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A Naughty Little Christmas (Cowboys, Cops, and Kilts: 8 Seasonally Seductive Romances from Bestselling Authors)

Page 57

by Randi Alexander

  “What’d you do?” Genevieve asked Lyndsay with a smile. “Have a little too much to drink and let it slip?”

  Lyndsay glanced at Monica. “Not exactly.”

  Monica let out a sigh. “Should I tell them about the dirty, little trick you played on me?”

  “Go ahead,” Lyndsay said with a smile. “They’ll all agree I did it for your own good.”

  Monica made a face. “Why don’t we let them decide that?” she said. “It all started out when Lyndsay and I went shopping one afternoon…”

  * * * * *

  “Come on, Monica,” Lyndsay urged. “Let’s just go in and see what they have.”

  Monica hesitated. She and Lyndsay had come to University Village to get a head start on their Christmas shopping, and despite their pact that they weren’t going to buy anything for themselves while they were there, her friend wanted to go into one of the more exclusive boutiques and look around. Eyeing the beautiful cocktail dresses the mannequins in the store window wore, Monica had to admit she was tempted. But she forced herself to shake her head.

  “We don’t have time,” she told her friend. “Besides, we didn’t come here to shop for ourselves.”

  “Just a quick look,” Lyndsay begged. “I can only stare at men’s cargo pants for so long before I start going cross-eyed. And anyway, it’ll just take a few minutes. Come on.”

  Shaking her head, Monica followed the other woman into the store. They’d take a quick look, then leave. They still had a crazy amount of shopping to do.

  But the minute they stepped foot inside the boutique, that thought went out the window. She had a hard time saying no to clothes as it was, and this particular store had some really great stuff. It didn’t help that Lyndsay wanted to try on some of the stuff.

  “Aren’t you going to try on the cocktail dress you were looking at?” Lyndsay asked.

  Monica gave the dress in question a wistful look as she shook her head. “I’d better not. If I do, I’ll end up wanting to buy it, and I’m trying to be good.”

  The other girl frowned. “There’s no harm in trying it on.”

  Lyndsay did have a point. Monica’s gaze went longingly to the dress again. It wouldn’t hurt to try it on, she supposed. Grinning, she grabbed it from the rack and followed her friend into the dressing room.

  Tossing her shoulder bag on the chair, Monica quickly wiggled out of her jeans and T-shirt, then slipped into the dress. Sapphire blue and made of a silky chiffon, it left her arms bare and dipped low in the back, accentuating her curves and showing a sexy amount of skin. Monica couldn’t help but smile. It was perfect.

  “How does it look?” Lyndsay called from the other dressing room.

  “It’s beautiful.”

  Monica heard the other girl open the door of the adjoining dressing room. “Let me see.”

  Giving her reflection another look in the mirror, Monica opened the door of the dressing room wide so her friend could see. Lyndsay had changed into the skirt she’d brought in to try on, and Monica had to admit it looked great on her friend. The other girl nodded approvingly at Monica, a huge smile on her face.

  “That dress looks absolutely gorgeous on you. You have to buy it.”

  Monica chewed on her lip, hesitating. “I don’t know. It’s really expensive.”

  Lyndsay’s brow furrowed. “But it’s on sale, right?”

  “Well yeah, but even on sale, it’s four-hundred-and-twenty-five dollars. And that’s with a hundred-and-fifty dollars off. There’s no way I can buy it.”

  “Why not?” Lyndsay asked. “You can afford it, right?”

  Monica sighed. She and her husband made good money, that was true, but spending five-hundred dollars on a dress was crazy. Turning away from her friend, she looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the opposite wall.

  “Cole and I agreed neither of us would buy anything really expensive without talking to the other first. We’re trying to get bills paid off.”

  Lyndsay studied Monica’s reflection. “But Cole will think you look gorgeous in it. And it’d be perfect for the Christmas party that his office puts on.”

  Monica hadn’t even thought of that. Her friend was right. The dress would be perfect for the party. It was still a lot of money, though. “I don’t know…”

  “You have to buy it,” Lyndsay insisted. “That dress looks like it was made for you. It would be a crime not to get it.”

  The salesgirl walking by stopped in her tracks. “I agree. That looks fabulous on you.”

  Lyndsay smiled. “I told you. You have to get it.”

  Monica took one more look in the mirror before she finally nodded. “Okay.”

  Of course, because of the way the dress was made, she couldn’t wear a regular bra—or even a strapless one for that matter—so it was over to the lingerie store next, where she picked up a very expensive invisible-shaping bra. At Lyndsay’s urging, she also got a new pair of high-heeled shoes and a matching evening bag to go with the dress, too, which put the grand total close to eight-hundred dollars.

  “Cole is going to have a fit if he finds out how much I spent,” she said as they left the shoe store.

  Lyndsay waved of her hand. “Don’t worry about it. He’ll never know.”

  Monica chewed on her lower lip. Cole was playing golf with Lyndsay’s husband that afternoon. If she was lucky, she could get back to their house and have everything put away before he even got home. And if he asked about the dress when she wore it to the party, she could say she’d had for years. He didn’t know what was in her side of the walk-in closet anyway.

  But when she and Lyndsay got back to her house, both men were already in the living room.

  “Hey, honey!” Grinning, Cole got to his feet and walked over to give her a kiss. “Did you get your Christmas shopping done?”

  “Most of it,” she said. “Let me go put this stuff upstairs. I’ll be right down.”

  “You should model that new dress you bought,” Lyndsay said as she started for the steps.

  Monica whirled around to look at her friend. What part of the conversation they’d had about not telling Cole didn’t Lyndsay understand?

  “Go out it on,” Cole said. “I’d love to see it.”

  Monica tried to come up with why she couldn’t try it on right then, but she was drawing a blank. Shooting Lyndsay a glare, Monica turned to head upstairs.

  “And don’t forget the shoes,” Lyndsay reminded her. “They’re a perfect match.”

  Monica’s grip on the shopping bags tightened. Furious, she stomped up the stairs to go change.

  When Monica went back downstairs wearing sexy new dress and high-heels ten minutes later, Cole let out a low whistle of approval. Getting to his feet, he walked over to her.

  “You look gorgeous,” he told her, his dark eyes smoldering as he admired the way the dress showed off her curves.

  “Doesn’t she?” Lyndsay agreed. “And she got a great deal on it.”

  Monica gave her friend a pointed look, silently trying to remind her to keep quiet about how much she’d spent.

  “I mean, it was still way more than I’d want to spend on a dress, but once she tried it on, she couldn’t resist,” Lyndsay said. “And it does look great on her.”

  Cole nodded in agreement. “It does. So, how much was it?”

  “Not that much, really,” Monica answered quickly. “Just a hundred-and-fifty.”

  At the amount she’d named, Cole looked visibly relieved, and Monica felt herself relax. She hated lying to her husband, but she disliked the thought of getting into an argument with him in front of their friends even more.

  “A hundred-and-fifty off the regular price, you mean,” Lyndsay added. “Which is a good deal, I admit, but four-hundred-and-twenty-five dollars still seems like a lot to me.”

  Monica gasped. She couldn’t believe her friend had ratted her out.

  Beside her, Cole folded his arms across his chest and gave her a scowl. “You spent fou
r-hundred-and-twenty-five dollars?” he demanded.

  “And that’s not counting the shoes and matching handbag," Lyndsay pointed out. “I told her not to spend so much, but she wouldn’t listen. She said you’d never know how much it cost anyway.”

  Monica stared at her friend in shock. What the heck was Lyndsay trying to do? She was already going to be in trouble with Cole. Did the other woman have to make it worse?

  “Honey, it wasn’t like that….”she began, but he silenced her with a look.

  “Really?” he said. “Then what was it like?”

  Monica opened her mouth, then closed it again.

  Beside Lyndsay, Ryan shrugged. “It’s just like I was saying on the golf course, dude. Your wife needs a spanking.”

  “I agree,” Lyndsay said. “Not only did she spend a fortune on that dress, but she lied to you about how much it cost. If that doesn’t deserve a spanking, I don’t know what does.”

  Monica’s eyes went wide. A spanking? Were they for real? And why the heck was Cole nodding in agreement?

  “Maybe you’re right,” her husband said, his jaw tight. “I thought the idea was crazy when you brought it up before, but now I think that maybe a spanking is exactly what she needs.”

  Monica took a step back, but Cole had already taken her arm and was leading her over to the loveseat. He couldn’t be serious about giving her a spanking. She was a grown woman, for heaven’s sake.

  “Honey...” she began.

  But Cole ignored her. Instead, he took a seat on the couch, and before she knew what he was doing, he’d put her over his knee.

  “Cole, wait!” She craned her neck to look at him over her shoulder. “You can’t…”

  That was all she could get out before his hand came down on her upturned bottom.


  Her husband smacked her ass again, this time on her other cheek, and Monica let out another yelp.

  “Okay,” she said even as he brought his hand down again. “You’ve made your point, Cole. You can let me up now.”

  On the other side of the room, Lyndsay laughed. “He’s just getting started.”

  Monica’s face turned red. Crap. She’d almost forgotten about Lyndsay and Ryan. Getting spanked was embarrassing enough, but getting spanked in front of her friends was absolutely mortifying/ Thank goodness her long hair was hanging down to hide her blushes.

  “Lyndsay’s right,” Cole said, administering another resounding smack to her derriere. “I intend to make sure you remember this spanking the next time you want to spend five-hundred dollars on a dress.”

  “But it was Lyndsay’s fault!” Monica protested. “She was the one who convinced me to buy it. If anyone should be getting spanked, it should be her.”

  Cole’s hand connected with her ass cheeks again. “Blaming your friend for something you did isn’t going to help your cause, babe.”

  “But…” she started, but all that came out was another squeal as he spanked her again.

  His hand came down over and over, first on one cheek, then the other until her entire bottom was burning. It felt as if her poor ass was on fire.

  And that wasn’t the only part of her anatomy. At first, it was just a tingling between her legs, but then she realized her pussy was actually starting to get wet. How could she possibly get turned on by getting spanked? Especially in front of her friends!

  “Now that she’s warmed up, you might want to spank her with this,” Lyndsay said.

  Monica desperately wanted to know what her friend was up to, but she was too embarrassed to look.

  “Though a hairbrush is definitely more effective when you use it on a bare bottom,” Lyndsay said.

  Hairbrush? Monica didn’t know what made her more nervous. The thought of her husband using one on her bare bottom, or the fact that he was going to do it in front of their friends.

  “And since you might want some privacy for that,” Lyndsay added. “Ryan and I will leave you two alone.”

  Monica let out a sigh of relief as she heard the other couple leave. Now, if she could just convince her husband she’d learned her lesson and didn’t need to be spanked with the hairbrush. But Cole was already pushing up her skirt…

  * * * * *

  Hayley almost choked on her eggnog. “He spanked you with a hairbrush?”

  Monica nodded. “It stung like crazy, too. Though Cole didn’t give me that many spanks with it. He was as aroused by the spanking as I was. I don’t think Lyndsay and Ryan had even backed out of the driveway before he tossed the hairbrush on the coffee table and had my dress off.” She grinned. “Cole and I haven’t had sex that hot since our honeymoon. It’s like we were newlyweds again.”

  Hayley couldn’t help being envious. While she and Conn had a great sex life, she wouldn’t mind spicing it up a bit. But could she ever be brave enough to hand him a hairbrush and ask him to spank her with it?


  Not able to answer that question yet, Hayley turned her attention back to Monica. “Wasn’t it embarrassing to get spanked in front of Lyndsay and Ryan, though?”

  “In the beginning it was, but before long I was concentrating so much on the spanking I didn’t even notice them.” Monica grinned. “Lyndsay took great pleasure in telling me afterward about how red my bottom had gotten from the spanking. But I was able to get her back when Ryan invited us over the next weekend so we could watch him spank her for the devious way she orchestrated the whole thing.”

  “Good.” Genevieve said. “You totally deserved it, Lyndsay. I can’t believe you set up Monica like that. You had no way of knowing she’d like it.”

  I know Monica pretty well. I was sure she’d like getting spanked. But I knew she’d never ask Cole to do it, so I took matters into my own hands.”

  “I’m glad she did it,” Monica put in. “I mean, at the time, I was absolutely shocked by the idea. But after the spark spanking has added to our love life, I’m grateful to her.”

  Genevieve still didn’t look convinced. “Well, I would never do something like that.” She looked at Lyndsay. “I hope Ryan gave you a hard spanking for being so sneaky.”

  Hayley was surprised Genevieve was so upset. She’d have thought a devious plan like that would be right up her alley. Hayley certainly wouldn’t mind if one of her friends did the same for her. Of course, she’d never admit it. But it would certainly solve the problem of figuring out how to tell Conner she wanted to be spanked.

  Lyndsay smiled. “Oh, don’t worry, he did. He felt I had a serious spanking coming to me for my actions. I think even Monica was surprised when he pulled out the paddle and used it on me.”

  “But you’d more than earned it,” Monica said.

  Hayley had been intrigued when Monica talked about getting spanked with a hairbrush, but she was even more fascinated with the notion of a paddle.

  She twirled her hair around her finger as she regarded Monica. “So, have you ever gotten spanked in front of Lyndsay and Ryan again?”

  “A couple of times.” She blushed. “You’re probably going to think this is a little kinky, but I’ve discovered I have a little bit of an exhibitionist streak in me. I really like getting spanked in front of other people. Cole and I are even thinking of going to a spanking party sometime.”

  Hayley’s eyes went wide at that. “A spanking party?”

  Monica nodded. “I’ve been chatting with a few people online about them and they sound like fun.”

  Hayley shook her head. She really needed to get out more. “I don’t know how you could go to a spanking party. I can’t even figure out how to bring up the subject to Conn.”

  “Why don’t you just tell him?” Genevieve suggested, sipping her wine.

  Hayley’s face colored. “I could never come out and ask him to spank me.”

  “Then be more subtle about it,” Jill said. “Haven’t you ever manipulated a situation to get Connor to do something you wanted?”

  “Well, yeah,” Hayley conceded. “Bu
t this is a little more complicated than talking Conn into seeing the movie I want to see. How on earth am I supposed to trick him into spanking me?”

  Jill’s lips curved into a smile. “There are a lot of different ways to do it. You just have to know how to push your guy’s buttons. That’s how I got my first spanking.”

  Across the room, Genevieve’s eyebrows rose. “Oh, this I have to hear, you being the good girl that you are.”

  The blonde girl laughed. “I don’t know where you all got the idea that I’m such a goody-goody. I can be just as naughty as any of you.”

  “But you’ve always seemed so…” Genevieve paused, searching for the right word. “Goal-oriented.”

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have fun,” Jill said. “It just means I go after what I want. When I wanted Philip, I went after him. And when I wanted him to spank me, I went after that with just as much determination.”

  “Well, don’t just leave us hanging,” Genevieve said when Jill didn’t continue. “Tell us what you did to get one.”

  Jill grinned. “Well, I first heard about spanking in college. My roommate and I were talking about guys and sex, and she admitted she and her boyfriend had tried spanking, and that she loved it. I was fascinated by the idea, but I wasn’t going out with anyone I wanted to try it with. It wasn’t until I met Philip that I found a guy I felt comfortable enough with to let him spank me. I dropped tons of hints, but Philip never caught on. So, after we moved in together, I finally decided I had to take drastic measures. If Philip wasn’t going to spank me on his own, I was going to have to give him a reason to do it. And that’s exactly what I did…”

  * * * * *

  Jill picked up the sports section of the newspaper and scanned the article on that weekend’s college football games. In all honesty, she couldn’t care less about sports, but when she’d heard on the radio that Stanford and USC were going to be playing that weekend, she’d gotten an idea. According to the paper, USC was expected to win the game. She’d been looking for a way to get her boyfriend to spank her, and this game just might do the trick.


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