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Theirs To Claim (Predatory Desires Book 1)

Page 41

by McKinley, Diana

  “First,” Emily began succinctly, “I don’t believe Hollington would allow anyone or anything to come through our door that would hurt us. He’s got far too much experience and natural instinct in your line of work, to throw us to the wolves. I believe he’d protect the two of you with his life, and by extension, me as well.”

  “Second, we are not the only victims in this case. And if you really stop and think for just a moment, you’ll agree with me. Imagine if you learned one of the guys in this room was stalking or hurting an innocent. Think of how betrayed you’d feel, how utterly devastated and in disbelief you’d be. It would make you question all of the others within your unit, because you’d wonder what else you’d missed. Your faith would be greatly shaken and rightly so.”

  “That’s how I’m sure Strauss and his other deputies feel. They were betrayed by one of their own. A man they knew, respected, and talked openly with. They’re hurting too, guys, just as you’d be if the tables were reversed.”

  “And thirdly,” Emily sighed, looking from one to the other, “I need this meeting for healing, closure, and forgiveness. I need to tell them that I don’t blame them, so they can sleep at night and me too. Holding them responsible for the decisions Eric made serves no purpose. It only eats me and them up inside, and that kind of anger can do irreparable harm if I hold on to it.”

  “I am better than the actions of that one, lost man. And so, too, are they. Why would it be wrong for me, for us, to talk with them? I’ve known those men my whole life, and I know that they need to forgive themselves and find closure just as much as I do.”

  “Why do you need to forgive yourself, Emily?” Gabriel asked hoarsely.

  “I think, Gabriel, all victims do. Whether I like the term or not, that’s what I am. And for me, I know that had I not gone downstairs alone, Eric would not have taken me in that moment. My actions gave him an advantage.”

  “Does that mean that he wouldn’t have stormed the house later and hurt someone else in his bid to get me? We’ll never know. But what we do know is that my lapse in judgment cost me dearly. Cost us,” she amended, “because I know you all went through hell to find me. That’s why this morning I said I thought it was time I saw a counselor with you by my side.”

  “Because, when I wake up from each and every nightmare I’ve had since escaping, I’ve remembered that one moment when Eric had me pinned beneath him on the bed. I thought - this is all your fault Emily, because Noah and Gabriel specifically told you not to go anywhere alone – and now look at where you are. I knew that I had to be smart and get away from him somehow, because no one else was there at the time to do it for me. And after fighting him, I knew he was far stronger and more powerful than me.”

  “Right or wrong, that’s how I felt that night, and it’s still what I’m struggling with today. And honestly, I think Strauss and his men are as well. And I think you and Noah are, too. We all need to heal a whole lot more. And maybe, just maybe, this meeting will be a step in that direction.”

  Emily released their hands and lifted her napkin to her face. Slowly, she cleaned away the tears that had trailed over her cheeks. Then, she leaned back in her chair and looked from Noah to Gabriel.

  “Now, tell me what you think,” she encouraged them quietly.

  “I think, Emily,” Noah struggled to say, “that you are far braver than you give yourself credit for. And, maybe, even more so than me. If I put my own anger at those men to the side, I can agree with each and every point you just made. Except one,” he qualified.

  Noah leaned in closer and cupped her face in his palms, so he could stare directly into her eyes. “You are not, in any way, at fault for what Eric did to you. And through counseling, and from my own lips, we’ll get you to a place where you believe that. Yes, I support your healing in every way. And if you think meeting with these guys will help you in that endeavor, you’ll have my wholehearted support.”

  “That’s my vote,” he whispered and lightly settled his lips on hers. When he drew away, Noah released his hold on her face so she could turn and look at Gabriel.

  Gabe said nothing initially; rather he threaded one of his palms into her hair and began a light massage against Emily’s scalp. He seemed to struggle as Noah had to form a coherent word, but finally he managed to wet his lips and speak.

  “Em, everything within me, everything that makes me the man who’s going to marry you and who’s your best friend, is screaming not to let you do this. My instincts, where you’re concerned, demand that I shelter you and protect you from all harm. And that part of me is going to have a very hard time letting them through our front door. Because they didn’t shelter you well enough when they had the chance, or see the signs…” Gabriel broke off and clenched his teeth together.

  “Neither did I, Gabriel,” Emily said softly. “I never knew it was Eric, and he was in and out of my house repeatedly over the course of this. He even came in to check for listening devices the stalker might have planted. I was duped too, just as they were.”

  Gabriel’s eyes roamed over her face again, searching for the strength within himself that Emily was so clearly demonstrating. God, how was he going to pull this off? Be in the same room with them, without completely losing his temper?

  “I’ll be right beside you,” Emily vowed, as if she were hearing his internal dialog and reassuring him that she wouldn’t let him go that far. “Noah on one side of me and you on the other. Between the two of us, and all these other strong guys in the room, we’ll make sure you don’t lay hands on anyone.”

  Emily pressed her lips together and tried diligently to suppress her laughter. She didn’t know where in the heck it was coming from, but she knew she was moments away from letting it pour fourth. Oh, what the hell, she thought. They all needed it as much as she did.

  Gabriel growled her name as a warning, though he was right there with her. He watched the familiar pink spread across Emily’s skin as she lost it and began to laugh. When Noah began to chuckle too, Gabe let out a sigh of resignation. But funny thing was, once he allowed a slight crack in the anger he was holding on to, Gabriel found he felt compelled to laugh too.

  “Oh, hell,” he breathed and then wrapped an arm around Emily, hauling her against his chest. “Call Hollington, Noah, and tell him yes.” Gabriel placed his cheek against her temple and kissed her gently there. “Am I always going to be outvoted by the two of you?”

  “No,” Emily laughed. “You’re both going to listen and talk with me, and then we’ll work through whatever comes our way. Together.”

  “That I can live with,” Gabriel murmured.


  The chime of the doorbell drew Emily’s focus from the chore of tidying the kitchen with Tara. They each paused in their respective tasks and stared at each other. Emily offered her best friend a hopeful smile and shrugged. She grimaced when her left shoulder gave an uncomfortable twinge from the motion. Tara noted the brief flash of pain in Emily’s eyes and zeroed in on it without hesitation.

  “You still need your sling on, don’t you?” Tara asked.

  “No, I do not,” Emily countered quickly. “I’m just fine on the outside, and I want all of you to stop hovering so much. I wouldn’t say I felt better, if I didn’t. Really, Tara, I have slight aches here and there, but nothing that should keep me down now.”

  “Obviously,” she retorted dryly.

  “What’s that tone for?” Emily chuckled, and looked on as Tara smirked at her.

  “I wouldn’t say you were hurting too bad this morning, if your late arrival to the table was any indication.”

  Emily continued to laugh lightly as she walked around the island to stand behind Tara. She wrapped her arms around her friend’s waist and dropped her chin on Tara’s shoulder.

  “You know I love you more than my luggage,” Emily whispered, quoting a line from one of their favorite movies, Steel Magnolias.

  Tara laughed loudly and nodded.

  “And I’ve loved having yo
u and the guys’ teammates here as well these last few weeks, while I really did start to heal,” Emily said more sincerely. “I know you’re all leaving us soon, but I couldn’t have done it without you, Tara. I really couldn’t have.”

  “I love you too,” Tara said in an unusually hoarse voice. “And I’m just as glad that you’re here with us. Couldn’t imagine life without you, Em.”

  “Well, that’s one thing you never need worry about again,” Gabriel said from the doorway. He pushed himself off of the wall where he was leaning and taking in their conversation. “Noah and I aren’t leaving her anytime soon.”

  “Good. You’d better not, or you’ll answer to me, buster,” Tara huffed, glad to have their banter back in place so she could squelch her emotions firmly back inside. She hated public displays of sappy sentimentality.

  “Emily, Hollington is here and he says Strauss and the others are just a few minutes out now. Come on into the den and let’s get ready for their arrival. Tara, come with us?”

  “Of course,” she nodded without hesitation. “I have no problem kicking anyone’s ass if they mess with the three of you.”

  “Good to know,” Gabriel chuckled. “Come on, honey,” he said to Emily as he extended a hand to her. She released her hold on Tara and let him tuck her under his arm, sheltering her as they headed out of the kitchen.

  Tara took in a deep breath and tried to steel herself for this meeting. She was honestly in the guys’ court on this one. She had no real desire to be faced with local law enforcement either. But Tara knew Emily had been right to say forgiveness was needed all around, if they were to really move forward. She just wanted to be mad at them for a little while longer. Maybe one more day wouldn’t hurt, she chuckled to herself.

  When they entered the den, Hollington moved forward to hug Emily and then Tara. He introduced the FBI lawyer he’d assigned to her case, an older gentleman named Piers Murdock. Emily politely shook his hand and then stepped back into the space between Gabriel and Noah without delay.

  Hollington sensed her uncertainty, and immediately sought to soothe her worries away. He stepped closer and smiled.

  “Emily, I asked Mr. Murdock to come down with me for a few days, for several reasons. We need to make sure you not only have me in the room when you talk with Eric’s colleagues, but also appropriate counsel. Piers won’t let you say anything that could be later held or used against you when you take the witness stand. It’s imperative that we monitor all such conversations until the trial actually takes place.”

  “I understand, sir,” she nodded. “And I thank you for thinking of this. I wouldn’t have.”

  “No,” he chuckled. “I would not suspect so, having no frame of reference for such cases.”

  “You said Piers was here for several reasons?” Gabriel asked, needing specifics from his superior. Noah was already staring at the man and sizing him up.

  “I did,” Hollington smiled. “It’s time for Emily to issue an official press release to the fans who read her books and to the media. Piers will help her with the correct wording for those documents today. She also needs to take care of protecting her assets in all of this, and Piers is one of the best defense and financial lawyers the firm contracts with. I asked him to take this case as a personal favor, and he agreed.”

  “So, after we talk to the local lawmen, I want the three of you to sit down and discuss with Piers and me, how we might ensure nothing within Emily’s personal portfolio is targeted by Eric or his family. There is still the very real possibility that he might turn around and try to sue her.”

  “Portfolio?” Noah asked and angled his head down at Emily.

  She blushed from the tip of her head, all the way down to her toes. Suddenly, she was the solitary focus of everyone in the room and she swallowed hard. Emily looked from Ethan to Ross, hoping one of them would say something to help lighten the sudden tense silence. But they only arched an eyebrow at her and proved no help at all.

  “Let’s talk about all that after we meet with Strauss,” Emily sighed.

  “Oh, you can believe that we will,” Gabriel all but growled.

  Emily smirked at him, but wiped the expression from her face when she looked back at Hollington. “Thank you again for thinking of all this,” she said.

  “You’re welcome, dear. Ah, I think I hear a few cars pulling up. Shall we, everyone?” he asked and looked around the room.

  “Lawton, take my gun away from me,” Gabriel said as he handed the piece over.

  “Where did you have that thing hidden?” Emily asked in surprise. Every team member laughed at her question and she felt mortified. “Never mind.” She blew out a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes.

  Gabriel bent down and murmured in her ear, “I’ll show you later.”

  “I just bet you will,” she whispered back.

  Gabriel lightly kissed her ear and then straightened as Hollington led not only Strauss, Jasper, and Andrew in, but also Gabriel and Noah’s fathers. The men moved alongside their sons, offering them a quick, one-handed hug, before they bent to enfold Emily in a loving embrace.

  “I see you have the sling off your arm today,” Noah’s father remarked. “Feeling better without that thing in your way?”

  “Yes, sir,” she grinned.

  “Good.” He nodded in approval.

  Emily peeked around Mr. Johnston and saw their three guests standing near Hollington, Piers, and Lawton. And she saw the pain in their eyes too. It was a tangible thing, their grief, and she could not bear to see them hurting so. She moved around her future father-in-law before either Noah or Gabriel could grab her and Emily opened her arms to Sheriff Strauss first.

  “I’m so glad to see you today, sir,” she began. “Thank you for coming.”

  “The thanks are all ours, Emily,” he said in a strained voice. He looked to Hollington first and said, “Can I touch her? I’ve known Emily all her life, and I’d never harm a hair on her head.”

  “Of course, you can, if Emily is comfortable doing so.” Hollington nodded and gestured him forward.

  Strauss looked back down at her and, after hesitating for only another second, he gently took her into his arms. “I am so, so very sorry, Emily,” he murmured against her ear. “So sorry.”

  “Shhh. It’s all over now. So let’s focus on the good, not the mess that came before.”

  “I made so many mistakes in this case. And they cost you, Emily,” Strauss said, his voice choking up as his emotions got the better of him.

  Emily leaned back from his hold and she began to wipe his tears away. He was old enough to be her grandfather, she thought, and he didn’t need this kind of stress and guilt in his life. That helped her to offer her next words.

  “I once heard Gram say to a busybody at church, ‘Show me one person who’s infallible and I’ll introduce you to your Lord and Savior.’ We all make mistakes, sir, and I don’t hold you responsible for what Eric chose to do. None of you,” she added and looked away from the sheriff to the two deputies behind him.

  Noah and Gabriel were there on either side of her by then, and they each cupped one of her elbows, holding Emily back from hugging either Jasper or Andrew. Gabriel gave her a light squeeze, letting Emily know that they were not comfortable with her approaching them. And in deference of how difficult this was for them too, Emily remained where she was.

  “Jasper, Andrew, I mean what I say,” Emily nodded. “I don’t want any of you leaving here today, thinking that I blame you or feel resentment towards you at all. Nothing could be further from the truth. You did your best to protect me, and that’s what I’m focusing on. I’m just sorry that you were hurt through all of this too.”

  Jasper stepped forward until he was right in front of Gabriel. He looked from Gabe to Noah, noting the defensive stance they held, and he dipped his head in understanding.

  “I don’t intend to touch, guys, I promise. But I need to tell Emily, know that she heard it from my own lips… I’m very sorry too.” He sigh
ed and turned his eyes down towards her. “I’ve sat so many nights alone and gone over this again and again in my head – trying to figure out where we all went wrong – how we missed the clues. And the hell of it is, I still can’t. I can’t, Emily. He seemed like your concerned friend, not a man bent on tearing your life apart.”

  “I know, Jasper. I get it, I do. I’m having trouble reconciling it all too,” Emily quietly admitted.

  “I understand you’ve not ventured into town since coming home from the hospital. But I want you to know there is nothing but support out there for you,” Jasper told her. “Everyone feels the backlash from this, and they just want to shelter you now. Protect you.”

  “Thank you for that, Jasper,” she murmured and looked down momentarily to see that her hands were tightly clasped in front of her and, surprisingly, they’d begun to shake.

  “Let’s take our seats now, and talk that way,” Gabriel said, noting her trembling as well. “Em’s still recovering.”

  “Of course,” Strauss immediately agreed.

  Andrew looked like he might speak to Emily at that time, but he held his comment and took one of the additional chairs placed in the den for their meeting.

  Noah and Gabriel led Emily to a sofa and positioned her between them. Noah took her right hand in his left and Gabriel draped his right arm behind her. He shifted a little closer and laced his left hand with hers, letting any and all who looked at them know the three of them were a solid, unbroken chain.

  “Andrew, son, do you want to say something?” Strauss asked him once they were all settled.

  “I do,” he said, his voice sounding strained as well. “Emily, when you called me after the first package came in the mail and I realized what was happening, I wanted so badly to solve the case quickly and spare you all of what came afterwards. But try as I might, I felt like we were hitting one dead end after another.”

  “I know, Andrew. I could tell you were just as frustrated as me as the weeks rolled by.”


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