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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 24

by Andie Lea

  Plopping my ass on to the couch with a beer in my hand, I took a swig and contemplated my options. I sank into the couch. I could stay here forever, sulk in my misery, and let Via and Jennifer split my bank accounts. Of course, my family would be pissed about this choice to seclude myself from everyone, particularly my future child… Wait—children! My head flung back at the thought of having more than one baby with two different women.

  “Shit! Damn! Fuck! How could I let this shit happen?”

  “That’s right Ryan William Rayner, how in the hell could you let this shit happen?” a familiar voice spoke.

  I nearly broke my neck, turning around to meet her gaze. “Via, baby, you came back!” Rushing over to her, I almost knocked us over as I wrapped my arms around her. I held her face in the palms of my hands, while I kissed her sweet lips.

  She pushed me away. “The plane was just about ready to leave for the runway until I bolted out of my seat and ran to the captain’s cockpit. I explained everything to him, in much detail, and he was kind enough to let me deboard. I had to catch a cab because you had already left. Are you going to explain to me why in the hell you didn’t come after me?”

  “I thought you didn’t want us anymore, Via.”

  Before she spoke to rebut, she grabbed my hands and held the left for display. Waving it around, she traced my wedding ring with her thumb. “Ryan William Rayner, I married your dumb ass for a reason. I do not go around promising forever to every man on this planet. I am just not that type of woman!” She peered up at me. “I am in love with you, you idiot! We may drive each other bat-shit crazy, but you are the only man I want to do that with.”

  I held on to her left hand, tracing her ring as she did the same with mine. “You mean to tell me that you are not upset about Jennifer’s condition?” I questioned, looking into her eyes through my lashes.

  “Oh Mister Rayner, I am beyond upset about this. The thought of you fathering another child irks me to the extreme.” She took a deep breath in and released it before continuing. “But, we do not know if this child is even yours. There is the possibility of it being Jason’s. It also has not been proven that she is even pregnant.” She shook her head.

  Waving her hand, she glared at me as she spoke. “All of this will be discussed once we return home. The rest of this week, you are mine and only mine, do you hear me?”

  Before I could even respond, she reached into the pocket of my jeans and pulled out my phone, as well as grabbing her own and turned them off.

  “No more techno-gadgets during the remainder of our honeymoon. If any of us need to make a call, we may use the house phone and that is it. Is this going to be a problem for you, Mister Rayner?” she wondered, narrowing her eyes at me.

  I playfully bit my lip. “No ma’am.”

  She smiled as if those words were her absolute favorite, tapping my ass as she strolled towards the bedroom. “If you knew what was good for your health, you would be getting your ass in gear and following me.”

  * * * *

  “Ah, baby!” I winced in both pain and pleasure.

  My wife had me blindfolded and bound to the headboard of our bed.

  “Silence, Mister Rayner!” she demanded as she slashed me with the whip once more.

  I heard the whip fall to the floor, then felt Via straddle herself on to my manhood as she removed the blindfold. My head went back as she moved her hips.

  Leaning her torso into me, she pressed her lips against my ear. “You are hereby grounded from coming in me until further notice, Mister Rayner. You must learn that you are not, by any means, a sperm bank. Impregnating a woman other than your wife is an absolute no-no!”

  “What will you do to me if I come, Mrs. Rayner?” I asked bringing my head up to look at her.

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “Ryan William Rayner, if you come after I have specifically told you not to, not only will you suffer from having blue balls for the rest of the week, but I will punish you like you wouldn’t believe!”

  I could feel the pressure already building up as she rode me harder and faster, “Oh baby, I am so close!”

  “I mean it! You shatter in me, your ass is toast!” She quickly untied me and rolled us over so I was on top.

  “You are so domineering, Olivia Marie Rayner.” Pulling out of her, I trailed kisses from her chest all the way down to her stomach.

  Powerfully spreading her legs wider with my hands, I buried my face in her sex, and enjoyed every second of her moaning.

  Her body began to twitch. “Oh baby!”

  Seconds before her body prepared to release, I removed my face from her sex. “Since I cannot come tonight, neither can you. Good night, Mrs. Rayner.” With that, I threw my body on my side of the bed, kissing her hair and turning over.

  “You have to be kidding me!” she growled.

  I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of victory being mine. I knew she would find a way to pay me back somehow, but I didn’t care.

  * * * *

  My body practically bolted out of bed the moment feeling the slight pressure building up in my manhood.

  Holy fuck! Is this happening? I had to adjust my eyes more than once for my brain to process that my wife was straddling her moist self on me.

  Wait a second… Is she asleep? Holy fucking shit!

  Resting my arms behind my head, I obeyed the rule of never waking up a sleepwalker or in this case, sleep-fucker.

  Before I could so much as even blink, my wife’s hand slapped my face, causing my erection to reach further into her. Groaning, she shattered all around me and crashed her body against my chest.

  * * * *

  “Good morning, baby.” I decided to surprise my beautiful wife with breakfast in bed.

  Sitting up, she glared at me with a confused look on her face. “What did you do now, Mister Rayner, in order to feel the need to treat me like this?”

  “Oh Mrs. Rayner, this is from nothing I did. This is all you.” Setting the tray across her lap, I smiled at her.

  A line in her forehead appeared. “Me? What did I do?”

  “Let’s just say you gave me quite the wake-up call earlier. Trust me baby, I did not mind at all.” I kissed the line on her forehead.

  “Eat. I have a big day planned for us.”

  She frowned at me. “I was hoping to lounge around today and have sex with my husband.”

  “Believe me, baby, we will be getting wet today. That’s all I’m saying. Eat up and get dressed. I will be waiting for you in the living room.”

  She rolled her eyes as she started in on her chocolate chip pancakes and apple-buttered toast.

  * * * *

  An hour later, my wife and I were hand-in-hand as we strolled along the beach.

  “How do you feel about wind-surfing?” I wondered, peering over at her.

  She stopped kicking her feet around and glanced up at me. “Wind-surfing, as in, dragging my ass out into open water and forcing me to hang for dear life on to a wannabe sailboat? I am not the best swimmer, Ryan.”

  I couldn’t help but grin, leading her to a small boat.

  “You forced zip lining on me. Consider this payback.”

  “Why Mister Rayner, I believe you have not seen payback yet. Wait until we get back to Seattle,” she stated as she stepped on to the boat with me.

  My lip snarled the second our instructor looked over my wife with a gleam in his eyes. To make matters worse, my Via encouraged his dumb ass by flirting. She almost immobilized the horny bastard with her girly giggling and subtle touching of his upper arm.

  I knew damn well what in the hell my lovely wife was trying to prove. I was also well aware of the fact that I was not the only man who found her delectable.

  “Are you ready to try it out in the water, Mrs. Rayner?” our overly friendly instructor asked her.

  She beamed at him. “You have no idea how ready I am to do it. Please, call me Via.”

  My eyes widened as my palms began to sweat hearing her speak
flirtatiously to him. Holy fucking shit! Is she trying to kill me?

  Via had already played the flirt card with this asshole, now she was playing the oh-no-I-am-too-scared-for-you-release-me-card! I just about blew my top, witnessing her falling off her surfboard on purpose just so he would catch her. She smirked at me right before climbing back on to the board.

  “Alright Via, you have it this time. I know you can do this!” he assured her.

  I clenched my board and made my way out further out into the water before my life could reflect that Along Came Polly movie.

  “You have this, baby.” I assured her the second I caught up to her.

  “Of course I do,” she said, grinning as she stood up on the board just as a wave hit.

  She took us off guard as she embraced the wind while surfing instead of letting it knock her down. My heart jumped into my throat when she caught enough wind to lift a few inches above the water. She shocked the hell out of me when she landed.

  The instructor clapped his hands. “Bravo! You are such a fast learner, Via. You have blown me away!”

  She blushed. “Aw, why thank you so much, Lucas! You are simply too kind.”

  Holy fucking shit! Is she sticking her ass out on purpose? My eyes narrowed as I witnessed Lucas checking out my wife’s ass. The dominant within me erupted, as if someone had set my ass on fire!

  I am not certain how I managed to do it, but I ran to my wife and slung her over my shoulders.

  “Take care of Lucas for me, Matthew!” I snarled as I jogged across the sand.

  Rushing to the car, I forced Via into the passenger side and climbed in on the driver’s side.

  She glowered at me. “What in the hell is going on, Ryan?”

  I didn’t speak a single a word to her as I stomped on the gas pedal, forcing her body to move back into the seat. My smirk grew a tad as I sped through traffic.

  “Where are we going?” Via demanded, holding on for dear life.

  Peering over at my wife, I was no longer able to contain my grin. “I am taking you to your punishment, of course.”

  I pulled over to the side of the road into a small area, and clambered out of the car.

  Stepping out of the car as soon as I opened her door, she looked around at the bunch of trees surrounding us. She stared at me with confusion. “Well, isn’t this just the perfect beginning to a tragic story on the news! Today’s top story, honeymooners went missing yesterday afternoon while wandering into the woods…”

  I playfully rolled my eyes and took a hold of her hand. “We are not going to get lost, trust me.”

  We walked the trail a couple of miles that led us to one of Kauai’s famous waterfalls, Opaekaa Falls. Via stopped dead in her tracks, gaping at the water in amazement.

  “Wow, it is so beautiful.” She looked over at me.

  A smile played on my lips. “Just like you.”

  Before she could say another word, I began stripping my clothes off and jumped into the pool of water.

  Her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. “Are you crazy? You want to skinny dip at a tourist attraction? We could get caught!”

  For someone so concerned about getting caught, she sure didn’t have any trouble removing her clothing and hurdling in. Within seconds, we were face to face with the falling water. She giggled like a schoolgirl as she let the water splash her while she positioned her back against it. I pulled her to the opposite side of the waterfall, pinning her against the wall made of stone.

  “Oh, baby—if we get caught, I want it to be more interesting than just skinny dipping. I am going to fuck you right here, right now.”

  Nipping at her neck, I pinned her hands above her head with one of mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  The sound of her groaning out of pure pleasure made me crave her even more. I pushed myself into her, working my lips all the way down to her breast.

  “Mm, Ryan,” she moaned, as my tongue swirled her nipple.

  My tongue moved with the rhythm of my thrusting.

  Releasing her hands, mine found their way to her hips. I picked her up while still inside her, switching positions so now my back was against the rock.

  Without any instructions, she glided her hips to and away from mine. My manhood hardened as her vaginal walls stroked me up and down. Throwing her head back, wetting portions of her hair, Via squealed and began to move faster, causing me to reach deeper into her body.

  “Holy shit, baby. I’m close!” I roared out, the pressure already building up.

  She slowed her speed and adjusted her body to face me again. I felt the light, alarming sting of her palm across my cheek. “Ryan William Rayner, you are still grounded from coming!” she hissed, glaring at me.

  I couldn’t help but grin in amusement. “You didn’t have any objections to it at three o’clock this morning.”

  Her mouth fell open once she stopped moving. “What in the hell happened?”

  “You honestly cannot recall?” I wondered, intrigued by how suddenly I managed to snag her attention.

  She shook her head, her eyes pleading for me to spill.

  I kissed her lips. “You astonish me, Mrs. Rayner. I woke up in the middle of the night to you fucking the bat-shit out of me.”

  “What? Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “I wasn’t about to startle my little sleep-fucker. By the way, you smack very well when you are unconscious.” I pressed her body closer to mine.

  Before either of us could say a word, our hearts began to pound in unison as the sounds of voices grew closer.

  I placed my index finger upon my wife’s lips and carefully whispered, “Shh, baby, stay quiet and they will go away.”

  Wrapping her arms around my neck, she leaned into me, touching my ear with her lips.

  “Paybacks are a bitch, baby.”

  My eyes widened as she leaped out of my arms and ran to the other side of the waterfall.

  “Help me, please, help me! My boyfriend has gone crazy!”

  Holy fucking shit! Is she seriously doing this?

  “Carla, you need to get the kids to the car, now!” a masculine voice shouted.

  “What is your name, miss?”

  “Olivia Johnson, officer.” Via’s voice spoke, emphasizing the last word.

  Shit! Damn! Fuck! She is going to have my ass arrested!

  “Thank you so much. Mmm-my bbb-boyfriend is still in the water, on the other side of the waterfall.”

  My heart slithered to my ass the second the officer’s voice hollered out to me.

  I strolled out from behind the falling water to see Via clothed with her arms folded. The cop was fully decked out in uniform and glared at me as his hands touched his hips, “Out of the water and get dressed now.”

  Without any protest, I did as I was told, climbing out of the water and slipping my clothes on.

  “He didn’t hit you did he, Miss Johnson?”

  Via shook her head. “No he has never hit me, officer. He may be an idiot, but he isn’t that stupid.”

  Holy shit! Well-played, Mrs. Rayner. Touché!

  Before I could so much as even blink, the cop had escorted me to his car, giving me my Miranda Rights as we walked.

  “I would like to have my car keys, Mister Rayner,” Via stated, holding out her hand.

  My eyes shifted to the officer. “Front left pocket.”

  He dug the keys out of my pocket and handed them to my “girlfriend”.

  When the policeman wasn’t looking, Via stuck her tongue out at me.

  “Miss Johnson, I will need you to follow me to the station to fill out some paperwork.”

  * * * *

  I stood in a jail cell while Via chatted with the officers. She was feeding them some bullshit story!

  “My boyfriend has always been on the jealous side. Believe me, he has more insecurities than Debbie Downer. We had been surfing and the next thing I know we were arguing over the mere fact that a couple of guys had been scoping me out. As if it
is my fault!” I heard her say.

  “Slinging me over his shoulder, he forced me into the trunk of my car. Then drove us to the waterfall, pulling over to drag me out and lead me to the water. He stripped off our clothing, and threw me into the water before Mister Rodriquez’s appearance. He was attempting to drown me. That is when I escaped his grip.”

  The silence hung in the air for a few moments and I was becoming anxious.

  “Are we pressing charges today, Miss Johnson?”

  “No, that will not be necessary. All I want to do is go home and pretend this whole trip never happened. Have a good day, gentleman.” Her tone was charming and innocent.

  “Hold up, Miss Johnson. Here is my card just in case you have any more trouble out of him. Don’t be afraid to call.” A younger male voice spoke.

  I imagined the sweet smile on her face right this second.

  “Thank you so much,” my wife’s voice chimed.

  The door opened and shut.

  Holy fuck! How in the hell can this woman aggravate me so much and manage to turn me on at the same time?

  * * * *

  Matthew had to use the taxi service to come bail me out of the slammer.

  “There you are. I was beginning to worry about you.” Via spoke the moment I stepped into the room, not looking up from her girly magazine.

  “Olivia Marie Rayner, what in the hell was that?”

  She peered up and smirked at me. “Where would you like for me to start? The fact that our baby may have a half-brother or sister, or the part when you allowed your dominant to surface in front of our surfing instructor?”

  “You’re right, about everything. Ever since I laid eyes on you, I have been so damn insecure,” I confessed as I sat next to her.

  Tossing her book on to the coffee table, she scooted herself closer to me. “You have no reason to feel insecure. You are the one and only man for me, Ryan.”

  Taking a hold of her hand, I pulled her into my lap. “Do you have any idea of how much I love you, Mrs. Rayner? I am always afraid of losing you over something stupid thing I have done.”


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