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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 22

by Andie Lea

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Propping her knees on the bed, she hoisted her ass to look at me upside-down.

  “Isn’t it beautiful? I broke the first rule of getting inked by having your name forever on my skin. In all honesty, I would rather have you forever on my skin than under it. I am yours until the day you decide this was all a mistake.”

  My eyes narrowed at her. “I see what you are doing Mrs. Rayner, and it is not going to work. Don’t you dare try turning the tables on me! What would possess you to get a tattoo?” I demanded, smacking her ass.

  “The night before the wedding!” she yelled at me. “Leslie and I ventured off and we wound up at a tattoo parlor. She begged me to get one with her, so I did. The next morning, I woke up sick like I was the past few mornings before. I took one of the home pregnancy tests one of the girls got me as a gag gift for an early birthday present. I called the gynecologist after seeing the word ‘Pregnant’ on the pee-stick. By the time the doctor arrived, I was panicking. I didn’t drink at all the night before, but I was worried about the tattoo. She assured me that the baby would not be affected by my getting inked the night before.”

  I whacked her on the ass once more. “Olivia Marie Rayner, how dare you put our baby’s life at risk with your wild sprees!”

  She tapped my groin with her foot. “I would never have gotten a tattoo in the first place if I had known I was pregnant and you know it!”

  I couldn’t speak a word. For one, she had knocked the wind out of me. Second, I already knew what I said now would have no effect on her since I had already pissed her off. Shit! What a way to kick off the honeymoon, Rayner!

  Walking to the small closet, Via pulled on the pajamas she wore for two reasons and two reasons only: when she was pissed at me or on her menstrual cycle.

  She ignored me as she lay in bed, curling up under the covers.

  “Olivia, sweetheart, please talk to me.” Strolling around to my side of the bed and sitting, I positioned my body to face her.

  She pulled her hand away from me as I reached out to her. Without saying a word, she turned over. Holy fuck! She is pissed at me! Hanging my head down in defeat, I stood up and made my way to the closet, and slipped on a pair of lounge pants.

  My wife didn’t even budge as I made my way to the door, shutting it behind me.

  I sat near a window, staring out into blackness. Damn! I hate it when I say or do anything that upsets her. My dumb ass is going to have to monitor what I say around her now with the pregnancy hormones lurking. If I could reverse the roles so I would be the one with the raging hormones and everything else that comes with pregnancy, I would for my wife in a heartbeat. I hate seeing her like this—overly-sensitive and unhappy. It isn’t her at all.

  Going stir crazy, I stood and made my way back into the bedroom. Shutting the door, I crawled into bed with her. Knowing she wouldn’t be sleeping, I pulled her body closer to my chest.

  To my surprise, she angled her frame to face me. “Baby, I’m sorry for getting so angry. It just upset me when you thought I could ever put our baby in harm’s way.” She was staring into my eyes. “I may be sarcastic and witty at times, but I never would have gotten that tattoo if I had known about being pregnant sooner.”

  “I know, baby. I’m sorry for over-reacting the way I did.” I planted a kiss on her nose.

  “I knew that we would have children someday, but as much as I love the thought of you carrying our baby, it literally scares the shit of me.”

  She gazed at me with confusion written on her face. “Why does it worry you so much?”

  Sighing, I brought her hands up to my lips and kissed her fingers. Hugging her tighter, I answered, “How in the hell am I supposed to continue on with my life if something happens to you and our baby? I shouldn’t be assuming the worst-case scenario, but it is what I do. Tell me, how could I ever live with myself if I no longer had you?”

  “Aw, Ryan, look at me.” She cupped my face into her palms. “I am not going anywhere. You have nothing to worry about. Have you even seen my hips? Our son or daughter is going to fly out.”

  My Via had returned to her normal self. I couldn’t help but smile, kissing her lips. “You always know how to put a smile on my face, Mrs. Rayner.”

  Taking a deep breath and releasing it, she smiled as she trailed her fingers through my hair. “Alright, I am promising to set the pregnancy hormones aside during the remainder of our honeymoon. This whole week is about you and me celebrating our marriage.”

  I pulled her closer to me, burying my nose in her neck and breathing in her delicious scent. The tiny hairs in my nostrils prickled as I inhaled her soft hair that smelled of peppermint.

  “How in the hell did I get so fortunate?”

  Adjusting her body to climb on top of me, she pinned my arms down near each side of my head and trailed her lips along my jaw.

  “I am the lucky one, Ryan. You are so generously sweet and kind to me. You are supposedly this hard-ass lawyer, but I honestly cannot see it.”

  “Olivia, I handed over my man-card the second I laid eyes on you. I used to be such a prick before we met.”

  She silenced me by planting soft kisses upon my lips. “You are going to finish what you started earlier.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Good boy.” Pulling my pants off, she tossed them on to the floor.

  Oh damn! How much I love this woman when she is hot and bothered!

  She jumped out of bed and stripped her clothing off.

  “Stand up now.”

  The moment my feet touched the floor, she dragged me out of the room and slammed me against the closest wall. Holy shit! She wants to play rough! Pushing her against the opposite wall, I pinned her hands above her head and drilled my manhood into her. Her wetness sent shivers throughout my body.

  “Oh baby, I love how you are so wet,” I groaned into her ear as I thrust into her.

  Smirking, she shoved me off only to leap into my arms and cause us to fall back on to one of the chairs. She rode me while keeping my face pressed into her breasts. “Suck.”

  I did as she commanded and sucked on each breast, tasting the vanilla on her skin as my tongue twirled her nipple. All while I tried to control the pressure rising in my groin.

  Her lips touched my ear. “You feel so damn good, baby.”

  Groaning out of pure pleasure, I looked up to see one of my attendants standing a few feet away and staring at us in a mixture of shock and amazement. I motioned for her to get the hell out of sight. It didn’t take her long to get the hint and disappear.

  Still inside my amazing wife, I stood up and she angled her body to avoid my slipping out of her. I carried her into our room, kicking the door shut, and laying her down on the bed. I continued to push in and out of her, causing her breasts to bounce. Pinning her hands near her head with my own, I trailed kisses on her neck as I drilled into her. Her faint moaning sent me through the roof.

  “Come for me, baby!” she demanded and arched her back, so her torso was touching mine.

  Listening to her command, I released her hands, clutching my fists into the sheets, and poured myself into her. Holy fuck! Will I ever get enough of her? Feeling her warm liquid drizzling around me, she allowed herself to fall back on to the pillows.

  “You are one amazing man, Mister Rayner.”

  “Why Mrs. Rayner, you are breathtaking. You even have my staff in awe.” I bit my lip.

  Her eyes widened to the size of almonds. “What? Somebody was watching us?”

  “Yes. She was rather envious if I may add, but I’m not sure if she was jealous over the fact that you were screwing me or vice-versa.” I was trying to hide my grin, as I was still hovering over her.

  She playfully smacked my face. “You hush your mouth, Ryan Rayner, or I will invite her in here to see which team she bats for!”

  “What if she is on yours?”

  “Then we will sit you in a corner and make you watch us go down on each other. Duh!”
she exclaimed as she squeezed my ass cheeks and kissed my lips.

  Using the mattress to push myself off the bed, I picked up my lounge pants and slid them on.

  She glowered at me as she sat up. “Where in the hell do you think you are going?”

  “I’m going to call this little bluff of yours, of course.” Opening the door, I called out for the attendant.

  “Miss Allison, would you mind coming over here for a second?”

  I turned my head to see Via shaking her head at me with a horrified look on her face.

  “Ryan William Rayner! You better not do this!”

  “How may I assist you, sir?” Miss Allison wondered, the tone of her voice quieter than usual.

  Feeling my wife’s eyes burning the back of my head, I managed to smile.

  “Mrs. Rayner was wondering how much longer until we land. If you could find out from the pilot and have him announce it on the intercom would be great. Thank you, Miss Allison.”

  She nodded and responded, “Right away, Mister Rayner,” before scurrying out of the doorway.

  “You are one sneaky ass!” Via proclaimed the second I had closed the door.

  Diving on to the bed, I landed beside her. I was no longer able to hide my boyish grin. “I’m sorry, baby, but I had to! What would you have done if I really asked her?”

  Pulling the comforter out from under her buttocks, she covered herself up and adjusted her head on the pillows.

  “I am not answering your questions at this time. I am going to have myself a nap since we do not land for a couple more hours.”

  “Would you mind if I joined you?”

  She snorted. “Humph! It’s your jet.”

  “Our jet, baby.” Climbing under the blanket and reeling her body closer towards me, I placed my hand upon her small baby-bump.

  “I don’t care who the jet belongs to. No gloating back there!” She rested her arm and hand atop mine.

  * * * *

  My wife practically shit her pants the second we pulled up to the house. Glaring in my direction, her eyes were the size of coconuts. “What in the hell is this?”

  “This is our home for the next week and anytime afterwards, baby.” Grabbing her hand, I led her closer to one of our many homes.

  She hesitated for a few seconds before taking the key I held out to her.

  “Why do I have a strange feeling like that boy-band is going to jump out at me and start singing that That’s What Makes You Beautiful song?”

  I couldn’t help but grin at her humor. “No boy-bands, I promise.”

  Sighing in relief, she unlocked and opened the door. “I’m more of a Maroon 5 woman, or The Fray, Three Days Grace, Ellie Goulding, and Pink—such amazing musicians!”

  “Baby, you are acting like I have never uploaded the music on your iPod. I know your tastes in music all too well.” Setting the bags down, I scooped her up and carried her across yet another threshold. Placing her back on to her feet, my arms remained around her hips as I grasped her ass cheeks.

  I could tell she was getting ready to say something sarcastic by the look on her face.

  “You could have at least carried me to the bathroom!” Smacking my ass, she made her way to towards the bathroom.

  I had no idea how she did it, but this woman could sniff out a toilet anywhere. She never ceased to amaze me.

  Strolling back into the room, she stopped in her tracks and glared at me. “What? Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “Because I love you. The fact you are my wife means I can look at you any way I please and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it.” Taking one massive step, I grabbed her face, and pressed her lips to mine.

  “What would you like to do first, Mrs. Rayner?”

  “Is this a trick question?” A line between her brows formed.

  I shook my head, holding on to her hands. “Nope. I just would like to know what my bride feels like doing first on our honeymoon.”

  She scrunched her lip, her way of letting me know she was pondering. “If I were a traditional newlywed, I would say fuck me right here and now. However, since both of us know that I am anything but ordinary, get your ass in the car. We are going zip lining!”

  “There is no way in hell you are going zip lining in your condition!”

  She pressed her lips against mine, her hands moving up into my shirt and her fingertips tracing along my flesh, causing me to melt into her embrace. She jumped up and shook my keys while she pranced like a child. “Ah-ha, bite me buckwheat! My ass is going zip lining. Now, you have two choices Mister Rayner. You can forget the fact your wife is pregnant for a couple of hours and have an amazing time, or you can sit here and sulk at the mere fact you married a stubborn woman. Oh, whatever route will you decide to take? Here’s a little hint, the second option will give you blue balls!” Giggling, she strolled out the front door.

  Ugh, this woman! She damn well knows I despise being given ultimatums. I’m a lawyer for fuck sakes. I am the one who gives the demands, not receives them!

  Rolling my eyes as I shook my head, I followed my bull-headed wife, who was already sitting in the passenger’s seat and beaming as if she had just defeated me.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Our guides assisted us in strapping on the harnesses required for zip lining.

  I cannot believe I allowed my Via to talk me into this. Oh wait, I didn’t have much of a choice. The other option would have left me blue-balled, and what man would want that during the remainder of his honeymoon?

  Once our harnesses were on securely, we played follow the leader to a twenty-five foot platform. Our guides hooked us on to the line. Great, I feel like fucking fish bait!

  I looked over at my wife and she was happier than a kid in a candy store. “I hope you are ready for this!”

  “You are not trying to back out, are you?” she wondered, holding out her hand to me. “Take a hold of my hand!”

  The second I intertwined my fingers with hers, our eager guides pushed us off the platform. My heart plummeted to my ass at this point.

  “Have fun!” one of them hollered at us.

  If my hands had not been occupied by my bride and hanging on for dear life, I would have, without a doubt, given them the finger.

  I wanted to close my eyes, but didn’t want Via believing I was some sort of chicken-shit. Peering over at her again, she had her free arm extended, appearing as if she was floating on air.

  Opening her eyes, she turned her head to face me with a grin. “Isn’t this great?”

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She had become my focal point. “I would do anything to see that gleam in your eye, baby!”

  “Even wet yourself?”

  My eyes trailed down to my pants and back up at her.

  “Made you look!” Sticking her tongue out at me, she released my hand and raised both arms. “I am honestly surprised you haven’t screamed like a little girl yet.”

  “Believe me, I wanted to, but I knew if I did, I wouldn’t be able to live it down from a certain wife of mine.”

  Two new faces helped us land on the platform, and unhooked us. I have never in my life been so thankful to be on land. Staring over at my wife, I noticed her hair looked amazing after catching some wind.

  “Alright, you did your zip lining. Can we go fuck like normal honeymooners now?”

  Our fresh pair of guides’ faces fell in shock and I couldn’t care less.

  Folding her arms, she scowled at me. “That is strike one for speaking that way in front of other people. You make us seem as if we are a couple of sex-crazed loons! Strike two for assuming I was finished!”

  “You are such a natural at this, Mrs. Rayner. Are you ready for the next one?” the male guide asked my wife, glancing at her ring and back to her eyes.

  That’s right, buddy, keep staring at the rock I put on her finger. She’s fucking taken!

  “You don’t have to go with me on this next one. It’s massive compared to this one. I b
elieve it is called King Kong,” my wife informed me as we followed the guides.

  Oh how I wanted to King Kong her myself. I wasn’t about to say it out loud, though. She would use that to her advantage to give me a third strike. The last time that happened, I could not sit down for two days. Her spankings were sexy and brutal as hell. They could sometimes be embarrassing, precisely when I had a staff meeting and was forced to stand the entire time.

  “You don’t like this zip lining thing, do you?” she wondered, breaking me away from my thoughts.

  I interlocked my hand with hers. “It is not my favorite hobby, but my woman happens to love it.”

  She shook her head. “Ryan, we are going to have different interests and that is fine by me. You are not going to hurt my feelings one bit if you decide not to go on this next one with me. The guides told me it is ‘you-will-pee-your-pants-screaming’.”

  Holy fuck! This woman is trying to kill me. Swallowing a bit harder than usual, I shrugged it off. “I am doing this with you, Olivia. I am a man of my word. Besides, this one could be fun.”

  “If you say so.” She followed our guides up the long wooden steps leading to the platform.

  My heart banged against my chest with each stair. Get a grip, Rayner! It’s just a little zip lining—nothing to be nervous about!

  We reached the platform and the guides hooked us on to the line. They pushed us before I could even attempt to prepare my stomach for what was about to happen.

  “Holy fucking shit! Oh, my damn!” I yelled at the top of my lungs as I held on for dear life.

  “I tried to warn you, but you just wouldn’t listen!” my smirking wife hollered.

  I couldn’t open my eyes even if I tried. This was a hell of a lot worse than being on a damn roller coaster.

  “Open your eyes, baby! You are missing a wonderful view!” she yelled over to me. I heard her snicker.

  It took me a few seconds, but I built up enough balls to open my eyes. The uneasiness in my stomach subsided as we zoomed at what felt like a few inches away from the treetops. Peering over at her, my heart jumped to my throat when I realized she had her arms stretched out with her back leaned as far as it would go without being upside-down.


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