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Monroe, Melody Snow - Craving Candy [The Callens 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 6

by Melody Snow Monroe

  He brought the bacon and eggs to the kitchen table and motioned she sit. “What are your plans for today?”

  His tone wasn’t hostile, but it wasn’t an open invitation to stay here either. “If you could drive me to Mandy’s, I can be out of your hair.” Dealing with a rental car seemed too much right now.

  His eyes sparkled as if she’d told him he’d earned a free week vacation in Hawaii. She couldn’t complain. These men had already extended themselves more than any other men she’d met. Anxious to leave when she wasn’t truly wanted, she scarfed down her food.

  “Mmm. That was really good.”

  His face clouded over. “Some men can cook.”

  “I know.” She’d never said otherwise, but she didn’t want to get in an argument. As soon as she finished, she brought her plate to the sink and ran the dish under the water. Hands clasped her wrists, and she jumped. She hadn’t even heard him move behind her.

  His tangy breath cascaded over her cheek. “Leave it.” Blade’s fingers traced a line up her arm.

  Her heart rate zoomed to over one-fifty. She turned off the water and spun around. Her gaze focused on his full lips then jumped to his eyes. Where they’d been worn, saddle-leather-brown before, they’d morphed into beech-tree green. Captivated, her lips softened, imagining what it would be like to jump inside the man and learn why he’d become the person he was today.

  She didn’t even get a chance to ponder that question before his lips descended on hers. Adrenaline soared through her. Her lids lowered and his hands clasped her waist as his mouth begged for entrance. His unshaven face prickled her skin, but it was what his cock was doing pressed between her legs that splintered her mind. She hooked her hands on the edge of the sink and didn’t dare move for fear of breaking the connection.

  Blade came up for air and instantly nabbed her bottom lip. He tugged once as if asking permission to taste her. She gave in without hesitation. Blade took over. It was as if he stopped even for a second to question what he was doing, he’d walk away.

  Maybe it was the accident or seeing her best friend get married to her dream men, but Candy wanted nothing more than to feel good again. Hell, to feel, period!

  Lust, passion, and desire had been missing from her life for too long. His tongue dipped into her mouth and tangled with hers. He tasted like sweet bacon. Their breaths mixed and he pulled her close until no space existed between them.

  She finally let go of the counter and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her breasts lifted and her body tingled. Her pussy dampened and her nipples hardened. She wanted him to touch every inch of her.

  Blade broke the kiss a second time. His lips were red and his eyes still bloodshot.

  “I want you.” His gruffness stirred something low inside her.

  His hand rose along the slope of her ribs and stopped at breast height where his thumbs caressed her nipples. Damn. Of all days, she would have to wear a padded bra. She could only imagine what his callused fingers could do to her bare skin.

  Keeping her gaze on his eyes, she lowered her arms to his waistband until her thumbs reached his jeans’ button. The left side of his lips lifted. He’d just given her the green light.

  “Careful, babe. He’s packing a ton of dynamite in there.”

  Something inside her snapped. “Well, my pussy is hotter than any fire you’ve ever known and can ignite him quicker than any match.”

  You so did not say that.

  He dropped his head back and laughed hard. The incredible sexual tension broke. Reason intruded and she moved her hand to her side.

  He stepped back and swiped a hand down his chin, sucking in his cheeks. “Yeah. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

  He could deny it all he wanted, but Bladen McGrath was attracted to her. She’d felt his hard cock pressed against her body. Too bad he looked more scared than excited right now. She was curious how last night he said she wasn’t right for them and this morning he was on her like a stud in heat. She’d take this man any day.

  Men. She’d never understand them.

  She held up a palm in surrender. “It’s okay.” Why did she have to be the one to blush? Her face was hotter than when that damned airbag had smacked her.

  She dropped her gaze and slid back into the living room. Definitely time to go. Daniel hadn’t returned, so she faced Blade to ask him again to take her to Mandy’s house. He hadn’t moved. His hands were clenched by his side and his gaze was piercing. He looked like a starving animal ready to seduce her again.

  Her heart stopped. “Blade? I need to go. Remember?”

  His jaw tightened. “Right. Drive. Mandy’s. Let me get my keys.”

  That was close. If he’d torn off her blouse and dragged down her pants, she so would have done him.

  She slipped on her coat. He disappeared into the room she’d vacated and returned wearing a jacket and dangling the keys from one finger and her suitcase in his other hand. Even with messy hair, he was one sexy man.

  In silence, they piled into the small elevator and their shoulders touched. She held still as he pressed the bottom button.

  Say something.

  After her pussy on fire comment, what could she say? Christ. Without thinking, she ran a tongue over her slightly swollen lips and tasted Blade. Sparks of need pierced her body. She didn’t want to make more of a fool of herself. Intrigue was too small a town. She wouldn’t be surprised if Mandy had already found out they’d kissed two minutes ago.

  The elevator door opened, and they stepped outside. The storm left a few inches of snow on the ground, but the sun was muscling its way around the clouds. The strong breeze made her wish she’d unpacked her hat and scarf and worn them.

  He nodded to a two-door pickup truck that had globs of different colored paint splattered along the side. Rust had found a home on the rim of the flatbed. He placed her suitcase in back, and she climbed into the cab.

  Two fast-food bags and a paper coffee cup huddled in the corner by her feet. She pushed them aside and sat.

  “Sorry about the mess.” He leaned over to gather the trash, and his arm pressed on her leg.

  The fire she’d bragged about burst into flames. This was not good. His head bounced as he reached to gather the food bags. The urge to straighten the clump of hair that stuck out from the side of his head won. She lightly patted it down.

  He jerked up and crushed the food bags. His brows pinched, looking like a ten-year-old boy.

  “I couldn’t help myself.” She sucked in a bottom lip. “Your hair was messed up. I couldn’t take it anymore.”

  He stilled then grinned. “You mean like when someone’s tag is showing in the back of his shirt?”

  She let out a breath. “Just like that.”

  Wow. Blade had returned to his charming self once again. She couldn’t keep up with his different moods.

  He waved the garbage, pushed open the door, and jogged to the garbage can on the other side of the alley. He returned after dumping the trash. He started the car and turned the dial to high heat. “Would you believe if I told you the food was from one of my workers?”

  Now it was her turn to raise a brow. “If you say so. Though if you did eat fast food, it certainly doesn’t show.”

  He winked and headed out. This man was a total mystery. He went from angry to sexy to funny to distant in a heartbeat. She’d never figure him out. Hell, maybe that was the point. If she judged by the mind-altering kiss, he liked her. If she judged by his comment last night, he didn’t.


  So as not to surprise Mandy that they were on their way, she called her friend.

  Mandy answered quickly but sounded out of breath. “Hey, there. We’re leaving in an hour. You want to stop by and get the key?”

  “Blade is driving me over now.”


  Crap. She didn’t know about the accident. “Yeah.”

  “Ooh. Do tell. Or can’t you talk?”

  She relayed about the acc
ident and how Daniel and Blade had saved her. To her surprise, Blade kept his focus on the road, acting as if a glass partition existed between them. “We’ll be there in about—” She glanced over at him.

  “Five minutes,” he said.

  “Five minutes.”

  No sooner had she disconnected than her cell rang. It was Beth. “Hey.”

  “Oh, my God. How are you? I didn’t want to call too early.” Beth said those three sentences in less than two seconds.

  Daniel said he’d left a note. “I’m fine. I promise. When are you and Lisa leaving?”

  “Soon. Will we see you?”

  She explained about the car and that she was about to arrive at Mandy’s. “As soon as things calm down, I’ll drive down to Denver for the day. We’ll do lunch.”

  “Okay. Call me, though. I have lots to tell you about certain someones.”

  She liked the plural part. “Will do.”

  Mandy’s house appeared and Blade turned down the long drive. The snow crunched under the tires, and it seemed as if they hit every dip. New shocks would have been nice, but given the condition of his truck, maybe he was as strapped for cash as she was. He stopped under the portico and cut the engine.

  “You don’t have to come in.” She’d inconvenienced him enough.

  He cocked a brow. “Trying to get rid of me?” The small smile implied she hadn’t offended him.

  “No. I’m sure you have a lot better things to do than drive me around.”

  He eased out and grabbed her suitcase out of the back. As he rounded the end of the truck, he slipped a hand around her waist. At the door, he set down the case and knocked.

  Mandy answered. She ran her gaze down Candy’s body. “Other than some marks on your face, you look good.”

  She chuckled. “Thanks for pointing out the face.”

  Blade carried her suitcase into the living room. Vince was there and the two talked probably about the room extension.

  Mandy leaned close. “So?” She shot her gaze to Blade.

  “Nothing. They’re both nice.” Candy wanted to spare her friend the turmoil that was zooming around in her brain, but she couldn’t hold it back any longer. She’d lost enough sleep over it last night, so she told Mandy what she’d overheard Blade say.

  Mandy ran a hand down her arm. “I’m sorry, but don’t be too upset. Remember how Cam didn’t want anything to do with me at first?”

  During their two-day adventure, Mandy and Vince had told her, Lisa, and Beth about their whirlwind romance, along with Cam’s initial response. “Yes, but this isn’t the same. I’m not some look-alike fiancée.” At least she hoped he’d never been engaged.

  “I know, but Blade’s a real good guy.”

  “I’m sure he is, but his mood swings are driving me crazy.” She told her about the amazing kiss this morning. “I swear, if I hadn’t made my comment and he hadn’t cracked up, we would have done the nasty.”

  Mandy smiled. “Clearly he’s confused about his feelings. Maybe he’s afraid. You might be the first woman he can really relate to.”

  Leave it to Mandy to put a positive spin on things. “I wouldn’t go so far to say that, though I was able to open him up a little at the wedding.” She dragged a hand over her head. “Hell, I’m afraid, too. When I’m with either one, the needle on my compass is spinning wildly as if I’m directionless. I’m not sure what to think.”

  Vince stepped down the hall with Blade right behind him. “Darlin’, we need to get to the airport. Say good-bye.”

  Darn. She needed her sounding board, but their flight wouldn’t wait just because she was confused.

  Cam came out from a hallway carrying three cases. “I’ll put these in the back of the SUV.”

  The near future intruded. Candy clasped Mandy’s wrist. “I need a big favor.”

  “Name it.”

  “Can I use your car until I get a new one?”

  “Sure. You’re positive yours is totaled?”

  “No, but if it isn’t, it will take a while to get it fixed.”

  Mandy stepped closer to the door and lifted a keychain off a hook. “Here ya go. It’s new, so be careful.”

  “Trust me. I won’t be driving down a dark road anytime soon.”

  “You said the person cut you off. Did it seem like it was on purpose?”

  She shrugged. “It sure as hell felt like it, but why would he? No one knows me in town.”

  Mandy’s complexion lightened. “No one knew me either.”

  Oh, crap.

  Chapter Six

  Candy hadn’t wanted to believe her accident was anything other than some drunk with bad depth perception. She’d arrived in Intrigue two days ago and hadn’t had time to piss anyone off enough to want to harm her. Donna was the only was who’d been less than friendly, but she didn’t seem the type to take any action.

  “Does Donna Newerth drive a truck?”

  Mandy’s eyes widened. “You think Donna had something to do with this?” She shook her head. “She drives a Cadillac sedan.”

  “Oh. Then it must have been a mistake.”

  Cam trucked back inside. “Excuse me, ladies.” His face was slightly red from being outside for a few minutes. He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Take care of the house while we’re gone, and make certain Blade here does a good job.”

  No doubt she’d be keeping an eye out on the construction, though she didn’t think he meant for her to watch Blade to see if his work was up to par. “I will.”

  She gave Mandy a hug. “You are going to have so much fun. I can’t wait to see the pictures.” She straightened. “I almost forgot to ask. Can you recommend a real estate agent? I want to start looking for a location for my spa.”

  She smiled. “Try Blade’s sister, Courtney.”

  His sister? Would she be as secretive as Blade? Vince and Cam waited for Mandy, and she didn’t want to hold her up. “Sounds good.”

  After hugs all around, the honeymooners left. Blade cleared his throat and she spun to face him.

  “I overheard you asking for a real estate agent. I can give you Courtney’s number if you’d like.”

  “Sure.” He jotted down his sister’s number on the back of one of his business cards and handed it to her. “Thanks. Will I be seeing you?”

  His gaze shot to the side. Not again, Candy. She wasn’t asking for a date even though the men had asked her out for dinner tonight. But that was before she overhead Blade’s comment and before he’d kissed her. “I meant at the construction site.” Yeesh.

  “I’ll be here.”

  She stepped back, not wanting him to kiss her again. Her head was already swirling. With his gaze cast downward, he left.

  She closed the door and pressed her back against it. “Way to go.”

  * * * *

  As soon as he drove away from Vince’s house, his thoughts shot back to Candy. His cock hardened as he remembered the kiss in the kitchen this morning.

  He needed to slow down. He might know she was this creative, intriguing, charming woman, and that he wanted to see if they could make a go of it, but from the way she acted like she couldn’t wait for him to leave, she didn’t quite return the same feelings about him. He hoped he hadn’t blown it with her by practically attacking her. What had he been thinking?

  You weren’t.

  He pictured her bringing her plate over to the sink and bending over to place it in the sink. As soon as he had zeroed in on her delicious ass, his cock drew all the blood from his brain, and he’d reacted. The second he reached around her to grab her wrists, he fell under her spell.

  If she hadn’t turned around at that moment and looked up at him with such longing, he might have been able to walk away.

  Blade returned his focus to the road. Oh, shit. The car in front of him was too close. He slammed on his brakes and nearly rear-ended that van. He had to have been going close to ninety. He needed to get a grip.

  Was that what happened to Candy’s jerk driver? Had he not b
een paying attention? She never mentioned if they man swerved. Though if she was trying to gain control of her car, she wasn’t looking at his taillights. The ass should have slowed and come back to see what happened to her when her headlights headed into the ditch. The more he thought about it, the more convinced he became that someone wanted her out of town. He refused to consider whether anyone would want her dead.

  Maybe if all that crap hadn’t happened to Mandy, the accident would seem like bad luck on Candy’s part.

  As he neared town, he forced his mind to slow. The next two weeks were going to be tricky. His men would be at Vince Callen’s house all day long. His job was to make sure they did the renovation according to code and up to the Callen standard. That meant he’d be seeing Candy every day. Acting like a pissed-off jerk wouldn’t do anybody any good nor would it help if he acted like he couldn’t wait to get her in bed.

  Christ. All he needed to do was act friendly and keep his libido in check. Then everything would be good.

  Good luck with that, buddy.

  * * * *

  When her heart calmed from saying good-bye to Mandy and seeing Blade leave, Candy pushed off from the door and entered the living room. Despite the house being huge, only two of the many rooms were actual bedrooms. Because the threesome hadn’t moved into one bedroom yet, there wouldn’t be a guest room until after Callen Construction completed the addition. Candy would be sleeping in the living room, but a free place to stay fit her budget just fine.

  She couldn’t start looking for somewhere new until the boxes she’d brought with her were delivered since one of them contained her computer. Calling Daniel to deliver them right away would have sounded so ungrateful, so she settled back to watch some television. Less than an hour later, the doorbell rang. According to Vince, the whole town knew they’d be gone. It must be Daniel, or so she hoped.

  She opened up and smiled.

  “Delivery.” Daniel had one of her boxes in his arms and two more at his feet.


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