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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 11

by Andie Lea

  I opened the back door and stepped outside to stretch my legs. Waiting on a woman was a long and agonizing process. Now Charlie and I were waiting on two, and they are shopping for a wedding gown! This should simply take about three, maybe twelve, hours knowing my Via and her indecisiveness.

  I fished my phone out of the front pocket of my pants. I thought I might as well make a few business calls while I was waiting on my bride.

  “Baby, we could always go this route—it’s cheaper!” Via was shouting from the front entrance.

  My jaw almost smashed the concrete as I looked up to see her in nothing but her strap-less bra and panties. She held up her half-empty wine glass to me.

  I couldn’t believe it—she was toasted! How many glasses of wine has she had already? “That’s cute, babe.” I rolled my eyes playfully. What was the point of getting mad when the damage had already been done? I was not about to start any arguments with her.

  Via giggled and shut the door to re-open it. “Peek-a-boo, I see you!”

  Thankfully, an apologetic Madison, who was carrying four huge boxes, came up from behind Via and escorted her to the car. “Let’s get you home.”

  Charlie and I met them halfway. He took the boxes and I grabbed on to Miss Tipsy. Before I escorted her into the car, she pinched my cheeks and stretched them out a bit. “You are too pretty for this to be real. I want to see the tangible you, Ryan William Ray-Nerd!”

  “Oh, no need to fret, Miss Johnson, You will be seeing the real me sooner than you believe,” I assured her while ushering her into the backseat.

  She giggled and patted my knee. “Ah, I get a nasty spanky. Happy early boom-boom day to me!”

  * * * *

  By the time Charlie pulled into the driveway, Via was sacked out and snoring. Something I can antagonize her about later…

  I stepped out of car, turned around, picked her up, and slung her over my shoulders. Walking upstairs, I laid her down and chained her limbs to the bed. I sat on the foot of the bed and observed her. I stared at every detail of her elegant face—the light freckling on the bridge of her nose, how her lips moved as she snored. Every damn thing about the woman was perfect. Well, with the exception of the fact she was a lightweight. She would not drink more than one glass of alcohol at our reception!

  My manhood hardened as her eyes gradually opened. She peered about the room with a curious look on her face. Attempting to sit up, she failed since she had been restrained.

  I crookedly smiled at her. “Have a nice nap baby?”

  Her eyes blinked a million times as she realized which room we were in. Her mouth fell open. “Oh shit, what did I do?”

  “You know how much I despise your drinking too much due to the fact that you are such a lightweight.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “Do I have to treat you like a child and limit your alcohol consumption?”

  “No sir.”

  My manhood lunged in response to her words. I wanted to take her right then and there, but first she had to be punished in order to realize how serious I was about loathing her drinking.

  Strolling closer towards her anxious body, I set her free from the handcuffs. In one, swift motion I turned her on to her stomach and bound her wrists together with my tie. Sitting down, I pulled her across my lap so her ass was proportionate to my right hand. Without any warning, I swung back and smacked her behind nice and hard. She cried out as her ass-cheeks tightened. I massaged them until she relaxed and then whacked her again. She winced once more.

  “You are going to learn to control this drinking habit of yours, Olivia Marie Rayner. Even if I have to spank the living shit out of you until you do so!”

  The way her soon-to-be last name escaped my lips had been a turn on for the both of us. I smacked her once more, then pulled her up to my eye-level and forced her to sit on my lap. As I gazed into her eyes, I couldn’t help but ponder. Oh, all the things I would be doing to her if we had known each other a few years back. I would have, without a doubt, used a cane on her. What in the hell has this woman done to my dominance?

  “Is something wrong sir?” she interrupted my thoughts.

  I slumped down with a sigh. “I lost it, Via. My dominance is no more.”

  She stood and held out her hands to me, her way of asking me to untie her. “I know you well enough to know your domineering abilities have not vanished. I’m going to help you find him just to prove you wrong.”

  I placed my hand in hers, astounded by her strength to lift me to my feet.

  “Stand right here sir,” she pleaded as she walked to the closet. Within seconds, she came back scarcely wearing anything. Her bright red lingerie outfit was super-thin and frilly. The heels on her feet matched, as well as her lipstick. Her tousled hair had been a turn on by itself. My chin just about hit the floor when she pranced past me, opened the door and danced out into the hallway.

  Her heels clanked against the hardwood floor. I couldn’t get to the doorway fast enough to see her coolly stride down the stairs. She was well aware I could not tolerate her displaying herself with Charlie present.

  My fingers trembled as she looked back and winked at me. “Oh Charlie, would you mind pouring me a glass of white wine?”

  I felt my eyes bulge out of my skull as her foot touched the living room floor. She was halfway to the liquor cabinet when Charlie strolled into the room. He stopped once he perceived her attire.

  She grinned at him. “Hello Charlie.”

  Was that a pleading expression she carried on her face I just saw?

  Charlie grinned at my woman. Before I could even blink, he twirled her around and dipped her. He bent and nipped her neck with his lips as if to plant one on her. I couldn’t tell if he kissed her not. “Miss Johnson, you are ravishing as always.” Bringing her back up, he winked at her.

  As I stood there with the fire building in the pit of my stomach and listening to my heavy breathing, she gave him a slight nod.

  No, she wouldn’t!

  Within seconds, she had him pinned against the nearest wall. Her lips dove for his neck. The fire in my stomach had now exploded through the rest of my body. I was not about to stand there and witness my wife dominate another man! She was mine!

  Flying down the stairs, I picked her up and suspended her over my shoulders. I smacked her ass with each footstep, alternating cheeks, as I carried her back upstairs and into the playroom.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I kicked the door shut with my foot and carried her over to the cross. Placing her on to her feet, I shackled her wrists and ankles. “That was a very daring move you just made, Mrs. Rayner.”

  Bending to meet her ear, I whispered, “You will never do anything like that again.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Blindfolding her, I picked up her crop and tapped her on the ass with it. She winced as I whacked her again on the opposite cheek. It felt so good to be in control again. Treading the crop up and down her legs, I swatted her left inner thigh.

  She drove me wild by moaning.

  I wanted her so desperately, but I was going to drag this out.

  Raising my Dom from the dead or not, she would learn not to seduce my staff! “You are mine, Olivia Rayner—nobody else’s. All mine!”

  “Yes sir!”

  I bent down to whisper in her ear again, “Thank you baby.”

  A smile developed on her face as I nibbled on her ear, working my way down to her neck. She moaned again, sending shivers through my spine.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to have her!

  Unchaining her from the cross, I held her in my arms and kissed her. Leading her over to the bed without breaking our lips, I pushed her on top of the mattress and, with her assistance, stripped off my clothes.

  I dove on to her and caressed her smooth lips with mine. “I love you, Mrs. Rayner.”

  She smiled as we took off her scanty outfit. “I love you, Mister Rayner.”

  * * * *

  “Wake up baby.” Via woke me up by planting l
ight kisses on my face.

  I looked at her and smiled.

  She returned one of her own and stroked my cheek. “Happy Fourth of July and thank you for my early boom-boom last night!”

  Pulling her in tighter to my chest, I kissed her hair. “You are welcome and anytime, Mrs. Rayner.” Sitting up, I told her, “We need to get dressed. I have a tiny surprise for you.”

  She playfully rolled her eyes at me. “I should have never told you how much I loathe surprises.”

  “Trust me baby, this one you will love,” I said, bending and giving her a soft kiss.

  “Mm mm, will I ever grow immune to how sweet you taste?”

  “In about ten years when you are going through a mid-life crisis, then it will be all about a Harley and a big-chested blond!” she assured me with a shrug.

  “Ouch. I love how you display so much faith in me baby.”

  She smacked my ass and stood up out of bed. “Get up so you can show me what this wretched surprise is. I’m going gray over here.”

  Shaking my head, I crawled out from the warm blankets. “I must really love you if I allow you to drag me out of bed this early.”

  “Or I am just too damn worthy of a dominant.” She winked at me as she slipped on her shoes. “I will be waiting in the kitchen.”

  I showered, dressed myself, and made my way downstairs. Charlie and Via were chatting in the kitchen. Thankfully, they were nowhere close to how they were communicating the night before. She was telling him about how the Fourth of July had always been one of her favorite holidays—that there was nothing like cookouts, family, and fireworks.

  She looked over her shoulder at me and smiled. “There he is, my amazing man.”

  “Nice try, but I’m not telling you what the surprise is.” I glanced at Charlie. “I hope you enjoyed last night. It will never happen again.”

  Via rushed over, wrapping her arms around my torso and kissed my lips. Staring into my eyes with hers beaming she commented, “Baby, the bit with Charlie had been planned. I had to beg him. Do you have any idea how difficult it was to convince him that my pushing him into a wall would help us?”

  “Not easy at all, Mister Rayner,” Charlie chimed in.

  She playfully grinned. “He thought I had lost my mind. No need to thank me or anything.”

  “What did you have to do get Charlie to agree?”

  “Um…Yeah, about that…” she began to say and grinned.

  My eyes automatically narrowed at her. “I promise not to get mad. I just would like to know.”

  “First, I promised not to mention a single word to Madison. She has the ability to kill all of us!” She began to speak after several seconds of silence. “I may have thrown a Christmas bonus in there too.”

  “I am relieved to know you didn’t force him into this.”

  Her mouth dropped as she stared at me. “I would never force anybody into anything. Well, except for you. Charlie and I had a nice little chat about you while you were in Alaska. He mentioned how you seemed a bit down the past few years, and even though I have bettered your mood since we have met, something was still off. I explained a few things and pleaded for his assistance.”

  I grinned. “You talk about me behind my back with my staff, offer my money away, and then make me think you have seduced my bodyguard. Very nice touch, Mrs. Rayner.”

  “Duh. If you haven’t found out I am just full of surprises, then there is no hope for you at this point.” She stuck her tongue out at me.

  Oh, what I would like to do with your tongue! “You may be right, but you know, I have a few surprises of my own. Shall we go?”

  * * * *

  As Charlie pulled into the parking lot of a downtown restaurant, Via stared at me in confusion.

  “Am I going to have to start teaching you how to shock people? Taking someone out for breakfast isn’t that big of a deal, unless it’s a buffet, of course.”

  I shook my head. Once Charlie had stopped the car at the front entrance, I opened the door. Bending over and holding out my hand for her, I asked, “Shall we, Mrs. Rayner?”

  “They better have biscuits and gravy here or I am going to be pissed.” She grabbed on to my hand so I could assist her out. “I should have stayed in my pajamas.”

  Rolling my eyes, the doormen opened the entry doors for us. “Welcome, Mister and Mrs. Rayner,” both men said in sync.

  “Never mind on the pajamas concept. What is this, a five-star restaurant?”

  I could no longer hold in my smile. “It may very well be, Mrs. Rayner. That’s just all up to you and how you run the place.”

  Ushering her over towards the counter where a full line of cooks, waiters, waitresses, and a couple of hostesses stood professionally and grinning at us, I said to her, “I would like to introduce you to your new staff.”

  Tears were pushing the rims of her eyes as she looked at her staff dressed in black slacks with fancy white buttoned shirts. The chefs wore their white toques.

  She smiled at everyone, her eyes trailing their way to me. “You bought me a restaurant and fully staffed it?”

  I raised my eyebrows and my head backed away from her. I couldn’t tell if she had tears of joy or if she was mad as hell.

  Waiting for her to smack the shit of out me, I trembled a bit as she leaped into my arms.

  “This is a good surprise, I take it.”

  “You win the title of best one to give the surprises.” She kissed my lips long and hard.

  Shaking my head, I wrapped her legs around me as I held her. “Via, you had me believing Charlie was your next submissive. I knew what you were doing in the back of my mind, but my rage still wanted nothing of it. I want you all to myself, Olivia Marie Rayner. I wouldn’t know how to live anymore if I didn’t have you.”

  She pressed her forehead against mine. “You are the only submissive I need, and want, Ryan. I’m in love with you.” She pressed her lips to my nose. “Thank you so much for all of this.”

  “Baby, I’m ready and willing to give you the world.”

  She planted her lips on mine, holding on to the back of my hair as she did so. Leaping down before she ignited any more of the fire that had already started in my groin, she asked, “You astonish me with a restaurant and staff on the Fourth of July. Should I be expecting a country on Christmas?”

  “Enjoy your first staff meeting. I will be waiting for you outside.” Giving her a quick slap on the ass, I strolled outdoors.

  * * * *

  “Oh, we have to get the snakes! They are my favorite!” Via squealed at the firework store.

  I couldn’t help but grin. “I have a snake for you later.”

  She elbowed me in the abdomen. “Ryan! Behave yourself.”

  “You make it difficult, Mrs. Rayner.” Kissing her hair, I held her closer to my body as we checked out.

  A grin crept along my lips as she saw the final cost. It’s only money, sweetie.

  “Did you just spend over a thousand bucks on fireworks?” she wondered as we made our way back to the car.

  I shook my head. “No baby, we just bought over a thousand bucks worth of fireworks.”

  Her face became as white as a sheet and she looked as if she was ready to puke at any given second.

  “Baby, are you feeling alright? Is this about the amount of money spent?” I wondered as I held on to her with a firm grip.

  She stared at me, her eyes narrowed and lips puckered. “Well no fucking shit!”

  I shook my head, not being able to control my grin. “This is nothing compared to what I have in store for you.”

  “You better fucking not! If you do, you will be breaking one of the rules I made clear in the contract!”

  My grin turned into a smirk. “I hope you know a good lawyer…”

  * * * *

  It didn’t take long for Charlie to pull up to my parents’ house.

  Via was already bouncing up and down in the seat.

  Damn! If she were bouncing on me…

  We strolled towards the house together as Charlie carried the fireworks. My mother greeted myself and Via with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I gazed at my brother as we walked into the room. It bugged me that I couldn’t quite make out the expression on his face. Before I opened my mouth to speak, she appeared out of the corner of my eye. Of course, he invited her!

  “Hello Ryan…Via.” Jennifer welcomed us, her black pants hugging her hips. She was wearing the shiny black heels she wore the last time we fucked. I couldn’t believe she kept them all of these years.

  I smiled at her as she stood near Jason, and I clung to Via a bit tighter. “It’s wonderful to see you again, Jen.”

  “Via, darling, I have ordered the most ravishing centerpieces for the reception. Come with me, please. I also have a few cake designers lined up.” My mother pulled her away and out of the room.

  I was not certain how it happened, but Jen and I found ourselves alone in the same room. We glared at each other for a few minutes until she smiled. “I noticed you staring at the shoes. You remember them, don’t you?”

  I grinned. “Quite well, Miss Davis.”

  She strolled up to me and caressed my cheek like she used to, “Do you have any idea how much I miss you, Mister Rayner?”

  Within seconds, her lips pressed against mine. It sent my mind back five years. My eyes closed, feeling my lips moving in sync with hers.

  Before I could even think, she shoved me away and glared me in horror. Her hand slapped my face so hard I felt the sting afterwards. The sound of shattering glass forced me to jerk my head around. Via stood there, her face pale as if she had just seen a ghost. She strode up to me, thrashing the opposite cheek Jen struck.

  “I apologize for interrupting the reunion. Please do not stop on my account. Carry on.”

  “Via!” I tried catching up with her since she ran out of the room.

  She kicked her shoes off, allowing her to run faster.

  “Baby, look out!”

  She smacked right into Charlie and he caught her. Looking back at me, she scowled and turned back to him. She angled them enough so I could see what she was doing. Seizing him by his shirt, she pulled him into a forever-lasting lip lock.


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