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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 18

by Andie Lea

  Her grin grew wider. “Like I said before, I have my way of doing things, Mister Rayner.”

  Kissing me, she stood up and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Chapter Twenty

  Sitting in the Kitchen,–Seattle, Washington. Via Johnson

  I couldn’t help but laugh at Ryan attempting to make the world’s simplest breakfast, waffles—the frozen kind—with much difficulty. He cursed and hurled the toaster, smashing it against the floor the second it burnt him. “That stupid bastard. Let’s see if you ever burn me again!”

  I stepped over the mess he had caused, and wrapped my arms around his neck in an attempt to cool him down. Leading him over to the sink, I ran his burnt finger under cold water. “Baby, I offered to make you an amazing breakfast, yet you chose to murder the toaster.” I grinned and continued, “There is something the girls and I can add to the gift registry.”

  “How did you manage to do it—graduate from culinary school without burning to death?”

  Removing his hand from the water, I turned the faucet off and blew on his finger. “I had a few years to practice. The big secret of working in the kitchen is to never rush.” I kissed his finger. “Now, I have to go and get ready, or should I stay just in case the blender decides to take revenge on you for throwing his cousin?”

  He playfully rolled his eyes. “Go. Get out of here and have fun with registry tag.”

  I kissed his lips and strolled out the front door.

  * * * *

  My heart raced as Leslie and I ran our asses off in search of the nearest hiding spot.

  Leslie, Rachael, Tory, and I decided to pair off in teams to play our first-ever game of gift registry tag.

  “Via, look out behind you!” Leslie screeched at me.

  Quickly, I pointed and aimed my registry weapon at Tory. “Bring it on, sister. Make my day!”

  Before she aimed her pricing gun at me, I dove into the aisle of bath towels and scanned a few of them as I waited.

  “Shit! Damn…I’m out!” I heard Rachael’s voice holler.

  Leslie spotted me, wearing a massive grin on her face. “One down, one more to go.”

  Standing up, we darted through the bedding sets and the miniature beds the store had on display. Leslie’s skinny ass was able to slide under one of the beds while I darted off towards the appliances, since I had to scan a new toaster anyway.

  As I ran to where the toasters were, my clumsy ass crashed into another body.

  Shit! “I am so sorry.” I managed to apologize once I was able to collect myself.

  The middle-aged woman brushed herself off and lightly smiled. “Registry tag?”

  “Um… Yeah” I tucked my hair behind my ear. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but something about this woman felt strangely familiar.

  “Are you Olivia Johnson?”

  My eyeballs almost bulged out of my head. Oh my damn, she knows me!

  “Yes. Have we met before?”

  She kindly smiled. “Years ago. I am Claire Roberts. I gave birth to you.”

  Here was the moment I had waited for years to come. Now is my chance to claw into her ass like I have been practicing for most of my life.

  My hands curled into fists as we stood there, staring at each other. “What do you want from me, Claire?” The tone in my voice couldn’t get any colder even if I tried.

  “Your father told me you are getting married.” It was her turn to be anxious.

  I folded my arms as my eyes narrowed. “I believe this is none of your damn concern. You gave up your rights twenty-six years ago.” The blood in my veins began to boil. “I didn’t need you then and I sure as hell do not need you now!”

  Before she said another word, I stormed away from her. I do not have any time for her bullshit excuses. Ryan may fall for it, but I sure as hell would not! What was she expecting anyway? Did she believe after twenty-six years of her being absent, I was just going to forgive and forget? I don’t fucking think so!

  The girls saw the horrified expression written on my face the moment I walked up to them. I held up my hand just as Rachael opened her mouth. “We need to leave right now!”

  * * * *

  Charlie drove us to the floating house since Ryan had some business calls to attend to.

  Without speaking a single word, I walked into the house and went straight for the kitchen. I had to clear my head somehow, and since Ryan was not around, some baking and a little wine–scratch that…a lot of wine–would have to do!

  Leslie appeared first as I opened and slammed every cabinet in the room. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  I shook my head. “What the hell is there to talk about? The bitch abandoned me, and now that I am marrying one of America’s top ten richest bachelors she is trying to weasel her way back into my life.”

  “Hmm… Is he that rich? I hadn’t paid any attention,” she wondered with a sarcastic grin and rolled her eyes.

  I couldn’t help but giggle with her as I mixed my cupcake batter. “You are such a dork, but I love you nonetheless.”

  She poured more wine into our glasses and took a sip. “You know how much we hate when you are upset, but the outcome is always amazing. We’ve missed your cupcakes.” She sighed. “Tory, Rachael, and I are a little worried about you marrying Ryan. Don’t get us wrong, we love the fact that you found happiness. We just sort of feel that you are going to forget about us when you take on the new role of Mrs. Top Ten Richest.”

  Pausing on the pouring of the batter into the cupcake tin, I stared up at her. “Leslie, you, Rachael, and Tory are my best friends. Not a single amount of money will ever change this fact. You are my sisters. I’m sorry about your luck, but you all are stuck with me for life,” I reassured her, no longer able to refrain from grinning. “Do not believe for a minute that I am going to allow Ryan to interfere with our monthly Vegas trips!”

  * * * *

  “Is something wrong, baby?” Ryan wondered the second I walked into the house.

  I shook my head as I set down the cupcakes I had saved for him. I had to save them from the vultures I call my friends. Strolling up to him, I wrapped my arms around his torso. “No. I have just been stressing myself out about our wedding that is not even a week away. Oh, and the fact that I ran into my mother today. That has been bugging me out just a smidge.”

  His eyes widened. “Wait… You saw your mother today?!”

  “Yes I did, and I believe I did extraordinarily well considering I have been waiting for this day for quite some time.”

  A smile formed upon his lips. “Well, I can see you didn’t hit her since I didn’t have to bail you out of jail. What happened?”

  As I walked back to the container and opened it, I shrugged. “Nothing. All I said to her is that I didn’t need her then and do not need her now. I am hoping she takes the hint and leaves us alone. Would you like a cupcake? I made these for you.” Spinning around, I revealed a single cupcake decorated with a pair of handcuffs made from icing and his name underneath.

  He stared at the decked out treat in awe. “You beguile me, Mrs. Rayner. Did you decorate all of them like that?”

  “Most definitely not! Some of them have floggers and crops on them with my name as well,” I told him, unable to hide my grin. “If you do not mind, I kind of would like to show you something before we walk down the aisle…”

  “Anything, baby. You name it and we will go do it, regardless.”

  I couldn’t keep the grin off my face as I imagined Ryan riding horseback at the ranch my father owned. “I would like for us to go to Aspen so you can meet the rest of my family. It will be like a mini-vacation. We can go skiing and ride horses.”

  “Why Mrs. Rayner, I would have never guessed you to be the athletic type.”

  Kissing him, I pulled away and stared up into his eyes. “You can blame my father for this one. He has owned a horse ranch ever since I could remember, and we would go skiing every chance we could get.”

  “I’m not g
oing to lie. I am a little turned on now,” he confessed.

  Standing on my tippy-toes to wrap my arms around his neck, my fingertips twiddling with his hair, I couldn’t help but smirk at him. “Baby, when you quit being turned on by me is when I will start worrying. I have at least maybe fifteen more years until that happens.”

  He stared at me with an indention formed in his forehead. Oh, how much I adored his facial expressions! “Fifteen years until what, Via?”

  “Until the blond with the silicon boobs and the purchasing of a Harley Davidson comes into the picture.” I was trying to contain my laughter.

  Clasping my ass, he planted a firm kiss on my lips. “Oh baby, if you only knew that I would rather ride you than some trashy blond or motorcycle,” he assured me, sighing once he pulled his lips away. “I do not need a blond with bigger boobs. I am more than satisfied with yours. Besides, I wouldn’t want to rupture anything if I ever get the urge to do this…” He cupped one of my breasts in his hand and squeezed.

  That was just enough for him to ignite a spark in my libido. Leaping on him, my lips plowed into his. After several seconds, I jerked my face away from his.

  “Look at what you have turned me into—some sex-crazed monster!”

  “There is nothing wrong with that, as long I am the only one you attack.”

  * * * *

  “Baby, you just swing your leg over!”

  I was trying my absolute best to be good and not laugh at my fiancé’s attempt at climbing on top of Brownie, my solid brown American Quarter Horse. It took him ten minutes to hike his leg over and situate his fine jean-fitted ass into the saddle.

  He held on as he looked at me. “You are enjoying every minute of this, aren’t you?”

  I couldn’t help but snicker at him as I held onto the reins of my white with black spots Appaloosa, Oreo. “I’m sorry, baby, but if it helps, you look sexy on that horse.”


  I observed his grip become tighter as our horses began trotting. “You are not nervous, are you?”

  “Ha, me get nervous? I don’t think so. Ryan Rayner does not get nervous,” he assured me, trying to play it cool.

  Without saying a word, I leaned into the saddle and pumped my legs to tell Oreo to pick up speed. As soon as he began to trot faster, Brownie intuitively trotted faster in order to keep up with him. The second Ryan’s figure appeared on my left, I turned my head to smirk and stick my tongue out at him. Leaning forward again, Oreo did not need me to jump-start him with a kick to sense where I wanted to go with this. Picking up on my brain waves, he galloped past Brownie and Ryan.

  “Let’s show him what we can do, boy.” Removing my feet from the stirrups, I brought my knees up closer to my face as I held on to his reins. Just like the many times of doing this before, he galloped faster as I balanced my feet on his saddle and stood straight up. Brownie stopped in her tracks as soon as she realized what we were doing. Ryan’s eyes were now the size of quarters, or larger, as he observed.

  Now that I had his attention, I had to show off our mad skills. With Oreo still cantering at a steady speed, I stretched my left leg out and extended my left arm to balance myself on him with one foot. Placing my ascended foot back into the saddle, I released his reins and slid back down. I angled my body so both of my feet were to the right of him. Stretching out my legs, I stretched out my torso with my hands above my head. Ryan’s eyes were burning into my skin at this point.

  For our last and final trick, I sat up and brought my knees up to me again. With my left hand on the horn of the saddle, my right held on to the back. Balancing myself well enough, I lifted my legs in front of me into the air and adjusted my grip on the saddle. I moved my legs as I performed my handstand on my horse as he trotted about the field.

  Figuring I had given my fiancé enough heart attacks for one afternoon, I brought myself out of the handstand to sit on the saddle. Pulling the reins, I signaled him over to where Brownie and Ryan had been waiting.

  Ryan carried a dumbfounded expression on his face. “What in the hell was that?”

  Running my fingers through my hair, I smiled. “When I was little, dad would bring me here with him instead of hiring a baby-sitter. While I was out riding Oreo here one day, I decided to teach him and Brownie a few tricks. I completely trust them the same way they trust me. They are my babies.”

  “You never cease to amaze me, Mrs. Rayner, but you know you just about made my fucking heart stop! For those little stunts you pulled, I am forced to punish your ass!”

  My heart almost jumped to my throat at the sound of his words. He wants to spank me for doing stunts on a horse… Hmm, I think I have a way out of this one.

  “Oh Mister Rayner, if you think my riding a horse is extreme, just wait until we get back to the stables.” Before he processed what I had said, Oreo and I raced back to the stables.

  As I was securing him in his stall, I waited on Mister I Never Get Nervous. I had to bite my lip in order to refrain from laughing my ass off at him.

  It wasn’t the fact he was riding my horse that made me snicker. It was how he represented himself. Try imagining the most egotistical and “I do not get my hands dirty for anyone” man on the planet attempting to climb on a horse and ride. That was how Ryan looked! He may have gotten the jeans and white T-shirt part right, but he seemed rather nervous and constipated as he rode up to the stables. Thank goodness Brownie had decided not to be a bitch today and buck Ryan off.

  “Not a single smart word out of you,” he demanded, picking up on my sarcastic vibe.

  I couldn’t help but giggle at this point. “Why Mister Rayner, I am shocked that you would think I would ever poke fun at a first time rider!” My smile grew wider. “Tell me something. Did you make the same face when you lost your virginity? You looked very constipated…I mean concentrated!”

  “Keep running that mouth Mrs. Rayner and see where it gets you.”

  Ushering Brownie into her stall, I turned around to face my fiancé, who stood like he was afraid to even walk. “Is something wrong, baby?”

  Before he answered my question, I already knew what was wrong with him. He was suffering a numb ass from being pressed up against the saddle too long.

  Picking up a small riding crop, I made my way over to him and whacked him across the ass. A smile spread across my face as he winced in both pain and pleasure.

  “That is for threatening punishment upon me when all I was trying to do is share everything about me with you.” I smacked him again. “That one is for thinking I was going to allow you to punish me in front of my own horses! I don’t think so. You are in my city now, Ryan William Rayner, and I run the show here!”

  “Yes ma’am.” The only two words I wanted to hear out of him.

  “Good boy.” I slapped his ass again. “That is four… Well, because I felt like it!”

  Teasingly grinning, he made his way closer and wrapped his arms around me. “I am impressed with your riding skills, baby. I guess you can say that I am a tad bit envious.”

  A line between my eyebrows formed in confusion. “Envious?”

  “You ride a horse better than you ride your fiancé,” he replied with a smirk on his lips.

  Being the smartass I am, I nodded in agreement. “That is true, but you know, it just takes practice—years upon years of practice. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “Until death do us part, baby,” he stated, before slamming his lips on mine.

  It took me a few seconds to catch on to what he was trying to pull. I pushed him away from me. “Mister Rayner, there will be no trying to steal my thunder!” As I was contemplating how I was going to go about doing this, an idea popped into my head. I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him into an empty stall. Pushing his back against the far wall, holding his hands above his head, my lips trailed along his jaw and down to his neck.

  Holding his hands in place by having a grip on them with my left, I unbuttoned his jeans with my right.

p; “Don’t move a single muscle,” I growled as I used both hands to yank his pants down, including his briefs.

  Ripping his shirt off his luscious body, I took a hold of his face and pulled him atop me on a huge bale of hay. His heart slammed against his chest as he began to slide my denim jeans off. Oh my damn, I have the same effect on him that he does on me!

  Before he inserted his erection into my body, I rolled us over. Hovering over his masculine form, I carried a smirk on my cheeks. “You want me now. You can just taste me on the tip of your tongue. I am so mouth-watering to you, aren’t I?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  My lips ever so softly pressed against his chest. “I would love to fuck you now, but you must learn to stop with the underestimating me. I warned you that I was not like most girls. Did you believe that I was only talking about the sex?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Did you have it set in your head that my life had been set on autopilot before we met?” I shook my head.

  “Not at all, baby. Please do not make me have blue balls, I beg of you.”

  My ears perked up in amusement and I could not hide a grin to save my life. “You beg of me… So, we are pleading now?”

  “Olivia, I have done nothing but beg for you since the day my eyes fell on you.” His eyes were sincere, and the tone of his voice was deadly serious.

  Shit! Damn! How could I turn down those dreamy sad eyes of his? Come on Via, you can do this. Stay strong. Don’t let him get to you so easily! Why does he have to be this damn sexy and appetizing?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Keeping my poker face, I glared at him.

  “Except for an orgasm, what is in this for me if I take you now on this bale of hay?”

  “I would say I will buy you pony, but it seems I am a little late on that one,” he replied with a smirk.

  “Why Mister Rayner, for someone who wants me so badly, you sure do have a smart-mouth.”

  His grin never left his lips. “I guess you could say I have learned from the best,” he sarcastically said, pulling me in for a swift kiss before I had a chance to react.


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