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A Naughty Little Christmas (Cowboys, Cops, and Kilts: 8 Seasonally Seductive Romances from Bestselling Authors)

Page 7

by Randi Alexander

  “I don’t think so.” Dallas squeezed her shoulder. “He’s spent so many years avoiding any emotional connection, that when he found someone he really connected with…” He shrugged. “It just came natural to him to push you away.”

  She dropped her head. “The way he did it, though.” She sucked in a breath, promising herself she wouldn’t cry.

  Jayden touched her arm. “You want me to beat him up for you?”

  Dallas laughed. “I’ll help.”

  She smiled. “Thanks, no. But I appreciate the offer.”

  Kira rubbed her stomach. “I’m hungry.” She looked at the cowboys. “You guys eat yet?”

  “Nope.” Jayden motioned for the bartender. “You woke us up when you called.”

  Kira snorted. “No buckle bunnies sleeping next to you?”

  “Nope.” Dallas echoed Jayden. “We were good boys last night…or this morning. After we walked you to your room, we went right to ours and climbed in our beds.”

  Kira narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

  Was there something happening between the two of them?

  Jayden asked for menus and they all ordered breakfast. They sat at the bar and ate, the cowboys washing it down with beer, and Kira and her sipping on margaritas.

  It all seemed so normal. As if her heart hadn’t been dropkicked across the Vegas strip. She just needed to get through the next twenty-four hours until their flight left for home. “Merry Christmas, guys.” Gieselle held up her drink.

  “Happy birthday, Gigi.” Dallas tapped her glass, Jayden and Kira followed suit.

  “Okay, men, let’s go.” Kira jumped to her feet and slung her purse over her shoulder.

  Jayden looked at her. “We can’t leave Gigi.”

  Kira jerked her head to the left.

  Gieselle turned to look but Kira grabbed her arm. “You stay here and behave. Promise?”

  “You’re leaving me? I thought you were my friend.” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re fired.”

  Kira laughed. “You’ll re-hire me. You always do.” She winked.

  She didn’t blame them for taking off without her. She was a pathetic lump of depression. “You all have fun.”

  They tossed money onto the bar and left.

  She should just go back to her room and sulk alone. It’d be less expensive than soaking herself in tequila. Going from a rich woman back to barely making it again, would take some getting used to.

  “Do you have any special drinks for idiots?” A male voice came from her right. Her male.

  She swung her head. There he stood, in a light colored cotton shirt, the sleeves rolled up on his muscled forearms. A tan cowboy hat, and his jeans and boots.

  Don grinned at him and looked at Gieselle. “Sure do. Arsenic okay?”

  “Yep. With a longneck to wash it down.” He gestured toward her. “And whatever the smart, lovely lady’s having, give her a double.”

  Gieselle sighed. Her heart thumped and the ache that had cramped her chest all morning doubled in intensity. “I’ll pass on that right now, Don.”

  Boone walked over to her, his body so tense, she barely recognized the normally cocky cowboy. He stood beside her. “Can I sit?”

  She’d rather walk away, but facing this head on would speed her healing process. She gestured. “Sure.”

  Don brought the beer and cleared away the leftovers from the other three.

  “Could we have a few minutes alone?” Boone jerked his head toward the door.

  Don grimaced. “I’m not allowed to—”

  “Hear that?” Boone pulled a wad of cash from his breast pocket, peeled off a fifty, and slid it across the bar. “Your Uncle Ulysses is looking for you.”

  Grinning at Boone’s reference to the president on the bill, he picked it up. “I can hear him calling me.” He left the bar.

  “Listen.” Boone faced her, his elbows on his thighs, leaning close. “I got scared. I panicked.”

  She swiveled toward him, nodding. “I was scared, too, but I was willing to give it a try.”

  “You’re braver than I am. You see things through the vision of a woman with a graduate degree and a big future.” He tipped back his hat. “I’m a high school grad. I know nothing but rodeoing. If this idea of a rodeo school doesn’t work out for me, I’m done. I got nothin’.”

  “I understand. Your commitment to pursuing your dream comes first.” She was just a lucky pickup for him, and he was here to apologize before he went on with his life.

  “It did.” He put his hand on hers on her thigh. “Until I met you.”

  His touch felt too good. Knowing it was the last one she’d ever experience from him, she savored it for a second before swiveling to face the bar. “I wish I could believe that.” She stared at the colorful bottles lined up. How many drinks would it take before the pain eased?

  His hand dropped. “I want to try again. I want to make this work.”

  “Boone, let’s not make promises we’ll regret. You sent those texts to Dallas.” She narrowed her gaze on him. “Can you imagine how disposable that made me feel?”

  He lifted his hands, palms up, then let them drop. “Even while I was doing it, I knew it was wrong. I just…” He blinked slowly, his eyes tortured. “I didn’t want Dallas to know how I really felt.”

  “I don’t think you know how you feel, but your actions speak for you.” Her hand fisted. She’d love to knock some sense into him. “You intentionally…” She’d been about to say “broke my heart,” but that would reveal too much, give him too much power over her. She softened her voice. “You intentionally let me walk out of your life. Forever.”

  He nodded and swallowed. “A mistake I regret, and wish I could take back.”

  “But, that was what your common sense told you to do.” Her mouth went dry. “Which means it was the right thing to do. I can see that now.”

  “No, it wasn’t.” He reached for her but when she flinched away, he dropped his hand.

  “You told me there was nothing there.” She locked gazes with him and fought to keep her emotions bottled. “That I was imagining this thing between us.” Gigi tipped her head. “Could I be so foolish, so naïve that I just dreamed it up?”

  “No, baby, you know I—”

  “Boone.” She gripped the bar. “Don’t.” Her chest tightened. “Don’t call me that. You lost the right.”

  He mumbled his own name, followed by what sounded like curses. “You didn’t imagine anything, Gigi.” His eyes glowed with intensity. “It’s there.” He touched the spot over his heart. “It may even be here. All I know is that we’re meant to be together.”

  She couldn’t let herself slide back into his life. Not with damage to her soul being so likely. “Three hours ago, you said something completely different.” Gigi made a face. “Why would I believe what you’re saying now?”

  He took her hands.

  She tried to pull back, but he stood and held tight.

  “I’ve been so goddamn careful to stick to the path I mapped. First, rodeo until I have enough to start a school. Then make it profitable for the long term. Then build a house, find a woman, and settle down.” He shook his head. “Hell, I even have this written down and taped to the mirror in my bathroom.”

  His sincerity chipped a crack in her defenses. His touch warmed her, defrosting a corner of her anger. She should pull back. She should run or he might break through the shield she’d erected around her heart.

  Boone’s gaze caught hers and locked on. “Wait, let me finish.” His thumbs traced softly on her palms. “I was so focused on the things I need to do right now, I missed seeing how having you with me would make everything so much better.” He hauled in a long breath and puffed it out. The emotion in his eyes shook her, made her nearly desperate for his next words.

  “And I missed seeing…” His hands gripped hers tightly. “…that without you, the rodeo, the school, the ranch; they just don’t mean a damn thing.”

  Gigi closed her eyes and sw
ayed with the powerful words. So much stronger than the harsh words he’d used earlier, his admission set hope racing through her like wild mustangs across a prairie. Looking into his beautiful blue eyes, she searched for any hint of evasiveness. She saw only soul-deep sincerity.

  She had to be honest. “I wish I could believe as easily as I want to. But the scars are still there, Boone. It might take some time for me to be able to trust again.”

  He brushed his fingers along her cheek. “I understand.” His jaw tightened. “If I could go back…” He looked away with a mumbled curse. His gaze flew back to hers, his eyes bright in the soft lighting. “I have never in my life felt this way.” He didn’t move for long moments, just stared at her. “Not about anything. Not about anyone.”

  Those scars she’d been hiding behind started to melt away. “It feels…amazing to hear you say that.”

  “But?” Wrinkles formed between his brows.

  “But, I want to make sure this time.” She smiled, proud of herself for not admitting her deep feelings for him, or for throwing herself into his arms and begging him to carry her to their suite. She would approach this with more reserve, now. No more muzzy blur of infatuation. Eyes wide open. “We’ve known each other for less than a day. Let’s give it a little more time before we decide anything.”

  His face unreadable, Boone stared at her. “You’re kinda smart, aren’t you.”

  She blinked.

  His lip twitched in a partial smile.

  “Yes.” She grinned. “I’m very wise.” Warmth spread through her chest. She had another day—another chance—with her cowboy.

  “Okay. Let’s start over from this morning, before the texts, and before I let you get away from me.”

  She held out her hand. “Agreed.”

  He took her fingers in his hand and lifted them to his lips for a slow, warm kiss. “You’re amazing, Gigi.” He released her hand.

  She touched his cheek. “And you’re irresistible, cowboy.”

  He chuckled and kissed her palm, took her hand and held it. With his free hand, he reached into his chest pocket and pulled out the watch.

  Searching his eyes for his reaction, she held her breath.

  He clutched it in his hand, his head tipped down. “This is probably the nicest gift I’ve ever been given.” He looked at her. “Thank you. It means a lot that you went through all the trouble…for me.”

  She squeezed his hand. “You’re welcome. It was a lot of fun pulling it together.”

  He dropped his head. “And I messed it up.” Shaking his head, he opened the watch and looked at the picture. “I hope I can make it up to you.” He closed the watch and slid it back into his pocket.

  A lump formed in her throat. His sincerity did so much to heal her wounds. “You can.” She winked. “I saw a little ornament in the gift shop that you can buy me. We can hang it on our tree.”

  He nodded. “Our tree. Sounds nice.” He reached into his back pocket and pulled out an envelope. “First, I have something for you.” He sat and handed it to her.

  She took it, watching his face.

  His expression gave nothing away.

  Inside were six personal checks from Boone’s account. She stared at his heavy cursive and distinctive signature. Her mouth dropped open. Each check was made out to her, each for thirteen thousand dollars.

  “The casino manager helped me find a tax accountant who figured this out.”

  Her brows rose. “Really? On Christmas Day?”

  “This is Vegas. Anything’s possible.”

  She scanned through the checks again, calculating the total. “Wow.” This was nearly unbelievable. “Why six checks?”

  He took a breath. “Since I’m from Nevada, I don’t pay state income tax. We figured out how much federal tax I’ll have to pay on the winnings.”

  “Okay.” She wished she were a little less emotionally drained.

  “If you deposit those checks into separate accounts, you should be safe from paying any more taxes. The amount of each one is under the maximum gift tax exclusion.”

  She smiled. “You know about all this?”

  “Just learned today.” He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “Since the tax debt will be fully paid on the money, I don’t feel that we’re doing anything to avoid paying our fair share.”

  She sobered. That had to be a difficult decision for him. “No, you’re right. But what if you do your taxes and realize you’ve overpaid me?”

  He grinned. “Can I contact you?”

  She smiled. “I’d like that.” She slid the envelope into her purse. “Thank you. This is unexpected. I love all the effort you went through to do this.”

  “You’re welcome.” His eyes held an emotion that made her breath catch. He looked away. “Just don’t try to deposit those checks until I can get the casino’s check into my bank account tomorrow.”

  She patted her purse. “I’m not heading home until tomorrow afternoon.”

  A look of worry crossed his face.


  “I don’t want to think about that.” A chill raced through Boone. He’d just got her back, and he wasn’t ready to let her go. “Can we spend the rest of your birthday together?” He swallowed. “In our suite?”

  She slung her purse strap over her shoulder as a sweet expression filled her eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.” Her voice was breathy.

  He left cash on the bar and they strolled through the casino. Her little hand in his felt too right. He’d missed this during the few hours they were apart.

  In their suite, he took off his hat, kicked off his boots, and waited for her to set the pace.

  She set down her purse and hung the little gold-plated slot machine ornament on their tree. Turning toward him, she held out her hand.

  Boone took it, watching the tree lights reflect in her eyes.

  “Bedroom?” Her sweet smile nearly broke his heart.

  “Yeah, bedroom.” He let her lead him in.

  Housekeeping had been in and the bed was made.

  Pulling her close, he ran his hands up under her shirt, caressing her back. “I missed you.”

  Her eyes closed for a second. “I missed you, too.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Kiss me.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t have to tell this cowboy more than once.” He pressed his lips on her soft, warm mouth, breathing in the essence of her.

  She sighed, and he inhaled her breath. His tongue did a slow trace on her lips before easing inside her mouth.

  She lapped at his tongue, building heat between them.

  Her excitement drew on his, and heat flowed to his groin, hardening his shaft.

  She slowed her manic kiss and stepped back. “I would like a birthday gift from you.”

  He blinked. Demanding? Hell yeah! “Anything, Gigi.” And he meant anything.

  “I want you inside me. Right now.”

  An earthquake of lust shook him. “As you wish, ma’am.” He tugged her shirt up and off her, unfastened her bra, sliding the straps down her arms, and bent to kiss her nipple.

  “Oh, Boone.” She sighed the words as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  He suckled her other breast, the taste rocking him, raising a desperation he’d never known. Kneeling at her feet, he unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and slid them down her curvy hips. “No underwear?”

  A little laugh escaped her. “I couldn’t find them this morning when I was stomping around yelling at you.”

  He kissed her belly. He had her underwear in his pocket. He might give them back. Someday. “You were magnificent, Gigi.” He glanced up at her. “A mix of anger and heartbreak that nearly paralyzed me.”

  “Cowboy.” She brushed a wild lock of hair from his forehead. “I’m glad it all happened the way it did.”

  “You are?” After all she’d endured, how could she be glad?

  “If I hadn’t lost you…” She sucked in a breath. “I wouldn’t have realized how much you mean to m

  “Aw, Gigi.” He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his cheek into her stomach. If his heart had any pull over his brain, he’d never let her go again. He tugged her jeans off her and coaxed her to part her legs.

  Her scent filled his nostrils and he needed a taste. He bent and lapped her pink pussy lips, sucking them into his mouth.

  “Ahh.” Her nails dug into his shoulders.

  He loved it. Kissing her mound, he nipped at her, finally finding her clit and sucking. The base of his spine tightened, radiating vibrations up his backbone to his brain.

  “No.” She breathed. “Can’t come yet.” Her body tensed. “I want you inside me.”

  Backing off was the hardest thing he’d ever done. “Anything you want.”

  He stood and tugged the front of his shirt, his gaze locked with hers. The snaps popped open and he slid it off. Unfastening his belt, he silently thanked the bulls that let him win the huge buckle that brought Gigi and him together.

  With a grin, he dropped his jeans and boxers, pulled off his socks, and stepped out of the pile of clothes.

  She lay back on the bed. “What’s the smile for?”

  He grabbed a condom and slid it on. “The way we met.”

  She lifted her arms to him.

  He’d never seen anything as beautiful. His chest ached for this. He lay on top of her, his weight on his elbows. “Like all the forces of karma coming together.”

  Gigi kissed him. “I believe in karma, too.” She reached between their bodies and grasped his cock, guiding it to her wet pussy.

  He had one overwhelming thought as he slid his erection into her tight slit. This was where he belonged.

  Chapter Eight

  Gieselle’s mind blanked in and out in odd rhythms as Boone slid his hot shaft into her core. Her whole belly heated as he filled her, and her insides shifted to accommodate his length and width.

  When he’d entered fully, she spread her legs farther and he pushed inside another incredible inch. “Boone.” She rolled her head from side to side as tiny red lights blinked behind her eyelids.

  “Gigi.” He pulled out and pulsed back in again, his hips quivering as he fought for each additional centimeter. “So tight and hot.”


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