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Silent Love Part Four_Forbidden Series

Page 3

by Kenadee Bryant

  For some stupid reason us girls decided to let the boys decide what we should do today. Why we chose that, I have no idea. Luke used the whole “we are a grade older than you guys, so we know exactly how to let off some steam after finals” excuse. I was just praying it wasn’t going to a party and getting drunk. Macey and Amy could not care less if we did that, but getting drunk was something I didn’t enjoy. And having to be the one to take care of everyone later on was definitely something I did not want to do today.

  “You ready, Car?” Macey yelled from down the hallway.

  “Just a minute!” I yelled back, pulling on my boots. Because it was now the first week of December, it was freaking cold. You couldn’t step outside without freezing to death.

  So, for today I opted for a cream sweater that was thicker than it looked, along with a pair of black skinny jeans. On top of the sweater I put on a green jacket and a scarf to keep me warm. I also decided on a pair of brown heeled boots. I kept my brown hair down, hoping it would keep me a tad bit warmer.

  Making sure I had everything I needed, I left my room to meet Macey in the living room. Upon seeing her I noticed she was wearing something similar to me—a black long-sleeved shirt with a cute sweater jacket over top. Along with that she was wearing blue skinny jeans and a pair of black heeled boots similar to mine.

  We grinned at each other, seeing that we were dressed pretty similar.

  “Ready?” I asked, bringing my bag to my shoulder and holding my phone in my hand.

  “Yeah. I just hope there is some warm coffee at the end of this or something. The boys better not drag us to do something stupid,” Macey said as we left the apartment and headed downstairs.

  “It is the boys, of course they’ll be idiots,” I pointed out. But I was with her; as long as we had something warm to drink or to be in, I would be fine.

  As we came out from the stairway, I noticed everyone was standing in the lobby waiting for us. My eyes immediately went to Gage, who was looking around as if he were searching for someone and moving back and forth on his heels. I took that moment to look at him.

  I couldn’t believe this guy was all mine. Standing there in jeans and a jacket, he looked so good; it was so simple, yet he made it look hot. It should be illegal how hot he is.

  Next to him were Dylan and Anna, who were talking and smiling about something. Those two finally got together about two weeks ago and I couldn’t be happier for Dylan. Having met her and had her hang out with us, I found she was perfect for him—his complete opposite, which was good. She leveled him out.

  Next to them were Ethan and Amy holding hands and talking with Luke. Luke was gesturing about something animatedly. Seeing Ethan and Amy together, I didn’t get that pang in my chest anymore. Instead I just smiled at the sight of them being a cute couple and brought my eyes back to my man. The only guy I cared about now.

  “Hey, guys,” I said as we walked toward them. I went instantly to Gage while Macey went to Luke. I got on my toes to place a soft kiss to Gage’s lips. I could tell they just got here because his lips were cold.

  “Hey,” I breathed out to him as I pulled back from the kiss.

  “You look beautiful.” He smiled at me.

  “Thank you.” I placed another kiss on his lips before moving to his side and taking his hand in mine. I laced my fingers through his.

  “Everyone ready to go?” Luke asked as we all stood there. As I looked around I couldn’t help but smile. All of us had someone now, and I liked that we were able to do couple things. Before, one of us would be the odd person out. I had been a third wheel for most of my life, so it was nice to finally have someone.

  With a resounding “yes” we headed out into the cold. The cold air hit my face making me clench onto Gage’s hand and snuggle deeper into his side. I always hated the cold.

  Thankfully we all walked fast to the parking lot, not wanting to be out here longer than we had to be. Because there were so many of us we had to split up into two cars. It was me, Dylan, and Anna in Gage’s car, while Macey, Ethan, and Amy went in Luke’s car.

  The moment I got in Gage’s Jeep, I turned the heater on full blast and practically huddled in front of it. In the backseat Dylan and Anna sat close to each other to warm up. It was probably not the smartest idea, going out today in this weather. We should have just stayed inside.

  “Should I even bother to ask where we are going?” I asked Gage as he pulled out of the campus parking lot.

  “Nope.” Shaking my head, I turned a little bit in my seat so I could talk to Anna.

  During the car ride to wherever we were going, all four of us talked. We mostly talked about what our finals consisted of and if we thought we passed. Both Anna and Dylan warned me about Mr. Cannon, their calculus teacher. I would have him next semester.

  It didn’t take long until we reached a familiar building. I looked over at Gage with a raised eyebrow.

  “Bowling? Again?” I asked.

  “This is just the beginning. We have something planned, but I can’t go into it until a bit later.” My mind raced with what else we were going to do, but I pushed it all aside as I got out of the car.

  As we headed inside the bowling alley, my hand sought out Gage’s. It was like our hands were magnets. I was grinning like a fool as we all headed inside. I loved that our group now got along pretty well. Ethan and Luke seemed to have gotten over their hate for Gage, which I was thankful for.

  The place was slightly busy, but it only took us a few minutes to get our lane and shoes. Because of our large group, we had to once again split up into two lanes right next to each other. None of us minded, as we just got into the same groups we had been when we got in the cars.

  Like last time we all had to have nicknames, according to Macey, of course. This time though the boys chose which ones we would have. In their words: “We are not having those stupid-ass Disney names.” So instead we did Marvel and DC names.

  The guys were: Captain America (Luke), Thor (Ethan), Batman (Gage), and Spiderman (Dylan). For us girls, we were: Wonder Woman (Macey), Catwoman (Amy), Black Widow (Anna), and Harley Quinn (me, although I didn’t choose it). Not going to lie: it was fun coming up with nicknames for all of us. Of course we had a small debate on who fitted whom.

  Once we had that all figured out, we started to play. I, for one, sucked at bowling, but being there with everyone, I didn’t care. Everyone kept messing around with each other. We would distract someone from bowling, so they missed or bowled the ball between our legs. People around us kept looking and glaring at us because of how loud we were being, but none of us cared one bit.

  We played three games. While we played, we got food from the little food shop the bowling place had. We all split fries, onion rings, and just junk food. This day was turning out a lot better than I thought it would be at first. Not once did we think about exams or passing our classes. We were just having a fun day together as friends.

  I knew the boys were too “manly” to say it, but I knew they enjoyed this too. All four guys talked and made fun of each other. It was nice seeing Luke and Ethan get along with Dylan and Gage. Two guys they hated just a few short months ago. I never once thought they would get along. I could almost even say they were friends. Not close friends, but maybe acquaintances.

  Even after our last game ended, we stuck around and talked. It felt nice to just sit around and talk about random things. We basically had to catch up, since we had all been so busy with finals.

  While everyone talked to one another, I sat back and looked around. Everyone was smiling and laughing, enjoying themselves. This was honestly just what we needed. To do something to relax after such a stressful week. Something other than going to a party and getting drunk, like most people will tonight.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Macey nudged my arm and sent me a concerned look.

  “I am great.”


  It was now four and we were once again in the cars and heading to our next destination. I was
sitting in the passenger seat of Gage’s Jeep laughing at a story Dylan was telling us about him and Gage when they were younger.

  I loved hearing about Gage when he was younger. He didn’t talk too much about his childhood and I understood why. Reliving what happened to his mom and what he had to go through was probably not pleasant. I hated that he had to live with those memories. But hearing about what he and Dylan used to do, I was thankful Gage had him. Without Dylan, I don’t think Gage would be here right now. I didn’t even want to think about what he would be doing instead of being right next to me with a smile on his face.

  The thing about Gage is he’s a closed book. Sometimes you could catch a glimpse of what he was thinking and feeling, but most of the time he was closed off. Even after knowing him for over four months, I don’t know exactly what he thinks about. I have learned to pick up on some signs though.

  Even though he may not laugh at something, the sides of his mouth will twitch like he is holding himself back, for example. When he is angry, his jaw will clench and his eyes will turn almost black. When he is happy, his brown eyes look almost golden, and they seemed to twinkle a bit more.

  Ever since we said “I love you,” I saw the golden eyes more often. Gage didn’t seem plagued with some invisible force blocking him from feeling anything. He seemed happier and was a lot more fun to be around. I could tell Dylan saw the change in him too. He even made a comment about it when Gage was busy talking to my brother.

  I loved knowing that I had changed Gage, even just a little bit. It wasn’t my intention to change who he was, because I loved him. But if I could change him from being moody, rude, and mean to being happy, fun, and relaxed, then I would do anything I can. I wasn’t trying to change him into something he was not. I was not that kind of person and never will be. I love Gage the way he is and that isn’t going to change.

  I was jerked out of my thoughts by a hand on my thigh. I looked over at Gage as he squeezed my thigh gently.

  “We are here.” I glanced out the front window and saw we were in a parking lot, but tons of people were walking around us. I scrunched up my eyebrows wondering where we were. “Come on.”

  Opening my door and stepping out, I noticed everyone else was already outside waiting for us. Macey sent me a confused look as the guys started to lead us where everyone else was walking. It was getting dark out and getting colder. I slid a little closer to Gage hoping for some of his body heat to help warm me up. I tightened my scarf around my neck a bit more.

  I was about to ask where we were, and I knew the other girls were too, when I finally saw where we were going. I looked up at Gage with my mouth wide open.

  “Christmas lights!” We were in downtown New York, where everywhere you looked you saw huge Christmas trees and lights. All around us people walked around gawking at the display of Christmas decorations. We were at the edge of the block, so we couldn’t see all the trees just yet, nor the huge one in the middle of Rockefeller Center.

  “They just put them up, so we thought we should take you girls to see it,” Ethan said, smiling down at Amy clinging to his arm. She grinned up at him and pulled herself closer to him. I did the same to Gage.

  “Let’s go!” Macey exclaimed, excited as she tugged Luke after her. Laughing, we all followed.

  Gage and I stuck back a bit from the rest of the group. We walked hand in hand as we gazed at all the lights the city had put up. It was amazing how fast they did it, and every year it looked as amazing as the last. I had actually forgotten about the trees and stuff that went on downtown. My parents took Luke and I many times when we were little, but after a while we stopped going and instead just spent the days decorating our own house.

  Now seeing this all again brought back some great memories. Memories of me on my dad’s shoulders as we walked down the street while Luke and I pointed at everything. I could see my parents walking hand in hand, grinning at one another then at us.

  I looked up at Gage to find him staring down at me a small smile on his face. I never thought I would be looking at Christmas lights with a boyfriend, let alone Gage Harper.

  The thing is, I never planned on falling for Gage. I never planned on him coming into my life and turning it upside down. I always had this idea of being with Ethan and growing old together. Not once did I imagine that person being anyone else. Now I can’t see anyone other than Gage. He just fit into my life.

  The moment Gage crashed into my life, literally, things changed. And I would have to say for the better. Without him, I wouldn’t have gotten over Ethan; I wouldn’t be as happy as I am right now; and I wouldn’t be having such a good freshman year of college.

  All my ideas for what college would be like had changed. It never turned out the way I thought it would, and I am glad it didn’t. I would not change what had happened because I wouldn’t be here right now. I wouldn’t be walking beside a guy that I was helplessly in love with.

  I guess everything happens for a reason, and for once, I am glad it happened. This was one thing I couldn’t be mad at for happening. Fate has its own plans, and sometimes you just have to roll with it. Because who knows? Sometimes it ends up better than you would have imagined.

  “What are you thinking about?” Gage asked, leaning his head down a bit so he could talk to me. All around us little kids were yelling and laughing. The streets were starting to fill up as more and more people came to see the lights.

  “I am thinking about how lucky I am to have you,” I said truthfully.

  “I am just as lucky.” I grin widely at him.

  We kept on walking, trying to keep up with everyone else. We passed by window after window that were filled with Christmas trees, every single one different than the last. The trees differed in height, color, and theme. Up ahead I could hear Macey exclaiming that every time she saw a tree, it was her favorite.

  After dodging people and laughing at some conversations we overheard, we finally reached the main tree downtown. The tree had to be one hundred feet tall. I was still amazed at how they managed to decorate it and bring it in. I knew they actually closed down some streets to get the tree in and to put it up.

  Tons of people stood around staring up at the huge tree that was now lit up. The sun was completely down and it was dark. The lights glowed brightly on people’s faces as they “oohed” and “aahed” over it. All eight of us stood in a small square as we stared up at it. In front of us, Macey, always wrapped in Luke’s arms, had her back pressed against his front. Luke had his head dipped to rest on her shoulder. Next to them were Amy and Ethan, who had his arm wrapped around her shoulders and had her pressed to his side.

  To the right of Gage and I were Dylan and Anna. They both had their arms around each other’s waist and were leaning into one another. Anna looked to be saying something while Dylan stared lovingly down at her.

  Then there was Gage and me. I was standing to his left, but that didn’t last long. Soon, Gage maneuvered me so I was standing right in front of him. His heavy arms were wrapped tightly around my middle and pressing me back against his front. His warmth wrapped itself around me. His chin was resting on top of my head as we looked at the tree.

  I felt so safe and secure in his arms that I never wanted to move. I never wanted to know what it was like not to have his arms around me. I wanted to forever be wrapped in him.

  As all of us stood there, stuck in our own little bubbles of happiness, I found myself wanting to take a picture of this moment. I didn’t ever want to forget this and I don’t think I will. It will forever be ingrained in my mind, especially the way it felt to be held by Gage.

  Letting out a sigh of content, I leaned back against Gage’s sturdy frame. I was more content than I had ever been in my life. Even though it was freezing and I was beyond tired, I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

  Chapter Three

  “Yes, Mom, we are coming home tomorrow.” I rolled my eyes as I talked to my mom on the phone. It was Tuesday, the second day of winter break, and my
mom was already hounding me about coming home and staying for the entire break.

  We had about two weeks until Christmas and another two weeks until classes started once again. My plan for the break was to sleep and not do anything homework related; I think everyone agreed on that part. The joy of college was going back to school a week later than everyone else.

  “Yes, I’ll see if Gage is coming too.” Next to me, Macey laughed but quickly covered her mouth at my glare. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you too. Bye.” Once I hung up, I sighed.

  “I think my mom loves Gage more than me.”

  “Don’t let your dad know. He will go crazy. Remember that one time when one of Luke’s friends said your mom was hot?” I chuckled at the memory. The poor kid shit his pants and never came back over.

  “You going to your parents’ tomorrow right?” I asked, reaching for the cookie dough in her hands.

  “Yeah. Mom wants me to spend the break under her roof.” She rolled her eyes. Aunt Kacey is just like my mom.

  “The Christmas Ball is Friday, so you can come over and get ready at my house.” It was tradition for Macey and me to get ready together. One of the reasons may be for her to do my makeup, but we have been going to this thing since we were little. Every year it was a different theme, and the charity changes as well. One of the things I hated was seeing the snobby, rude kids that were either the same age as me or older. They always thought they were better than everyone, which was the worst.

  Luke, of course, was expected to go the most, because he was going to take over the business. According to my father and grandfather, he needed to meet and get to know these people, as he will have to deal with them when the time comes.

  I did feel bad for my brother. The pressure of taking over a business that is so well-known isn’t an easy thing to do. I got lucky with getting out and not having to deal with all of that. Thankfully, though, my father has slowly introduced him to it and not once pushed him to take over. It was Luke’s decision.


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