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12 Naughty Days of Christmas: Volume Four

Page 26

by Piper Stone

  “Put one on,” Richard said. Before he could say anything further, the arrival of the assistants, along with several more students, distracted him. He found the clipboard for the class and started checking off names, answering questions.

  The day passed quickly. In the last half hour, one student pointed to Lauren and said, “She’s not wearing a safety vest. Isn’t that an automatic fail?”

  Lauren blushed. “That’s okay,” she said quickly, not wanting to lose face. “Richard said I didn’t need one because my waterproofs are reflective enough.”

  All faces turned to Richard. He thought for a moment before speaking.

  “I’m glad that you noticed,” he said to the young guy who’d spoken. “With reflective gear like that, Lauren’s bright enough to light up a dark night. She’s okay.”

  When the bike in front of her pulled out to do another lap around the safety cones, Richard whispered to her, “You’re going to pay for that. Tonight. Before dinner.”

  “I hope so.” She grinned, flicking her face mask shut. He shook his head at her and a frisson of desire fluttered through her.

  Richard arrived at her apartment half an hour before they were due to be at the restaurant. Lauren greeted him in her bathrobe, wearing only a lace bra and panty set underneath it.

  “I’m glad to see you’re ready for your spanking,” he said.

  She nodded, thrilled that they’d gotten to the game so quickly.

  He kissed her on the mouth, the collarbone and the crease of her cleavage. “Lose the bathrobe. Go. Stand in the corner.” He pointed to a corner of her living room as he shucked off his coat.

  “For how long?” She frowned.

  “For as long as I please.”

  She glared at him, threw down the bathrobe, and stomped over to the spot he’d indicated. Once there she started stretching, arms overhead, behind her.

  “Stand still.” The sofa creaked as Richard sat down. “Put your hands behind your back. I want to see those magnificent breasts pushed out. I don’t want to hear a word out of you while you stand there and think about the punishment to come.”

  Lauren went still, exactly as told. Minutes dragged by.

  An eternity passed before Richard said, “Come and lay yourself across my knees.”

  Lauren turned back to him, her stomach somersaulting. “What’re you going to do?”

  “Spank you. What did you think I was going to do after you disobeyed me today?”

  “I dunno,” she lied. She’d hoped he’d spank her, but now her knees had turned to jelly. “Couldn’t I do something else to apologize?”

  “There are many things you could do. Over time, I’m sure we’ll work through them all. Tonight, we’re taking the simple approach: corner time and a spanking. Don’t annoy me by delaying.”

  Lauren knelt beside him and he gently assisted her across his thighs.

  Once she was in position, he ran his hand up and down her back, over her panty-covered bottom, along the top of her thighs. “Do you know why you’re being spanked?”

  A pulse of moisture dampened her crotch. “Because I didn’t wear a safety vest.”

  His hand stilled on the black lace of her panties, warm and soothing. It was a gentle gesture, almost comforting, until he raised it and delivered a sharp, loud smack. “You’re being spanked because you lied about me giving you permission to go without a vest.” The first smack was followed by another, an even harder one. “And you defied me by not wearing one.”

  Then so many spanks fell, so fast Lauren couldn’t catch her breath. She begged him to stop, said she’d learned her lesson, she’d always tell the truth. Forever. She’d never defy him again.

  He was talking, too, but she couldn’t hear his words as one smack clapped down after another. Finally he paused.

  Lauren lay, gasping for air, grateful that it was over.

  Richard’s fingers slid under the elastic of her panties. “Lift your hips,” he said softly.

  Lauren didn’t move.

  A ferocious smack made her jump like a fish on a line. She lifted her hips, letting him slide her panties down to her ankles.

  “Please no,” she whimpered.

  “Not wearing the vest was deliberate disobedience. Lying was worse. I’m trying to keep you safe. You better learn that fast or get very used to this position.”

  Before she could answer, he delivered a volley of spanks on her burning bottom. She writhed, trying to pull away. The sound of the spanking was much louder on bare skin. Lauren kicked and flailed her legs, trying to escape. He trapped her legs with his. Only her upper body was free but that didn’t help her escape the spanks that peppered her bottom and upper thighs.

  “Stop moving,” he said, as if her reaction was voluntary.

  “I can’t. I can’t take this.” Her voice came out high and frantic.

  “You should have thought of that sooner, before you decided to test the limits. I want to keep you safe, darling. If you ignore me, bad things will happen to you. Like this spanking.”

  After that, his words rushed together, becoming white noise as Lauren howled. The percussion of the spanking was relentless. Only when the smacks started to fall on the sensitive sit spot at the top her leg, did she raise her body up in protest.

  Richard stopped, clamped her right hand in the middle of the back. He pulled her closer and pinned her there, tighter than ever. “Are you going to obey me from now on?”

  Lauren moaned, trying to gather her thoughts while the punishment was suspended.

  “I asked you a question.” He punctuated his comment with another spank.

  “Yes!” she cried, hoping he’d stop. She was close to tears. He mustn’t see her like this.

  “But the very worst thing you did was put me on the spot in front of the class and the other teachers. You lied and made me your accomplice.” The next volley of swats was the hardest yet. She was scorched from the top of her thighs to the soft round curves of her buttocks.

  “Are you going to obey me in the future, Lauren?” He stopped to ask this question but the minute he’d said it, he delivered a drumroll of branding smacks on the same spot.

  “Yes,” Lauren blurted, a tear rolling down her face. Defeated, exhausted, all fight gone from her, she slumped, accepting the last of the spanking with sobbing resignation.

  “That’s what I’ve been waiting for,” Richard said, pulling up her panties, rubbing her throbbing bottom through the lace. He helped her to a sitting position on his knees and held her close.

  “Now we understand each other better, don’t we?’ He kissed her tears.

  “Yes,” she said, her head bent. Desire, gratitude, and a tiny bit of resentment stormed through her.

  He helped her to her feet and smoothed her hair. “Let’s go for dinner. I hope your throbbing bottom will be a reminder of how much I care about you. If you forget, I’m happy to do it again.”

  The New Normal

  Lauren couldn’t remember ever being so aroused. Not in her entire life had she been in such a constant state of sexual readiness. Richard’s dominance, first with her motorbike lesson, then with her riding, electrified her. She’d wanted to be half of a couple, but was unprepared for the collision of feelings he fired in her. She hadn’t expected so much, so soon. She hadn’t expected her feelings for him to be so engulfing.

  The next time Regina saw Lauren she gave her a sweeping glance and declared, “You’re in love.”

  “How do you do that?” Lauren demanded.

  “I’m a witch, but I think blind Freddy could see it. All your sharp edges are gone. You have the gentle look of someone who has found a soul mate, someone who completes them. I couldn’t be happier for you.”

  Regina plonked herself in the guest seat across from Lauren. “Now, enough about you.” She put her brown satchel on Lauren’s desk and started pulling handfuls of paper out of it. “Are you ever going to get my will done?”

  The two of them sat so long, Lauren had to send the
paralegal out to get them lunch first and, a few hours later, dinner. By ten that night, Regina was happy with the details the way Lauren read them back to her. She stood, slipping on her yellow cashmere coat.

  “I will be back in mid-December,” Regina declared. “I’m going to Australia to get some sun. I’ll expect you have all this sorted by the time I return.”

  Lauren promised it would be.

  “Don’t let that man distract you from my estate planning.” She grinned and marched out of the office.

  With Richard in her life, Lauren looked forward to the Christmas season for the first time as an adult. She had someone to go to parties with, to dream with, to share her favorite time of year. Not that he was available much. Christmas to Richard meant a busy retail shop, stock coming in daily, trying to find staff to cover all the hours he wanted to be open.

  Whenever they could, they went riding together. Richard loaned Lauren one of the small bikes from TruBiker but insisted she never ride without him. When they rode together, he watched her closely, correcting her every mistake.

  He’d made it clear that the first spanking was not simply because she didn’t wear a vest. He was concerned about her safety.

  He also took charge because he wanted her to let go, let go of control. He wanted the power of seeing her submit to him. He said there could only be one leader in a relationship and that it would always be him.

  To her surprise, she’d liked the emotional cocoon of being cared for and protected. She loved the afterglow of the spankings. Still, the ferocity of the first physical spanking faded in her memory while the love that came with it lingered. That trick of the memory, of forgetting past pain, made her reckless.

  After riding as a learner for the compulsory thirty-day period, she decided to try for her class six license. Richard said she wasn’t ready. She ignored him and took the test, passing, but only barely. When she walked into Freewheelin’ that sunny November morning, flashing her new license at him and the staff, everyone congratulated her.

  Richard walked her out to her bike. “Guess you’re proud of yourself.”

  She pulled on her gloves. “Too right.”

  “I’ll take you out to dinner tonight to celebrate.” He leaned in for a kiss. “But before we go out, you’re going to pay for today’s disobedience. If you’d failed, you’d have had to wait another month for a test. While I’m glad you passed, it proves you’re not listening to me. That is unacceptable.”

  Lauren shivered, the memory of that first spanking suddenly coming into focus.

  She went into work and, as she sat at her desk, talked to clients, and made polite conversation with friends, her mind kept returning to the paddling ahead. Often she had to swallow tears of worry.

  When Richard arrived that evening, he whistled at the sight of her in her navy cocktail dress. It was a mini that showed her legs to great advantage.

  “You’re wearing a lot of clothes for someone who is about to have her bottom blistered,” he said, spinning her around and unzipping the dress. This time he didn’t allow her to wear even underwear as she stood in the corner. He tied her hands loosely behind her back with a length of soft rope he’d brought.

  “You could slip out of this in a second if you wanted to,” he said, putting the ends of the rope into her hands. “You’d be foolish to try. This is a reminder that you are under my control.”

  He turned her to the corner while he went to the bathroom and found the old-fashioned hairbrush he’d given her, ‘in case I ever need it.’ She’d told him he never would, but he’d laughed. Now she burned with humiliation that he’d been right, that he was about to punish her with an object that had become part of her everyday life.

  Because she was hampered by her tied hands, he had to help her to her knees and across his lap. When she was in a position he declared satisfactory, he started spanking. The brush was the noisiest thing she’d ever heard. It filled the room with sound that no amount of her sobbing could drown out. She wished she could turn off her hearing so she wouldn’t have to listen to the resounding whacks.

  Worse than that, it hurt far more than his hand did. The unyielding wooden surface burned with every stroke. She begged and groveled. But she didn’t let go of the ends of the rope binding her wrists, no matter how much she wanted to. She’d asked for this.

  “Save your breath,” he said, continuing to roast her buttocks. “I’ll stop spanking as soon as I have the right shade of red, not a moment before.”

  She didn’t count the swats, unable to concentrate on anything as simple as one-two-three. She just wanted it to be over, to be held by him. More than anything, she wanted after-spanking lovemaking, while she was vulnerable and yielding.

  This time, as though he was reading her thoughts, he carried her to the bedroom naked and laid her facedown on the bed. He lifted her hips, so her bottom was pointed up at him. She heard his belt unbuckle, his zipper open, a shuffling of clothes. Then his long fingers opened her legs, seeking her folds. He dipped one finger into her pussy, stirring her juices, before taking it out again and circling her clit. Kneeling on the bed behind her, he teased her by rubbing his cock against her scorched legs. Then with a single thrust, he was in her, pounding her as though the lovemaking was another punishment. His hips slapped against her red ass.

  Lauren abandoned all pretense of resistance, dissolving into ecstasy. She rode the thumping cloud with him, knowing that for those few seconds they were one.

  Afterwards, Richard turned back into the perfect gentleman. He held doors open for her, filled her wine glass at dinner, and listened to her stories about work in a more caring way than she thought possible.

  As Christmas drew closer, work kept Lauren and Richard apart more than ever. On top of his retail concerns, he was planning a booth for a trade show in January. She was swamped with contracts that needed to be completed before the end of the year.

  Then there was Regina’s will, which was like untying the Gordian knot.

  Outside of work, Lauren barely saw anyone other than Richard who spent most nights with her. They parted every day after breakfast, not seeing each other again until he crept into her bed, often too exhausted to do more than kiss her before falling asleep.

  One morning they were finishing their coffee when Sara breezed in. She said hi to Richard before turning to Lauren.

  “About Christmas in Maui,” she started.

  Richard raised an eyebrow. Had Lauren forgotten to mention this to him?

  “Yes?” Lauren asked, not liking Sara’s bright tone and overly friendly smile.

  “I was wondering if you’d let Terence take your place in our room.”

  “My place?”

  “Yeah. You could stay in Mom and Dad’s room. They’ve got two queen beds.”

  “Stay with Mom and Dad? Are you freaking kidding me? Listening to the two of them snore all night and bicker all day? No thanks. Besides, doesn’t Terence have to spend it with his family?”

  “No, he wants to spend it with me. C’mon, Lauren. Be a pal.”

  Lauren pushed her coffee mug away. “Don’t worry about it. I may not be going to Maui. I may have to stay here and work.”

  “Bullshit,” Richard said. “Didn’t you tell me that your office closes between Christmas and the New Year?”

  “Officially yes, but if I don’t get this one major file finished, maybe I won’t be able to get away to Maui after all.”

  “I’d be sad if you weren’t there, Lo-lo” Sara said, using Lauren’s childhood nickname. “But I’d understand. Besides if I had a choice between sharing a room with the oldsters or sharing a room with Mr. Freewheelin’, I know what I’d choose.” She grinned before sprinting out of the apartment.

  As they waited for the elevator, Richard growled, “When were you going to tell me about Maui?”

  “I’ve been thinking about not going. It’s my parents, some of their friends. It was going to be okay when I had Sara to escape with, but now that she and Terence will be j
oined at the hip, I’d die of boredom. I’ll cancel. I’d rather spend it with you.”

  “You won’t cancel.” Richard held the door of the empty elevator car for her. “Family is important. You never know how long they’re going to be around. Look at Ned and me. We’ve been on our own since his late teens and my mid-twenties. I’d give anything to have family to celebrate with. I’ll still be here when you get back.”

  “I don’t want to be the odd person out at every meal table, every card game, every cruise. I’d be miserable and I’d make everyone else miserable.”

  Richard lifted her chin. “You can and you will go. You are always responsible for how you act. Decide that you’re going to behave nicely and soon you’ll be enjoying yourself.”

  Lauren crossed her arms in a body pout.

  “Do I need to take you back upstairs so we can discuss this with you over my knee?”

  Lauren gasped. Going to work after a spanking?

  “No,” she said. “I guess I’ll go.”

  “Yes, you will.” He smiled as they reached ground floor.

  Christmas Reunion

  The more Lauren thought about Richard insisting she go to Maui for Christmas, the unhappier she was. She kept that feeling to herself, waiting for him to finally relent and ask her to stay with him. Only he didn’t.

  Two nights before she was due to leave, they went back to her place after the Christmas dinner with his staff.

  “Where’s your suitcase?” he asked when they got in the door.

  “On the shelf in my closet.”

  “Packed?” He raised an eyebrow.


  “I want to see you pack it. To make sure you’re ready to go.”

  They glared at each other for a second. The lines at the side of his mouth tightened. She shrugged and dragged out her suitcase.

  When they slipped into bed together, he bundled her into his arms. “I’m glad I didn’t have to spank you on one of our last nights together,” he said.

  The reminder of his power over her, in his deep, raspy voice, went straight to her crotch. She kissed him, ravenous for his body. He kissed her back, hard. His mouth moved from her lips to her throat, to her breasts. He licked each nipple. Without warning he flipped her onto her stomach. She was facedown on the bed when the first smack cracked across her bottom. Neither hard nor painful, the surprise made her gasp anyway.


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