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Southern Legacy: Completed Version

Page 27

by Jerri Hines

  “You can stay,” she looked up at the coachman. “Take me…”

  “Ah!” she cried.

  Cullen wasted no more time arguing. He swept her into his arms and carried her up the steps. He didn’t pause entering the foyer but began ascending upward. Her feet kicked violently, and she pushed against his chest.

  “Let me go, you brute!”

  Pounding down a corridor, he halted long enough for a servant to open the door. The next moment, he placed her door on the floor of a bedroom. Stumbling backward, she regained her footing. Her hair escaped its hold and fell disheveled about her face.

  “Stay here while I see to our needs. Try anything—anything at all and I will tie you up. Try me, Josephine. I have lost all patience with this mess, of which was none of my doing.”

  "I didn't ask for your help, nor do I want it! I want only to go home to Papa and never see another Montgomery ever again!”

  Standing defiantly, he ran his hand through his hair, having lost his hat somewhere along the path to this room. Tension filled the air. His jaw clenched with his own frustration.

  “I will send someone up to tend a fire and bring you some dinner. Heed my warning. Try anything foolish like running away in a snow storm, I will carry out my threat.”

  He walked out, slamming the door behind him. A minute later she heard a click. She ran to the door and tried turning the handle. He had locked the door.

  * * * *

  The fire burned brightly, fed by a steady placement of logs. The servant girl, Hannah, had come back like clockwork on the half-hour to ensure the room’s warmth. Each time, she locked the door back behind her.

  Jo had refreshed herself. The girl had helped her take off her petticoats and hoop. Jo had kept the gown on even though she had been offered a nightgown. It wasn’t hers and for some foolish reason, it gave her a sense of security.

  Hannah had brushed out her hair and plaited it into one long braid. The tray of food had remained up touched. She had no appetite.

  The storm had not ceased. She had never experienced a blizzard, but she had to admit that she was glad to be inside and not venturing to some unknown inn. Not that she would concede Cullen was right…not tonight.

  Her mind reeled with worry. Papa! Oh, however was he going to take the news of the misadventure! She had a need to return to Charleston…away from this horrible, horrible place.

  Standing at the window, she heard the door rattle, open and close again.

  “Deceptive is it not? It seems so calm and serene, yet it can be deadly if trapped out in the middle of it.”

  She said nothing but kept her gaze out the window.

  “Josephine,” Cullen said in a low, husky voice. “We need to talk. I find I would rather you look at me to do so.”

  She looked around crossly. His manner had eased and seemed more relaxed, having changed to more informal clothes. His shirt hung loose over his pants; his feet bare.

  “There is nothing to discuss. I want to go home.”

  “It is the plan,” he said. “I want to ease your mind. Father has already telegraphed your papa and briefly explained what happened. He will know you are safe.”

  She grabbed his arm. “He will know what Andrew has done…it will kill him.” Looking up at him, she felt nauseated.

  A small smile emerged as his eyes bore into hers. “No,” he said with unexpected tenderness. “I told Father to tell him it was no matter that Andrew had not married you.”

  “How could you, Cullen?” she wailed. “How can you be so mean?”

  He took her hand up to his lips. “Because now you are free, Josephine Buchanan Wright. We do have much to talk about but at the moment, all, that matters, is that you are free…free to marry me. That is what I told him.”

  “I…don’t understand,” she said, stumbling over her words, but she did. She understood clearly his meaning for his lips climbed up her arm until they found hers and he kissed her with a completeness that wiped out every conscious thought except his lips upon hers.

  Suddenly, he released her and turned her around. Gasping, she questioned, “What are you doing?”

  “What I have wanted to do since the first time we met.”

  He undid the hooks of her gown and it flowed down her body to it lay on the floor. Then he whirled her around to face him in her chemise and pantaloons. Physical desire made her breathless as he slowly began untying her laces.

  He pushed down the loose material exposing her perfect breasts to his view, but he wasn’t done. He had to have her naked…fully totally naked. Nothing was going to come between him and his desire this night.

  Gently, he eased off the last of what lay between him and all of her. Her clothing littered the floor. She stood before him, bare and lovely in the firelight. His arousal hardened to the point he didn’t know if he could take her the way he envisioned, slowly savoring every moment.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her lips lightly. “I want to make love to you all night long…I won’t let go of you…ever.”

  “Cullen,” she uttered, betraying her own need with a plea to complete the love they shared. “I…want you to know…I never stopped loving you.”

  “I know, my love, as I know that my heart beats for one purpose—you, Josephine. Nothing matters but you.”

  Dropping back her head, she bared her creamy throat to him. He buried his lips on the pulse that made her body melt to his. He bent down and picked her up, sitting her down long enough to pull back the covers of the bed. Then he placed her within the sheets.

  She would not be lonely long. Stepping back, he began to undress. She watched him and stared at his masculine firmness without a tinge of embarrassment. Smiling, he climbed onto the bed beside her and propped himself on one elbow to look down at her.

  He gazed upon her as if he wanted to say something, but at that moment her hands wrapped around his neck. The hurt she had longed felt, she pushed away accepting what he had to offer. For so long, he had wanted this from her, and now she was giving herself to him completely. She made no resistance, wanting only his hungry kisses, bold caresses and craving his most intimate touch.

  He lowered his mouth on hers once more. Her consciousness lost in the titillations sweeping through her body. Rational thoughts dissolved with his touch. He consumed her. They blended with an impatient urgency, a fierce tide of desire that enveloped them both. Outside laid a cold and empty world. Together there was only a fire that burned, flamed with each kiss shared.

  The whole of her body shuddered with sensations he had created, robbing her of all but one thought. She needed him, wanted him desperately. Instinct drove her to fulfill the ache growing within her. Her breasts tingled for attention. As if reading her mind, he complied. She felt his mustache scrape along her ripe fullness until his mouth clamped over her nipple, suckling her until she cried out in pleasure.

  The whole of her body shuddered with a sensation he had created. She needed him, wanted him desperately. Instinct drove her to fulfill the ache growing within her. Her breasts tingled for attention. As if reading her mind, he complied. She felt his mustache scrape along her ripe fullness until his mouth clamped over her nipple, suckling her until she gasped in pleasure.

  His hands caressed her body, down her leg, then up her thigh until they touched her most secret softness. She parted her legs so he could touch her, so the moist warm ache would be relieved. His firm and sure caress claimed her for his own.

  Waves of pleasure cascaded through her until she was devastated with want of an unknown release. Her body would deny itself nothing of the wicked sensations he created…demanded. She clung to him, spiraling out of control into a madness only he could abate.

  She cried out at his touches designed to craze her. Her eyes opened to find him watching her and seemed to revel in her distress.

  “Are you torturing me?”

  “Oh, no, my magnolia, come with me,” he beckoned. He spread her legs and kept her wanting with those deva
stating caresses at the core of her being. “So slick and warm and ready.”

  “Cullen, please,” she begged. The intensifying hunger became almost insatiable, clutching the sheets beneath her.

  He took her just as she was. His naked body covered hers. Her eyes widened when his blunt hardness invaded her. With a single breath, she surrendered to him.

  The moment he sunk into her a burning pain exploded within her lions. She felt her every muscle stiffened as her cry was muffled with his mouth upon hers. He kissed her until the ache dulled and she began to feel his fullness again as he plunged deeper within her. He slowed his play as if savoring every moment of pleasure he was obtaining. Within her a new sensation overwhelmed her as he began to move, a feeling she could not deny smothered her.

  A budding rapture of which she could only respond to, her hands wrapped around his neck, returning his wild, ardent kisses. Unrelenting passion tore through her. His touch brought heat to cold places as if she had only half lived before his touch. His strokes quickened and became more aggressive to where she thought she would explode.

  Each thrust brought her to a new plateau of pleasure. They became as one in the mix of unrelenting passion, fiery unrelenting desire merged together and gushed forth in a torrent of scintillating ecstasy.

  She felt warmth fill her and welcomed it, knowing she was part of him for always. Slowly, he relaxed and released her. He rolled back against at pillow and pulled her to him.

  “Cullen, don’t leave me...” she muttered against his bare chest.

  His arms slipped around her and kissed the top of her head. “I won’t, Josephine.”

  Jo had never known what it was like to give herself freely to a man until Cullen. He came pressing himself into her life. She hadn’t wanted him to and yet he hadn’t stopped, making his presence dominate in her existence, and she wanted him.

  She wondered whether she should confess that his kiss lingered on her lips and in her heart; that she shivered with his merge touch and yearned for it; that he haunted her dreams…

  Her heart raced, frightened of words he would speak or those he would not. She did not know how long she lay quietly in his arms. She didn’t move. She had no desire to disturb the peace she had found in the stillness of his arms.

  “Josephine.” Cullen broke the silence. “I have the need for you to know I have never been so content. I love you. As I breathe, I will love you always.”

  She tilted her head towards him and accepted his kiss and love.

  A white covering dressed the landscape and glittered in the morning sun while a crackling fire danced in the hearth. Jo rushed back across the cold wood floor. Cullen raised the bedcovers, and she slipped in beside him.

  “Cold?” he whispered against her neck before he kissed it.

  “The bath was lovely,” she answered breathlessly. Her whole body shivered, not from the freezing temperatures outside, but from his touch. He stirred her blood with desire.

  The night had been heaven. She had never known such contentment as lying in his arms until the morning light. He had seen to her every need, including a steaming bath. She felt rejuvenated and refreshed.

  Promises had been made in the heat of the night…promises that had not faded in the bright light of day.

  Jo had soaked in a steamy bath while memories of the night lingered, unforgettable, heavenly memories—pure bliss. Outside was a wintery wonderland. The storm had closed Rosemount off from the rest of the world. The road had been snowed under at least for a few days, and she planned on savoring each precious hour.

  The world forgotten while in his arms, she lost herself in his presence. Her worries seemed distant and far away here within these walls. There was nothing here that wished her harm or wanted to humiliate her. No, she had Cullen to protect her.

  He had made no attempt to conceal his suspicion that Harry Lee was bent on doing her harm. A pistol lay on top of the nightstand and, if by chance the scoundrel appeared at Rosemount, he had in place a plan of escape.

  “The servants are on alert if there is any sign of his appearance. You would follow our butler, Lawrence, to the basement. He will know where to take you from there,” Cullen spoke, holding her tightly in the dark. “It is the winter season. We have only a minimum staff working, but they are loyal and trustworthy.”

  “Are they not appalled by my being here with you…like this?”

  “They are too well trained to say, Jo, but I doubt it will be an issue since I informed them you are to be their new mistress. I would have married you last evening if I could have gotten the Reverend here, but there is little doubt now that you will soon be Mrs. Cullen Smythe.”


  “Your papa has no quarrel with me. He said as much when I asked for your hand. It was only circumstances that kept him from giving me his blessing. Now there is no choice.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Lest I remind you that you are quite ruined for marriage to any other. You are all for me…all that I want…all that I need.”

  His words rang in her heart, confident that Papa would accept Cullen.

  He reached down. With a single tug, the belt of the robe loosened enough to spread wide the garment and hug her close. The heat of their bodies blended as she wrapped her arms around his neck, lost in the essence of their love.

  Chapter Ten

  The weather warmed, and the sun shone, but the thaw had flooded the roads. It took over a week for Cullen to get Josephine back to Philadelphia safely. There had been no rush on his part. The time together with the woman he loved allowed for endless days filled with games of chess, reading and talks of their future together. But it had been the nights, the unforgettable, tantalizing nights that had been burned into his memory.

  It was late afternoon before the carriage arrived at the townhouse. Jo wasn’t happy he had brought her to stay at his Philadelphia house. He understood her reasons, but the residence was large enough for everyone. More importantly, safe.

  “I will feel their eyes on me,” she said as the carriage slowed to a stop in front of the residence. “I don’t want to be pitied. What they must think!”

  “They know I care greatly for you,” he answered her in a tender voice. “Besides, Aunt Marie and the girls are here. They moved out of the hotel after the incident.” He paused for a brief moment. “You realize that this will be our home. My family will be yours.”

  Her eyes widened. At first he thought she would protest. Instead, she asked, “You will be by my side?”

  “Always, my love.” He leaned over and gently kissed her lips.

  “Then I will do as you wish.”

  His eyes met hers, and though unspoken, the meaning was clear. She had managed to maintain an outward show of calm, but she was scared. She had not expressed that sentiment, but she was. He wouldn’t fail her.

  Cullen stood alone in the library with a drink in hand one hand, cigar in the other. Jo had been shown upstairs to rest after their journey. He was worried about her. Her life had been upheaved once again. He realized she needed to see her papa…she needed his blessing. She wanted to return to Charleston. It was the last thing he wanted.

  The door creaked opened. Cullen had been standing with his back to the fire, but he turned to face the door. He glanced up to see his father walk into the room, followed by Hugh.

  “It is good that you are home,” Jonathan said, walking over to the decanter. He poured a drink for Hugh and himself. “Hugh has been busy.”

  Taking a puff of his cigar, Cullen directed his attention to his friend, who had accepted the glass from his father.

  “I went down to shantytown myself and talked to others who boarded at the same house. Two men fitting Harry Lee and Buck’s description. Southern drawl, tall, lean, auburn hair. Little doubt it was the two. They rented a room for the last few of months.”

  Cullen released a trail of smoke. “Did anyone see anything?”

  “No one I found. The men disappeared at the same time of the murder. It is
disturbing, though, they were here for that amount of time.”

  Jonathan took a paper from his coat’s inner pocket. “A telegram arrived yesterday. It is from Brantley Wright.”

  Cullen placed his drink down on the mantle and took the telegram.


  It was disturbing to hear the details of the wedding. I take comfort that your young gentleman has looked after your welfare. I understand his desire to marry you quickly. He expressed it clearly in his telegram. I ask only you do so here in Charleston. Come home. Let me ensure you are safe and well. I need to see you.

  Your Loving, Papa

  “Be cautious, Cullen. Remember the last time you traveled to your Southern home. You were confident that Josephine would be your bride. Do not underestimate your grandfather.”

  “Josephine is not Mother.”

  “No,” Jonathan conceded. “But Clayton Montgomery will not sit idly by and allow his heritage to be lost.”

  Tapping his cigar ashes, Cullen laughed, “You forget I am blood. I will assure Grandfather I won’t make changes in Magnolia Bluff.”

  “Clayton might say tainted blood, son. I only say be prepared.”

  “I can assure you, Father, I know what I face. I can’t be manipulated. If there are any questions about Jo’s inheritance, we will simply walk away from it. It is Harry Lee that is my immediate concern. Allowing Buck to be seen at the Girard House tells me that Harry Lee is getting bolder in his attempt to kidnap Jo.”

  “I believe it went deeper than an attempt to kidnap Josephine,” Hugh offered. “I think his plan was to foil the wedding publically in the most humiliating fashion. Word would get back to Wright. If his health is as fragile as reported…”

  “The news could have killed him,” Cullen agreed. “Harry Lee must be under the misguided impression that Jo would be under her grandfather’s guardianship. I know that Wright changed it to his friend, Whitney, but guardianship will matter little after we are married.”


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