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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 13

by McKinley, Diana

His gaze flickered briefly to Gabriel, and he saw Gabe’s slow nod that he too was ready to step this up a bit. Noah watched Gabriel’s hands slowly cup her breasts, his thumbs lightly brushing across her nipples, and felt himself harden even more. If such a thing was possible. Who knew watching another pleasure her would turn him on so, he chuckled inwardly?

  Noah brought his hands back around her hips and he gently pushed Emily’s thighs further apart. His fingers began to lightly graze her folds and the pad of his thumb found her clit. She whispered his name, and the soft plea in her voice was unmistakable. Emily was asking for more, and Noah was more than happy to give it to her.

  He wet the index finger of his other hand in his mouth and then lowered it to the tight ring which lay hidden almost out of sight. When he brushed across the rosette with that one, seeking finger, Emily opened her thighs further to his advances. It made Noah light-headed, that one so inexperienced was allowing him whatever liberties he wanted. A rumble of satisfaction rolled through his chest as he moved a finger into her pussy and one into her core.

  Emily was suddenly on a precarious edge, and she began to move her hips in time with the steady rhythm Noah was producing with his fingers. But just as quickly as she’d begun, she felt one of Gabriel’s hands leave her breast and settle on her hip. He pushed down with just a tiny fraction of his strength, but it was enough for her to understand his silent directive.

  Still. He wanted her still, so she received what they chose to give her, not what she tried to take. It was so hard to do, but with a soft whimper, Emily complied and sank against the cushions and their warm bodies. And with that last surrender, Emily truly began to soar.

  Noah eased two fingers into her sheath while his other digit sank deeply into her anus. She felt those in her pussy twist and curl forward as he sought that one special spot that had her screaming the night before when Gabe had explored her. Just as Noah found it, a second finger entered her back entrance and Emily cried out his name in a broken sob.

  Gabriel rolled and pinched her nipples, and Emily knew she was moments away from shattering. She bit her lower lip, waiting for what, she didn’t know. But her breathing became erratic and her skin flushed as her body began to bow between them.

  “Now, Emily,” Gabriel said, his voice strong and unwavering. “Come for us now, honey, and don’t hold anything back. We want it all.”

  That was what she had been waiting for, Emily realized, just as all other thoughts fled her mind. Her body took over and she came so hard that tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She shouted their names and felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her body. And just when she thought she couldn’t possibly achieve further bliss, Noah pressed his thumb down on her clit and rotated, while his fingers remained within her.

  Now she knew she was shattered. Completely undone. Lights flashed behind her closed eyelids, and she felt moisture flood from her pussy under Noah’s direction. Emily cried out and she begged, but for what, she didn’t know. She only knew that she needed them to take care of her until the storm passed.

  Noah’s fingers slowed in their pulsing rhythm while Gabe’s sure touch grew lighter and more soothing. They began to work her down from the intense high she’d just soared to, until she felt boneless. Over and over they petted and stroked, both within her body and over her skin, until with a final sigh, Emily knew she was at peace. Blessed, beautiful peace. This, she told herself, was what love felt like. To know that another saw you, flaws and all, and wanted you regardless.

  “Open your eyes, Emily,” Gabriel said, his voice hushed, almost reverent.

  Slowly, she let her eyelids flutter open and her gaze immediately connected with Gabriel’s. He cupped her face and kept her eyes directed towards his. His thumb began to sweep across her damp cheek in another bid to soothe her.

  “Do you have any idea what gift you just gave us? And what that gift means to me and to Noah?” he asked softly.

  Emily lifted her left hand and felt it clasped in his without delay. Gabriel lifted it to his lips and held it there as his eyes bore into hers.

  “I think so,” she replied, her own voice sounding too loud in the silence that stretched out between them.

  “I want that from you, Em, each and every time we come together,” Gabriel stated solemnly. “You’ve given us your trust and free rein over your body since last night, and I want that to continue indefinitely. I never want you to hold back from us. Always let go of any inhibitions or reservations you might have, and know without a shadow of a doubt that Noah nor I will abuse that trust. We’ll take you as high as you want to go, honey, and be right there with you.”

  Emily smiled tenderly up at him, and then let her gaze move down the length of her body to find the same intense look in Noah’s eyes.

  “You’re amazing, Emily,” Noah said and shook his head. “I second everything Gabe just said. I want unfettered access to your body, just like this, from now on. I’ve never wanted anything more, than I wanted to watch you come apart just now. Trust us, and we’ll find so much pleasure together.”

  “I do trust you, Noah. And you, Gabe,” she said looking from one to the other. “I want the same from you both, as well. I want to know that there’ll never be another who comes between us, and that I can fulfill your needs. I have to admit, it’s been one of my concerns all along for this kind of relationship. You only have to focus on me, but I need to know that I’m enough for the two of you.”

  “After what we just shared, you’re worried that we’ll feel short-changed?” Noah chuckled and smirked down at her. “Em, I swear, you are too much, baby. Just let go and trust us. Trust that when we say you’re enough, we mean it. I couldn’t be any happier than I am right now. And that’s all because of you.”

  “Okay,” Emily smiled and shivered. She could feel the moisture saturating her pussy and thighs and it made her blush, despite her effort to keep the heat from her skin. “I need to clean up,” Emily admitted and tried not to grimace. Coming to terms with her body’s responses was still a bit daunting, no matter what the men said.

  Noah ran a finger through her wetness and then brought it to his lips. Emily’s eyes widened as he sucked it into his mouth and hummed, as though she was the sweetest of wines. Noah looked back down at her and gave her a slow wink.

  “This is normal, baby,” he said and drug his finger back through her folds. “Especially when you have a G-spot orgasm. And you did.” Noah grinned proudly.

  Emily chuckled, in spite of herself. “You get so cocky after sex,” she grinned. “And before sex. And during sex,” she played, pressing on his leg again with her toes.

  “Did you just say cocky?” Noah laughed, pure devilment flashing in those green eyes.

  “Oh no, you don’t,” Emily warned as she started to roll off of their laps. “I am sore now. Give me a few hours, at least.”

  Gabriel stood and wrapped his arms around her, pulling Emily back against his chest. He nuzzled her neck as his lips roamed over her soft skin. He nipped her just below her ear and then in a trail until he reached her shoulder. He grazed Emily there with his teeth, until she was squirming in his hold.

  “What you need is a warm bath, not a shower, to take some of your tenderness away. Come on, I’ll take it with you since Noah had the privilege of showering with you earlier.”

  “You want to take a bath with me? Gabriel, that’s not necessary.”

  “I didn’t say it was necessary, Em. Desirable and tempting, though, hell yes,” he grinned and kissed her neck again. “No more arguing. Come on.”

  “Yes, Gabriel,” she played, only to get a light swat on the backside and his growl in answer.


  Gabriel turned Emily away from the living room and herded her towards the bathroom. Noah followed in their wake and he moved over to the sink to wash his hands while Gabe bent to start the warm water flowing into the large, garden tub in the room’s corner. Emily shook her head in bewilderment that Gabriel actually wante
d to sit in a tub of water with her.

  She stepped away from Gabe’s side to open the blinds over the bathroom window. Such a simple act, that continued to make her hands shake. She stood there, gazing out at the spectacular views the small cabin afforded, amazed at how quickly her life had changed in the last twenty-four hours.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” Noah asked. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned down to settle his face alongside hers.

  “So beautiful,” Emily murmured.

  “No matter how long it takes, Em, we’ll get to a point where all of your windows are open again. I swear it,” Noah vowed. He moved his face against hers and she flinched. He didn’t know if his words had upset her, but he mentally kicked himself anyway for letting the stalker intrude on their afterglow.

  “I think you and Gabe need to shave,” she chuckled.

  Noah breathed a huge sigh of relief. So it was the scratch of his facial hair that she objected to. “You’ve never said anything about my stubble before.”

  “I’ve never felt your stubble rubbed against my skin like I have since we woke up this morning,” Emily countered in a sassy tone.

  “Another first then,” he grinned. “I can shave while you soak for a while.”

  He straightened away from her as Gabriel extended a hand in Emily’s direction. Noah let her be pulled from his embrace, and he ran his fingers over her arm as she followed Gabe. He was tempted to hold on to her, but he knew this was part of the deal. If he and Gabriel were really going to make this arrangement work, there would be times he would have to relinquish Emily to his best friend.

  Noah forced himself to turn away. He walked into the neighboring bedroom and snagged his shaving kit, then returned to the bathroom. He couldn’t help but look over at them in the water, and he saw Emily settled between Gabriel’s outstretched legs, her back resting against his chest and her eyes closed as she relaxed.

  “Noah, come over here,” Gabriel softly instructed. He was working on Emily’s shoulders and did not bother to look up as he issued the request.

  Noah took a few steps away from the counter and perched on the wide ledge that encircled the tub. Gabe finally glanced up and nodded at the end of the tub. “There’s room down there if you want to work on her legs and feet.”

  Noah’s mouth almost fell open when he heard Gabriel’s offer. He stared intently at Gabe, trying to sort it all out in his mind. What was he saying?

  Gabriel clearly read Noah’s confusion and he chuckled. “I’m sharing her, you nut,” he sighed. “Get in the damn water if you want to. Just settle down there and touch her, not me.”

  Emily laughed softly and reached out to touch Noah’s leg.

  Noah felt both embarrassed and relieved. Embarrassed that Gabriel had read the longing in his eyes to be with her and offered to open up their bath, so Noah would not feel excluded in any way. But he was also relieved to know that he would never be denied the opportunity to be with Emily. That Gabriel would never shut him out.

  He shook his head and then stood again. “Nah, you guys enjoy. Someone here thinks I need to shave.” He held Gabriel’s gaze and watched him nod and smile. It was a look Noah had witnessed more times than he cared to count. It was the look of respect and approval that occasionally flashed in Gabe’s eyes. Rare, but well received when one was gifted with it. Noah nodded in return and then set about preparing to shave his face.

  “I love you, Noah,” Emily whispered.

  “Love you too, Em,” he smiled over at her.

  “What about me?” Gabriel asked and dug his fingers into her shoulders.

  “I love you with my whole heart too, Gabriel. I’ve got room enough in there for the both of you,” Emily sighed. “Especially if you keep that up.”

  “Oh, so it comes with strings, huh?”

  “No,” she chuckled. “My heart doesn’t work that way.”

  “I know.” Gabriel sobered quickly and wrapped his arms around her. “That’s just one of the reasons why you captured ours. You don’t play games, or try to act cute or coy. You’re honest in everything you do and in every relationship you have, Emily. I like that you don’t try to manipulate or string us along. You never have.”

  “Gosh, what kind of women have the two of you been hanging around?!” she asked incredulously. But just as quickly as the question popped out, Emily raised a hand to silence them. “Forget I asked that. I don’t want to know.”

  Both men chuckled and decided it was best not to delve into that part of their past. Better to let it all lie behind them.

  Still, Noah turned and arched an eyebrow at her. The motion wasn’t lost on Emily and she angled her head at him.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Have you really never dated anyone else except that one guy in college? I mean, I know your granddad said on more than one occasion that he had to turn the boys away at the door on a weekly basis when you were in high school and just starting college.” Noah leaned his hip against the counter as he studied her face.

  “Well, they asked,” Emily said hesitantly and concentrated instead on moving her hands around in the water to stir the bubbles back to life. “I just didn’t reciprocate their feelings, so I always thought it best not to lead anyone on.”

  “But you said yes to… What was his name?” Noah pressed on.

  “Jonathan,” Emily sighed. “Look, I don’t want to talk about him. Okay?”

  “One last question and I’ll let it drop. Well, make that two,” Noah amended himself.

  “Go ahead,” she said and blew out a heavy breath.

  “First, how did things end with Jonathan? Amicable split or would he harbor any resentment that you ditched him?”

  Gabriel knew now where Noah was headed with his line of questioning and he turned Emily slightly in his arms so both he and Noah could see her face. This was something that had to be addressed, but he had hoped to delve into it all later in the afternoon. After she had rested a bit longer. The dark circles under Emily’s eyes were still too pronounced for his liking.

  “What makes you think I ditched him?” she asked and smirked at Noah.

  “Come on, Em,” Noah scoffed. “No man or boy in his right mind would turn you away if he thought he had even a glimmer of hope with you.”

  “Okay, okay,” Emily sighed again, this time with exaggerated flourish. “I agreed to go out with him, because he seemed sweet and I was lonely. I’d just found out Gram had terminal cancer and you guys weren’t in town. I was just… Well, lonely, like I said. I had several classes with Jonathan and he sensed that something was off with me. He asked if we could go out to dinner and it just went from there.”

  “He never officially asked me if we could start a relationship or if I’d date him,” she said and quoted her last two words in the air with her fingers. “He was just there for me initially when I needed someone and he was kind. Always attentive, always a gentleman. But when I could feel him wanting something more, I began to pull away. He seemed to respect that, until one night…” she broke off and looked at her fingers instead of Noah or Gabriel.

  “One night, what, Emily?” Gabriel asked in that quiet tone he used that sounded more like a warning than an actual whisper.

  “One night,” she began again in a hesitant voice, “he took a detour before he brought me back home. He pulled over on the side of a dirt road and turned off his car. He told me he needed to talk with me. Jonathan said that he had never felt for another what he did for me. He said he could see a real future for the two of us, and he wanted to know if I did too.”

  “Why is every hair on the back of my neck standing at attention right now?” Noah asked, his tone a dangerous one as well. He strode back over to the tub and sat on its edge again, needing to be closer to her.

  Emily pursed her lips and looked away, but not before they saw the sheen of tears glistening in her eyes. Gabriel gently clasped her chin and he directed her eyes back to his.

  “Tell us everything, Em,” he whispered.<
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  She expelled a shaky breath, but Emily finally nodded and continued on. “I told Jonathan that I valued his friendship, but that I didn’t want anything more than that at the time.”

  “And how did he take your refusal?” Gabriel asked.

  “At first he nodded. But then he… He captured my face between his hands and forced a kiss. It wasn’t gentle by any means, and he proved much stronger than me,” Emily gasped, seeing clearly back into the frightening night.

  Gabriel looked over her head at Noah, and he saw the same rage in his eyes that he knew to be simmering in his own. Now he really wanted to take someone apart.

  “The entire time he was kissing me, I was reaching behind me and searching for the door handle. As soon as he lifted his head to stare into my eyes, I opened it and took off. I’ve always been a fast runner, as you know, and I left the road, headed through the woods for home. I knew the lay of the land far better than he, and though I heard Jonathan calling me and crashing through the underbrush, he never got close to me.”

  “I came out of the woods on Sullivan’s Road and, after running for what I’d guess was another ten minutes or so, I was spotted by Jasper and Andrew. They were cruising that road because they’d had reports of kids hitting mailboxes with baseball bats after dark. Only that night, they didn’t find rowdy teenagers, they found me.”

  “Jasper and Andrew found you?” Noah asked in disbelief. Here was yet another glaring example of a frightening episode in Emily’s life that they had no knowledge of, and those deputies had never once breathed a word of her scare to him or to Gabriel. Noah didn’t know whether to respect their dedication to the job and her privacy, or strangle the two men once they returned home.

  “They did,” Emily admitted and looked from Gabriel to Noah. “They immediately stopped their cruiser and got out to check me over. I was upset, but not hysterical. I told them what had gone on, and Jasper placed his jacket around me while Andrew called for another car to go over and see if Jonathan was still there.”


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