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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 35

by McKinley, Diana

  “He’s a font of information it would seem, because he makes it his business to know everyone’s comings and goings, and he doesn’t mind telling what he knows if you praise him and make him feel as though he’s your friend. Fucking fool just opened Emily’s proverbial door to Eric, time and time again, by opening his big, fat mouth.”

  “Every time Ryan drove by her house to check in on Emily, or went inside with Andrew to bag and tag a new envelope of photos, he reported it to Eric. But, his mouth has also given us insight,” Braden added, giving them all hope.

  “Tell us,” Noah urged him.

  “Ryan apparently was helping Eric locate a new hunting cabin. In one email I found from months ago, he gave Eric a list of six such places that were either up for rent, lease, or purchase. Six addresses which might lead us to his current location.”

  “We need more than maybes or might haves tonight, Braden,” Gabriel said determinedly. “We need concrete evidence and we need it yesterday.”

  “I know, Gabe, and I’m working as fast as I can to get it for you guys.”

  “And we appreciate everything you’re doing,” Noah answered for them both. Inside however, he was begging and pleading with the computer he knew Braden was sitting in front of to give them the answers they needed, so he could have Emily back. Anything to have her back, he’d do.

  Emily swallowed the last bite of food Eric pointed in her direction, and sat back in her chair, unsure of what would happen next. Eric forked up the final portion of the stir fry for himself and then rose to clean their mess away, but not before he patted her hand.

  Ever so slowly, she eased out of her chair and walked into the small living room. He hadn’t said anything about her having to remain seated; and so she used the moments away from him to look at the sliding glass door more closely, hoping to find a way to open it that would not trip the sensor Eric had mentioned to her earlier.

  Emily sighed when she saw the multiple locks and wires attached to it. It was well and truly secured. There was no way out, in the conventional sense, but as she walked around the room, Emily did note that there were three different lamps which she might put to good use. If she could incapacitate Eric in some way, she might use one of the table lamps to smash her way through the glass and then run like the wind.

  “Emily,” Eric said from the edge of the room, “come here.”

  She turned and saw that he had extended his hand to her. She swallowed back the bile rising in her throat and walked hesitantly in his direction. He seemed to sense her uncertainty and he took two steps forward to clasp her hand in his.

  “I won’t hurt you, Emily. Stop looking at me as though I’ll pounce on you without provocation.”

  ‘Without provocation’ – she’d sure as hell heard the warning there. In other words, Emily thought, don’t piss me off and I won’t have to subdue you.

  She searched his eyes, looking for some reason to believe that she wasn’t about to be physically harmed by willingly getting too close to his much larger body. Eric was almost as tall and muscular as her fiancées and Emily didn’t believe in the slightest that she would come out ahead in a hand to hand fight. He’d crush her.

  Reluctantly, she slid her hand in his and let Eric guide her over to the sofa. They sat angled towards one another, each with a leg drawn up, and Emily waited to see what he would do or say next.

  “I want to talk with you before we try to rest tonight, Emily,” he began, but her face must have betrayed her effort to remain calm, because Eric smiled and reached out to cup her cheek. “Yes, we’re going to go to sleep in just a little while, because you need it desperately, sweetheart. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends, as the saying goes, and your eyes are showing the stress and strain of the last week.”

  The last week?! She stared at him agog, astounded that he thought her recent flight from Whitford Falls was the reason for her fatigue. No you dumbass, Emily wanted to scream! I’m mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted because I’ve been stalked by you for the past two months!

  “What do you want to talk about?” she managed to ask through the rage that was burning its way through her again.

  “Us,” he said simply.

  “What do you mean, us?”

  Eric hummed lightly and smoothed a stray lock of her hair behind her left ear. Emily forced herself not to flinch when his fingertips trailed over her skin and she stared into his eyes.

  “Us, means you and me. And I have plans for us that need to be discussed.”

  “I’m listening,” she said cautiously.

  “Yes, you are,” he smiled. Eric took her hands in his, forcing his fingers through hers and holding on tightly. “And I don’t intend to waste this opening for us. Not one bit, sweetheart. Quite the contrary. Now that we’re really together, I mean for us to stay that way. I want you, Emily. I won’t play coy here and act as though something profound isn’t right on the cusp of becoming real for us. I’ve wanted you for years, and I’m ready for more with you. Much more.”

  “I can’t…” Her voice trailed away as he nodded and tugged her closer.

  “You can, Emily. With me, you can. What do you really have here in Whitford Falls? Hmmm? Memories of your parents and grandparents who are no longer with you? A house that speaks of their life, but not one you created for yourself? Friends who use you to get closer to Noah and Gabriel? Yes, I know what their game is, and it’s perverse how they try to get to those guys through you.”

  “But I plan to take you away from all that. I want to build a life with you in a new place, where we’ll both have a chance to start fresh. Our dreams are just too big for this small, backwards town. Especially with your career as a writer. We can have it all, you and me, and as I said – I intend to take very good care of you. You’ll never want for anything, Emily, I swear it.”

  “Eric, just stop,” Emily breathed out, and snatched her hands from his. “I can’t go down this road. Not with you, or any other man.” Because, she wanted to say, I’ve already given my heart to the two most beautiful souls I’ve ever known, and there will never be anyone other than them in my life.

  Emily stood before he could stop her and strode across the room, closer to the sliding glass door. She braced her hands on the cool surface and stared out into the darkness, wishing that she was on the other side of the thin barrier. So very little material separated her from true freedom and Emily cursed its existence.

  Eric’s hands settled on her waist from behind and she tensed and leaned forward, trying to escape his hold. He only tightened his grip and pulled her back against his chest. Instinctively, Emily tried to duck away, but Eric’s arms became bands of steel and she was suddenly locked securely against his body.

  “Be still, Emily. Now,” he ground out next to her ear.

  She grimaced and fought valiantly to control her fight or flight response. It took everything she had within her, but somehow she managed to grow still in his hold, though her chest heaved from her fear and need to run. God, how she needed to run.

  Ever so slowly, Eric moved one arm from around her chest and placed his hand on her shoulder. A whimper escaped her trembling lips as he caressed a path down her arm and to her hip.

  “Eric, no!” Emily said through gritted teeth. “I don’t want this. You said you wouldn’t until I was ready, so stop. Stop!” she demanded and began to struggle again.

  Eric took one step forward with her and forced Emily’s body against the glass, pinning her there to stop her movement. He swept her hands over her head and held them there, while he inserted a leg between hers and widened her stance. The abrupt motion caused his pelvis to mold against her backside, and when Emily felt that invasive touch, she went completely still. No longer fighting against his superior strength.

  “I said… be still,” Eric panted.

  Emily gave an abrupt nod, because she couldn’t have uttered a word if her life depended on it. She bit her lower lip so hard that she drew blood, but Emily was deter
mined not to cry out from his tight hold on her hands or the feel of his arousal touching her through their clothing. Her breath began to fog the glass where her cheek rested, but he continued to press her against it.

  “Now, you listen to me,” he began again. “You are mine, Emily Matherson, and I won’t accept anything less. You will be in my bed every night hence forth. Soon, you will be my wife and take my name. And someday, you’ll bear my children. You will be loved, adored, and well looked after. But you will be mine.” Eric slowly enunciated his last three words with enough force to make her take notice.

  “I can’t sleep with you,” she whispered, though she shouted inside at herself to stop talking.

  “You can, sweetheart, because that’s all we’re going to do tonight.” Eric nuzzled the side of her face with his nose and lips, and she flinched again regardless of the anger it might cause him. “But soon, Emily, I want you to trust me enough to let me inside you,” he plowed on, ignoring her body language that screamed for him to back off.

  “I’ll give you time, yes, but I also expect you to make an effort to meet me halfway. Stop saying ‘no’ and ‘I can’t’. Instead, start to envision yourself with me – with the man who wants you desperately. I know you’re a virgin, and I’m willing to give you a few days to prepare yourself for us. I’ll make it so good for you, you’ll see.”

  Days? He was willing to give her a few days to capitulate and let his sick fantasy of them play out? She wanted to weep and scream at the same time. What kind of abyss had she landed in?

  Eric kissed the side of her neck and then the shell of her ear, before his lips moved over to her damp cheeks, moist from Emily’s newest tears.

  “Come with me now,” he murmured. “It’s time for bed.”

  He turned her away from the glass door before she could blink. Emily watched in what felt like slow motion, as he swept her off of her feet and into his arms. Eric headed for the bedroom she had awoken in and it was then that Emily realized it was the only room down the small hallway that seemed ready for someone to sleep in it. And that could only mean one thing. That Eric intended for them to rest next to one another that very night.

  Oh hell no, Emily fumed and tried to launch herself from his arms. But he sensed her decision to flee just before she attempted to leap, and Eric held on to her body with all his strength. He turned the corner into the room and fell onto the mattress, pinning her beneath him. He weighed too much for her to push him off, but Emily gave it her all as she attempted to break free.

  “I don’t want to sedate you, but I will, Emily, if you keep this up. Be still now, or it’s the stick of another needle for you. Your choice,” he said directly into her ear.

  Her chest heaved from the fight she’d put forth, but she remained silent.

  “Words, Emily!” Eric demanded. “Give them to me. Will you cooperate and sleep where I put you, or do I have to resort to other measures to make sure you rest as you should?”

  “I don’t want to be drugged again,” she answered truthfully.

  “And that means… what?” he pushed for more.

  “That I will sleep here…” Emily paused and closed her eyes against the comforter as she forced her next two words out. “Beside you.”

  “Yes, you will.” Eric sighed, and she felt his chest press against her back as he blew out a heavy breath. “Can I trust you to dress for bed if I step outside the door, or will you do something foolish again?”

  “I want to wear this to bed,” she mumbled.

  “No. Absolutely not.” He refuted her desire without so much as a blink of his eye. “Part of taking care of you, is making sure you’re comfortable at all times. So, you will sleep in more relaxed attire or nothing at all.”

  She ground her forehead into the bed and cursed herself again and again for going into Noah and Gabriel’s garage without one of them by her side. This was all her fault and now she was in a house with an unhinged psychopath who could easily do her bodily harm. Emily came back to her thoughts before dinner, that her only real chance was to play along as much as she was able to. Now that her efforts to resist him had proven unsuccessful, she saw that she had to rethink her game plan. Play smarter, not stronger.

  “Okay,” Emily sighed in what she hoped sounded like defeat. “What do you want me to wear?”

  “Let me show you,” he murmured. Eric pressed a kiss to her cheek before he planted his palms on the mattress on either side of Emily’s head and pushed his weight off of her.

  She immediately moved off of her stomach and sat up, determined not to feel so vulnerable. Emily perched on the edge of the bed and watched as Eric opened a small closet and withdrew a sheer, pink nightgown he’d obviously hung inside. She scooted further away from him and bit her lip again.

  “I’ll step outside and let you change, but I’ll be back in just a few minutes. Don’t tarry, Emily,” he warned. Eric draped the gown across the end of the bed and then walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

  She stood quickly and raked her hands through her hair, trying to figure a way out of this mess. There was a small window on either side of the bed, but they had wires attached to them as well. She walked around the room and found no other door or means of escape. The only way in or out was through the door, which he had just closed.

  Emily began to inspect the bedroom a little more closely, looking for objects she could use to her advantage, since there didn’t seem to be another way out. There was one bedside table and on it was a free standing lamp with a heavy, leaded glass base. That could do damage to a person’s head, she thought. If she could somehow sleep on that side of the bed, she might be able to roll over in the night and snag it.

  A second perusal of the space yielded no other promising options, so she latched on to the small plan she’d hatched. It was something, and anything at this point was bound to give her hope.

  Steeling herself for the worst, Emily turned her back to the door and stripped out of her jeans and shirt. She kept her panties, bra, and socks on, hoping that if the bottom layer was still there, she would be more prepared to flee and also more protected from Eric’s observation. She gingerly folded her jeans, taking care to keep her engagement ring from falling out, and then placed them with her shirt on a chair near the door.

  She slid under the covers, on the side closest to the table and lamp, and then folded her hands atop the blankets. She tried to affix the most serene expression on her face that she could muster, and it was just in time. Within a minute, Eric rapped on the door and then pushed it open.

  Emily swallowed hard when he walked back inside in nothing more than pajama bottoms. Though she had seen him at the lake in a swimsuit before, this felt far more revealing and intimate. She watched Eric without blinking as he came to stand next to where she lay.

  “Move over, sweetheart,” he quietly instructed her.

  “Eric, please let me sleep on this side of the bed. It’s the side I always prefer and I’ll rest more comfortably here. Please?” she asked again.

  He hesitated as he considered her request, but she extended a hand in his direction, waiting until he clasped it in his.

  “Please?” Emily implored.

  “All right. For you, Emily, I’ll take the other side.”

  He kissed the back of her hand and then walked around the bed. Eric lifted the covers and slid in at her side. With a quick flick of his wrist he shocked her by pulling the sheets back. Silently, he gazed at her body, taking his time to watch the faint blush spreading over her pale skin. A slow smile spread across his face as he reached out to run the end of one finger over the top of her shoulder.

  “Do you really need to wear that uncomfortable bra in bed with me?” he chuckled.

  “For our first night in bed together, yes, I’d prefer to keep it on,” she answered truthfully.

  Eric’s eyes dilated and he inhaled sharply at her choice of words.

  “I like that, Emily. Our first night together. I couldn’t have said
it better myself. And if wearing it makes you feel more comfortable, more at ease, then by all means keep it on. But I want it off tomorrow night. Agreed?”

  “I agree,” she nodded. Because there won’t be a tomorrow night, buddy, she thought. Come hell or high water, she was leaving that place, that very night.

  He nodded in return and then motioned to the lamp with his chin. “Turn it off and let’s get some rest.”

  Emily rose up on one elbow and turned the lamp off. She settled on her back again and drew the covers up to her neck. She felt Eric’s arm move over her waist and suddenly she was pulled against the solid wall of his body with no warning or preamble. He draped one leg over her and then told her to go to sleep.

  She dutifully closed her eyes and began to wait for him to finally drift off, so she could use the lamp to make her escape. Emily knew in her gut that she’d only get one good shot at it, and she wanted to make it count.


  Gabriel watched the cabin they had just inspected disappear in the woods as their SUV rolled down the gravel drive in the opposite direction. It was the third house on Eric’s list of six which they had inspected, and so far there had been no trace of him or of Emily. Not one shred of evidence that he had brought her to any of the small houses.

  Braden had learned that all six properties were currently being rented, and though none of them were registered in Eric’s name, they had no other leads at present to investigate. So they were searching each and every one, praying for a miracle. Eric had used the last two months to plan well, and he wasn’t making any mistakes at present that would tip his hand. Even his prepaid cell was giving them nowhere to turn. Its last call was made from the sheriff’s office, and not one of the homes he might have taken Emily to.

  It was as if they had disappeared into thin air.

  On the way to the fourth house, they stopped at the airfield long enough to meet up with the reinforcements they’d called in from the Bureau’s closest offices. Agents from Chattanooga, Tennessee and Dalton, Georgia had come to join them. A third team was en route from Atlanta, but the others were closer and had just landed to lend a hand in the search.


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