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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 18

by McKinley, Diana

  “Who have you run into?” she asked, picking up on that comment immediately.

  “Smart girl,” Ethan chuckled across the line. “Two of your so-called friends dropped by with casseroles. One named Becca and the other named Heather.”

  “What?!” Emily asked in disbelief. “What in the world?” she spluttered as she stared at Gabriel.

  “That was our reaction too, honey,” he said and clasped her hand in his. “They’ve never done anything like that before, so we were perplexed as well.”

  “Good grief,” she muttered.

  “I couldn’t agree more, darlin’,” Ethan chuckled. “Desperate, pushy women do nothing for us.”

  “Anyway,” Lawton jumped back in, “we got a call a little over an hour ago from Sheriff Strauss. He asked us to come over to your house, Emily, with our gloves and cameras. It would seem that your near week-long absence has pushed this stalker a bit too far.”

  “What has this person done to my home?” she whispered.

  “They got inside, Emily, and they took out their frustration that you weren’t there, sugar.”

  Noah’s arms tightened around her as Gabriel accessed the pictures Lawton and Ethan had taken. She bit her lower lip as the first appeared on the screen. Her home was now a crime scene, taped off in a yellow, plastic barrier that screamed of someone’s actual invasion into her sanctuary. The home her grandparents had taken her into. The home where she’d always felt safe. But not anymore.

  Yet, the house was just a structure, she quickly told herself. A thing she could replace. And Emily knew she had left something far more precious unattended there in Whitford Falls. A certain someone whom she loved to pieces.

  “Lawton, have you or Ethan checked on Tara? She’s the only one back home I’m worried about now. Not the house.” Emily’s breath stuttered unevenly over her lips as she tried to maintain control.

  “Just another reason we all love you, Emily,” Ethan praised. “We have Tara here at Noah and Gabriel’s house with us. We went straight to her apartment after we left your place and got her to pack a bag. We’re not letting her out of our sight until this is all said and done. She’s safe.”

  “Oh, thank you,” Emily breathed as the first of her tears began to come. “Don’t let anyone hurt her, guys.”

  “Not gonna happen, sugar,” Lawton said in a deep, gravelly tone that was warning enough on its own.

  Gabriel scrolled through the initial shots until he came to those taken inside her cottage. “Where did the perp do the most damage, Lawton?”

  “Yeah, that’s honestly the worst part of it all. He or she tore into each room, upending furniture and shredding anything that covered the windows. They hit all the rooms, but one. The suspect left only Emily’s bedroom intact.”

  Gabriel growled softly and scrolled until he got to the specific photos that spoke of the rage this person felt at being denied her presence. Her living room looked like a tornado had hit it, as did her kitchen. Drawers had been pulled out and all of their contents spilled on the floor in a haphazard array of utensils and the typical gadgetry most people accumulate over the years.

  Emily saw her grandmother’s collection of recipe books scattered over the old linoleum and she felt fresh tears flood her eyes. “I’m so glad Gram isn’t still here to see her house destroyed like this,” she whispered.

  “Em, no,” Noah said gruffly. He pushed her head down on his shoulder and held her there. “Don’t do that, baby.”

  She swallowed hard, but didn’t say another word. Not until she could get herself back under control.

  “Listen to him,” Garrett urged her. “We’re all looking over these pictures now too, and there is no way in hell that you can give this predator even an ounce of your time or emotions. Give them nothing, Emily. If they get inside your head, even a little bit, they’ll try to take it all. Trust me.”

  “I do, Garrett,” she murmured without hesitation. “I trust you all.”

  “Good girl,” he rumbled in his own gruff voice.

  “Show me the photos of my bedroom,” she prompted Gabriel.

  Noah removed his palm from the side of her head so she could turn and look back at the screen. He began to rub her back, still trying in some way to warm her and help Emily bear it all. It was either that or go outside and empty his gun into the nearest tree.

  “Oh, my,” Emily said softly. “Enlarge it, Gabe.”

  Gabriel nodded and then did as she asked. “Is there anything out of place, Emily? Anything that is not as you left it?”

  Her eyes carefully scanned the photo Ethan had taken, drinking in every facet of the room that was her true sanctuary. Slowly, Emily began to nod. She reached out a shaky hand and pointed to her comforter.

  “I didn’t leave the covers turned down. I made my bed the day I left, and there were three decorative pillows stacked up in front of the two I lay my head on at night. I normally place my old stuffed rabbit in front of those pillows, but I brought him with me.”

  “We know.” Noah smiled and then kissed her temple. “When we went to your house to check on you, I noticed he was gone.”

  “Yeah, and we noticed that some of your photos in their frames were gone too,” Gabriel said as he pointed to the area of the screen that showed her dresser. “Any missing, other than the ones you took?”

  “Um, actually yes,” she nodded. “I had two on the end that I left there. They were pictures of me without anyone else in the photo. One was of me in my college cap and gown, and in the other I was washing a car for a local cancer fundraiser a few years ago. Tara took it, and I always kept it because she gave it to me. I was in shorts and a tank top, soaking wet, but laughing my head off.”

  “That sounds like something our stalker would love to have in his or her collection,” Garrett huffed in disgust.

  “I’d say,” Ross sighed. “Anything else, Emily?”

  Gabriel scrolled to the next photo and gave her time to look over it thoroughly.

  “I… Um… I’m sorry,” she paused and scrubbed a hand over her face.

  “Just take your time, honey.” Gabriel settled his palm on her knee and lightly stroked her leg while she got herself back together.

  Emily drew in a deep breath and then forced her words out.

  “I didn’t leave the nightgown out that’s draped over the chair in the corner. I would never have left it there, and certainly not positioned it like that. That’s all I see that’s different.”

  “And that’s good, baby,” Noah praised. He kissed her temple again and left his lips there.

  “Yes, it is,” Lawton quietly agreed. “We found no decorative pillows in your room, so I think we can assume the perp took them and your two pictures. He or she turned back the covers and selected a white nightgown, leaving it in a place where you’d see it, if you were there.”

  “Did none of my new security cameras get footage of who did this?” she asked.

  “No, sugar,” Lawton said regrettably. “This person came in through the laundry room’s window after they broke the upper and middle panes out. They seemed to know where each and every camera was, because they covered them from below, never letting one of them catch a glimpse of a face or body. We don’t have a single image that gives us height, weight, or build.”

  “The window sensors only go off if someone lifts them up,” she mumbled.

  “Andrew and Ryan helped you install those?” Gabriel asked.

  “Well, they were more there to supervise and help me feel safe while guys I didn’t know came in the house, but yeah, they tried to help. They contracted with Lamar’s, because the company wasn’t local and they thought it would help keep everything quiet. Even Sheriff Strauss thought it best not to let the case become local gossip, because then we’d never catch this maniac.”

  “But they sent the video feed to Andrew’s computer. That still makes no sense to me,” Noah said.

  “Well, we thought it would speed things up if the monitoring company had the
footage, as well as the local authorities, until this person was apprehended.” Emily chewed her bottom lip nervously. She was second guessing herself in a big way. And though she knew it served no purpose, it was hard to shake the feeling.

  “Noah, you said you were planning to go through the photos after you ate. I take it that means Emily hasn’t seen what was in that last envelope you guys found on her kitchen table?” Braden was the one asking. He’d been quiet up until then, but he was ready to have more information that might help him track this sicko down. He’d been coming up short with his part of the investigation, and he did not like the feeling one bit.

  “Nope, she hasn’t seen them,” Noah answered. “Gabe, pull them up,” he said softly. He clasped Emily’s chin and turned her eyes towards his. “Em, these last photos are far more frightening and personal than anything else you received previously. I need you to steel yourself, baby, and be ready for that.”

  “I understand,” she breathed.

  Noah tightened the arm he had around her waist and Emily gave him a gentle pat. Gabriel’s hand resettled on her leg after he opened the file containing the last envelope’s pictures. He also gave her a tender squeeze as the first came into view.

  All of the color drained from Emily’s face in the next instant. As she looked at each picture, she was hit with the sickening realization that her stalker had been much closer to her than she’d ever realized. Closer than the men realized either. It was hard to find her voice so she could tell them the truth, but somehow Emily willed her next words to come.

  “Guys, I’ve seen all of these before. All of those pictures are mine. This stalker has been in my house before today. In my bedroom.”

  Emily swallowed hard and then felt her vision dim. Her dinner churned in her stomach, twisting in the acid that began to rush up her throat. She managed to extricate herself from Noah’s lap and run in the direction of the trash can, just in time for the first wave of retching to begin.


  Gabriel sprinted across the small living space, just as Noah did, their hands reaching out to steady Emily as she leaned over the trash bin. The sounds of her heaving tore at his own gut, but he held her waist, determined to be her strength when hers had fled. Noah gathered her long hair and he kept it clasped in his hand at her nape.

  She trembled and shook, crying all the while, as everything she’d consumed that night was lost. Gabe grimaced to see her so ill, because he knew how desperately Emily needed the nourishment. God, but he wanted to put his fist through the damn wall. It wouldn’t help. But it sure as hell would feel good, Gabriel thought.

  Emily’s knees gave out on her, but before she could crumple to the floor, Gabriel scooped her up into his arms. He held her against his heart while Noah tore off several paper towels and wet them with cool water in the sink. He stepped closer and mopped her brow. Then he drew them down to her lips and chin and cleaned her skin of any lingering sickness.

  “There now,” he crooned softly. “Just relax and breathe slowly with us.” Noah swept his hand over her forehead and hair. Again and again he repeated the motion. Both men looked on as Emily’s eyes fell shut against the tears they’d seen gathering there. So much pain reflected in those violet depths before she shut the world out momentarily.

  Gabriel finally turned back to the table and he walked with Emily over to his chair. Noah helped him get settled with her, and then he stepped back into the kitchen to snag a few fresh napkins. He wet those too, and returned to his former seat. He folded the drenched towels and placed the impromptu compress on her forehead.

  Emily’s eyes opened and she stared at him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “It was just a shock, that’s all.”

  Gabriel pulled her closer and shook his head. “Shhh… Just rest here and breathe, like Noah said.”

  “We’re back now,” Gabe added, letting the others know they could continue.

  “She okay?” Garrett asked, his voice much quieter and tenderer than they normally heard from him.

  “Yeah,” Noah would only say.

  Lawton cleared his throat and tried to pick up where they had left off. It seemed an effort for him, but like Emily, he managed to push his words out.

  “Emily, where specifically in your bedroom did you have these photos stored? In frames, albums…”

  “In photo albums, Lawton. I keep them in a cedar chest at the end of my bed. It has a lock on it, but I’ve never bolted the old trunk since Gram gave it to me. Never saw any need.”

  “Okay, what else do you keep in there?” he asked, keeping his voice calm and soothing.

  “A few scrapbooks that highlight my writing career. They have newspaper clippings, reviews, and the two awards I’ve received. I have some of my mother’s wedding items for when I get married, an old afghan that was Gram’s, my dad’s personal journals, bridal magazines, and an old typewriter that my granddad gave me when I was six to get me started writing. I think that’s about it.”

  Noah handed her a glass of tea and kept his fingers wrapped around it while she tipped it back for a sip. Emily thanked him and he winked at her.

  “You keep bridal magazines in there?” Kaden asked.

  Emily blushed and looked down at her hands. “Most women have looked through one or two, Kaden. Don’t laugh at me.”

  “No way am I laughing at you, Emily,” he said in a deadly serious voice. “I’m wondering if the perp’s last picture didn’t come from your cedar chest too.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  Gabriel reached around her and brought up the last photo the stalker had included. It showed Emily posing beside an unknown fan at a book signing, the fan’s face obscured with an oval cut from notebook paper and a big black question mark. The bridal gown taped over her picture showed in stark relief against the actual photo.

  “Yes, that came from my trunk,” Emily said sadly. “I cut that one out and added it to a scrapbook I have. I was daydreaming one day, and I liked the gown. So I cut it out and placed it on a page. This person has been through all of my things.” Her voice broke on her last word and she turned to bury her face in Gabriel’s chest. And though her shoulders shook, Emily didn’t make a sound as she cried in his arms.

  “We took the entire lot of pictures you guys brought in and sent them for more detailed processing,” Braden offered. “I know local law enforcement didn’t pick up any prints, but we’re hoping to get a hit on the back of the tape. Let’s hope this person didn’t use gloves when they assembled that last picture.”

  “Braden, did you track down any and all Williams who might be involved, as we talked about earlier?”

  “I did, and I found three.”

  “That many?” Gabriel was surprised. He’d expected one or two in a town their size, but not three on the force.

  “Yes, and two of the deputies you’ve talked about have William in their names. Jasper is officially William Jasper Reeves. Then there’s Ryan William Knox and Eric William Waltower. All three on duty six years ago when Emily had her confrontation with Jonathan, and all three still on the force today,” Braden supplied.

  “I remember Eric,” Noah said as he scrubbed the stubble on the side of his face. “He was a year behind us in school and he always was an intense ball player. Could hit ‘em out of the park every time. But he busted his knee in college and gave up on the dream of playing for the minor or major league teams. Em, do you know Eric?”

  “I do,” she nodded. “Eric used to date Heather, if you could call what they were doing dating. More like an open-ended arrangement, where they would call each other if they needed a bed partner to help them pass the time.”

  “Please tell me you and Ethan did not eat that woman’s food?” Ross teased Lawton.

  “Shut up,” Lawton grumbled. “We’ve got enough sense not to eat anything a possible suspect shoves at us.”

  “You said used to,” Gabriel pointed out to Emily, ignoring the banter in the background. “She and Eric don’t hook
up any more?”

  Emily scrunched her nose at his comment. “I hate that term – hook up. It sounds so sleazy.”

  “Because it is,” Noah chuckled. “Big difference between casual sex and making love. I told you that.”

  “Okay, now. Let it go,” Gabriel warned, not willing to start down this road with everyone else listening in.

  “Yes, God, please let it go,” Garrett begged. He didn’t want to hear the happy trio’s sex talk any more than the others on the line did. Some things were better kept behind closed doors.

  “Sorry, Garrett,” Emily chuckled.

  “Well at least you’re laughing. If talking this way keeps you from getting sick again, chat away, sweetheart.” Hell, Garrett thought, he would probably be the one to get the ribbing now, but he’d take anything over the sounds of Emily’s retching that had echoed over the phone. That had almost torn his own carefully guarded heart right out of his chest.

  “I’m not going to get sick again,” Emily said with a gentle smile. “I’ve got nothing left.” She sighed and leaned a little closer to Gabriel’s chest. He was so warm, like a heater, and she gladly soaked up his warmth. “And in answer to your question, Gabe, no. Heather and Eric are no longer an item. She’s had her sights set on Jasper, you, and Noah. But Jasper has ignored her, just as the two of you have.”

  “Who broke off their arrangement?” Gabriel asked.

  “She did. She was looking at greener pastures, or so she thought. But Heather has always liked the thrill of the chase and the rush a new lover brings her. Believe me, she loves to talk all about it when we get together for a girls’ night out.”

  Emily shuddered at the very thought of constantly hopping from bed to bed, using men as they used her. She knew it worked for Heather, but it just could never work for her. She valued herself too much to let herself be used in such a way. Emily knew her heart would get involved and then she’d get burned inside and out.


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