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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 10

by McKinley, Diana

  “I am tired,” she admitted and nuzzled his chest.

  “Then sleep, and let us keep watch for a while,” Gabe encouraged.

  Emily said no more, and after several minutes both men felt her completely relax. She went limp in their arms and her breathing evened out. Gabriel could feel the soft little puffs of air that came from her parted lips as they blew across his chest.

  “I’m going to secure the doors and windows, then I’ll be back,” Noah said softly.

  “Call Kaden too, and let him know we’re down for the night,” Gabe murmured. “He and Garrett should be settled in their own cabin by now.”

  “Got it,” Noah said and slowly began to inch away from Emily. She sighed and he paused. But she didn’t stir again, and he was able to quietly leave the bed.

  Noah slipped on his jeans and then went into the second bedroom. He opened one of the company cases they’d brought along, filled with all the supplies they’d need to make the small cabin more secure during their short stay. He pulled out sensors for the windows, infrared cameras, and additional slide-on deadbolts for the doors. Then he set to work, determined that no one would breach their temporary sanctuary.

  When the last window was rigged with sensors, Noah took out one of the Sat phones his team always used while on assignment. It kept their communications encrypted and their conversations scrambled and private. He dropped onto a stool in the kitchen and scrubbed a hand through his hair while he waited for either Kaden or Garrett to answer his call.

  “About time,” Garrett drawled out.

  “Hello to you, too,” Noah retorted, preparing himself for the ribbing that was coming.

  “Since it took you hours to call us, I will assume Emily is now officially off of the market,” he observed dryly.

  “Damn straight,” Noah smiled, happy to be able to proclaim her as his. His and Gabriel’s.

  “Well, then. It’s good to know you’ve both finally become men tonight,” Garrett teased. “I knew if you guys hung around us long enough, you’d eventually get the picture.”

  “Since we’re the only ones with an actual girlfriend now, I think it’ll be the rest of you taking lessons from me and Gabe from here on out,” Noah countered.

  “Don’t rub it in,” Garrett sighed, but Noah wasn’t fooled for a moment. He knew their entire team was pleased that he and Gabriel had finally quit stalling and decided to pursue happiness with the one woman who meant everything to them.

  “Talk to me, Garrett, and tell me what you guys found,” Noah prompted him, their banter now at an end.

  “Absolutely,” he replied, his tone shifting immediately to the business at hand. Namely, protecting the very lady they had just playfully referred to. “Lay of the land looks good around the cabin. Honestly, Emily couldn’t have picked a better spot to hide out for a while. We found no evidence that anyone has bedded down within the vicinity to watch her. And Kaden thoroughly went over her vehicle. He found no tracking devices which would lead the perp to her current location.”

  “Good,” Noah sighed, sounding a little more tired than he had intended. The stress of the last week was showing a bit, and he forced himself to sit up a little straighter and shake it off.

  “You sound wiped, man,” Garrett said seriously. “Get some sleep and know that we’ve got you guys covered from the outside.”

  “Thanks. I’ve got the inside wired now, so yeah, I’m gonna turn in. Em’s exhausted. She even said tonight she didn’t know how to sleep without the lights on anymore.”

  “Then get your ass off of this phone and go hold your girl,” Garrett growled and ended the call.

  Noah chuckled and rose to do just that.


  Emily began to roll to her side and collided with a warm body. A large, warm body. She leaned away and felt another at her back. And then she felt something more on her skin. A light brush of someone’s knuckles across the soft underside of her breasts. A whispered kiss and then the lingering slide of a tongue over her shoulder. Her eyes fluttered open to find that she was staring directly into Gabe’s intense blue irises.

  “Hey there,” he smiled and leaned in to kiss her, shocking her as he delved and stole her breath.

  Gabriel’s hands tightened on her waist just as Emily felt his knee move between hers, opening her to his advances. But she was stunned once more when she felt Noah’s fingers skate across her sensitive folds. He petted and stroke her there as Gabriel cupped her face and plundered her mouth.

  Emily began to squirm, unable to bear the relentless pressure they were creating from their dual assault on her senses. She grasped Gabe’s shoulders and ground her buttocks against Noah’s groin, feeling the hard length of his arousal. Gabriel’s hands left her face and he began to stroke her breasts, kneading them and thumbing her nipples until she tore her lips from his and cried out.

  Noah thrust two fingers into her sheath and rubbed his thumb across her clit, while Gabriel scooted down on the bed and took one of her nipples into his mouth. Emily arched into Gabe while her hips started to move in rhythm with Noah’s slow thrusts. She felt her body climbing towards bliss, and she let them take her there without hesitation.

  “I can feel you almost there, baby,” Noah breathed in her ear. “Come for us, Em. Come now, and let us hear you,” he commanded in a rough whisper.

  His words excited her beyond reason, and Emily trembled and then let the undertow take her out to deeper waters. Her body bowed between them and then she shouted her release. Pleasure washed through and over her, carrying Emily away momentarily.

  When she reopened her eyes and tried to focus, Emily saw Gabriel smiling at her and leaning in to kiss her lips again. His mouth moved over to her ear where he whispered, “We’ve got to have you, Emily. Are you too sore, or did Noah’s fingers feel good inside you?”

  “So good,” she breathed. “I want you both, too. Together.” Emily was shocked that such a bold request had come from her lips. She should have asked them, rather than just thrown it out there. What if they never wanted such a thing and only intended to make love to her one at a time? Heat crept up her neck and face as she tried to meet Gabriel’s seeking gaze.

  “We’ll get to that,” he smiled, trying to take her worries away. “But only after we’ve prepared you a bit more. Let’s play for a while and see where it takes us this morning. Okay?”

  He was damned glad to hear the direction her thoughts were traveling. Because after last night, Gabe realized he had no problem having sex with Emily while Noah was in the thick of things. It felt good to give her as much pleasure as possible, and the two of them were already finding their rhythm as they put her satisfaction before their own. It felt right, and he wasn’t going to hold back or deny her anything.

  “Okay,” she nodded, more than happy to explore them, while at the same time giving them free rein over her body.

  Emily reached behind her and caressed Noah’s face, smiling over his morning stubble, while she slid her other palm over Gabriel’s honed chest. Noah nuzzled her neck, kissing and nipping as he worked his way down to her shoulder. His hands moved to her buttocks where he began a firm massage.

  Gabriel’s head dipped to take her nipple back in his mouth. He moved from one to the other, alternating the pressure and driving her insane. Taking over where Noah’s fingers had left her empty and wanting, Gabriel pushed one long finger gently inside her and then curled it forward. Emily reached for his cock and found it just beyond her grasp. But Gabe sensed her desire and he angled his hips upwards, giving her access to his full length.

  He groaned as she closed her fingers around him. His hips began to move, and Emily encircled his thick cock with her hand, providing the gentle friction Gabriel needed to give him pleasure as well. She reached behind her and clasped Noah’s hip, then slid her palm over the firm muscles of his backside. He ground his erection into her, and she pushed back against him without hesitation.

  But she stilled her movements when she felt No
ah move a finger to the tight entrance of her untried rear passage.

  “Easy, Emily,” Noah murmured against her ear. “I’m only going to play a bit. Tell me if anything hurts or makes you uncomfortable, and I’ll stop immediately.”

  “I trust you,” she reassured him.

  “And I adore you,” he chuckled and then grazed her jaw with his teeth. “Relax and let me in. Just breathe out as I push in.”

  “Okay,” she managed, just as his finger slipped the barest of inches into her anus. “Oh my, gosh!” Emily gasped, and felt her pussy involuntarily clamp down on Gabriel’s finger.

  “I felt that,” Gabe chuckled, and then added a second finger to her passage. Noah slipped further inside, and the pressure built exponentially.

  “Ah, just like that, Em.” Noah grinned and licked over the shell of her ear. He pushed in deeper and then began to glide his finger back and forth over the super-sensitive tissues.

  They began a slow rhythm, moving in tandem with each other. Gabriel would push in and Noah would retreat. Then Noah’s finger moved deep inside while Gabe pulled away. Emily found she couldn’t do anything more than cling to them and cry out as she climbed the peak of ecstasy again. Sensing how close she was, they both plunged their fingers into her at the same moment, and she fell over the cliff.

  Emily yelled as moisture flooded from her pussy and her ass clamped down on Noah’s finger. She lost sight of Gabriel and could only buck between the two of them, riding the incredible wave of pleasure that completely claimed her body. When she came to again, Emily felt her body moving as Gabriel lifted her.

  “Up on your knees, honey. Tell me if you need to stop,” he said, while he positioned himself behind her.

  Gabriel grasped her waist, while Emily used her knees and arms to support her weight. And then she felt the blunt head of his cock touch her pussy. He glided in the barest inch, paused, and then surged forward, eliciting a loud gasp from her and a deep groan from him.

  “God!” Gabe bit out. He pulled back and then pushed inward again, all the way to his balls. Again he pulled away, but this time Emily followed him, desperate not to lose the friction.

  She felt the bed dip as Gabriel sank into her again, and she opened her eyes to see Noah tossing a cloth off the bed that he’d cleaned his hand with, and then he sat in front of her. He cupped her face and directed her lips to his straining cock, silently encouraging her to open for him. She smiled and swallowed him whole.

  Noah hissed and threw back his head, lost in a sea of utter sensation. His need for visual stimulation was already on overload from their play and then watching Gabriel sink into Emily from behind. But now the feeling of his morning erection throbbing in her warm mouth was almost more than he could bear. He felt his balls draw up and he tried to count to ten, wanting the moment to last and not end as soon as he’d gotten inside her. He ran his fingers into Emily’s hair and pulled her back a bit, urging her to slow down.

  Gabriel couldn’t seem to slow his movements though, no matter how hard he tried. Emily was so tight and so eager, that he continued to push his entire length into her over and over, until they were both mindless of anything but the exquisite pleasure. He felt Emily tremble and he leaned forward to find her clit with his fingers. That motion caused her to moan, and he saw Noah’s jaw fall open as she hummed over his cock.

  “I can’t hold on any longer,” Emily whimpered, and looked up at Noah with pleading eyes. “It’s too good. Both of you come with me. Now.”

  “God, yes,” Noah begged and guided her mouth back down onto his cock. He took over for her, letting Emily fall into the rhythm he and Gabe established between the two of them. Back and forth they pulled her, rocking her against their shafts.

  “I’m right there with you, Emily,” Gabriel promised her, and then sped up his steady cadence, until he had them all turning to pure liquid in a matter of minutes.

  Noah was the first to lose control, coating her throat with his release and shouting his surrender. As soon as he pulled from Emily’s mouth, she and Gabriel tumbled over into utter ecstasy. She cried out their names and trembled forcefully throughout her orgasm. Noah held her face in his hands, trying to steady Emily as slight tears leaked from the corner of her eyes from the intensity of it all.

  Gabe growled her name and then threw back his head. He ground into her until every last drop of his seed was spent, and then he collapsed forward, bringing Emily down with him. Noah slid over and made room for them, angling his head as he tried to see Emily hidden under Gabriel’s much larger frame.

  “Let her breathe, Gabe,” he chuckled.

  “I can breathe,” Emily mumbled against the bed. “But I can’t move.”

  All three of them laughed softly. Gabriel kissed her shoulders and then slowly pulled from the tight clasp of her body, causing Emily to sigh. He helped her turn on her side as he spooned in behind her. Noah slid forward and crowded in on her front. He wasted no time fusing his lips to hers, sweeping in with his tongue to taste her.

  When he raised his head, Noah let his lips linger over the baby soft skin of her face, peppering a trail up her cheek and across her forehead. The fine hairs around her face tickled his nose, and so he moved down to kiss the bridge of hers. For several minutes, Noah simply explored her skin with his lips, and he found he loved the gentleness of it all. There was no heated rush now that they were all sated. Now, it was just pure comfort and tenderness. Something he’d never felt compelled to seek out with the few others he’d had sex with in the past.

  “Is this real or am I dreaming?” Emily asked.

  Noah pulled back to stare into her eyes and Gabriel moved closer, resting the side of his face alongside hers. His fingers brushed over her flat belly and he nodded.

  “It’s real, Emily. We’re here and we want you,” Gabe said softly.

  “We more than want you,” Noah corrected and trailed a finger across her lips. “We love you, Emily. We have for ages.”

  “I love you both, too,” she said quietly. She kissed Noah’s finger, then let her tongue dart out and caress the tip.

  But even that delicate touch couldn’t distract him from what his ears had detected. Noah arched an eyebrow at the somber tone Emily had used and he glanced at Gabriel, seeing that he’d picked up on it too.

  “Why the serious face, baby?” Noah asked, staring now intently into her violet eyes. They still looked slumberous from her passion and their lovemaking, but there was an edge of anxiety there that he’d never seen in Emily’s eyes before. And he knew exactly who’d put that fear there.

  Emily stared at Noah in return, and she could see the concern that the tone of her last words had caused. She hadn’t meant to dampen the mood so abruptly, but she also couldn’t hide anything from these two men. They knew her better than anyone else, and she could no more lie to them than they could to her.

  Still, she hated that there was a constant shadow in her life which had the power to claim any portion of her consciousness. Especially now that she was where she had always longed to be. She hated that there was another distracting her from the peace she should be experiencing in the moment.

  “Em,” Gabriel called to her, “answer Noah.” He flattened his palm on her stomach and pulled her back flush against his body.

  She sighed and nodded slowly. Gabe felt her body cave in just a bit and he knew where her thoughts were leading her. And he hated it for her. Hated this bastard with a growing ferocity that threatened to overtake his legendary calm focus which always prevailed while he was on a case.

  But this was no case. This was his love. His life. His and Noah’s. And he’d be damned if another would strip that away. Especially now that he knew what it really was to hold and love her.

  “I was thinking,” Emily began, “that I am exactly where I want to be. I feel whole at long last, and I no longer have to look at what could never be mine, what’s always been just out of reach. Now I can touch you, hold you, and kiss you both. I don’t have to hold back
or pretend that our friendship is enough. I can show you what’s been inside my heart, just waiting for the two of you to be ready for more.”

  “That’s all good, Emily. So why the edge of sadness?” Noah asked. He ran his hand over the top of her head and threaded his fingers through her hair.

  “Because I should also feel free. When you’re making love to me, I do,” she added quickly, lest they think she was unhappy with their new physical bond. “Last night and this morning, I felt truly free in a way I never have before. No worries or fears intruded. It was just us and what we were giving to each other.”

  “But?” Gabe murmured.

  “But… This should be the happiest time of my life. You’re here and we’re finally together. We should be celebrating, and instead we’re hiding. You both have to know what the past two months have been like for me,” she breathed, her voice growing tremulous.

  “Freedom has become something of the past. Something I’ve longed for, but something that’s no longer achievable. I’ve changed, and I don’t like it, not one bit. I’ve not wanted to give this stalker that much power over me, but it was inevitable. He or she took it, whether I wanted to concede it or not.”

  Emily gritted her teeth and willed her tears to recede. But her eyes filled with moisture regardless of her desire. Just another sad testimony of how much influence this stalker really had, and how much he or she had really taken over her life.

  “I’ve become afraid of my own shadow. I’ve never been scared to just live my life, day to day, but I am now. I don’t know who to trust or who to let in the front door anymore. I never knew if Tara or someone else would enrage this person, because he or she would think I was giving my attention to someone else and not them. I was afraid that jealousy might spark violence, and I couldn’t bear the thought of someone being hurt because they were near me.”


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