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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 15

by McKinley, Diana

  “Shithead,” Braden muttered under his breath.

  “Tell us how you really feel there, Braden,” Ross laughed. “Use those big words!” There was a distinct sound of a hand whacking someone across their back, and Gabriel could just picture Ross standing over Braden and landing the blow.

  “Are you two finished?” Gabe asked dryly.

  “We’re good,” Ross said indulgently.

  “I’ve already hacked into the sheriff department’s database yesterday, with a warrant I might add, so this won’t take but just another minute,” Braden reassured him.

  “Well, while he does that, let me give you the interesting news from home,” Ross offered, sounding a little too smug for Gabe’s liking. “You know Lawton and Ethan headed to your house, intent on covering things on the home front. They were also hoping to poke the bear a bit and let this stalker know Emily has more than just the two of you looking out for her.”

  “And?” Gabriel drawled out slowly. All of this was known to him, but he knew Ross liked to draw out the suspense.

  “And, two pretty little southern belles came to your door within an hour of each other. Both bearing casseroles and both wondering where in the world you and Noah were. Lawton said one of them looked simply crestfallen when he told her you were still on assignment and just letting some of your friends crash there for a while.”

  “Are you shitting me?!” Gabriel was flabbergasted that any woman would be so forward, much less two.

  “I shit you not,” Ross said with an obvious smile sounding in his voice.

  “Did he get names?” Gabe asked. Would they be some of the women Emily had named, he wondered?

  “Of course,” Ross chuckled, “and their numbers. First one was named Heather and the second was named Becca. And would you believe that little Heather actually offered to stay and help Lawton heat up the casserole, afraid the big guy wouldn’t be able to operate an oven?”

  “God,” Gabe sighed and shook his head. “Noah quizzed Emily a little today and she admitted that there’s a bit of interest in Noah and me amongst her friends. But she’s never given it any attention, just ignored them over the years.”

  “Well, Ethan said this Heather is a pushy bit of goods. Said she didn’t like hearing no from Lawton and continued to look for ways to stay.”

  “Hmmm,” Gabriel grunted. It was all he could muster. He hadn’t really ever noticed Heather when he attended large-scale gatherings back home. He thought she had light brown hair, but couldn’t be sure.

  “Got him,” Braden piped up. “His name is Jonathan Elliott Dixon, and he is two years older than Emily. He lives in Roanoke, Virginia with his parents still, helps his dad run their hardware store, and he’s single.”

  “Are you looking at his online profile?” Gabriel chuckled.

  “Yep. He’s tall, relatively thin, with blondish brown hair and brown eyes. Looks like the all-American kid. Just as most predators do,” Braden sighed. “Says here he likes to hike and spend time outdoors. And that his fondest memories are of his first few years of college, and the one who got away.”

  “No way!” Ross said in disbelief. “He actually posted that shit online?”

  “He did, indeed,” Braden confirmed.

  “Well, it’s one thing to have memories or even fantasies. It’s quite another thing all together to act on them. And we need to know if Jonathan is still fixated enough on Emily to seek her out after all these years. Maybe send her a photo or two,” Gabriel said, ready to move the guys along.

  “Gotcha,” Braden quipped. “I’m sending the original report Emily filed to your email. You should have access to it… now. And I’m giving you a link to Jonathan’s profile page, so you can see him as well. It looks like two of the deputies you mentioned are listed here as part of what went down that night.”

  “Yes, she said Jasper and Andrew were the two who found her on a different dirt road. Emily ran through the woods to get away from Jonathan and ended up there.” Gabe brought up the two separate files, wanting to read the report along with them. “I see it now.”

  “Um, well this lists Andrew and a guy named William, not Jasper. Could she have been so upset that she got their names mixed up?” Braden asked hesitantly.

  “No, Em wouldn’t mix something like that up,” Gabe answered quickly. “Those deputies are only a few years older than she, and Em would have known them well from school and around town. The town’s not that big. She even told us that she was upset that night, but not hysterical. She said she kept her wits about her so she could get away from Jonathan unscathed.”

  “Just another reason I love your girl,” Ross praised. “She did good both that night from the looks of this report and with the current situation. She’s careful.”

  “Yes, she is,” Gabriel nodded. He skimmed the report, finding it read just like the accounting Emily had given earlier. But the change in deputies gave him significant pause. “Braden, can you tell if this report was tampered with in any way?”

  “I can,” he said proudly. “Give me just a little time on that, though.”

  “Of course. Get me a list of all the deputies from six years ago while you’re at it, and the current roster so we can compare. Look for overlaps.”

  “Yep,” was all Braden would say. Gabe knew he was already working on it, and Braden’s short answers were commonplace amongst the group. Nothing to take offense over.

  “I’m going for now, but Noah and I will call you guys back in a few hours. Emily’s asleep right now, and whenever she wakes up, we’ll go over the photos the perp sent her and see what we can help her uncover. Once that happens, we’ll touch base again.”

  “Don’t wake her up to question her, Gabriel,” Ross sighed. “Let her rest for as long as she can, man. All of this has got to have taken its toll, and we’ve got you guys covered, so there’s no rush.”

  “I think I just said whenever she wakes up. But thank you for telling me how to take care of Emily. I’ll be sure to do just that.” Gabriel couldn’t keep the sarcasm from his voice, though to his credit, he did try.

  “Give him one of your big words, Braden,” Ross said in pure devilment.

  “I’m going to give you one of my words,” Braden shot back at him.

  “Thanks, guys. Talk to you later.” Gabriel ended the call and placed his phone on the counter next to him. He sat at the bar for a few more minutes going through the old report and Jonathan’s social media webpage. Nothing about the police file looked odd or out of place, but the name swap bothered Gabriel deeply.

  And just looking at good old Jonathan made his blood boil. He appeared to be Mr. Normal. Looked like the kind of guy any family would welcome through their front door and be happy to see their daughter dating. Whether he would have let Emily go that night without further molestation or not was anyone’s guess. But the fact that she had told him she didn’t want a relationship with him, and then Jonathan had forced his lips on hers, was enough for Gabriel to classify him as an offender. One he would be having a chat with, one way or another.


  Gabriel quietly settled back next to Emily, happy to see that she still slept. Noah arched an eyebrow, ready for an update on anything that he’d gleaned while in the other room. In soft, muted tones, Gabriel related everything Ross and Braden had shared. Noah’s reaction to the change of names was the same as his had been. He pushed up on his elbow and stared at Gabe in disbelief.

  “That makes absolutely no sense,” Noah muttered. “Could Jasper’s legal name be William? Maybe Jasper is his middle name?”

  “Maybe,” Gabriel shrugged. “Braden’s looking into it for us. If it can be found, he’ll ferret it out.”

  “Well, now I’m wondering why Jasper would not want to be tied back to that night. If he was there as her rescuer, he would have been seen in a positive light.”

  “Mmmm-hmmm,” Gabriel murmured.

  Noah glanced over and saw that Gabe’s focus was solely on Emily. He had lowered hi
mself down and was staring intently at her, and only her. Noah decided to leave it for now and he stretched back out. He put a hand behind his head and stared at the ceiling, going through everything Gabe had said, his mind racing to find answers.

  “Is there even a William on the force back home?” Noah asked before he could stop himself.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure,” Gabriel answered. “We’ve been in and out of town so much over the last decade, that I wouldn’t know.”

  A few minutes of silence passed while they both stayed lost in their mental ramblings. Noah ran a hand over his abdomen absentmindedly and then turned towards Emily. It was automatic to reach out for her, and he found that Gabriel’s arm was already draped over her waist. Noah just scooted down a bit and let his arm fall over her upper legs.

  He closed his eyes and inhaled her scent, drawing it deep into his lungs. She did smell like sugar and honey, just as Gabe had said. That thought led to another, and he opened his eyes and whispered Gabriel’s name. Gabe cracked his eyes back open and peered down at him.

  “Heather and Becca actually came to our house?”

  Gabriel nodded, but said nothing.

  “Don’t you think it’s strange that of all the times for them to think we’re really available, it would be when Emily is out of town? As in, maybe she left for good, or for an extended trip? They’ve never been so forward or brazen before. Why now? What’s changed?”

  “Good questions to ask,” Gabriel nodded. “And I don’t know. Yet,” he qualified.

  Noah nodded in return and fell silent. His mind was on overdrive, and he knew it would be a while before he could sleep. But he also knew Emily was beyond exhausted and she desperately needed the rest. So, he closed his eyes and let his mind work while she slumbered against him. Noah smiled, thinking he could get used to working this way, with her soft, naked body molded to his.

  Just as Emily had thought, her body and mind were long overdue for a crash. She sporadically felt herself surfacing from her dreams. Dreams that were haunted and fragmented. Broken little snippets of all the times she’d felt afraid or hunted over the last two months. But just as she would start to become more alert, warm hands would smooth over her skin and she’d go back under.

  Somehow, even in this disconnected state, Emily knew that Gabriel and Noah were on either side of her. From time to time she heard them talking to each other in low tones, and at others, she registered their deep, even breathing close to her ears. They were keeping their promise and making sure she felt safe. Safe enough to let go and really rest for a change.

  But eventually, her dreams turned to Jonathan. Emily saw his youthful face again, even though she’d put him from her thoughts years ago. She remembered the alarm she’d experienced that night when he pulled over on the dirt road and cut his engine off. She knew girls had always bragged about ‘parking’ with boys throughout her high school days, but it was not an activity Emily had ever participated in. There were only two young men she had wanted to touch her, and during those years, Noah and Gabriel had not been in Whitford Falls much.

  Still, the moment Jonathan clasped her face in his palms and held her to him were some of the most harrowing of her young life. Her mind replayed that night in vivid detail. Emily felt tears streaming down her face and she began to run as fast as her legs would carry her. She heard her name called, and she poured on the speed, determined that Jonathan would never catch her.

  Gabriel came awake with a start and he knew that something was very wrong. Noah sat up just as he did and quickly switched on his bedside lamp. Gabe glanced around, seeing that the room was cast in darkness and that the day had gone by while they rested. He looked down at Emily and saw then why they had awakened so abruptly.

  She was crying and fighting with the sheet, kicking as though she was running from something or someone in her dreams. And after their conversation in the tub, Gabriel thought he knew who was after her.

  “Get her legs, Noah,” Gabe mumbled. He had no liking for this, but it had to be done. He reached for her face while Noah clasped his hands over her calves. Together, they gently held Emily in place, but her struggle increased.

  “No,” she whimpered, her tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Emily!” Gabe said in an elevated voice. “Open your eyes for me and Noah, now,” he commanded, his voice calm, yet firm. “You’re safe, honey, I swear it.” He lifted a hand and swept it over her hair, trying to soothe her while she fought against her demons.

  Emily shook her head, still resisting them. Noah leaned down and whispered directly in her ear that he loved her. He kissed her skin there and pulled away just as her eyes fluttered open. There was so much fright and hurt there, that he dropped his hold on her legs and reached for her cheek. The one Gabe had released when he’d begun to stroke her hair.

  “Hey, baby, it’s us,” Noah crooned. “See? Nobody else, just me and Gabe here. You’re safe, I swear it.”

  “Em, just breathe slowly,” Gabriel instructed. “In and out.” He continued to glide a hand over her hair while his other wiped her tears away.

  Emily rolled to her side and buried her face against Gabriel’s chest. She sobbed against him, her entire body shaking from the force of her tears. Gabriel wrapped both his arms around her and slowly rubbed his chin across the top of her head.

  “Get it all out, Em,” he murmured. He angled his head and pressed his lips to her hair, riding out the storm with her.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, her voice hitching and breaking around her tears.

  “Shhh, baby,” Noah reassured her. “There is no need for an apology, Em.” He stroked her back in a slow sweeping path. It was as much for him as it was for her, he admitted, because he needed to comfort her. Most desperately.

  Emily reached behind her, blindly searching for Noah. Gabe released her from his tight hold and instead let Emily settle her body flush against them both. Noah spooned her back while Gabe molded himself to her front. He cupped her cheek and used his fingers to wipe the moisture that continued to trickle from her eyes.

  “It’s dark now?” she asked, still trying to orient herself.

  “It is,” Gabriel answered. “Other than that last bad dream, you seemed to soak up the rest today. And we’re glad you did, because you clearly needed it.”

  She nodded and lifted a hand to touch his face. Emily ran her fingertips over his pronounced stubble. A few more days and Gabe would have a short beard, she thought, her mind straying to safer topics for now. He leaned into her touch and the motion made her smile.

  “I love you, Gabriel.” Emily moved to kiss him, her lips brushing softly over his. Then she turned and did the same for Noah, pledging her love before touching her lips to his.

  “Do that again,” Noah prompted her. The simple kiss she had given him was just not enough in the moment.

  “Okay.” She chuckled as she matched her lips to his. Emily felt Noah’s fingers wrap around her waist and he brought her flush against his body, his erection clearly evident as it pressed into her belly. She gasped when she felt it twitch against her, and Noah’s tongue swept into her mouth as her lips parted.

  He plundered the depths of her mouth, but as soon as he lifted his head, Gabriel curled his hand around her shoulder and rolled her back towards him. His mouth descended on hers in a heated rush, forceful, yet so very gentle. Emily moaned as he ran his tongue over hers, exploring and tasting her over and over again.

  For several minutes they alternated their kisses. Noah would hold her and kiss her passionately while Gabriel’s hands wandered over her skin, his thumbs stroking her nipples to life. And then Gabe would claim her lips while Noah’s adept fingers sought out her most intimate flesh.

  “I need more,” Emily panted as Gabriel reclaimed her lips.

  “What do you need, baby?” Noah asked and grazed her shoulder with his teeth. “You’ve got to know we’ll give you anything.”

  “I can’t chose. I just know that I want you. Want you bo
th. I trust you, just love me. Please?” she whimpered, unable to conjure a scenario that would lead to their mutual fulfillment in the moment. Emily only knew they had lit her on fire within, and now she was burning for them. For them both.

  “Let’s go slow, here,” Gabriel said, his voice low, commanding, and oh so compelling to her ears. “You can take us both. But we need to make sure we don’t hurt you in any way, Em. That’s not an option when we’re loving you.”

  “I want you both,” she said again. Her voice sounded almost pleading, but Emily didn’t care. She’d do anything to love them both. And the thought of taking both men into her body excited and terrified her in equal parts.

  “I’ll be right back,” Noah murmured against her shoulder. He gave her a lingering kiss there, his tongue sliding along her skin and making her shiver.

  The bed dipped behind her as Noah rolled away. But Gabriel gave her another deep kiss that had her sucking air through her nose, because he would not relent. Again and again his mouth slanted over hers until she was lost to him. Utterly and completely his to do with as he pleased.

  Noah rejoined them and his hands immediately began to caress and knead her backside. She felt one of his fingers slip between her cheeks and then he started massaging her tight entrance. It was instinct to clinch, but she tried to make herself relax as she had that morning when they’d played together.

  “Remember, Emily, just relax and let it happen,” Gabriel coaxed her. “We’ll go slow and be gentle. If something hurts, tell us.”

  He moved his mouth down the column of her throat, kissing and nipping until she grasped his shoulders, desperate to find purchase somewhere. He lifted one of her legs and hoisted it over his waist, giving Noah easier access to her tiny rosette. But the motion also allowed his erection to brush over her clit again and again, until Emily was whimpering from the sensations.

  Gabriel slid a finger into her moist sheath just as cool gel spread over her anus. Noah slowly penetrated the ring, waiting for Emily to exhale before he moved further inside. Gabe added a second finger to her pussy and Emily thought she would come apart right then and there. How was she supposed to take their cocks at the same time? There was no way it could work, and her fear of possible pain began to overshadow the passion they’d built between them.


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