfortably? Bethany has also published two novels with Blushing Books – the murder-mystery At Dead of Night, featuring a PI in a DD relationship, and Freedom and its prequel Betrothed, set in an alternate Edwardian universe. She also contributed a short story to the Blushing Books 2016 12 Naughty Days of Christmas anthology.

  Bethany lives in Australia, where she divides her time between the keyboard and the beach.

  I’ll Be Home for Christmas

  12 Naughty Days of Christmas 2017

  Brandy Golden

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Brandy Golden

  All rights reserved.

  No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Published by Blushing Books®,

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  ABCD Graphics and Design

  977 Seminole Trail #233

  Charlottesville, VA 22901

  The trademark Blushing Books®

  is registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office.

  Brandy Golden

  I’ll Be Home for Christmas

; Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


  Three years earlier

  “Don’t do it, Madison,” Drake warned. “Tom is not the man for you.”

  “And you are?” Madison scoffed eloquently, her brown eyes blazing.

  “You know I am, you just don’t want to admit it. You belong to me, not that fool Tom!”

  Drake was angry, very angry and Madison’s heart raced. She lifted her small chin in defiance. She would marry Thomas Johnson and nothing Drake Lanyard had to say was going to change that. “Ha! You’re right, it will be a cold day in hell before I admit that!”

  He leaned in close, his beautiful hazel eyes with the golden flecks pinning her in a relentless gaze. “You need a man who will tame that spirit of yours, just like any restless filly,” he murmured. “You need fences, a rich pasture to graze in, and to be ridden regularly to keep you sweet.”

  Madison flushed furiously. Drake was always saying outrageous things like that and while a part of her somewhere down deep loved it, the selfish part of her on the surface that wanted her own way resented it. Indignant, she reached out to slap him across the face. She would be damned if he would tell her what to do. But Drake grabbed her hand and bent it behind her back, leaning her backwards with his other hand in her hair.

  “You need to be put over my knee and have some sense paddled into that stubborn backside of yours,” he stated huskily, and then his mouth closed over hers, demanding – and getting – her response.

  There was no denying the attraction between them as Madison desperately tried to regain control of her senses. She wanted Drake, but she wanted her career more. She wanted to go to Nashville with Tom and have a singing career. Tom had promised her fame and stardom and she just knew they would make it big together. Drake would tie her down with his old fashioned ways and she was afraid of his spanking threats and dominant nature.

  When he finally lifted his head, she panted defiantly up at him, refusing to respond to that last outrageous statement. She wasn’t a horse to be tamed nor was she a woman to be tamed with the flat of his hand. Her insides shook at the thought of submitting to something so ignominious.

  Seeing her determined face, he snarled in frustration and stood her up. “Go then, damn you, but when you fail, don’t come crawling back to me!”

  He let her go so fast she almost fell, and she rubbed her lips angrily as she watched him stride away. Tears threatened to burst like a spring shower, but she held them back, sniffing and wiping away the strays with the back of her hand. She would go, damn him! And she would succeed too, just see if she didn’t.

  Chapter 1

  Madison’s melancholy mood only deepened as Bing Crosby crooned his famous melody, I’ll be home for Christmas through the car radio. The nasty weather she was driving through didn’t help any. The gloom of the clouds and the light misting rain against the windshield only dampened her spirits as the windshield wipers scraped monotonously back and forth across the glass.

  Images of home filtered through her mind’s eye as she headed her little buick toward her parents’ home in Bingham, Texas. She could see her mother making Christmas candies, a savory roasted turkey being carved by her dad, and brightly wrapped gifts under a twinkling Christmas tree. So many wispy images of years gone by.

  Yes, she’d finally be home for Christmas this year, but even as homesick as Madison was, she knew who else would be waiting in Bingham, Texas.

  Drake Lanyard.

  Nausea clawed at her stomach. Drake would be there to remind her of her dismal failures, to say ‘I told you,’ and to remind her of ruined dreams and aspirations.

  Drake hadn’t wanted her to marry Thomas Johnson, but she’d been determined to do so in spite of his protest and assurances that she was making a big mistake. He’d been right, though – and she’d been wrong. Drake must surely hate her for the way she’d treated him. He hadn’t even come to the wedding. She knew he’d never married because her mother had told her. Madison would have thought he’d have moved on already.

  Now here she was, divorced, with a thirteen month old daughter, returning to Bingham like a whipped cur with its tail between its legs. She hadn’t been back in three long years. It had been preferable to stay away rather than face the censure of her family and friends.

  And Drake.

  His warning not to come crawling back still resonated in her memories, but she was out of options.

  Madison had always loved to sing and she and Tom had been better than average together. She’d married Tom because he was going to Nashville and in her youth and naivety, she had believed everything he’d told her. He’d promised she would be his singing partner and they would both be stars.They would hit it big together.

  But Tom was the one who had hit it big and he’d used her to do it. Good looking Tom, with the golden voice and the charm that oozed from every pore, had left her behind. He’d spent his time chasing the circuit, while she’d spent her time working to support them both. She’d been three months pregnant when another girl had caught Tom’s wandering eye and offered him an opportunity to sing with her as a show opener for the Grand Ole Opry. Madison hadn’t been part of the deal. Then, a few months before Christa was born Tom had asked for a divorce. He hadn’t even wanted visiting rights.

  Heartbroken, Madison had stayed away from her family and friends, choosing to pretend that everything was still good for a long time. Her pride had taken a terrible beating and admitting to her parents that she’d failed had been very difficult to do.

  Growing up during that painful time had forced her to realize that Tom had never loved her. It was only her voice he’d been interested in. It had been easier to fall for his charm and easy promises because she’d been shallow and spoiled and afraid of Drake’s dominant tendencies. She’d had been afraid he would spoil her dreams.

  Her thoughts drifted to the handsome cowboy from her past, the one who had, in fact, inspired most of her songs. Drake Lanyard had fascinated and repelled her at the same time. That last scene together hadn’t been the first time he’d told her that she needed a spanking. She’d every reason to believe he’d meant what he’d said and it had scared her. And like the immature coward she was, she’d run away from the possibility of real love.

  Madison sighed and her gut twisted with remorse and regret. How could she ever face Drake? She didn’t want to face him, but she finally had no choices left. It had been a long two years trying to support herself alone after she refused to go home with her parents at Christa’s birth. She was barely making ends meet living off broken dreams and welfare, so here she was in her old blue buick, making her way home. She just couldn’t do it alone anymore and her daughter deserved a better life.

  Madison had asked her mother not to tell anyone that she was divorced, but things have a way of getting around in a small town. Mostly, she just didn’t want Drake to know. She didn’t want to face his ‘I told you so,’ even though she deserved it. She had enough pride left that she didn’t want him to think that she was running back to him.

  She wasn’t running back to Drake.

  The best she could hope for is that he might forgive her.

  As she pulled off the freeway exit to Bingham, she realized the old McDonald’s had been repainted, but everything else looked the same. She drove slowly past her dad’s mercantile in the middle of town, seeing the closed sign on the window and the twinkling lights inside the window Christmas display. That snowman had been Dad’s main decoration for years and she remembered helping him put it up many times. It was Sunday today and he would be home waiting for her to arrive. Madison had never known him to work on a Sunday and he never opened the store to force anyone else to work either. Su
nday was the Lord’s day he’d always said. The street lamps were the same too, decorated as they were every year with a lighted lantern or a plastic oversized candy cane hanging from the bottom hook.

  As she pulled her old buick into the driveway and parked, she turned the key off to just sit and stare at the house. She tried to stop the tears that engulfed her at the sight of her childhood home decorated for Christmas, but it was losing battle. “Things haven’t changed here in Bingham,” she whispered nostalgically to the sleeping baby in the back. “It’s me that’s changed.”

  After a few moments, she took a deep breath and finally got out of the car and went around to get Christa. It was time to start over. Time to let her parents help to make a new life for her and her baby.

  Drake unconsciously chose once again to take the road that led past Madison’s home, and then cursed himself for being a fool. It seemed as if the damned truck had a mind all its own and knew where it wanted to go. Frustrated, he slammed his fist against the steering wheel as if to punish it and then growled at his own foolishness. The truck didn’t choose the route; he did, out of sheer habit.

  Madison Delaney had been gone for three years now and it still seemed like yesterday. She’d actually married that fool Tom, although he’d never believed she would go through with it. They had left for Nashville right after the wedding, according to her mother.

  Not that he’d wanted to say goodbye or anything. If he’d gone, he would just have smashed Tom’s face in.

  Jealousy burned inside him as he thought of Madison with Tom. How could she have done it to him? To both of them?


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