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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 22

by McKinley, Diana

  “But,” she shrugged, “since that is all the stuff of dreams at this moment, I suppose I should get up and get ready for whatever you and Gabe have planned for the day.” Emily tacked those last words on as nonchalantly as she could, and then began to slide out from under his arms.

  Noah grasped her shoulders, holding her firmly in place, just as Gabriel pushed himself off the doorframe where he’d been leaning, taking in each and every tantalizing word she’d spoken. She hadn’t realized he was there too, so lost in Noah’s game had she been. Emily looked from one to the other and knew she was about to find out exactly what her words could do to her men. And she couldn’t wait.

  Gabriel set his own mug of coffee down on the opposite nightstand and then he dropped onto the mattress on her right. He looked from Emily to Noah with a dangerous smile playing on his full lips.

  “I think someone here is a very good student,” Gabriel said softly.

  “I’d say,” Noah rumbled.

  “Shall we test her theory? See if her nipples really will do all of that for her?” Gabriel asked, arching an eyebrow at Noah, not Emily. As if they had discussions about her body all the time while she lay under them, hungry from need and want.

  “She came in the kitchen last night just from my lips on them. I think she’s learning her body’s response to us well. Aren’t you, baby?” Noah turned his eyes back down to Emily and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

  “Well, let’s see what happens when she has both stimulated at the same time. I think her body will surprise her,” Gabriel pondered aloud.

  And with that statement, two heads leaned in to take a nipple into the warm clasp of their mouths.

  Emily gasped loudly from the dual sensation of their lips taking possession of her breasts. It was hard to process it all, for she felt as if her entire body had suddenly been doused in the flames of red hot desire, not just her nipples. She reached for each man’s head and threaded her fingers through their hair, then closed her eyes and let go.

  Her body relaxed into the bed and Emily felt Gabriel growl around her right nipple. She’d noticed the day before how much he seemed to like her compliance, her submission. She supposed that was what she was really giving them. It felt good not to think about how scripted everything might be otherwise, if she were trying to position them, direct them, or control their lovemaking.

  No, Emily thought, that was never what she wanted – never wanted their love to feel staged or fake. Because what she was experiencing in the moment was what freedom was supposed to feel like. To know that if she placed her trust in them, they wouldn’t abuse it. Rather, they’d cherish it and her, and thereby give her what she needed. Even if she couldn’t always articulate her needs, they would learn her body well enough to know and bring her release each and every time. She would always feel complete in their arms.

  Noah’s tongue began to dance around her nipple while Gabriel teased her other with his teeth. Slowly, the buildup began. And just as she had predicted, Emily felt that tightening in her stomach and down below that she’d mentioned to Noah. She massaged their heads as their lips began to suckle her, both of them using light suction at first, but then morphing into a strong pull that had her crying out.

  She began to pant and squirm, but each man placed a hand on her legs and held her in place. Gabriel hummed against her skin and Emily could feel the vibration all the way to her clit. She yelled their names and felt the first wave of bliss spread throughout her limbs. The pleasure seemed to radiate from her breasts outward, until every fiber of her being was aflame.

  Gabriel raised his head from her breast first, but his movement prompted Noah. They each leaned back slowly and beheld the amazing sight before them. Emily’s skin was flushed pink and her chest rose and fell heavily as she gasped for air. Her hair fanned out around her head on the pillow like a halo from all of her thrashing as she came.

  Gabe felt as though he’d sensed her orgasm in his soul, which honestly amazed him. Just as it had been in the kitchen the night before, when Noah’s lips had brought Emily to fulfillment, he’d had such a head rush watching her soar. And for a man to feel that good when his dick wasn’t involved, Gabriel admitted it must mean the heart utterly and completely was. At least his was. And from the satisfied look on Noah’s face, he knew he could safely say the same was true for his best friend.

  Noah let his hand begin the slow glide up the inside of Emily’s leg. He smiled as her eyes reopened and he beheld the hazy remnants of her orgasm in her gaze. His fingers brushed against her lower lips and he felt just how wet she was from their play. Slowly, he drug his fingers through her folds and then used the moisture to make the glide of his thumb over her clit easier to bear.

  “Noah, I can’t take any more,” Emily pleaded and shook her head at him. “You’ve got to stop.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Em.” He shook his head and watched the war within her play out in her violet eyes. She was still slightly unsure of it all, though she’d tried to step out of that comfort zone and entice him earlier. With words that Noah knew she had spoken for his benefit. He wanted to reward Emily for her bravery, and show her that her body was capable of orgasming many, many times.

  “I’m just going to touch you lightly here while we talk about today. Try to listen and concentrate on what I’m saying. If it truly does hurt, you need only tell me and I’ll stop immediately. Okay?”

  Emily stared at Noah momentarily and then nodded and bit her lower lip.

  Noah concentrated on her clit, while Gabriel’s palm moved up her right leg and his fingers began to play with her pussy’s entrance. Together, they petted and stroked her delicate flesh in an intimate dance while they calmly began to outline their day.

  “First, we have breakfast for you,” Noah began. “Something light to start with, because we’re all going for a run afterwards. We looked over the packet of brochures that came with this place and realized there are all kinds of nature trails that snake all over this mountain. And after our talk on the back porch last night, we also realize that we’ve done you a disservice by keeping you inside this cabin. No one knows where you are, and with Kaden and Garrett watching our sixes, we can help you breathe a bit of fresh air again.”

  Emily’s eyes clouded with unshed tears and Gabriel reached out with his free hand and smoothed it over her forehead and hair.

  “We’re taking what you’ve told us to heart, honey,” Gabriel said tenderly. “You need to get out, feel the sun on your skin, and feel free while you’re at it. So, we’ll exercise for a while, because we all need it and enjoy it. We’ll come back here and shower, then head to a place we’ve picked out that’s perfect for a picnic lunch. Noah’s already packed one of the coolers you had in your car, and it’s sitting in the kitchen waiting for us to use it.”

  Emily tried to hold on to the beautiful day they were painting for her while their adept fingers stroked her into near oblivion. But the words they were using were far more erotic than those she’d teased Noah with. Because they were a promise that all was not lost to her yet, and she attempted to savor them as her body began to grow ever closer to another orgasm.

  “When we return here, we’re going to call Lawton and ask him to put Tara on the line,” Noah continued. “You’re going to talk to her for as long as you want, and then you can either sit and write while we fix supper, or you can go relax in the hot tub. Your choice, baby. Today is all about you, Emily. You breathing a little easier and smiling again. Sound like a plan?”

  “Yes,” she nodded and tried to smile. But her tears made it come out as a watery, tremulous attempt.

  “I think she likes it,” Gabriel said with a broad smile. His grin was big enough for them both, and he nodded at Emily as he eased a finger inside her, searching for that special spot. “Come for us now, Emily. You’re right on the edge, I can feel it.”

  And as before, Gabriel’s softly spoken command sent her right over the cliff. Emily stared at him as she gave herself ove
r into their care. Gabe cupped her face while Noah intertwined his free hand through hers and helped to steady Emily as she came apart.

  “Beautiful,” Noah said softly. He lifted her hand held in his and kissed the back of it. His lips lingered over her skin as he removed his thumb from her clit so Emily could catch her breath. “I’m looking forward to a lifetime of this.”

  “So am I, Noah.” Emily sighed and closed her eyes, letting the last of the magical moment wash over her. She felt Gabriel’s fingers leave her pussy and trail across her inner thigh. She shivered and he chuckled.

  “Can we coax you out of this bed?” Gabriel asked. “Kaden and Garrett will be here shortly and you probably want to be up and dressed by then.”

  “Yes,” she laughed and then sighed once more. “It’ll be nice to see people again.”

  “Yes it will,” Gabriel said somberly. He closed his mouth before any more words escaped. Her simply spoken statement had once again cast a spotlight on just how alone and isolated Emily had become. But no more. Not if he had anything to say about it.


  Emily was just taking the last bite of her oatmeal when a knock sounded on the cabin’s front door. She turned quickly in its direction, but Noah placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He stood between her and the door while Gabriel walked over and looked through its peephole. He opened it and stepped back to let their teammates enter.

  Kaden wasted no time wiping his feet on the welcome mat and heading straight for Emily. He stood beside her and opened his arms wide. She dabbed at the corners of her mouth with her napkin and rose to receive the hug he was offering her. She chuckled as he swept her up into a tight bear hug and lifted her until her feet hovered just off the floor.

  “Put her down,” Noah grumbled. “Now.”

  “Someone’s jealous,” Kaden teased and gave Emily a quick kiss on the forehead as he placed her back on her feet. “You look well considering everything, Emily. These guys taking care of you?”

  “Of course.” She grinned and blushed furiously. “They’ve given me the best care since you guys found me. But then again, they always have.”

  “I know.” Kaden smiled and tweaked her nose. “I’m just messing with you. Are we all forgiven for ganging up on you last night?” He added that last question in a more serious tone that instantly got her attention.

  She nodded in his arms and patted the side of his handsome face. “Of course, Kaden. I know you were all well-intentioned. It’s just that, in the moment, it didn’t feel so good to have my idea squashed before we could really talk it through. As I’ve explained to Noah and Gabriel, I haven’t had a great deal of say in my life of late, and now that I’m finally catching my breath I want to get my nerve back and fight this intruder.”

  “That a girl.” Kaden nodded tightly in approval.

  “Next time though,” Emily said as she stepped back, “I’ll just fire back at you and not clam up.”

  Kaden gave her a wide grin just as she found herself hauled away from him and against Noah’s side. Emily couldn’t help but chuckle over his sudden possessiveness. She patted Noah’s chest and tilted her head back to look at him.

  “Calm down. I only belong to two men. I couldn’t possibly handle more.”

  “I know that.” Noah gave her his bashful smile and leaned down to sweep his lips across hers. He loved that Emily had openly admitted to belonging to him and Gabe within minutes of their friends arriving. The fact that she wasn’t embarrassed in the slightest to talk about them made everything in him settle down. Made breathing easier, too.

  “You guys ready to head out?” Garrett asked, watching Noah with thinly veiled humor playing on his face.

  “Oh, let me go switch shirts and then we can take off,” Emily said. She slipped out from under Noah’s arm and headed for the back of the cabin.

  Four sets of eyes watched her go and then Gabriel stepped over to the bar area and snagged his holster. Though he hated to run with the thing on, he damn sure wasn’t leaving his side arm or badge behind as they set off into the woods. He saw Noah turn and do the same, lifting his from the dining table. The other guys already had theirs firmly strapped across their chests, not leaving a thing to chance.

  “Coast is clear, as far as we can tell,” Kaden offered. “I jogged the route an hour ago and couldn’t find a problem.”

  “You mind running it again?” Gabriel asked him.

  “Hell no!” Kaden scoffed. “Do I look like a damn rookie? I can run circles around most cadets, even if I am pushing thirty.”

  “Shut up,” Garrett grumbled. He and Lawton had hit the big 3-0 in the last half year, and none of the others had let them forget it yet.

  Gabriel and Noah couldn’t stop themselves from chuckling. They were within months of hitting the landmark themselves, and they knew what it felt like to have the number looming directly ahead of them.

  Noah snapped the closure to his holster just as Emily returned from the back. Oh man, he groaned inwardly. She had switched the t-shirt she was wearing to one of those stretchy little tops she always wore when she jogged. That, combined with her tiny spandex capris, had him wanting to yank off his own t-shirt and cover her with it.

  Emily smiled up at him as she tied her hair in a ponytail, completely oblivious to the way in which Garrett and Kaden had forced themselves to stare at anything except her perfect body. Damn, but this having a wife business was going to be hard, Noah thought. He was always going to feel the need now to pummel the men around him. Even his damn teammates, apparently.

  “Emily, do you want to take water along?” Gabriel asked.

  Gabriel cleared his throat as he moved closer to her, and that was the only slip in his composure Noah could detect. Ah, but there was a tiny tightening at the corner of his eyes and that made Noah smile. Gabe wasn’t so unaffected, after all, over the fact that Emily was nearly naked in front of their friends.

  “Nope, I’m good, love.” She grinned and lightly touched his arm.

  That did it, Noah smiled to himself. She’d called Gabriel ‘love’.

  Gabriel’s eyes narrowed just as he swooped down and gave Emily a quick, but thorough kiss that had her teetering off balance. So much so, that Gabe had to steady her when he drew away. He winked at Emily and then turned to Garrett.

  “Let’s go.” Gabriel nodded.

  Garrett smiled and shook his head. “Oh, Miss Emily… the wonders you have worked,” he mused as he opened the front door cautiously, looking around before opening it wide.

  She said nothing else. Only laced her fingers through Gabriel’s and let him lead her through the door.

  Garrett and Kaden took position in front, which surprised Emily, because she’d heard Noah say they would ‘watch their sixes’. She didn’t know all of the jargon the men used, but even one not indoctrinated in their military or law enforcement background could easily surmise the phrase meant they should be at the rear. Emily wondered over the swap as Gabriel remained on her right and Noah flanked her on the left.

  They stretched briefly and then set off at a slow pace on the trail the men had agreed upon. Emily repeatedly drew in deep breaths of the fresh mountain air, just to feel the crisp burn in her lungs and to feel alive again. It was like waking after a long hibernation, she admitted, like waking from a coma. She’d trudged through life in the last weeks, feeling her spirit almost caving in on itself.

  But no more, damn it. She was ready to fight. Her pace picked up as Emily thought back to the image of her Gram she’d envisioned the night before. Of her standing there with her hands on her hips telling Emily to fight and get her gumption back. She was going to make her Gram proud. Hell, she was going to make herself proud. Nobody was going to take her life away from her, certainly not some pervert.

  Garrett glanced over his shoulder when he felt Emily and the guys right behind him. He could see the furrow of concentration on her brow and realized she was lost somewhere deep in thought. But she was gaining on Kaden and hi
m. So he nodded at Gabe and then lengthened his stride as he refocused on the trail in front of them.

  “Feel good, Em?” Gabriel asked. He looked down at her momentarily, hoping to draw her focus back to their run.

  “Yeah,” she grinned and shook her head slightly. “It’s perfect. But you guys don’t have to go slow on my account. I normally run at a much faster pace.”

  Garrett heard her and burst out laughing. Kaden did too and he shot her a wicked grin over his shoulder.

  “Are we holding you back, young lady?” Kaden teased.

  “No, not if we need to go slow for protection’s sake. But if you’re worried about my stamina, I can handle it. I like to run for long distances.”

  “She’s not kidding,” Noah said proudly. “Em can outlast and outdistance us all.” He had run with her enough times to know she could leave them all far behind if she put her mind to it.

  “Outlast me?” Garrett shook his head and chuckled. “You’re on, Miss Emily. Let’s go.”

  “With pleasure, Mr. Garrett,” she teased back. She heard him groan and the other men laugh whole-heartedly.

  “That’s what we started calling him when he turned thirty,” Noah said conspiratorially. “I guess you can see he doesn’t like it.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” Emily asked incredulously. “Older men who look like all of you do, are sexy as hell. You’ve nothing to be ashamed of at all, Garrett, trust me. Any lady would count herself lucky to have you as her partner and if she didn’t, it would be her own problem and not your fault.”

  “Thank you, sweetie,” Garrett said and gave her a rare, genuine smile over his shoulder. “I think you’re one of kind too. Now, about that challenge…”

  Emily chuckled and kicked it into high gear. She forced their pace to increase as her long legs opened up and she ate up the asphalt along the trail. No one said anything more for almost an hour as they followed a long, circuitous path that snaked around the mountain, taking them through the dense forest. Autumn was just beginning and the first hint of vibrant color was evident in the canopy’s leaves that fluttered in the light breeze. All in all a simply perfect day in Emily’s estimation.


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