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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 3

by Andie Lea

  “It was a pleasure meeting you. We will have to do this again sometime. When I have more time, that is.”

  * * * *

  Via had barely spoken ever since we got back into the car.

  I couldn’t tell if she was pissed at me or wanted to stay quiet.

  “Was meeting my parents so severe?”

  She glared at me and shook her head. “Your parents are entertaining. I like to know what we are doing ahead of time. I don’t do well with surprises at all.”

  “Alright, so no more surprises. Is there anything else?”

  It took a few seconds for her to speak since she had been thinking.

  “I don’t particularly care for your weird attitude at times.”

  “How do I have a weird attitude?”

  She shrugged. “I’m not sure how to explain it. It’s as if you are always second-guessing yourself over everything. Do not sit there and tell me you don’t, because you do. The other night at the bar, for instance, you would walk towards me and then stop yourself. I’m not upset about it. I happened to find it amusing, but sometimes you just have to let your guard down and listen to what your heart wants.”

  Before she opened her mouth to speak again, my lips plowed into hers.

  She moaned as I pulled her on my lap. She pulled away and smiled as I placed my hand over the small of her back.

  “How is that for following my heart?”

  It took a minute for her to catch her breath. “That was… Wow. We will work on it.”

  Her lips connected to mine yet again.

  I could not get enough of her, my body aching for more when she pulled away.

  My eyes burned into hers. “You have no idea how badly I want you.”

  “I have a good idea. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  My eyebrows inadvertently scrunched together. “You can’t have sex…Ever?”

  She chuckled, taking my serious tone as a joke.

  Placing her hands on either side of my face, she stared into my eyes.

  “It’s not that I can’t. I chose not to allow anyone pressure me into having sex. I am, uh, sort of saving myself for the right person.”

  “You’re a virgin?”

  Growing agitated, she nodded.

  “Yes, and I am guessing you are not.”

  I had no choice but to shake my head as I reeled her body in closer to mine. “At this moment, I wish I was, for you.”

  “I don’t. Besides, my being a virgin is by choice. I had many opportunities to have sex in the past, but I didn’t want to.”

  “Would you mind if I asked why?” I questioned, staring at her, intrigued.

  A smile formed upon her face. “Well for one, I have always believed sex is overrated. Everywhere you look, advertisements for sex like you would not believe. I am not the skinniest person in the world. I have grown tired of commercials and other forms of media drilling it into young women’s minds they need to look a particular way in order for a man to fuck them,” she informed me, grinning proudly.

  “Second, I made a promise to myself a long time ago I would find the right person to have sex with when I was ready. Between you and me, I believe I found the perfect guy to give myself to…well, if we agree on seeing each other again,” she stated, rather pleased with herself as she slid back into the seat.

  My heart felt splashed into the pit of my stomach. “Why wouldn’t we?”

  “There are many reasons. The fact that you know my reason for being a virgin, how much distance there is between us—the list could just go on and on.”

  Matthew pulled the car in front of my apartment.

  I opened my mouth to communicate, but she had stepped out and stood by the front door, waiting for me.

  I couldn’t help but smirk. “You move pretty quickly when you are trying to avoid a conversation.”

  “I’m not avoiding anything. I can see how it’s going to end,” she confided, the tone in her voice growing aggravated.

  My lips formed a frown. “You lost me. How what ends?”

  The expression on her face went from agitated to upset in zero to sixty seconds.

  She was forcing back the tears. “You… Me… Us… Girls similar to me do not get their Prince Charming or a fairytale ending. Instead, we eventually give up hope on finding Mister Right and settle for some random loser only because we do not want to die alone.”

  I touched one of her cheeks, my thumb caressing her jaw line.

  I reeled her body in closer to mine, kissing her lips.

  She melted into my embrace.

  “I am far from being this perfect fairytale ending you speak, but I am here and I want to be with you.”

  Her eyes burned into mine.

  She was hungry, but not for food.

  Before I had the chance to remind her of the promise she made to herself, her lips plowed into mine as her fingers flowed through my hair.

  She giggled as I hoisted her into my arms and carried her in through the front door.

  I kicked the door shut with my foot, not removing my lips from her as I carried her to my room.

  I placed her on the bed. Her hands began to tug at my shirt, unbuttoning and pushing it off me.

  “Are you sure that you want me?” I asked, hovering over her on my bed, trailing kisses along her jawbone to her neck.

  Her breathing grew heavier as my hand inched up her shirt.

  She had hers placed upon my cheeks, her thumbs rubbing my five o’clock shadow.

  “For once in my life, I’m not worrying over rules or how things should be. I want you right now.”

  A small smile formed on my lips as I reached into the drawer of the nightstand, pulling out a foil packet.

  I placed it on the bed within reach. “I don’t want to make you do something you will regret.”

  “There are a shit-ton of regrets in my life. Being with you isn’t one of them,” she reassured me, placing little kisses on my neck.

  I slammed my lips against hers, removing her shirt and flinging it.

  To my utter surprise, she undid my pants and stripped me out of my clothes.

  The second I undressed her, I leaned back a bit to check out her luscious body. My fingers traced her side and to her curvy hips, making their way to the insides of her thighs and back up again.

  This woman is so damn sexy and is going to become mine.

  I was throbbing, aching for her more and more to the point of hardly being able to stand it.

  As I opened the foil packet, she questioned if something was wrong.

  I shook my head and kissed her when I eased into her.

  “Please tell me if it hurts,” I whispered as I began to thrust.

  Once she was able to relax and enjoy herself, her vaginal walls expanded, which allowed me to drive further into her.

  Grabbing a hold of one of her legs, I held it in place so my erection pushed into her deeper.

  Her body began to twitch, so I slowed myself.

  “Not yet, baby. We are going to make your first time one you will never forget,” I whispered into her ear, my lips trailing her jawline and then kissing her neck, keeping my movement at a slow and steady pace.

  Her heart thumped against her chest. She was begging for more.

  Should I give her what she wants or let her orgasm linger?

  My rhetorical question was answered the second I heard a small moan escape from her lips.

  The faint sound sent me over the top, causing me to pick up speed once again.

  As I shoved my erection in and out of her precious body, my left hand began to wander, stopping once it fell upon one of her breasts. I squeezed it as my fingertips traced her nipple and pinched it.

  I used my mouth to harden her nipple the rest of the way.

  Her hands kept my head in place as her body moved along with my thrusting.

  When she moaned again and grasped on my hair, the build-up inside me begged to be released.

  I leaned my head back as I slammed into he
r with every push.

  Her body began to twitch again. She was closer to coming than I had been.

  Instead of slowing my pace, I crashed into her harder.

  The O-expression on her face told me I had hit her G-Spot and within seconds, she arched her back and exploded around me.

  It was enough for me to pour myself into her.

  * * * *

  We lay on the bed together. She gazed at me while twirling her delectable fingers through my chest hairs.

  Reeling her body closer to mine, I kissed her hair.

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  She shook her head. “Absolutely not. That was amazing, Ryan. It definitely makes the list of the best things that have ever happened to me.”

  “You have a list?”

  Teasingly rolling her eyes at me, she nodded. “Duh, yeah! Of course I made a best—and worst—list; a part of the rules.”

  She perceived the crease in my forehead.

  “Don’t look at me in that tone of voice. I believe that everyone has to live by their own set of rules.”

  I couldn’t help but become intrigued once she had said this. “What are your rules, Via?”

  “Rule number one is to never let anybody define who I am. I do that enough myself. I do not need somebody else pointing out my faults. Let’s see… Rule two is always having a best and worst list, to reflect and learn.” A smile formed at the corners of her mouth.

  “The last one I am going to tell you is number three: never let a man stand in the way of you and what you truly want out of life.”

  “Do you think I am in the way of what you are trying to achieve out of life?” My stomach filled with guilt.

  Have I put her under this much pressure? Is this the reason why she is insisting on returning home?

  Millions of questions swirled through my head before she answered.

  My palms began to sweat as I stared into her eyes.

  “Believe me, you are not in the way, but I can tell you are going to be an enormous distraction.” She giggled. “You detained me from my flight back home with my friends.”

  Noticing the seriousness of my face, she frowned.

  “I’m not upset over it. I never had feelings about anyone like this, ever. The crazy in love part of me wants you to whisk me away to Seattle. However the sensible part, the one I am forced to listen to, is shouting and cursing at me that we have to take everything one day at a time.”

  I placed my thumb upon her chin. Oh Lord, what is this woman doing to me?

  I looked up into her eyes to meet her gaze. “I understand where you are coming from, Via. The moment my hand touched yours, leading us out on the dance floor, that was when I knew how badly I wanted to make you mine. Later in the evening, I couldn’t stop thinking of you and it scared the shit out of me. I had to see you again, but I wasn’t sure how I was going to go about doing it.” I grinned.

  “When you showed up here, I was so pleased I got to see you again. I am aware of the fact that going back to Aspen is something you want. It is going to be difficult for me to let you go.”

  “I am dreading when I board the plane too, but it will be good for us,” she confessed, a grin sliding across her face.

  “Who knows, I may get fed up with work and come pounding on your door.”

  * * * *

  The hours flew by as Matthew drove us to the airport.

  Via looked over at me with a sadly forced smile. “What’s the one thing you are going to miss most about me?”

  “This right here,” I replied, bringing her soft hand up to my lips and kissing it.

  “I am going to miss being able to see and touch you. You have no idea how much this is killing me.”

  She nodded as tears began to form and slowly run down her cheeks. “Oh yes, I do. This is one of the hardest things I have ever done.”

  “Then why… Why put ourselves through with this?”

  Wiping her tears away, she shook her head.

  “You need to go back to Seattle as much as I need to go to Aspen. That’s where our jobs and lives are waiting on us. This isn’t a permanent goodbye, Ryan.”

  I couldn’t help but snort. “It feels like I am never going to see you again.”

  “That’s not true. There are a few things I need to take care of at home before I do anything else. For one, I will need to explain to my father why I didn’t call to tell him I would be arriving late. This, in theory, is your fault because you insisted I stay a while longer.” She rolled her eyes.

  Even though she had a strong point, I wasn’t going to admit it to her.

  Matthew pulled up to the drop-off doors.

  I opened my door and climbed out.

  She looked confused when she saw Matthew not just pull out her luggage from the trunk, but mine as well.

  Sensing what she was thinking, I grinned.

  “Not to worry. We will not be boarding the same plane this evening. I have a meeting to attend to in Seattle.”

  “Oh.” She got out of the car and bent to pick up her bags.

  Before I let the view of her ass distract me, I shuffled my feet and beat her to them.

  “Allow me, Miss Johnson.”

  “You are such a gentleman.”

  I shrugged as I picked up her bags. “Eh… When I want to be.”

  She trailed behind me inside the airport.

  After going through security, we walked at a steady pace to her terminal.

  Setting her bags on an empty seat, I spun around to face her.

  “Your plane will be boarding in five minutes through those doors,” I informed her, pointing to a set of doors near the desk.

  “Got it. I’m going to miss you, Mister Rayner,” she said, taking a hold of my hands.

  I brought her hands up to my lips and kissed them. “Olivia, you have no idea how much I am going to miss you. More than a man should ever miss a woman he has just met…”

  Before she blushed or said a single word, I angled my body and kissed her.

  The taste of her lips was remarkable on mine, something I was going to ache for while being away from her.

  An announcement came over the intercom, making everyone aware the plane to Aspen, Colorado was now boarding.

  She slowly pulled away from my embrace and shyly smiled. “I guess this is it.”

  I nodded and cupped her face with my hands, staring into her eyes.

  “Please promise me you are going to be careful, and that you will make it home in one piece.”

  “Last boarding call for flight two-sixteen to Aspen…”

  My lips met hers one last time before releasing her.

  I held her bags out for her. “You need to go before they leave without you. As soon as I am finished with this trial, I am coming after you.”

  “Before I forget, there are a couple of gifts for you I put in your bag,” I said, grinning at her.

  “I will call you the second I am off the plane,” she assured me, kissing me one last time before walking away.

  She turned around and flashed a smile before disappearing into the terminal.

  Abruptly she stopped and turned, making me assume she had forgotten something. She lifted her blouse to expose her undershirt.

  I couldn’t contain my grin, realizing she was wearing my shirt I had slipped on her the night before.

  She then blew me a kiss and trotted away.

  * * * *

  It took me up until I boarded my plane to comprehend I was alone again, a mood I had not paid any attention to before meeting Olivia Johnson. I did not appreciate this sensation one fucking bit!

  These feelings of being empty and unsatisfied did not suit me well.

  I didn’t have the slightest clue of what to do with myself as I observed her plane take off from the window I had been standing near.

  For the first time in my life, tears begged to escape from my eyes over a woman.

  It was as if my whole world had blackened.

  What if she arr
ives home and decides never to see me again? What if she gets into an accident and I won’t be able to see her again?

  Thoughts swirled through my head as my plane prepared for its takeoff.

  Fuck! See, this is why I prefer to be within arm’s reach of her!

  I shook my head as if to chase away the negativity, attempting to calm my nerves.

  * * * *

  Forcing myself to keep my mind busy, I scrambled through my file of papers for my trial.

  The man charged with rape and murder was forty-three years old. He had been charged with disorderly conduction and sexual assault on multiple counts.

  As I read each word, my stomach became queasy and my cheeks reddened with anger.

  The names and ages of the young women he had raped and killed underneath their innocent photos… Every single bit of evidence found at each crime scene…

  If an asshole ever laid a single finger on my Via, he would be a dead man!

  I continued to read, reaching the page of my client.

  She was a twenty-five year old UCLA graduate who had moved to Seattle to pursue her career as a literary agent, and had not lived in the region long.

  Before I engrossed myself in any more, the captain spoke over the intercom announcing we were getting ready to land.

  Chapter Four

  I carried my luggage off the plane until I met up with Charlie, my driver in Seattle.

  Since Matthew maintained my apartment in Vegas, he was typically on duty when I traveled there.

  Until my trial case was over, he would be preoccupied in Aspen keeping a closer eye on Miss Johnson.

  Charlie welcomed me back with his friendly smile as he held open the door to the backseat of the glossy black Escalade. I slid inside and instantaneously pulled out my Android to check if I had any messages. A grin appeared on my face once I read her name.


  You will be happy to know my plane has landed and I am still in one piece as you requested. 

  I smiled at her words as I replied to her.


  Thank you for reassuring me about your well-being, Miss Johnson. I just arrived in Seattle and am thinking about the beautifully stubborn woman I met while in Vegas. I am looking forward to the day I get to see her beautiful face again. ;)


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