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Through the Eyes of a Male Submissive

Page 29

by Andie Lea

  A smile wanted to form on to my lips, but I managed to refrain by keeping my eyes on the road. They would flick over to her every few seconds on their own free will.

  Before I said anything to rebut, a set of bright headlights came straight towards us.

  “Ryan, look out!” she yelled as she grasped on the handle near her head.

  “Hold on, baby!” I tried my hardest to keep the impact from happening, but failed. Inadvertently, I made it worse as I swerved on to a patch of black ice.

  The speeding car slammed closer to my side, causing my face to slam against the steering wheel. After several minutes of being unconscious, I came to. My eyes fluttered open and adjusted to see my wife’s head smashed up against the window. My eyes fixated on the blood dripping from her nose.

  I tried shaking her awake while calling her name, but her body fell limp.

  I searched for a pulse… Nothing.

  My heart raced and my mouth went dry as I began to panic. “No, baby, no. You can’t do this to me! Come back to me, damn it!”

  * * * *

  I fisted my fingers through my hair as they trembled with fear and anger. The alcoholic bastard who slammed into us was walking around, talking with his words slurred. My pregnant wife was unconscious, now being cut out of our car by firefighters, and what—the asshole who caused all of this shit was allowed to stumble out of this with hardly a scratch?

  A couple of the officers on the scene spoke to me, keeping my mind busy so I would not kill the son of a bitch myself. I observed as another officer arrested the low-life prick, placing him into the backseat of his squad car, and driving off with his lights on and siren sounding.

  The dick had no fucking clue that he had messed with the wrong person. I am going to throw the entire fucking book at him. His ass will have to take out a loan just to shit by the time I am finished!

  * * * *

  The hospital instantly admitted my wife into the Intensive Care Unit upon arrival. I hated seeing her this way, hooked up to machines and lifeless.

  Thankfully, they did not have to hook her to any breathing machines, but the doctor made sure to drill into my head her condition was still critical until her brain swelling subsided.

  With my head in my hands, I peered up to stare at her heart monitor and listen to the beeping. The lines were falling as she struggled to catch her breath.

  “Come on baby, breathe for me.” I rushed to her side, taking a hold of her chilled hand.

  She flat-lined and my heart stopped.

  I darted out of the room and into the hallway. “We need some help in here right fucking now!”

  A pile of doctors and nurses flew into my wife’s room, shutting me out so they could work on her.

  * * * *

  Pacing the floor a few feet away from her door, I was not able to sit even if I wanted to. After what seemed like an eternity, the door opened and the doctor from before stared at me. The expression on his face was neither hopeful nor sorrowful.

  “We have hooked her up to a machine to help her breathe. She is stable now, but who is to say she will not take a turn for the worse? We are going to keep a close eye on her. Hopefully the swelling will go down within the next twelve hours.”

  “What about our baby?”

  He reassuringly smiled. “The baby is stable as well, but everything is just too early to tell.”

  Shaking my head, I no longer wanted to listen to what he had to say. All I needed was to be with my wife—hold her hand and kiss her. Make it clear to her I wouldn’t be too upset if she decided to let go. I needed to let her know I would always love and cherish her. No matter what happened, she would always be my beautiful and stubborn wife.

  Taking a hold of her, my tears fell onto her hand. Sensing my faith slipping away, I gazed at the lifeless expression on her face.

  “It’s okay to let go, baby.” I kissed her cold and dry lips.

  My heart sank when her heart monitor didn’t beep like crazy like it had the time before.

  * * * *

  As much as I hated to, I had to get out of there. My heart couldn’t take watching my wife and child die.

  Madison agreed to stay with her as I stormed out of the hospital. I wanted the son of a bitch who did this to my family dead and gone!

  “If you want somebody, take me—not them!” Once I was far enough from the hospital, I shouted up at the dark sky at the top of my lungs.

  Falling to the ground on my knees, I did something I had not done in years—I prayed until my head ached. I allowed my body to collapse on the grass, unable to feel the beating of my heart as I sobbed into the earth. How in the fuck am I supposed to go on without my wife and little one? I won’t be able even to breathe if they are snatched away from me!

  * * * *

  “How are they?” I asked Madison the second I stepped back into the room after gaining some control of myself.

  Madison stared up at me with a heartfelt smile. “The doctor checked her over and said the swelling is going down. We are still playing the waiting game, but honestly Ryan, have you ever known Via to give up so quickly?”

  A small grin escaped from my lips as I shook my head. “No, it isn’t her style. She is so damn stubborn.”

  “That is because Olivia Rayner isn’t going anywhere!” She patted my shoulder right before leaving the room.

  Lying beside my wife, I wrapped my arms around her, kissing her hair.

  “Baby, I need to make a confession. I lied to you before when I told you it was alright if you let go. The truth is, my dumb ass would not have any idea how to live without you.”

  Holding her hand, my thumb rubbed her skin. “I need you to wake up. Not just for me, but for our beautiful baby. She is depending on her mommy to be strong enough to pull through this. I do not have a single doubt in my mind your stubborn ass can.”

  Bringing her hand up to my lips, I kissed her fingers.

  “All you have to do is let me see those gorgeous eyes of yours. If you can do this for me, I promise to be a better husband and not surprise you anymore. For a while, that is.” I placed my hand on her belly as our little one kicked.

  Feeling as if I was being watched, I peered over to see Leslie standing in the doorway.

  “How is she doing?”

  My eyes fell back on my wife as I shrugged. “The swelling in her brain has gone down. We are waiting for her to wake up.”

  Walking into the room, she sat down on the chair near Via’s side of the bed.

  “I know you are blaming yourself for this, but this isn’t your fault. For your information, falling in love was the best thing that ever happened to her. Well, besides meeting me, of course.” She grinned.

  “I had no idea which way was up or down anymore before Via and I became friends. My parents were fighting over the stupidest shit, which caused my grades in school to drop. All of a sudden, this girl walks through our front door because my mother had invited her to my thirteenth birthday party.” She sat back in the chair.

  “She came in the house wearing this illuminating grin on her face. I took one glance at her and knew right then we would become life-long friends. Via always has been and will be my sister. She pulled me away from my darkness. I guess that is something we have in common.”

  I nodded, understanding where she was coming from. “My life felt meaningless before setting eyes on Via. All I had going for me was my job. Continuously working and then I see this beautiful woman standing across the room with her group of her friends, at a club in Vegas out of all places.” I still had a hold of my wife.

  “As much as I wanted to go and talk to her, I couldn’t because she intimated me. It is rare for anyone to be able to accomplish that with me and she was capable of doing so quite well. I was dumbfounded when she introduced herself.” I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb.

  “I had to make her mine the second our hands touched. She may be stubborn and have a smart mouth, but I wouldn’t change my love for her and our child
for anything in this world.”

  She grinned as if she had already heard this before. “Oh believe me, I know. Via has told me the same thing about you. She rambles on and on about you while we are talking over the phone or on Skype. I know more than you think I do, trust me.”

  I quickly looked up at her. “How much do you know?”

  “Let’s see… I believe the last story she told me was that the two of you dressed up as Mister and Mrs. Claus and made the sleigh bells ring like hell. Via is very descriptive and creative with her words.”

  My cheeks reddened in embarrassment, and I rested my head against the pillows.

  “There isn’t a reason to be mortified. She is always on cloud nine… Scratch that—cloud one hundred when she talks about the sex,” she replied with a light shrug.

  Holy fucking shit! This is bullshit. My wife has been blabbing about our sex life to her friends and I cannot punish her for it because she is fucking comatose!

  Just wait until her little ass is awake and well enough. I am going to spank and fuck the living shit out of her!

  “Thank you for being here, Leslie.”

  A smile appeared on her face as she stood. “It is what family is for. I should get back to Tory and Rachael. They are in the waiting room, panicking like you wouldn’t believe.”

  The second Leslie made her way closer, I shifted my weight to stand up and hug her.

  I wrapped my arms around her petite frame and held on to her for a few extra minutes, needing to feel the embrace of somebody who understands how I am feeling.

  “She is going to make it through this. I know she is,” she assured me, clutching on to me tighter.

  Her tears soaked into my shirt while I buried my face into her neck and sobbed.

  “I cannot live without my wife, Leslie.”

  Her hands rubbed my back as she pulled away a bit. “I know and you won’t have to. She is going to wake up, Ryan. You can’t give up faith on her or she will whip your ass!”

  I chuckled a bit, stopping the second the sound of her heart rate monitor began beeping like crazy.

  She must be thinking of me…

  Leslie stood unmoving as I made my way to the side of the bed. Placing my hand in hers, my eyes fixated on her face and didn’t even blink. I felt the light squeeze of her hand against mine and my heart skipped a few beats.


  About the Author:

  Andie Lea is a twenty-three-year old and a first-time published author who lives with her family in Indiana.

  Visit her online at:

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