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Road to Nowhere (Road to Nowhere #1; The Good Ol' Boys Spin Off #2)

Page 26

by M. Robinson

  “This ain’t his room. It’s mine. That’s my bed you were sittin’ on. Tell me, sweetheart, did you fuck on it, too?” he viciously remarked, making his way to his dresser. Pulling out a pair of jeans.

  “Creed, Jesus Christ… you haven’t been sleepin’ in here for more than a week at a time for the past four years. It’s been my fuckin’ room more than yours,” Rebel argued, not backing down. “What the fuck is goin’ on, anyway?” He locked eyes with me. “How do you know her?”

  “Don’t worry about it. The question is how the fuck do you know her?” He threw his jeans on under his towel, ripping it off and throwing it on the bed.

  “She came here one night for a party. I woke up the next mornin’ and she was gone.”

  He slowly nodded, the recognition crept across his face. The next thing I knew, a large hand shoved me out of the way, causing me to fall back on the bed. Creed was over to his brother in three strides pinning him to the wall by his throat.

  “So you did fuck her, you little shit!”

  “Stop saying it like that! Let him go!” I yelled, bringing their attention back to me.

  He released Noah. “Consider yourself lucky. If she weren’t here, you’d be fuckin’ hurtin’.” Shoving him into the wall again.

  “This is ridiculous! Can’t you use your words instead of fists?” I remarked.

  “Fuck you, Creed! I’m not scared of you!” Rebel countered, pushing him off.

  Creed ignored his brother, walking back over to me. “You givin’ me shit now, Pippin? Un-fucking-believable.”

  “I didn’t know he was your brother. I swear. I would never do that to you. And you know it.”

  “So that makes it okay? You fucked my little brother! Knowin’ or not, his cock was inside you,” he gritted out. “Can’t even fuckin’ look at you right now.” He backed away and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him hard enough to shake the walls. Making me jump.

  I sat back down on the edge of the bed, unable to hold myself up any longer. Crouching forward, holding my stomach, trying to swallow back the bile rising in my throat.

  This was all just too much.

  “Are you his girl?” Rebel asked what I knew he had been thinking since the second he saw his brother go all ape shit.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  He gave me a curt nod. “What are you doin’ here? You left me hanging that morning. I thought maybe I imagined you or some shit. Never been used like that before. Can’t say I liked it, either.”

  “I’m sorry about that. I didn’t use you, Rebel… Noah… whatever the hell your name is. I had a great time that entire night. With you. But obviously, you know I’ve never done anything like that before. It’s not who I am. I guess… I just didn’t know what would happened next. So I left, making it easier for both of us.”

  He walked toward me, pulling up a chair in front of me and sitting on it backward. Looking me straight in the eyes, he asked, “How do you know Creed?”

  “Long story.”

  “I got time.”

  I took a deep breath, considering what I wanted to say and how to say it. “I don’t want to talk about Creed. I came here to talk to you.”

  It was now or never, I needed to do this before I lost the courage. I would have to deal with Creed and him being brothers and all that brought about later. Right now it was the least of my worries. I grabbed my purse, pulling out what I needed and handed it to him.

  He narrowed his eyes at me as soon as he realized what it was, reading the one word I’d been staring at for the last three days.


  Raising his eyebrows, he breathed out, “You’re fuckin’ pregnant?” Like he didn’t want to believe it.

  I nodded, biting my lip. Waiting for wherever this would lead to.

  “How… how did this happen? We used a condom. I fuckin’ used a condom.” He pointed to himself. “This is bullshit. How do I even know it’s mine?”

  I grimaced, closing my eyes. Hearing him say those words was a wake-up call. I really was a baby girl. A stupid, naive kid. Exactly what Creed had been saying I was all along.

  How could I let this happen?

  “Look, Mia, I don’t know you. Not tryin’ to be a dick here. But you show up weeks late tellin’ me you’re pregnant. Claiming I’m the one who knocked you up? Yeah, I may have taken your fuckin’ virginity but it don’t mean you haven’t spread your legs for anyone else since then.”

  I didn’t hesitate, opening my eyes. Gazing right into his. “I guess being a fucking asshole runs in your family.”

  I hastily grabbed my purse, sensing that he immediately regretted his words. I didn’t give him a chance to apologize, running out the same door Creed had moments before with Rebel calling out my name behind me.

  There was no looking back. The damage was done, and I had no one to blame but myself.

  “Jesus Christ, man. Relax.”

  “Fuck you, Diesel!” I seethed, punching the bag in the weight room. Trying like hell not to picture my brother’s fucking face as I delivered blow upon blow to the leather. Failing miserably in doing so.

  “I knew she looked familiar. I thought I saw them together that—”

  I shot him a warning glare, shutting him up real fucking quick.

  “Damn…” He stepped back, surrendering his hands. “This girl has really gotten under your skin. Never thought I’d see the day. How did an ugly fuck like you bag a young one? Her pussy must be tight as fuck.”

  “Talk about her pussy one more time, motherfucker, and watch what happens,” I growled, meaning every word.

  Diesel chuckled, backing away and leaving me alone.

  I received my DD 214 discharge papers at zero-six-hundred that morning, releasing me from the Army. Never in a million years did I think I’d walk out of my bathroom and see Pippin sitting on my bed in my room.

  In the fucking clubhouse.

  Waiting for my little brother to fuck her…


  I punched the bag harder, almost knocking it off the goddamn chain. I was so pissed I could barely fucking see straight. Not believing one goddamn word she said, knowing she did this to get back at me for rejecting her. For pushing her away. I couldn’t believe she didn’t know that she was in my club. As soon as she saw the cuts on the men, it should have clicked, especially my fucking brother’s. She knew what she was doing here. That fact alone had me seeing red. My mind was reeling, spinning out of control.

  What if something would have happened to her?

  An unclaimed woman at club parties is free for all.

  Pushing her into my brother’s arms was never my fucking intention.

  I walked back into my room an hour later, my blood boiling and my temper searing to the point of fucking pain. Finding Noah sitting on a chair with his back toward me like he hadn’t moved from the place he sat.

  “Where is she, you little shit?” I asked through a clenched jaw, looking around the room. Holding back the urge to break his face in, I grabbed a beer out of the fridge instead, chugging it. Grabbing another one and doing the same.

  He got up, throwing something in the trash. Turning back around to face me, leaning on the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. He simply stated, “She left.” Nodding. “Listen, Creed, I don’t know what’s going on between you two or how you even know each other. You may not be my favorite fuckin’ person, but you’re still my brother. I never would have touched her if I knew she was your girl. I just asked her point blank, and she confirmed she isn’t. That said… I like her, bro. She’s different. Never met anyone like her before. Nice change of pace from the whores all around here.”

  “She ain’t right for you, Noah. Stay the fuck away from her. Do you understand me?”

  “Don’t think I can do that anymore,” he implied, looking down at the trash.

  “The fuck is that supposed to mean?”

  He shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out.” Pushing off the counter, he walked
past me to leave.

  “She’s fifteen. She’s a fuckin’ minor. You know that?”

  He abruptly stopped dead in his tracks, turning to look at me again. I knew by the expression on his face he didn’t know that little fact.

  “She told me she was eighteen. What do you mean she’s only fifteen?”

  I scoffed out, cocking my head, “She lied.”

  “Well, shit…” He shook his head, wide-eyed. Without saying another word, he backed away from me and left.

  “Fuck,” I said to myself, finishing off my beer. Chucking it at the trash so hard it knocked it over.

  I sighed, rubbing the back of my head from the sudden splitting headache. Pissed as hell that I’d only been home for two hours and was already knee deep in a shit- storm. I had a feeling war was far from fucking over. I just never imagined it would be over Mia. I don’t know how long I stood there before finally getting my feet to move. Crouching down in front of the mess to pick the garbage up off the floor. A few beer bottles, paper towels, and a paper bag that a white stick fell out of onto the floor by my feet.

  I reached down and picked it up. “The fuck?” I said out loud, almost knocked on my ass seeing the positive pregnancy stick in my hands.

  I threw on a shirt, my cut, and boots, hauling ass out of my room. “Noah! Where the fuck are ya?!” I screamed so loud it echoed off the walls.

  Walking outside to see that his truck was gone, I didn’t think twice about it. Jumping on my bike, I took off like a bat out of hell. I went to Mia’s parents’ house first, not giving a fuck if they found out about me.

  No one was home.

  I headed to their restaurant next, looking for her there with no luck. Asking the waitress if she knew where she was or if she’d seen her. She said she was over at some party for a christening, dismissing me. I used my charm to get what I wanted until she finally gave me the address.

  I sped the entire way there, not giving a shit I was going way over the speed limit. My heart pounded the closer I got, but I unable to get to her fast enough. There were cars everywhere lining the small private drive. I parked my bike right on the street, barely getting the kickstand down before rushing toward the house.

  Rage took over as I slammed the front door open, not bothering to knock.

  “Where is she? Mia! Where the fuck are you?! I know you’re here!” I hollered, barreling through the door.

  My eyes couldn’t move fast enough, intently peering around the room full of preppy, uptight people. Giving them all a threatening look to not intervene. A few seconds later, I spotted Mia in the corner, shocked as shit to see me there.

  I was over to her in four strides, getting right up in her face. Her bright blue eyes wide and anxious.

  “Creed!” she screeched, trying to back away.

  I didn’t waver, grabbing her arm and holding her in place. It was the first time I ever manhandled her this way, but the moment I read positive on the white pregnancy stick my patience was long fucking gone. I loomed over her small frame with a menacing glare, causing her to cower back.

  Afraid of me.

  “I found this in the trash,” I gritted out through a clenched jaw, throwing the stick at her. “You did this on purpose, didn’t you?! You wanted this!” I snarled, pulling her closer to me by her arm.

  “I… no… I didn’t! I swear!” she stuttered, fervently shaking her head.

  “Look me in the goddamn eyes and tell me you didn’t plan this.”

  “No! Of cour—”

  I saw him from the corner of my eye before he came right between us without thinking of the consequences.

  I knew right then and there.

  This was her fucking daddy.

  “Back the fuck up if you know what’s good for you. And get the fuck out of this house,” he ordered, eyeing me up and down with a threatening regard.

  I scoffed, matching his stare. “Fuck you! Now you want to be all protective? You’re too late. Your fifteen-year-old daughter went and got herself knocked up. Congratu-fucking-lations, Grandpa.” I shoved him, wanting him out of my fucking face. He barely wavered, ready to strike back.

  “Creed! Enough!”

  I recognized that voice. My eyes flew to Martinez who was casually walking over to us. I jerked back, stunned that he was there.

  “This isn’t the time or the place. There are women and children present.”

  I scowled. “Since when the fuck do you care about any of that?”

  “Since this is my niece’s home. And her kids are my blood. Me and your club have never had any problems. If you want to keep it that way, I suggest you take your ass outside and walk away.”

  I took a look around, finally realizing Martinez was right. Pissed that my temper outweighed anything else, I stepped back, looking over at Mia again.

  “This ain’t over.” I nodded at her.

  And it wasn’t.

  It was far from fucking over.

  It had only just begun.

  The rumbling of his motorcycle as it roared to life shook the entire living room. Driving away, taking my heart with him. It hurt like hell when he ripped out the pregnancy stick in front of everyone, including my parents. Throwing me under the bus and leaving me there to face the wrath that he unleashed. It didn’t bother me half as bad as him thinking I’d done this intentionally to hurt him. I could swear on everyone’s lives staring at me in the room, I didn’t know Rebel was his brother. I didn’t even know he had a brother! It wasn’t like he talked about his life all those times we saw each other.

  For the first time since I’d met him all those years ago, I was terrified of him. I’d never seen him that angry, that cruel or vicious. Making me question if I ever really knew the man behind the cut.

  The real Creed.

  I couldn’t blame him. I fucked up, ruining my life.

  Yet, I wanted to run after him. I wanted to punch him in the face. But most of all, I wanted to tell him how sorry I was. But I couldn’t. My feet were glued to the damn floor with a few dozen eyes on me.

  “Mia,” Momma coaxed, standing in front of me. “Oh my God! Is it true? You’re pregnant?”

  I stood there frozen in place, not knowing how to make it better.

  “I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend? And now this? What were you thinking? You got yourself wrapped up with an MC? How old is that guy? He has to be in his late twenties.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as she brought her shaking hand up to her mouth. My father stood there with rage in his eyes, hands in fists at his side. His friends ready to hold him back, from me. My glossy eyes wandered around the room, mortified, overwhelmed not knowing what to say.

  “It’s not his. It’s his younger brother’s. I’m so sorry, Momma,” I found myself saying, running out the back door. I needed to get out of there, I needed some fresh air. The walls were caving in on me.

  I ran all the way to my special spot on the other side of the lake. Hunching over by the willow tree, emptying out the contents of my stomach. Which wasn't anything new as of late. Looking over to the water, I tried to calm my nerves, picturing one of the happiest days of my life with him. Here on this lake. Thinking about where I went wrong since then. Going from innocent Mia to a fifteen-year-old knocked up and alone.

  Wiping the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand, I took my phone out. Calling the only person, I knew that would be on my side.

  “Hey babe, what’s up?”

  “Giselle, I need you to come get me,” I cried into the receiver.

  “Are you alright? What happened? Where are you?”

  “Please, just hurry. I’m over by Uncle Austin's. The far side of the lake by the willow tree. I just need to get out of here.”

  “Mia, you're scaring me. What's wrong? Why aren’t you inside with everyone for the christening party? I was just on my way there,” she rambled.

  “Giselle! Please!” I broke down, sobbing. My emotions taking over.

  “Stay put, I'll be there in fift
een minutes.”

  I hung up the phone not saying another word. Sitting on the rope swing, rubbing my nonexistent belly, blankly staring at the ripples in the water from my tears. Wondering what the hell I was going to do.

  Giselle pulled down the dirt road minutes later. I dried my tears the best I could, walking over to her car, opening the passenger door and getting in. She instantly pulled me over the center console hugging me tight.

  “Why are you crying? What’s going on?” she questioned, pulling back, looking me in the face.

  I just shook my head, as more tears ran down my cheeks.

  “Oh my God." Her hand went to her chest. “It's Mason? Did something happen to him?”

  My brother re-enlisted for another two years in the Army, much to her dismay. I think they were now taking a break, whatever that meant.

  I shook my head no, unable to speak.

  “Mia Ryder! You almost gave me a heart attack.”

  “I'm so sorry. Can you take me home please?” I leaned against the window welcoming the cool sensation from the air conditioning.

  “Not till you tell me what's going on.”

  “I don't want to talk about it!” I snapped, the hormones in my body on overdrive.

  “Okay, okay...” She put her hands out in front of her. “You know you can talk to me, right?”

  “I know,” I whispered, still staring out the window. “You'll find out soon enough,” I said to myself. As she drove off.

  By the time we pulled up to my house, my parents’ and my uncle’s cars were all parked in the driveway. I walked inside like I was walking to my execution. The second I opened the door, I could hear them all arguing. Going back and forth on what was going on, how to handle me, and what would happen next. Like they were the ones to decide my fate.

  “What’s going on?” Giselle questioned, going in first.

  I shut the door behind me, following close behind her. Everyone stopped talking and all eyes fell on me, once we walked into the room. Momma was sitting on the couch, looking like she hadn’t stopped crying since the truth was thrown in her face. Aunt Lily was sitting beside her, rubbing her back. Dad was standing by the far wall seething, even more pissed than he was before I left Uncle Austin’s.


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