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Warrior's Heart (SEAL of Fortune)

Page 5

by Laura Day

  Her skin glowing, Ryker watches Ronnie, her sneering pants of lust and desire as she thrusts herself on him exciting him as he inches inexorably towards his orgasm. He wraps her up in his embrace and rolls her over, placing himself on top. If he is going to go, he is going to try to take her with him.

  As they roll over, changing positions, she knows this is going to be their final sprint for the evening. He ducks under her legs, pushing them back and down as he enters her again, going deeper than he ever has, deeper than any man ever has. She gasps in pleasure as he touches her as she has ever been touched before.

  He begins to thrust into her with long hard strokes. He is losing his battle to hold against his orgasm and he knows that in only moments he is going to succumb to his mounting pleasure. Her face begins to twist, her grip painfully tight on his arms as her nails dig in. He shudders once, shaking his head briefly in denial as he struggles to fight off his orgasm.

  Ronnie can feel her orgasm collapse on her like an avalanche. She wants to scream, needs to scream, but she has no breath, her pleasure having taken everything from her. Eyes tightly closed against the exquisite torment of her pleasure she holds onto his arms as if her life depends on it.

  As she begins to keen her grip tightens further, the pain of her nails cutting into his flesh as she begins to quiver and push with her legs, exciting him even more. With another brief shake of his head, he leans down, flattening her farther as he battles against his own need and her thrashing.

  She can feel him press harder into her legs as they attempt to straighten of their own volition. He takes her by the back of the head, pulling her head and shoulders up, curling her into a near fetal position as his cock plunges incredibly deep into her.

  With an explosive gasp of release Ryker spills his essence into Ronnie, holding himself hard into her as he grunts through an explosive orgasm, each strong pulse of ejaculation searing the length of his shaft.

  She feels him relax, slowly allowing her to unfold as he settles more fully onto her, her legs to sliding off his shoulders as he kisses her tenderly before pulling himself from her. As she straightens her legs she begins to giggle, throwing her arm over her eyes as she pants. She is devastated, weak, and unable to move, lying inert as he settles at her side. She swallows hard, her mouth dry, but she is too weak to move, even for water. As he tugs at her, she moves slowly into his arms, groaning with the effort.

  Ronnie settles into the crook of his left arm with a groan and a sigh. After a moment of stillness he feels her hand softly pat him on the chest as she sighs again. Moments afterwards, her breathing becomes deep and regular… and he smiles. Maybe, after this is all over, this can be his life.


  The next morning Ryker swims up out of the darkness of slumber, Ronnie still asleep and curled loosely in his arms. The bedside clock shows 4:47 as he fights off a jaw cracking yawn. He has almost thirty minutes before the alarm goes off. He had slept like the dead last night and he is still a bit foggy this morning. He doesn’t move, not wanting to waken her, while he works to shake off the cobwebs of sleep. Their lovemaking had been explosive and exhausting last night and he had crashed hard afterwards, the memories of the night making him smile. He has never come as hard as he did last night, his fears of losing her driving him beyond himself.

  But he isn’t going to lose her. Not over this mission anyway. He will find Julian Baker and get him out safe. There is no other acceptable outcome. He’s a Navy SEAL… the best of the best… the baddest of the bad. He will get him out and back to her, killing every motherfucker that gets in his way if he has to. Then he and Ronnie will go to that someplace private, as she suggested, and they will explore what they mean to each other. He will never hurt her. Ever. He will find a way to avoid killing her father. He has to.

  He glances at the clock. Five minutes to go. With a smile he begins to kiss her shoulder and neck, slowly drawing Ronnie up from sleep.

  She is just beginning to stir when the alarm shatters the quiet of the early morning, causing her to groan and stretch as Ryker slaps the clock into silence. “I’m beginning to hate these early morning workouts,” she mumbles, becoming still again.

  Ryker smiles. “We didn’t have a pre-workout workout. You got to sleep later this morning than you did yesterday morning.”

  “Mmmm… that’s part of the problem,” Ronnie mutters. “You should have gotten me up sooner for a little exercise to perk me up.”

  He snickers. “I couldn’t have. You wore me out last night. I just woke up myself.”

  She smiles sleepily and rolls over, eyes closed, but instinctively knowing where to reach to pull him into a kiss. “That makes two of us then,” she says as the kiss breaks. “If this keeps up, I’m not going to be able to walk straight.”

  He can feel a twitch in his nether regions at the thought of making love to Ronnie until she can’t walk. They might have to try that some time to see if it is possible. “I didn’t hurt you, did I? It got pretty wild last night.”

  She opens her eyes and smiles at him. “No. But I’m not sure you are good for me.”

  He can feel a chill of doom pass through him. “What do you mean?”

  She smiles and caresses Ryker on his cheek. “I mean, before I met you, making love two or three times a week was plenty. Now, two or three times a day isn’t enough.” She pauses and her sleepy smile grows even wider. “I feel like I am turning into a slut. All I want to do is fuck you… as often and as hard as I can.”

  He smiles and relaxes. “Now you know what it feels like to be me.”

  She snickers. “I wonder which of us is going to have to call it quits first?”

  Ryker grins. “I don’t know. But I’m looking forward to finding out.”

  She sighs and stretches again. “I just hope you can keep up,” she says before pulling him down for another kiss.

  The kiss is long, deep, and passionate, and begins to spiral out of control until Ryker breathes deep, sucking in a great lungful of air to summon the strength to break the kiss. “Stop… we have to get up,” he says, pulling back, feeling flushed and breathless.

  “Seems like someone already is,” she says dreamily, stroking his engorged penis softly.

  “Stop!” he cries playfully, slapping at her hand. “This is hard enough as it is.”

  “Yes, so I see,” she says softly before breaking into giggles.

  Ryker barks out a brief laugh. “That’s not what I mean.”

  “I know… but it seems such a shame to waste it.”

  “Would you quit?” he says, tumbling out of bed. “A good hard work out will…” he begins then trails off when he realizes what he has said.

  “That’s what I was trying to have,” she teases with a lecherous grin, enjoying the word play. “But he wouldn’t cooperate.”

  Ryker shakes his head in mock indignation. Verbally jousting with Ronnie gets his ass handed to him every time.

  They dress for their workout then hit the gym. They start out easy, stretching and loosening up. Ryker finds he has more and more difficulty focusing on his routine since Ronnie has started working out with him. Her fitting shorts and top, especially when she has worked up a sweat, is distracting in the extreme.

  Today they work their shoulders and arms with a series of curls, French presses, and shoulder lifts, generating another good sweat. “C’mon Ronnie, get it up, you can do it!” Ryker cheers as Ronnie strains for one more curl, but she stalls about half way up, forcing Ryker to take the weight.

  “Damnit. I thought I had it,” she pants, moving aside so he can take her place.

  He changes the pin then moves into her place on the machine. “Ronnie, fifty pounds is a lot of weight for a woman. Don’t knock it. You’re just getting started.”

  Ryker begins his curls and Ronnie watches, preparing to spot, enjoying how the muscles ripple in his arms as he begins to grunt and strain. Goddamn, working out with Ryker turns her on! And not just from watching him either, but also from th
e power she feels as she gets that one last rep. It also doesn’t hurt the way he looks at her as she works the machine.

  He grits his teeth, pulling hard for that last rep, Ronnie moving to spot him if he falters, but he gets it up. Having her work out with him has upped his game. Her work ethic initially put his to shame and he has started pushing himself harder, trying to match her intensity. Plus, it doesn’t hurt having her look at him the way she is looking at him now.

  Ninety minutes later, panting and wiping away sweat with their workout towels, they return to her room. “I need a shower!” Ronnie exclaims, stepping into the bath and turning on the water. She leaves the door open as she strips, seeing if he will take her up on her silent invitation.

  He begins to strip the moment she steps into the bath. He had planned to join her in the shower anyway, but as she turns to enter the shower, she catches his eye in the mirror, smiles, and crooks her finger in a come here motion before stepping into the shower and closing the door.

  Ryker opens the shower door and steps inside. She is under the shower, rinsing herself, the water coursing over her body making his already stiff penis painfully hard. She steps out from under the showerhead and pushes her hair back and wipes her face before smiling at him in a way that makes him harder still.


  She heard the shower door open and close, but seeing him standing there, already wet from the spray, his cock at rigid attention, nearly makes her weak in the knees. She takes the bar of soap and begins to soap his body, her fingers delighted with every ripple and bulge. She isn’t into the huge body-builder look, and she didn’t even know she was in the muscular look until she met Ryker. He is perfect, she decides, with enough muscle definition to be sexy without the bulging veins and tendons of a power lifter. And my god, does he turn her on!

  He allows her to soap him up before he takes the bar and begins to return the favor. Ronnie is tall with rich, lush, curves that are a delight to explore. And explore he does, allowing his hands to roam over her full pouty breasts and delectable ass.

  As his hands glide over her she takes his manhood in one soapy hand and begins to slide it slowly along its length.

  “You’d better stop,” Ryker warns softly, giving her breasts a thorough cleaning.

  “Or what?”

  “Or you may not like what happens.”

  “Oh yeah,” Ronnie coos. “What might that be?”

  He doesn’t say a word, but quickly drops a hand between her legs and presses a finger into her, softly stroking.

  She utters a soft grunting moan as his finger begins to tickle her most sensitive area. But she feels powerful and strong this morning and isn’t willing to surrender just yet. “How about this then?” she asks softly as she begins to swirl her hand in tight circles on the head of his cock.

  Ryker grunts and shudders briefly as Ronnie torments him with her hand. He steps back and pulls her soapy hand from his manhood with a gasp, and starts to turn her, but she resists the turn. Not willing to let her completely control him, he grabs her by her shoulder, pulling her strongly to him, and then using his body to prevent her from falling, overpowers her resistance and pushes her firmly into the wall of the shower.

  He pulls her to him and simply overpowers her, their bodies sliding easily against each other. Once he has her turned, he pushes her into the shower wall, holding her there with a hand on her shoulder, her soap covered breasts sliding easily against the tile wall. Ronnie attempts to push back, unwilling to allow him to so easily overpower her, but before she can mount a counter attack, she feels him enter her.

  He crouches slightly then slides his manhood into her with a groan of pleasure. She instantly stops fighting him and flattens herself even more to the wall.

  “Oh God…” she whimpers. She knew they were going to make love in the shower—that was a given—but the brief slippery struggle has set her on edge. She no longer wants to get free… now she just wants Ryker to pound into until her until she comes.

  Ryker begins to thrust hard into Ronnie, her firm, toned ass slapping into his hips, the slipperiness of her skin, the brief struggle for dominance, firing his desire.

  “Okay, you bastard. You had better make me come. Do you hear me? You had better make me come hard,” she mutters as he drives into her.

  “Or what? What are you going to do?” Ryker challenges in return.

  She grunts as a searing wave of pleasure washes over her, Ryker’s cock plunging into her again and again. “I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll beg me to stop. Do you understand? I’ll have you begging.”

  He begins to hammer into her, her words goading him. “Who was screaming last night, Ronnie? Huh. It was you! It was you Ronnie!” he sneers, deep in his lust.

  Ronnie shudders as another powerful wave of pleasure passes through her. Fuck… she was screaming last night. Screaming from one of the most powerful orgasms she has ever had, and he wasn’t even done, giving her yet another one after that. The memories of last night and the ecstasy she felt brings her orgasm leaping near. “Make me come like that, Ryker. You had better make me come like that. You had better…”

  He reaches around her, taking his finger and pressing it hard in her clit, teasing it into tender hardness as she begins to thrash, banging her body into the wall as her hips thrust into his hand.

  The moment he touches her with is finger she can feel her orgasm begin to take her. Once again, the feeling of Ryker controlling her, rolling over her and bending her to his will as they duel in an erotic battle excites her at a very deep level. She can’t stand still and begins to thrust herself forcefully on his finger, each thrust ending a jolt of erotic energy coursing through her system.

  Ronnie begins to growl and thrash as her orgasm begins to take her. He eases up on the pressure on her back, giving her room to move without hurting herself while still keeping her pinned to the wall. She seems to like it when he restricts her movement in some way, something he will have to remember and experiment with.

  She lunges backwards, driving him as deep into her as possible as he continues to finger her, her legs shaking as she tries to keep her feet. With a gasp her orgasm flows out of her, leaving her weak, but his strong arms surround her, taking some of her weight until she feels her strength return… and she giggles.

  He slowly allows Ronnie to take her weight before she turns and begins to kiss him passionately. As they kiss she slides a hand between them and takes him in a firm grip, and begins to stroke, sliding his cock around between their bodies. He was already working up to an orgasm when she fell into hers, so it only takes a moment of her moving against him, thrusting and squirming as she kisses him deeply, her hand busy on his manhood, before he can feel his orgasm threatening.

  “Stop…” Ryker gasps, breaking off the kiss. “You’re going to make me come.”

  “I know,” Ronnie breathes. Ryker begins to twitch as his pleasure begins to overwhelm him. “Don’t fight it,” she breathes, holding him by the back of the head as she increases the intensity of her movements, sliding her body smoothly against his. “I want you to come. Come for me,” she breathes before covering his lips with hers once more.

  He grips her tight, holding her to him as she moves, the feeling of her slick body moving against his erotic in the extreme. He waits as Ronnie works her magic, his release coiling up tighter and tighter, until with a shuddering gasp he begins to come, his hips pumping and thrusting as she holds him tight, swishing him back and forth between their soapy bodies, until he can stand it no more. “Stop!” he shouts, forcing himself away from her and taking her hand with his own.

  Ronnie smiles as Ryker stands before her, slightly bent at the waist, panting and gasping as his hand tightly grips her own. “Your move…” she purrs.

  He chuckles and she slowly releases her grip. “You win,” he says in surrender, slowly straightening once more.

  Having finally bested Ryker, Ronnie feels her spirit soar. Ryker is a lover unlike any she has ever had,
able to take her to places she has never gone before. She is looking forward to the new experiences and new sensations, to exploring her own sexuality with him.

  The knowledge that she can go toe-to-toe with him, and sometimes even win their erotic duels, makes her feel powerful and confident. As they move slowly into a long and lingering kiss, she delights in the feelings that he is awakening within her.

  They have to rush through their breakfast because of the extended shower, but he makes it to the motor pool to join the two agents he has been working with without forcing them to wait. Ryker and the CIA work the same routine that has proven to be so successful in the past, Ryker playing the wild and unpredictable American and the spook the more reasonable local.

  The problem is that he is in such a good mood that he has a hard time playing the baddie. Ryker silently laughs at himself as he rides along in the back of the SUV on their way to the next contact. Some big, tough, Navy SEAL he is.


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