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Monroe, Melody Snow - Craving Candy [The Callens 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Melody Snow Monroe

  She gave her a hug. “That was a ruse. Daniel and I wanted to surprise you.”

  “What?” She looked over her mother’s shoulder. “You planned this?”

  “Yup. I know how much your mom influenced you. She’s such an integral part of who you are that I thought it appropriate that she get the first tour to see your achievements.”

  The fact he really understood how much all this meant to her, made her fall in love even more. “Come on then. Let’s show my mother the spa.”

  For the next half hour, she not only brought her to each room, but both she and Daniel told her the story of how all of this came about.

  They ended the tour back in the reception area. It was close to noon and she figured her mom might be hungry.

  “I still have some things to take care of.” She turned to her mother. “Are you hungry?”


  Daniel wrapped an arm around her mom’s shoulder. “Why don’t I take her over to The Eatery for lunch? We can bring back something for you.”

  Her nerves were so taut she wasn’t sure she could eat, but she knew she needed some nourishment. “That would be great.”

  “Knock, knock.”

  Oh, my goodness. “Blade.” He was carrying a large box. Having all three of the people she loved in the same room thrilled her. She made the introductions.

  Her mom looked back at her and grinned. “I must say you did quite well for yourself.”

  They all chuckled. Candy nodded to the box. “What do you have?”

  “Something that was really had to find. I had to drive to Bozeman. It’s the brand of nail polish you wanted.”

  Her whole order was still on backorder. While she’d purchased nail polish online, the colors weren’t special. Blade’s willingness to give up part of his working day to find her supplies meant the world to her.

  She hugged him. “You are the best.”

  He kissed her and immediately blushed. How cute was that? “It’s okay. My mom knows.” She stepped back.

  “Hey,” Daniel said. “You want to grab some lunch with us?”

  “Sure.” He faced her mom. “I hope you’re willing to share some juicy stories about your daughter.”

  Candy groaned. “Mom, no, don’t.”

  “Boys, there is nothing more I’d like to do than talk about my Candy.”

  Ugh. “Be back by two for the opening.” She hugged her mom again.

  “I’ll stop back sooner with your sandwich,” Daniel said. He dipped his hand in the bowl of hard candy she had at the door. He peeled off the paper and popped it in his mouth.

  His damn groan had her pussy tingling. “Go.” She had a ton of stuff yet to do.

  “I was just craving some candy.” He winked.

  She hoped her mom didn’t catch the double entendre.

  As they walked out, Candy leaned back against the door. This was the best day ever.

  She replaced and restocked the nail polish with the new colors and returned to her office to regroup before the big opening. The champagne was ready and the caterers were to bring the food a little before two.

  She’d just settled in her chair when another knock sounded on the front door. It wouldn’t be her mom, Daniel, or Blade unless something had happened. Her employees knew to come through the back door, which she’d left open. Candy rushed to the entranceway. Mandy stood there. That was an unexpected surprise. When Candy opened the door, Lisa and Beth jumped out of her car.

  Oh, my God. “I can’t believe you came!” What an amazing surprise. “Come in.” She wasn’t sure her heart could take much more excitement.

  Once she ushered her best friends inside, she hugged each of them.

  Lisa flapped her arms twice then relaxed. “We wouldn’t miss this for the world. Mandy said your first day was booked up. That’s wonderful.”

  Now she felt bad. “If there’s a cancellation, maybe I can work you in.”

  Beth waved a hand. “That’s okay. We wanted to see you. I heard you, Daniel, and Blade are going strong.” She grinned.

  If only they knew. “We’re doing amazingly well.”

  Beth’s eyes sparkled. “Are you in love?”

  “Uh-huh, and it’s the head over heels kind of love.”

  Beth squealed.

  “Let me give you all a tour.”

  Beth raised her brows. “You sure? We can wait until the opening if you like.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it. Come on.”

  Being able to show her best friends her pride and joy brought her so much fulfillment. They oohed and aahed at all the right places.

  Beth clamped a hand on her wrist. “We are so proud of you. You give all of us so much hope that we can have a happily ever after, too.” When Beth’s eyes watered, Candy had to look away or she’d start crying.

  Lisa stepped back. “Come on. We need to let Candy get ready. We just wanted to stop in and say hi.”

  “When will I get to see you?” She hoped they’d come for the opening.

  Mandy spoke up. “I’m going to cook dinner for everyone tonight. Beth and Lisa are staying with me. You and my brother-in-law and Blade better be there.”

  “The spa closes at seven, if that works.” She could leave as soon as the last customer left. “I believe the men are free.”

  Mandy gave her a hug. “Come as soon as you can.”

  She smiled, love filling her heart. Life was good.

  * * * *

  At one thirty, Blade, Daniel, and her mom returned with food in hand. The roast beef sandwich smelled divine. “I’m starving.”

  After seeing her friends and knowing her mom was there, Candy’s nerves had disappeared. The men and her mom rested on the couches while she stood at the receptionist table and ate her food. No sooner had she finished than the caterers arrived with the hors d’oeuvres.

  Her mom must have decided she wanted to take part in her daughter’s spa, because she took over, deciding where to place the food and how to arrange the champagne glasses. Seeing her mom so happy was pure heaven.

  Two o’clock arrived all too soon. Candy’s jitters had jitters, but as soon as everyone reported how thrilled they were with what she’d done with the place, her pulse slowed.

  Courtney and the former owner, Gretchen, showed up. She looked around and kept shaking her head. “This is amazing. I can’t believe what moving a few walls would do. Getting rid of the wallpaper and replacing it with these pastel walls makes all the difference.”

  “Thanks.” Candy’s mouth was almost sore from all the smiling.

  After the first wave of people came through, things began to settle down. She officially ended the grand opening at four, because regular clients came in.

  As the last of the guests left, someone who she never thought she’d see in her spa walked in—Donna Newerth.

  “This is a surprise.”

  She looked around, her eyes wide. “It’s lovely.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

  Donna twisted her hands. “Can we talk?”

  “Sure. Come into my office.” Maybe she wanted to know about the kidnapping and if John really had lost his mind.

  Candy sat in one of the two chairs across from her desk and faced her competition. “What can I do for you?”

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  That’s not what she expected her to say, but if she wanted to strike a deal, Candy was willing to listen. “Go on.”

  “As you know, John will be in jail for a long time.”

  “I know.” He deserved to be punished for almost killing her, but when his store shut down, she’d felt the loss.

  “That meant he had to put his store up for sale to pay for his legal fees. I bought it.”

  Candy sat back. “You’re kidding.”

  Donna grinned. “Nope, and I got it for a steal.”

  She could only imagine. “I’m thrilled, but what about your spa?” Candy couldn’t imagine running two businesses.

’s what I wanted to talk to you about. We could be catty and spend our time competing, lowering our prices to outdo each other, but then I thought, why? That wouldn’t do either of us any good. So I’ve decided to keep my spa open only on weekends and perhaps two nights a week.”

  Her mind spun. “And you want to know if I’d be willing to close on weekends and not offer my services those two weekday nights?” It was brilliant. It would give her time to be with her men.

  “You are sharp. For your willingness to work with me, I’d offer you a forty-percent discount on all supplies. I figure if we work together, you can set your prices and I’ll set mine.”

  Oh, my God. That was too perfect. She’d been thinking of closing on weekends anyway. Her heart sped up. In case she was being foolish, she wanted to run it by her men. “I’ll have to ask my partner, but it sounds great to me.”

  Donna smiled and stood. “Just let me know.” Donna held out her hand and Candy shook it.

  This was for sure going to be a great day.

  * * * *

  For the next two hours, Candy rushed between the stations, speaking with her customers, making sure there wasn’t some detail she’d missed. All in all, the women seemed pleased. As the women paid, her receptionist gently tried to see if they wanted to book another appointment. The fact that more did really boosted Candy’s confidence that this spa would be a success.

  Added to the fact that she could get discounted prices at Donna’s supply store, and Candy knew moving here had been right on so many levels.

  When the last woman left, Candy locked up and hurried home. Tomorrow she’d worry about entering the data into QuickBooks.

  She took the elevator to the top floor, jumped in the shower and quickly washed. There was no time to wash and set her hair. A ponytail was about all she could do for tonight.

  Mandy hated formal affairs, so Candy dressed in her jeans, a tight long-sleeved top and a thick sweater, one she could keep on or take off depending on the temperature.

  After a quick application of blush, eyeliner and lip gloss, she rushed downstairs. She knocked and entered. Both men were standing at the kitchen counter.

  “Oh, thank goodness. We were beginning to worry. We drove your mom over to Mandy’s half an hour ago.”

  She laughed. “Now that John’s in jail, it’s all good. Would you like me to text you next time I leave the spa?”

  They looked at each other as if she was being serious. “That would be great, sugar.”

  Okay, then. “I can do that for you.”

  Blade held out his arm. “Ready?”

  Daniel drove. She rode shotgun and Blade sat in the back.

  “Tell us everything,” Daniel said.

  They’d both stayed until the opening ended. “All of the customers were happy, but then something amazing happened. You’ll never guess who showed up.”

  Daniel glanced over at her. “Who?”

  “Donna Newerth.” She told her about Donna buying Creighton’s store, the closing of her spa except on specific days and then giving her a huge discount on supplies. “I didn’t want to sign on the dotted line until I’d spoken to you.”

  Blade placed a hand on her shoulder. “I, for one, think it sounds great.”

  Daniel smiled. “Me, too.”

  Yes! “I’ll call Donna tomorrow.”

  Blade leaned over the seat and placed his folded arms over the back. “I’m thinking you need a new car, one that can fit all three of us in the front seat. These bucket seats aren’t working for me.”

  Daniel chuckled. “You mean like a big bench seat truck?”

  “Yeah. If you didn’t want one, perhaps I’ll buy Candy a nice car that would seat all of us.”

  She turned around. “I like my little car.” Though one that would accommodate all of them would be nice.

  Once they arrived at Mandy’s place, Daniel parked under the porte cochere. Blade jumped out and opened her door before she’d even taken off her seatbelt.

  Once inside, Lisa and Beth jumped up and greeted her again, wanting to know all about opening day.

  “Ladies,” Mandy said. “Let’s open the champagne first. Then Candy can tell all.”

  Vince shooed his wife away, unwrapped the foil from the bottle, as well as removing the wire, and popped the cork. It flew across the room and the bubbles overflowed the sides. “Oh, shit.”

  Mandy rushed over with a towel and wiped up the mess. Once the laughter and good cheer subsided, Vince poured everyone a glass. He held his up. “To Candy. May her spa be the hit of the town.”

  They all touched glasses and drank.

  “Tell us who came and how did it go?”

  Candy slipped next to her mom. She thought Blade and Daniel would sit down, but they remained standing.

  Blade stepped forward. “Before Candy launches into her wonderful adventure, Daniel and I have decided that we want to keep the tradition going.”

  She had no idea what he was talking about. Both men dropped to their knees and her pulse shot skyward. This couldn’t be happening. She held her breath, waiting for some tragedy to befall her.

  Blade pulled a small box out of his pocket. “Just like Vince and Cam before us, we wanted all who you hold dear to share this momentous event with you.”

  Her breath caught as her gaze latched on to the box in his hand. He opened it to expose the most beautiful ring she’d ever seen. Two sapphires bordered a beautifully cut diamond. “I’m speechless.” Her mom reached up, squeezed her hand, then let go.

  Both men grinned. They each clasped one hand. Daniel cleared his throat. “Would you, Candace Jackson, honor us to be our wife?”

  Her heart nearly burst. She had to run her tongue over her lips to wet them. “I do?”

  The girls laughed, but the men remained serious.

  “Aren’t you sure, sugar?”

  She hadn’t meant to be evasive. “Yes, yes, and yes!”

  The men stood. Both pulled her to a stand, wrapped their arms around her and gave her the best hug in the world. Nothing could ever feel better.

  They stepped back. “Go ahead and try it on.”

  She slipped in on her finger. It fit perfectly. She wiggled it around and her friends gushed.

  Her mom wiped the tears from her eyes. “I never thought I’d live to see my little girl engaged. You seem so happy.”

  “I am, Mom. I most surely am.” She sighed, happier than she’d ever thought possible.

  Instantly, the chatter sprung up and her friends crowded around. Words like honeymoon, living arrangements, along with an offer to plan the wedding sprang up. Tears welled in her eyes and joy filled her. Going to Intrigue had been the best decision of her life.




  Unlike most other authors, I started writing late in life. Writing stories in high school and college was not for me. Only after I graduated did I fall in love with romance novels. For the next twenty years, I read voraciously. It got to a point where my book-buying habits cost as much as my groceries. At that point, my husband suggested I write a book. Hey, it looked easy, right? All the stories started in the same spot (hero and heroine at odds) and ended the same way (happily ever after). Only it was anything but easy. Eleven years and fifteen completed romantic suspenses later, I finally published. I never would have gotten that far had it not been for two local chapters whose generous members shared their amazing wealth of knowledge.

  For all titles by Melody Snow Monroe, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.



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