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The Cleansing

Page 13

by Shane Crosby

  “We were on a mission. One of our guys got hurt real bad. We didn’t have anything conventional to stop the bleeding and if it wasn’t stopped there was no question he was going to bleed to death. The Medic with us took the bullets we had apart put the gunpowder on his wound and lit it. It cauterized the wound.”

  “Brilliant. I haven’t used that one before. It’ll work, but it’s going to hurt like hell!”

  “I know, but it’ll help so he won’t bleed out. Which one would you prefer?”

  “I’d want to live to tell about it.”

  “Wait, don’t you need some of that?”

  “No, bro. I need a lot of it. But, I’m not going to let this kid die. You better hope all of those prayers mom sends upstairs for us works because we need to tap into them tonight.”

  “I have to make a choice between a kid I don’t know and my little brother.”

  “No, Dub. Your little brother is making the choice.”

  I looked at Mase for a long time. I just stared at him.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Nothing man, come on let’s get this done.”

  I was thinking about the little kid who used to wait for me to pick out all of the green M n M’s because he didn’t like them. I didn’t want to lose my little brother. I didn’t want to tell him I was looking at him to soak up every detail of him right now at this moment because I knew there was a great possibility this might be the last time I see him alive. The hole in his back is pouring blood. He’s losing so much blood the back of his pants are starting to become saturated. Without help, he’s not going to make it. I knew it and so did Mase. We have to get out of this field. My little brother’s life depends on it. I put my hand on Mase’s shoulder. It doesn’t matter how much training I received when it comes to his family, I can’t keep my emotions under control.

  “Mase, listen. You have a lot to live for. You have five brothers who love you. Parents who love you. Man, fight to stay alive, little brother. If you die out here I’m gonna kill you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”


  “Promise. Okay, hold him down.”

  I got in the back and held Harris down.

  “Put this in his mouth.”

  I put the leather from one of our rifles inside Harris’ mouth.

  Mase packed the wound with gunpowder and set fire to it. The pain is so intense Harris screams so loudly the birds start to fly off their perches then he loses consciousness. I checked to see if Harris was still breathing and then to see if our MacGyver type medicine worked.

  “It worked. Now the hard part begins.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Getting out of here.”

  “Is he breathing?”

  “Yep, but not for long, I think he’s bleeding internally.”

  “Dub, we have to hurry.”

  “I know I hear them.”

  “We can’t be detained by the police.”

  “I’m trying to get it started.”

  I turned the switch and to my amazement, it starts. The roof is caved in, but she’s purring like a kitten whose getting their head rubbed. I put her in gear and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. As we were leaving, I saw the SUV on fire, parts of this beautiful vehicle scattered throughout the area. A shame that all of the time and attention to detail that went into creating this vehicle was destroyed in an instant. The people inside, I could care less about, but the machine, I feel for. It had a purpose. The people inside did as well and their failure to accomplish it is why I’m here today. Their demise is our Blessing and I’m thankful for it.

  After several miles and what seemed like hours, we arrived at the hospital. Mase, I know is hurt, but he’s looking ok at the moment. I carried Harris into the hospital, found an abandoned gurney and tapped a nurse on the shoulder. She took one look at all of us and started calling for every person within earshot with a medical background to come and help us.

  I told her I was fine and Mase tried to tell her the same. She was skeptical, but looking at Harris, she kind of felt he needed immediate help. She wheeled Harris away. As I watched him disappear around the corner, I hoped he had heart because he’ll need it in order for us to see him alive again.

  After Harris disappeared into the hospital. I asked a nurse for some additional help.



  “Is there a Chaplain here?”

  “Why yes, right this way.”

  We followed her to the Chaplain.

  “Hello, sir.”

  “Please come on in.”

  He pulls up a chair for us to sit down.

  “How can I help you fellas? Looks more like your needs are out of my realm of possibilities.”

  “We’d like to ask you to pray for our friend.”

  “Not for you?”

  “We could always use prayer, but right now our fried needs it more.”

  “Why certainly. Please bow your heads. Heavenly father, we come before you today to say thank you for your grace and mercy.”

  He leans over, “what’s your friend’s name?”


  “Lord we’d like to come to you today to ask you to please heal Harris of his wounds, Lord. We know you raised Lazarus from the dead. You made the blind man see, Lord. You heeled the lady of the blood disease Lord. We know you and only you have the power to give life and we’re asking that you save this young man’s life today. By your stripes he’s healed. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”

  The Chaplain shook our hands and made us promise to go to church more. We promised, but I got the feeling he knew it might take a lot of prayer to make that happen.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Any time. It’s what I’m here for. Your friend will be fine. You have to believe it. Faith is the substance of things hoped for but not yet seen. Remember you have to believe before you can receive.”

  He smiles, shakes our hands again and we left.

  “Dub, I forgot to show you something.”


  Mase raised his shirt to show me the Pacific Ocean size hole in his back that stretches down to the top of his buttocks. It didn’t look that big before.

  “Darn! It didn’t look that bad before. It’s larger and longer.”

  “We’re in a hospital; surely we can find some stitches or something to steal in order to sew this up.”

  “Yeah, wait here. But, I’m thinking you’re not only going to need stitches. You’re going to need a surgical team.”

  “I need one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I think I’m going to need you to catch me.”


  Mase passes out.

  “Damn! Just what I need, another unconscious soldier. Hold on little brother. I gotcha.”

  I drug Mase into a room laid him in a bed and tried to alert a nurse. I walked around the corner and then down the hall. I guess I looked lost because a couple of nurses approached me to ask if I needed help.

  “Yes. I do.”

  Before I could tell them Mase was the one who needed help, they started calling for me help. The more I tried to speak the more items they shoved in my mouth.

  I was covered in my own blood and the blood of my brother and Harris. I guess I should’ve put more thought into this. The next thing I knew I was on a gurney, being rolled into the emergency room and they were brining IV’s out. I have to stop this before Mase bleeds to death in the other room.

  “No, no, please stop!”

  I put my leg down to stop the gurney.

  “Listen! I’m not the emergency. Please over here, this way.”

  I guess you should never say emergency in a hospital because they take it seriously. A nurse started jogging towards the direction I was pointing. Before we could get there, an unsuspecting orderly walked into the room where I had Mase stashed. He immediately sounded the alarm. As we were rounding the
corner, I could hear him yelling for help.

  “Hey! We have a severely injured man over here.”

  It looked like the entire floor came running. By the time me and the nurse arrived Mase was surrounded by a sea of medical personnel shouting instruction and medical terminology that was going right over my head. I heard someone say, X-ray, surgery and oxygen. Mase was whisked away quicker than Ben Johnson ran the one hundred dash when he was on steroids. While they were wheeling him down the hall, I couldn’t believe he was that bad. If we were in the field we would’ve stuffed some gauze inside his wounds put some tape around his body put a weapon back in his hands propped him up and told him to just pull the trigger. Here they were taking him to surgery, talking about blood loss and shock. I was in total disbelief and not to mention worried. It’s amazing how that thing continues to creep back out of that vault I’ve carefully placed my emotions into. I’m quickly learning, all those tools they taught us in spy school don’t apply when you’re dealing with family. That thing called hope was suffocating me right now. I hoped they could save my little brother. I needed him to walk out of here alive.





  They worked on Mase for a several hours. When the doctor came to the waiting room to update me on his status I had already decided he was dead. Funny how you can make your mind believe all sorts of nonsense without any proof whatsoever. I guess even trained killers have a soft spot and my family owns exclusive rights to that.

  “Hello. I’m doctor Lenen.”

  I shook his hand. “Darrien.”

  I haven’t heard my government name since I was in the third grade. When I said it I had to stop myself from looking around to see who I was talking about.

  “Sorry to meet you under these circumstances.”

  “Likewise. How’s my brother?”

  “Surprisingly, he’s doing well.”


  “Your brother lost a massive amount of blood. We’re still trying to understand why he’s still alive. More importantly, how did he manage to walk in here? The size of the tear in his back was larger enough to put a part of my forearm inside it. I don’t think you understand the magnitude of your brother’s injury.”

  “He’s a soldier. We’re trained to bounce back.”

  I said with a little smirk and a lot of pride.

  “Yes. I guess so because bounce back he certainly did. I’ll take you to him.”


  We walked to Mase’s room. When the door started to open, I wanted to shut it so I could catch my breath. I’ve only seen my little brother healthy and whole. I’m never afraid. I’ve been trained to internalize that emotion. With my brothers, it’s never been something I could get control of. Now, is a reminder that I’m human and that I do have a lot to lose.

  The door opened wide and for a few moments I couldn’t move.

  “Darren. You ok?”

  “Oh, yes, sorry just thinking about how I would tell my mom about this.”

  “Um hmm, let me guess, a soldier?


  “In my experience, soldiers always have the most difficulty dealing with their emotions; especially when it comes to someone dear to them. Go in when you’re up to it. It’s ok to be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid!”

  “Okay, take your time. If you need any questions answered please let me know.”

  He turned and walked away. I watched him leave out of sight and like a coward, I left and went outside.





  When they took Mase back to start procedures to save his life, I was feeling emotions I hadn’t been exposed to in a long time. I was afraid. Mase didn’t look good, as a matter of fact, he looked down right lifeless. I hate being in a position where I had to trust someone else with my little brother’s life, but I was forced to concede, there was very little I could do.

  They worked on Mase for a several hours. When the doctor came to the waiting room to update me on his status I had already decided he was dead. Funny how you can make your mind believe all sorts of nonsense without any proof whatsoever. I guess even trained killers have a soft spot and my family owns exclusive rights to that.

  Mase was out of it for three days. On the fourth day, I told him we were going to have to leave. I was certain they were looking for us.

  One good thing about being a part of a large family, you always have someone to call. I put another call into my little brother Scott.

  Calling Scott...


  “Bro, what’s going on? How’s my other brother?”

  “Nothing man, he’s recovering nice. How are things with you? How’s Mase?”

  “He’s still hanging on, but not anywhere near healed.”

  “Are you going to let him stay there to heal?”

  “I’d like to, but you know we can’t.”

  “I could come get him and let him stay at my place. I can’t be there with him twenty-four seven, though.”

  “That’s what I know. The best thing for us to do is do as we planned, leave.”

  “He can’t make a long trip like that, Dub. You know it.”

  “Bro, you know for yourself if we stay here any longer, we’re good as dead. I can’t protect him. The best thing for us to do is get back to the states. There, at least, I have Trevor as backup.”

  “Damn Uncle Sam! He’s like your mother. He tells you what to do and you can’t talk back.”

  “Don’t I know it. Wouldn’t help us at all if you were in trouble. Just keep doing what you’re supposed to. I’ll handle the rest.”

  “How can I help?”

  “You can come take us to the airport.”

  “I don’t think that’s wise, Dub. I’m sure they have that covered.”

  “You have any options? I’m opened to hear them. We can’t afford to take a long ride through Germany.”

  “I know. I think I have an idea. Sit tight and I’ll get back with you. Get Mase ready to travel.”

  “Alright, little brother. I’m following your lead. I’ll get Mase ready. Don’t take too long.”

  “I got you covered.”

  “Love you, Bro.”


  After I ended the call with my brother, I tried to calm myself by watching a little television while we figured out a way to get ourselves out of this mouse trap alive.

  I flipped through several channels until I settle on one showing an ariel view of the airport. There was smoke and flames shooting out of a plane. They showed people evacuating the airport in Paris and Berlin, intrigued, I turned up the volume.

  * * *


  Berlin Germany

  We’re coming to you from the Berlin airport. The computer systems at the Berlin airport have been reportedly infected with a virus. From what we can gather, this began about three days ago. Flights out of Berlin were delayed and some were cancelled. Airport security stated their information technology team thought they had everything back online, but this morning, there’s been a report that several airplanes leaving Berlin are no longer trackable via radar. They’ve been in contact with the pilots and everything seems to be fine with the plane, but this is alarming to say the least. Due to these system issues, they’ve closed the airport. There will be no flights entering or leaving Berlin’s largest airport. All planes arriving into Berlin will be diverted to other airports. As we report on this anomaly, there’s seems to have been another problem in an airport in Paris. A bomb was thrown onto the airport runway. With the strange things occurring with the computer system here at the Berlin airport and now a bomb being detonated on the runway of the Paris airport, some in the intelligence community are beginning to suspect terrorism.

  As we receive information, we’ll update the public.




  The news flash of the strange happenings within the airports in and around Berlin got my attention quickly. Not only were they relentless, they were smart. Mase and Harris were bleeding like stuck pigs. Anyone trained to kill knows how to hunt down his target. The first thing I would’ve done is check that filed. When I saw all of that blood, my actions would mirror theirs. Shutdown any way for my target to leave. I would know with that amount of blood, they would need medical attention or a morgue. It would be my job to find out which one.

  My determination to finish off my target never bothered me. It was never something I gave a second thought about. Now, sitting here, looking at my little brother, wounded, defenseless, it’s all I can think about. How many big brothers were pacing the floor, looking out the window and checking the doors because I was coming? It’s true what they say, what goes around comes around.

  Calling Scott


  “You watching the news?”

  “I see it.”

  “They’re looking for us. I put Mase under a fictitious name. They’ve probably been looking everywhere they think we might be and can’t locate us.”

  “I’ll bet they had Berlin airport on lock the day they attacked you. It might be a good thing Mase is hurt. You could’ve walked into a trap.”

  “You might be right about that. I didn’t think of it that way. No way we could’ve escaped that fight in one piece. They’re closing any possible escape routes. Diverting us to a different airport will take more time and they’d know what routes we’d probably take. Any smaller airports would be easier for them to get us.”

  “We have to get you out of Berlin and right now. Don told me to call his friend, Arie. I couldn’t reach him, now I know why.”

  “If you think about it, it’s a great plan. They tie up all forms of law enforcement from here to Paris. No one to call for help, brilliant.”

  “Dub, I’m going to need you to stop admiring the tactics our enemy is using to murder us, ok.”

  “Hey sorry. Hard to not give credit where it’s due.”

  “Does Don have another number for Arie?”

  “Sure does.”


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