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12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four

Page 17

by Piper Stone

  “The wedding is your responsibility, Barbara. You and your mother will finish the decorations. I also have plans for the evening.” He got to his feet, picked up the check for their meal, then went to the counter to pay the bill. He and Kat walked out of the restaurant together. “Honey, I am serious now. Did you really meet someone today? If so, I want an introduction to this man. As your father, your safety is of paramount concern to me.”

  “I did meet someone today, Daddy, but I think the whole encounter was a dare for him. We did talk, mostly of Barbara and her wedding. He sneaked up behind me when I was skating, and he kept me turned so that I couldn’t see him. I do know that he is very tall. He said he wanted a bride from St. Nick for his Christmas present, but after we talked, he gave me a spin, and he disappeared so quickly, I never did get a good look at him. I liked him a lot; however, I don’t have plans to meet him. I simply don’t feel like making Barbara’s decorations, so I fibbed,” she admitted.

  “I fibbed too. I’m going to the lodge and play some chess or checkers, or cards; whatever I can talk someone into doing.”

  “That’s good, Daddy. I am going to visit Elizabeth. I want to see how marriage agrees with her.”

  “That sounds better to me than you seeing a stranger.” He leaned down to kiss her, and they went their separate ways.

  Chapter 2

  It was just like before. One moment she was walking toward her friend’s house, enjoying the smell of the holiday season, when she was gently enveloped by strong arms holding her from behind. “Hello, beautiful lady. May I walk with you?” the same man asked in his deep voice.

  “It would seem that you already are. Please, tell me your name?” she asked. “My father was not too pleased when I couldn’t supply him with the name of the man who swept me off my feet.”

  “So, I’ve swept you off your feet already? You didn’t find our first meeting distasteful?”

  “Not at all. I found you interesting and intriguing. But why all the questions about my sister and her Christmas wedding?”

  “I wanted to know if you were smart, and I learned that you are very smart.”

  “Thank you. Your name?” she asked again.


  “Seth. I like that name for you. You are a big man; you have a deep voice; that name is solid and firm, which fits your big personality.”

  “I like the name Kat too. It is a sweet name for a pretty redhead.”

  “You are full of compliments.”

  “I want a bride for Christmas. I am trying to sweep you off your feet without frightening you. Is it working?”

  “It would work better if you would face me, Seth. My father will be upset if you don’t make his acquaintance very soon.”

  “I already know your father,” Seth admitted. “He is a good man; I respect him.”

  “Oh. I know you now, Seth. You work for Daddy.”

  He released her, then walked around to face her, a sheepish smile on his face. “Now that you know who I am, do you wish to walk away, or stay and give me hope? I’ve been praying you would notice me for the last year, but I had to wait until you were of a marriageable age to approach you. Your father would have sent me packing if I told him of my feelings when you were so young. Now that you are teaching school, I hoped that I could make my feelings known without upsetting you or your father.”

  “Seth, promise me you won’t tease me, or think I am lying to you. I notice you every time I come to the bank to see Daddy. You are always so polite to me. I have enjoyed each and every one of our conversations, but then I would feel guilty for my feelings. I thought you were already married.” Kat knew she was blushing profusely.

  “I never met anyone I wanted to marry until I saw you. I know it is too soon to ask, so are you willing to get to know me over the next couple of days?”

  “Yes, I would like that. I can tell Daddy that— What are you doing?” she asked as he swept her off her feet and started walking, carrying her as easily as he would carry a child.

  “You agreed to get to know me, right?”

  “Well, yes. But, where are we going?” she asked uneasily.

  “To my farm. We will spend time together, and when you are ready to marry me, we will get married, hopefully on Christmas Eve. I would like to give you the gift of marrying before Barbara. I have heard her comments that you would become an old maid. She feels that marrying before you is very important for some reason. She wants you to be jealous of her.”

  “I’m not jealous. She is four years older than I am; why is it so important to her to be first?”

  “She does not wish to be considered an old maid. She has a vicious tongue.”

  “She has always been jealous of me. It is nothing new.”

  “Perhaps not, but it will end. I will not permit her to speak ill of you all the time without some sort of retaliation.” He reached his buggy, and placed her on the seat.

  “You should take me home, Seth. Going out to your farm by myself could ruin my reputation, and my mother would be scandalized.”

  “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen, Kat. I am a man of my word, especially during this holy season. Please give us a chance. By the time Barbara gets married, we will already be married to each other, and radiant with happiness.”

  “It takes a long time to feel that way about someone. That is why couples court each other.” She didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She did like Seth, and she found it exciting to be around him. But, this was not the way to experience a courtship. “Please take me home.”

  “Not yet. You promised me two days to court you. I will hold you to your word.” He scooted her over as he climbed on the buggy, sat down, and then took the reins from the brake. He spoke to his horses, and they took off at a fast gait.

  Kat was enjoying the ride. It was exhilarating to experience the cold air on her face as they left town and traveled quite a distance to Seth’s farm. Kat had been past his farm a couple of times, but she didn’t know it was his. Now, she was impressed by how neat the buildings were. They were freshly painted, and his lawn was covered with glistening white snow, making a beautiful first impression. “This farm looks so pretty when you approach, Seth. Is the inside of the house as neat?” she asked. She would take a look inside, then ask Seth to drive her home so her parents wouldn’t worry over her.

  “I will be pleased to show you around the house. It is decorated to my taste, but when it becomes your home, you may change anything you wish. Come along. I will show you around.”

  “I would love to see the inside of your home, Seth, but afterwards, you must take me home. My parents will worry if I don’t come home.”

  “I have taken care of your parents. Do not ask to leave before Christmas Eve. You promised me two days, and I expect you to honor your word. If you ask to leave again, I will be forced to discipline you. I do not wish to do this, but I believe my word is my bond. I won’t harm you,” he added when he saw the wariness in her lovely green eyes. “You will have a stinging bottom, but that is all. My hand is firm enough to discipline you.”

  “I will not tolerate being manhandled. If you dare touch me in that manner, I will have you arrested. Do you hear me, Seth Peterson?” Katherine’s temper was roaring, and without considering the danger, she jumped out of the buggy, landing in an inelegant heap in the snow, knocking the breath from her body. Instead of jumping up and running as she intended, she laid there, trying to breathe.

  It gave Seth time to stop the spirited horses and run back to where she’d jumped. “Did you harm yourself, Kat?” he asked calmly, kneeling on the ground to examine her for broken bones.

  “Just—can’t—catch—my—breath,” she answered.

  His large hand rubbed her back until she was breathing normally. When he asked if she was feeling better, and she answered yes, he promptly pulled her to her knees, then across his bent knee, her bottom in a vulnerable position. She knew what he intended, and she tried to free herself, but his strong
arm was wrapped around her small waist, ensuring that she couldn’t move no matter how hard she tried.

  “You know better, Kat. For risking injury to yourself, you are getting a spanking. I will not permit this sort of tantrum.”

  Kat cried out angrily when his large hand smacked her backside. It didn’t really hurt, but it certainly bruised her dignity. Her parents did not believe in corporal punishment for children, and she had never been spanked.

  Seth firmly believed in spanking, however, and after ten solid spanks, he asked, “Do you regret your actions, little one?”

  Kat wasn’t stupid. She said, “Yes.”

  “I think you are still angry and haven’t even considered the fact that you could have been killed by pulling that ridiculous stunt. I think you couldn’t feel a thing through all the clothing you have on. I also think that we will go inside the house, and I will give you a proper spanking that you can’t brush off like you will the snow on your clothing.” He put her on her feet, then walked her the remaining short distance to the buggy. Once he had the horses settled in the barn, he led her to the house. He opened the front door and then picked her up to carry her across the threshold.

  Without putting her down, he carried her into the parlor. He took a seat on the sofa, then stood her between his legs. “Take off your coat, Kat.” When she just stared at him angrily, he said, “I also spank for defiance. You do not wish to experience two spankings together, sweet girl. Take off your coat.”

  Kat wanted to curse him, but she was a good distance from town, and she feared he meant every word he said. She also reminded herself that she had wanted a man who behaved as her idea of a man. Punishing her for nearly harming herself would fulfill a fantasy of hers. Kat obeyed Seth, taking off her heavy coat and placing it on a chair.

  “Very good. When a man is forced to discipline his woman, he doesn’t enjoy causing her pain, but a spanking is supposed to sting. It is a firm expression of his love. Show me that you understand by lying over my lap and the sofa.”

  “I can’t, Seth. I’ve never been spanked before. I am frightened.” It was the truth. “I am also very embarrassed.”

  “That is a part of the spanking. Most women are very modest. We are not married yet, little one, so I will not bare you. After we marry, I will only spank you on your bare bottom. Now come, give me your hand, and I will help you this first time.”

  Kat put her small hand in his, and he did help her get into place. Once again, her bottom was in an extremely vulnerable position.

  “I am going to turn up your skirts. You are wearing drawers?” he confirmed with Kat before he reached for her hems.

  “Yes,” she answered, extremely embarrassed.

  “Good girl,” he said. In the next instant, her dress and her petticoats were bunched up at her waist, and the only thing covering her backside were her drawers.

  She was pleased they were new, and very pretty. She had sewn them herself.

  “I probably shouldn’t comment, since we aren’t yet wed, but your drawers are very pretty, very feminine, but not daring. You are a modest lady, and I appreciate that, honey. Now we’ll get your spanking over with; you will have a little cry, and things will be right between us.”

  “How can you say that? I will be quite angry with you if you punish me in this manner. I certainly won’t marry a man who believes he can spank his wife when he pleases.”

  “That is called sulking, Kat, and the cure for that is another spanking. It means I didn’t spank long enough the first time. I won’t make that mistake, honey. Lie still, now, and accept your punishment as due. You know it was wrong of you to jump out of a moving buggy.” The first spank landed on the seat of her drawers while he was still talking, and she squealed at the shock. “That wasn’t hard, little one.”

  “How do you know? It’s not your behind getting spanked!” she angrily declared.

  He chuckled, and then spanked her in earnest. Kat was surprised that it hurt so much, and her legs kicked wildly, while her hands tried to sneak back to cover his target. It didn’t do any good. Her left arm was trapped by his body, and he held her right arm against her body. She couldn’t reach back, and her bottom was completely vulnerable. Seth continued to scold her while he spanked her cheeks, her upper legs, and the sit spots in between. She was positive her skin was on fire. Her drawers felt as though there were flames inside, and she was sure she was going to give in to the tears threatening to fall.

  One thing was certain, she never wanted another spanking as long as she lived. It hurt. It was embarrassing when she started crying, and she tried to hide her tears from him, but when she started sobbing, she was powerless to keep silent. It was very embarrassing. She felt betrayed by her body’s weakness.

  “Are you ready to say sorry, Kat?” he asked, giving her right sit spot a hard spank.

  She nodded her head.

  “You need to say the words, honey. This spanking doesn’t stop until you convince me that you are sorry.” He proved that with another hard spank to her left sit spot.

  “I’m sorry!” she declared.

  “Sorry for what, honey?” he asked, encouraging her to speak.

  “I’m sorry for jumping from the buggy. It was a foolish and stupid thing to do.”

  “Well, yes it was, but I want you to know that I don’t consider you stupid. You were in a snit, having a tantrum. Right?”

  “Yes. I am sorry. Will you please forgive me now?” Kat asked, feeling small.

  “You were forgiven before we started this lesson,” Seth assured her as he gently lifted her, then settled her on his lap so that he could offer her comfort and show her that she was forgiven.

  Kat needed to be held more than anything in the world. She was so embarrassed she didn’t know what to do. She hid her face in his shirt, and cried for a while.

  “Yes, a good cry is what you need.” He held her and smiled when he realized she was asleep.

  The last three years had been hell. He knew even then that she belonged to him, but she was just plain too young for marriage, not to mention that her father would have fired him on the spot if he knew that Seth was pining to spend time with his little girl. Seth had to keep his mind on other things while waiting for Kat to grow up. She’d graduated top in her class at school at the age of sixteen, and after an apprenticeship with an experienced teacher, she took over teaching the younger children all by herself.

  People spoke highly of Kat; but that was not the case with Barbara. Barbara was selfish and spoiled rotten. She’d never even tried to get a job; she was content to let her father continue to pay her way through life.

  Seth’d had a terrible dream a couple of days previously, and he knew it was time to court Kat. He needed a wife, and she was the one he wanted. Holding her as he was, would be a memory to carry all of his life. She was truly special; he wanted their Christmas to be a celebration of love each and every year. She belonged to him. He only hoped that she felt the same way about him.

  When Kat woke up, she was surprised to find herself sitting and sleeping on Seth’s lap. She blushed as she remembered the spanking. Her bottom was still burning, and sitting was not going to be fun for a few days. Her skin was sensitive, and she bruised easily. But, the simple truth was that she’d earned the spanking she got. Kat sat up and looked into his dark eyes. “I behaved badly, Seth. It was so foolish for me to do what I did, and I am sorry. I certainly didn’t impress you with my darn temper.”

  “You did impress me. You took your spanking well—”

  “No, I didn’t,” she interrupted him to say. “You had to hold me down.”

  “That is quite normal, honey. I would try to avoid a spanking too.”


  “Yes, ma’am. A solid spanking hurts, but it does speak to you. It has worked in my grandparents’ marriage, my parents’ marriage, and in my brothers’ marriages. I was raised to believe a spanking is a firm expression of love. Do you feel safe, content, loved right now?” he asked.r />
  “Yes, I do,” she answered truthfully.

  “That is how I will discipline in our marriage.”

  “Do I get to spank you?” she challenged.

  “No, I will self-discipline,” he answered seriously. “I am not without faults.”

  “I need to ask you something; please don’t be angry. Did you get word to my parents in some way they won’t be upset with me? I don’t want them to worry.”

  “That is another thing that makes me love you, Kat. Your compassion and caring for those you love. To answer you, I did. I prepared a note, and had it delivered it to your father. I wouldn’t do anything to alienate him.”

  “Thank you. May I see the house now?” she asked sweetly.

  He nodded and helped her stand. “Let’s have the grand tour.”

  The farmhouse was large, and it was in very good condition. Kat was surprised with the kitchen. It was huge; a large table occupied one section, and served as a dining room. There were all sorts of cabinets and even a small table with a marble top to use when rolling out pie dough or noodles. Kat loved it. There were a lot of dishes, and plenty of storage for food. It was a nice, sturdy home that needed a womanly touch. She would love living here. “This kitchen is nice, Seth. I love the entire house, but this kitchen is one that most women dream of having, but never quite manage to squeeze into their home.”

  Seth chuckled. “It will be all yours, honey.”

  “Seth, how do you know you want to marry me?” she asked bluntly. “Does my father’s wealth have anything to do with your choice?”

  “That is an insulting question.”

  “Yes, but Daddy will ask you that. He is wealthy, but he wants us to be loved for ourselves, not for money we may or may not inherit. Please tell me the truth.”

  Chapter 3

  Kat could see that she had insulted the big man with her question, but it was too important to her not to ask. She knew why William was so eager to marry her sister, and she wasn’t about to have a marriage based on money. If that was Seth’s goal, then he’d picked the wrong woman. She wanted to be loved for herself. “Please answer me truthfully, Seth.”


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