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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 8

by McKinley, Diana

  “Lean towards me, honey” he murmured and as she did, his lips closed around her nipple. She let out a breathy sigh that had him smiling. Gabriel moved his lips to the other nipple, while his palms skated across her skin, petting and coaxing her to build the fires within again.

  Emily began to move against his pelvis, a slow grind at first, but then with more force as his lips moved from one breast to the other. Gabriel moved his hands back to her waist and lifted her slightly, positioning Emily over his cock. She stared into his blue eyes as, slowly, he began to penetrate her.

  “Go easy,” he said, and watched her eyes for any sign of pain or distress. “I’m bigger than Noah and I’ll feel even bigger this way with you on top. Inch by inch, honey. Take only what you can handle.”

  God, she loved him so much. Her heart squeezed as Gabriel ceded control to her, all in an effort to make the experience as pleasurable and easy as he could for her. Both men had taken such care to ease her into this new world of sensuality and bliss, and it made Emily want to give them everything she had in return.

  Slowly, she rose up again, until just the head of Gabe’s thick cock rimmed her entrance, and then she began to push down. She felt the bed dip as Noah stretched out next to them, but she kept her eyes trained on Gabriel, watching his desire and restraint as it shone brightly there for her. Emily laced her fingers through his and used his hands to give her leverage as she took more of him inside her.

  “Gabe, you feel so good,” she groaned as she slipped further down his immense shaft. Her head fell back and she felt her hair tickling her lower back as it swayed with her body’s movements. Never in her wildest fantasies could she have imagined making love would feel this way. Beautiful, yes. Yet so hot that she felt as though she might spontaneously combust.

  “God, so do you, Em,” he groaned as she moved down the last few inches. Gabriel felt her soft bottom hit his groin and he moaned again. “Noah’s right. You fit me like a glove, honey. Squeezing me so tight I can’t catch my breath.”

  “Can I move?” she panted, already beginning the slow slide upwards.

  “Yes, Emily, move now,” he urged her, and it was all the permission she needed.

  She found herself at the tip of his cock again and she began to move down his shaft faster this time. He was slick from her juices and even some of Noah’s release, but Gabe hadn’t offered a complaint about that. Instead, his hands found her waist again as he thrust up into her sheath, causing them both to cry out.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, his face lined with concentration as he tried to force himself to go slowly.

  “No, Gabe. Never would you hurt me. Stop holding back though, and take me. Take me and make me yours, just like Noah did,” she said, and watched a fire light within those blue eyes from her bold words.

  He cupped Emily’s face and brought her lips back to his as he took over the rhythm she had tried to begin. His hips pistoned upwards and he filled her over and over again. Gabriel moved one hand to her neck and collared her with it, then slowly pushed Emily back until she was sitting astride him again, all while he loved her and made her his.

  Gabe’s left hand found her clit and he began to feather his fingertips over it, until she was mindless of everything else but the burning pleasure both within and there at that one magical spot. Emily felt herself tense deep inside, and her entire abdomen seemed to seize as orgasm overcame her. She cried out and yelled his name, chanting it, just as he clasped her waist and buried himself in her moist heat. They came together, and she had to remind herself to breathe as tremors raced through her body, one after another.

  Emily collapsed on his chest, unable to do anything more. She panted as if she’d just run ten miles and realized then that Gabriel was doing the same. She kissed his sweaty chest and smiled when his palms caressed her back. He began to knead her backside, and that motion drug her up and down his cock again. They both let out a low groan that caused her to chuckle softly.

  “Don’t stop doing that,” she sighed and nuzzled his chest with her nose.

  “Okay,” Gabriel laughed, a deep rumble vibrating through his chest under her cheek.

  Emily turned her head so she could see Noah. He was lying beside them with his head propped in one hand, while his other hand slowly worked over his cock. She arched an eyebrow at him when she realized he was hard all over again. Noah chuckled and shook his head.

  “Don’t worry, Em. If we made love again, you wouldn’t be able to walk tomorrow. Twice is enough for the first night.”

  “I don’t think my legs work now,” she confessed, and all three laughed. She reached out and laced her right hand through Noah’s and smiled when he gave her fingers a gentle squeeze.

  “Thank you, both, for tonight. This was beyond anything I could have ever hoped or imagined for my first time. And I’m so thankful it was with the two of you. I don’t think I could have let go like that or felt so whole and complete with any other man.”

  “It was just that special for us, baby,” Noah grinned. He lifted her hand and placed a kiss on the back of it, letting his lips linger over her skin.

  “Amen,” Gabriel sighed contentedly. He moved a hand off of her buttocks and clasped her chin. He redirected her eyes to his and gave her a stern, yet playful, glare. “And let me add, that there will be no others touching your body except me and Noah. What we said earlier in the hot tub still goes. We’re it for each other, and as far as I’m concerned we’re as good as married now. You’re ours, Emily, for the rest of your days.”

  She chuckled and nodded her agreement. “I’ve only ever wanted the two of you. And now that I know you love me too, why would I want someone else?”

  “Put it from your mind,” Noah smirked. “There are no other men in the world. Just us.”

  Emily’s smile fell away, and Gabriel and Noah looked on as she grew very pale and still.

  “Em,” Gabriel called to her softly. “What just happened?”

  “Sorry,” she said with a shake of her head, but Gabriel clasped her chin again and directed her eyes back to his.

  “No, ma’am, none of that. Partners talk and share with one another. Don’t shut us out, Emily. Tell us what you’re thinking.” Gabriel knew exactly what she was thinking, and he wanted to find the sick son of a bitch who was hunting her and strangle him with his bare hands for putting the fear there that he saw in her eyes.

  “There is another out there. Just waiting,” Emily breathed, her lower lip beginning to tremble. “And I don’t want him here, tonight. Not in this bed and not with us. I don’t want to think about him, please? Just for tonight, I can’t,” she said and began to cry softly against Gabe.

  “Come here, honey,” he said and drew her down against his chest. He wrapped his strong arms around her, as Noah crowded in. Noah’s hand went to the back of her head and he began to stroke her long tresses, while Gabe resumed his massage on her lower back.

  “No one will get through us, baby,” Noah reassured her. “You’re safe, just as we are. What can we do to distract you? Those damn tears are killing me.”

  Emily chuckled despite herself, and she opened her eyes to stare into Noah’s. She touched his jaw and then traced his lips as she had earlier while in the water.

  “Distract me? I like the sound of that,” she murmured.

  “What have we turned you into?” Noah played, happy to see her making an effort to put the stalker out of her mind.

  “A woman who wants to make love with her men?” she teased.

  “Hmmm, now that I like the sound of,” Gabriel echoed her words in approval. “Why don’t we take you to the shower and help you wash and clean up a bit. Then we’ll have a snack. Noah and I skipped dinner, and we’re famished.”

  “What’d you cook for supper?” Noah asked. “I know I smelled something good in the air when we walked in.”

  “I made chili,” Emily said and looked on as Noah threw back his head and groaned. She reached out and smoothed her palm over his musc
led chest, finding that she couldn’t resist the temptation to touch such delicious male flesh. “Mmmm, I love the way you both feel. I’ve watched you move around in front of me and drooled for years. But being able to really feel you… It’s so much better than I’d imagined.”

  “Touch me again,” Noah prodded her, and as she did she felt Gabriel’s cock stir within her body.

  “Gabe?” she whispered in surprise, only to hear him groan when she moved.

  “Em, let’s go to the shower before I flip you over and take you again. I only have so much resistance built into this body and small brain,” he warned.

  “All right,” Emily chuckled and leaned forward to kiss him. “A shower with the two of you sounds divine. Lead the way.”

  “Um, Em,” Noah smirked and shook his head. “You’re going to have to move off of him first. Hold on, I’ll help.”

  Before she could say another word, Noah got on his knees and then leaned over. With no discernible effort, he gently lifted her from Gabriel’s body and then cradled her in his arms.

  “Coming?” he asked Gabriel over his shoulder while he stood and headed for the bathroom.

  “Smartass,” Gabriel grumbled.

  But Emily laughed over their banter, and that made whatever wiseass remarks Noah wanted to throw his way bearable. Because Gabriel would do anything to make her smile and hear her laughter. Take away some of the pain and strain the last weeks had wrought. Yeah, he thought, he’d do whatever it took.


  Emily stood by the small bar that separated the cabin’s kitchen from the dining and living room, with a bowl in her hands. She’d warmed the leftover chili while the guys had brought out the cheese, sour cream, and crackers. They were seated at the bar, contentedly eating their meal. But she was still a little too tender to sit beside them, so she stood and leaned against the counter.

  Noah licked his spoon and she smiled over his ever-present playfulness and joy. He always managed to keep her laughing somehow, no matter what was happening in their lives. He scooped a little more chili into his bowl from the larger container and dove in. It was a dish they’d enjoyed together many times, and Emily was glad that she had prepared the comfort food earlier. Though, she’d had no idea she would have company to help her enjoy it later.

  No, she told herself, they were no longer company. No longer simply friends who would visit or men whose house she would go to for movies or get-togethers anymore. They were more now, and if tonight didn’t solidify the change in their status, Emily didn’t know what would.

  But, she asked herself, could she go home again, or even to Gabriel and Noah’s house without willfully placing them in danger? And that thought made Emily wonder if it wouldn’t be better for the guys to stash her somewhere else for a while. Though she hated the thought of being parted from them now that she knew what it really felt like to be held and loved by them.

  Emily felt a light tug on her hair, and she looked up to see both men studying her face intently. Noah released her hair and then encircled her wrist with his fingers. He drew her closer and wrapped an arm around her waist, anchoring her to his side.

  “Talk to us, Em,” he said. “You’re awful quiet, and we know that look. You’re deep in thought, trying to solve one of the world’s great mysteries when you get like this. What’s running through that brain of yours?” he asked and tapped her temple with his index finger. Noah drug it down her face and traced the outline of her jaw, causing Emily to shiver.

  “I was wondering where we would live, or if that’s something you even want to delve into right away. Do we date for a while and stay in separate homes? Or do we move in together? And if so, where? Because, right now, my home is dangerous territory and I don’t think I would feel at ease bringing you into a place I know he’s watching.”

  A slight growl rolled through Gabriel, and Noah made a strangled sound of protest as well.

  “No, don’t get like that,” Emily said and raised a hand to stop their brooding. She knew exactly what their sounds, and the faces they were making, meant for them both. They’d grow stubborn on her and take over, rather than talk it through. “I’m serious, guys. I’m yours, completely. But right now, some sick person out there also thinks I’m his or hers. And I can’t put either of you in danger. I love you too much.”

  “Let’s move to the couch and talk about this,” Gabriel said. He rose from his stool without another word and carried his bowl and hers to the sink. He rinsed them quickly and turned to take Noah’s in hand. Within a few minutes, the men had the kitchen in order and they each placed a hand on Emily to direct her to the sofa.

  Emily stood by as first Noah and then Gabe took cushions on the sofa. But they left no space between them, and she wondered over their plan. She didn’t have to wonder for long, though, because Gabriel reached out and drew her down onto his lap. And just as quickly as he had her settled, Noah lifted her legs and placed them across his own lap. He began to slowly caress Emily through the soft pajama bottoms she wore, while Gabriel smoothed her hair back and wrapped both of his arms around her, supporting Emily’s upper body, but also keeping her close to his chest.

  “Now, let’s talk,” Gabriel said. “You just rattled off a rather long list of questions and concerns over there, and we do need to discuss it all. I told you in the hot tub that Noah and I intended to talk with you about all of this, but we got a bit carried away when we found you naked in the water,” he confessed.

  “Yeah,” grinned Noah, “that kind of caused us to think of one thing, and one thing only.”

  “I do that all of the time,” Emily said, and then she bit her lower lip as she realized what she’d let slip out.

  Both men frowned at her and narrowed their eyes. Noah’s hands stopped their slow massage, while Gabriel’s grip around her tightened.

  “Tell me that doesn’t mean what I think it does?” Noah asked her in a low tone.

  “What do you think it means?” Emily asked, stalling for time.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Gabriel warned. “Don’t turn his words back on him. Spit it out, Em. What have you been doing while we’re away from home? Because we sure as hell would have noticed if you’d done it while we were there.”

  Emily chuckled and laid her head against Gabriel’s shoulder. She wasn’t put off by their gruffness, because she’d heard it practically her whole life. It was just bluster. Gabe gave her a light swat on the side of her hip and it made her laugh even more. He did it again and she caved.

  “Okay, okay,” Emily sighed. “I skinny-dip in your Jacuzzi all the time when you’re gone. In every season.”

  “Jesus, Em!” Noah fumed in an exasperated huff. “What if we had neighbors close enough to have seen you?”

  “Come on, you live in the middle of the woods. Besides, you have blinds around that enclosed part of your deck, too. I just let them down and then I crawl in. It feels better that way, with the water rolling over my skin.”

  She laughed again at the tortured sound that came from each man. When Gabriel swatted her a third time with a little more of a bite, Emily tipped her head back and nipped the column of his neck, just above his collar.

  “Em, stop it,” he warned. “We can’t have sex again tonight without making you very uncomfortable. But if you keep that up, I’ll forgo caution and have you beneath me before you can blink.”

  “All right,” she chuckled and stilled her movements. “I’ll be good.”

  “I will never look at that hot tub the same way again,” Noah said with a sheepish grin. “Damn, Emily.” He resumed his sensuous caress along her legs, even delving under the fabric to reach her skin. Only now he seemed to be working his fingers over her legs with a more concentrated and deliberate touch.

  Gabriel buried his nose in her hair for a few moments, and she heard him inhale, drawing her scent deeply into his lungs. He nuzzled her and Emily sighed from the utter contentment she felt, being held in the arms she had long wanted to shelter in. To know what
it felt like to truly be wanted by them both, was the stuff of dreams and fantasies. She was tempted to pinch herself to see if it was all really happening, or if she’d just dozed off in the hot tub and imagined it all.

  She lifted her hand and began to gently caress Gabriel’s chest, letting her fingers glide along the defined ridges she felt hidden just underneath his soft t-shirt. He shivered slightly when her nails glided across his right nipple, so she did it again and felt him tense up from her light exploration.

  “I have wanted you both for so long,” Emily confessed, her tone serious, yet soft. “I would stand back sometimes and listen to you tease each other, your words coming quickly and so relaxed. I’d marvel over your camaraderie, and your obvious brotherly affection for one another, thinking that no other two people I knew were closer.”

  “At other times, I’d observe you interacting with our friends at a cook-out or get-together, and I would imagine what it would be like to stand between the two of you, one on each side of me, with your arms around my waist or shoulders. Unafraid to acknowledge publicly that you cared for me, really wanted me.”

  “Then, there were the nights you’d call me and tell me you were home from your latest case, and I’d feel as if I could breathe again. I would know you were safe, yes, but I’d also know you hadn’t come home with another woman once I got to your house or you came over to mine.”

  “I can’t tell you how many days and nights I held my breath, because I was sure that at some point I’d have to see you with someone else and you’d tell me it was forever. That some other lady had stolen your heart, and you were ready to make her your everything. And I knew if that ever happened, I’d have to move away from Whitford Falls. Because I’d never be able to face you and hide my heartache. Never be able to pretend as if my heart hadn’t been broken in two.”


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