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Hope For More (Trinity Book 3)

Page 14

by Devin Fontaine

  Grady worked with Dante for decades, and his brother Sam with Davin equally as long. Why had he never heard of this other brother?

  “Aye. I do have one more brother,” Grady admitted. His cheeks pinked and he lowered his gaze. “He has been living overseas until recently.”

  Dante suspected this was not the full story. “And?”

  Grady huffed. “Our whole family lives on the other side of the country. Sam and I are the only ones in Eastlake Falls.”

  “I didn’t know that.” Dante leaned back in his leather office chair and let the information sink in. Once processed, he folded his hands on his desk and stared at Grady. “I guess I assumed you were born in the city and had no other family to speak of, save Sam. I must needs say, Grady, I’m a bit hurt you didn’t tell me.”

  “My apologies.” Grady wrung his hands. He did look particularly sorry. “When Sam and I left, we had a bit of a falling out with the rest of the family. It was easier to pretend I had no family. Anyway,” he peered up at Dante. “Sam is my family. You’re my family. We have many friends who are also family.”

  “It’s fine.” Dante waved a hand. “I won’t make you tell me why you left, but if you want to, you know I won’t judge or think differently.”

  “I know,” he whispered.

  “This brother, he’s in the city?”

  “Aye. I received a call from him the week last. I know not why he’s here, as I have yet to see him, just a brief phone call.”

  “Well, have your brother come by tomorrow if that’s satisfactory. Just put him on my schedule.” Dante made sure to keep his expression soft and kind.

  Grady perked up at his willingness to speak to his brother and his bright smile returned. “Thank you, Dante. I’ll do that.”

  The sitri scrambled to his feet and darted out of the office. Ten minutes later, Dante realized he never got around to reprimanding him for fucking yet another assistant. He cursed under his breath. Little shit got away with it again… for now.

  His cell phone rang, interrupting his pondering of the many different ways to punish the mischievous sitri. He checked the ID and frowned. Calvin, the manager at the flagship location of his Intrigue clubs.


  “Dante, there’s been an incident.”



  “I need you to come back to me, so you can tell me what you saw.”

  Tony crouched in front of the human female, trying to get her attention. She was so far zoned out he couldn’t even get her to blink when he waved a hand in her face. If he didn’t hear the quiet inhales and exhales, he’d have wondered if she were alive. And on top of everything, because the universe apparently hates him, the paralyzed female was Hope Hartley, the same girl attacked by a djinn several months back. Tony glanced over his shoulder toward the other side of the club. Lying on the floor was a dead human male, his body covered in gaping, bloody wounds. Thankfully, someone thought to cover his remains with a sheet, as there were several stunned humans present, several of whom were in tears.

  When the girl spoke, Tony’s attention snapped back to Hope.

  “I-I… a dog… oh God.” Hope shuddered and her eyes glazed over again. Despite mentally checking out, he must needs give Hope credit. Every other human female who witnessed the attack was currently sobbing and inconsolable. Aye, she wasn’t one hundred percent, but Hope held it together fairly well, considering the circumstances. It still pissed him off that poor Hope was present for yet another immortal committing a horrific crime.

  Son of a three-legged Hellhound.

  Tony patted Hope’s shoulder. “I’ll be back in a moment.” She nodded, the action wooden.

  With Joan working full-time on the case of the deceased immortals, Michael paired Tony up with Donovan, the enormous Angel of Protection who led the raid on the illegal human fighting compound. They fought together in the Great Battle and Tony knew Donovan to be a decent male, but working with him brought back a few memories. He remembered that Donovan was short tempered and a bit of a hothead. The traits are common in his type of angel, so he shouldn’t be surprised. Tony stood and Hope’s hand, smeared with the victim’s blood, darted out to clutch his wrist. After spending several minutes, unable to pull a reaction from her, the rapid movement surprised him. Hope sat at one of the pub tables, the top still littered with abandoned, half-filled drinks.

  “Are you coming back?” Her eyes were so wide, he could see white around her entire iris. The female was strong, both mentally and physically. More so than he’d believe possible for such a small, timid, human female. Her grip was firm and, although frightened, her stare appeared determined. Or mayhap it was pure fear and adrenaline that made her seem strong. Either way, Tony was impressed.


  It wasn’t fair. She had been through so much already. Apparently, after the victim was mauled, Hope attempted to perform CPR. When Tony answered the call and walked into the bar, he took one look at the male’s wounds and knew he was likely dead before she even reached his side. Deep puncture wounds and slashes across the throat and torso indicated the human bled out in seconds.

  Tony glanced around the club, searching for anyone who could sit with Hope whilst he spoke with his colleagues. She appeared to be holding it together for the moment, but he didn’t want to take a chance she’d fall to pieces without someone there for her. Ah, perfect. Head towering several inches above everyone else, Tony easily spotted, Asher, a fireman he knew from previous crime scenes. Asher was a Guardian Angel. He wore plainclothes, so Tony assumed Asher was here as a patron and not in an official capacity as a first responder.


  When the angel turned his way, Tony waved him over. Like Hope, Asher’s hands and shirt were covered in blood. It seemed he also attempted to save the human, which was unsurprising considering his angel type and profession. The closer Asher came, the larger he appeared. Fates, Tony forgot how big the male was. At least as big as Donovan. These protective type angels were no joke. Asher stopped at Tony’s side and intelligent, dark eyes darted back and forth between Hope and Tony.

  “Hey, Tony. What’s up?” He raised his dark brows and glanced at Hope again, his look questioning.

  Hope, who had her chin tucked into her chest, heard Asher and perked up. She tilted her head to stare way up at Asher. Tony covered his mouth to hide a smile. Asher Grant tended to have a certain effect on females. Not only was the burly firefighter, tall, dark and handsome, his Australian accent made him nearly irresistible to the fairer sex. He’d known Asher a long time through their work. They’d even hung out a few times and grabbed a beer with other cops and firemen. Tony observed Asher’s charm firsthand and it never failed. The second he spoke, females, and sometimes males, melted into puddles at his feet.

  “Asher, can you do me a favor and sit with Ms. Hartley? I must needs find Donovan and speak with the other witnesses. She’s a little… shaken.” Tony shot Hope a sideways glance so Ash would get the hint and tread carefully around the girl.

  “‘Course, mate. Not a problem. I’ll stay with the lovely lady. She and I bonded earlier as we were…” Tony held his breath and thanked the Fates Asher didn’t finish his sentence. No doubt their attempt at CPR would remind Hope of the dead human across the room. “You know what? Never mind. I’m thrilled to sit with you, beautiful.” He winked at Hope and Tony rolled his eyes. “I’m Asher.”

  Hope stared at Asher, all starry-eyed, and murmured her name.

  He gave her his panty-dropping smile and sat down next to Hope. Ash wasted no time and began to discuss trivial matters. Fates, he was good. Not three words into their conversation and Tony was able to pull his arm out of Hope’s iron grip.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said to Hope.

  “Thanks, Tony.” As she spoke, her eyes never left the hunky fireman. Tony was worried Hope would freak out at the sight of all the blood splattered on Asher’s clothes, but needn’t have worried. Hope never saw it as her
gaze remained firmly fixed on Asher’s face.

  Tony chuckled and searched for Donovan. It took a few minutes before he found him in the back office, verbally sparring with a furious, ranting and cursing Dante Vittorio.


  “Tony,” Donovan said when Tony entered the room, his tone hard as steel. Donovan gave him an exasperated look.

  Aye, Dante could do that to you.

  Dante heard his name and strode over, getting right in Tony’s personal space. His hands were curled into fists and his eyes blazed daemon blue. For a second, Tony thought he was going to have to arrest the half-daemon for assault.

  “Dante,” Tony said, a warning to think before he did something stupid.

  “What the fuck, Tony,” Dante hissed, fangs slurring his speech. “I am fucking tired of dealing with this bullshit at my businesses. One of my employees was attacked by a djinn. A djinn I know for certain was banished last week by my mate. Then one of my bouncers turned up dead at the same club. Since then, my mate has been threatened and immortals are dying. And now this? A motherfucking Hellhound crashes through a window and mauls a patron in my bar? Are you kidding me with this shit? Why is Michael allowing this shit to fester in his city? Why hasn’t he arrested the bastards who are obviously disregarding the law and taking over?”

  Tony held up his hands, fingers lightly curled into loose fists, ready to fight the daemon if necessary. “Dante—”

  Dante’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you dare patronize me with your lies and platitudes, saint.” He spat Tony’s classification as if it were an offensive slur.

  “If you could just calm down,” Donovan interjected, sidling up next to Tony. The angel held his own ham-sized fists at chest level and spread his legs in a defensive stance.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake.

  Donovan didn’t know Dante well at all if he thought he could threaten him into compliance. Intimidation was not the way to approach the half-daemon Son of Lust.

  Dante took one step to the side to go toe to toe with Donovan. His sharp gaze scanned the angel from head to toe. “Who the fuck are you to come to my business and tell me what to do and how to act? Are you challenging me?” Dante tilted his head and lifted his chin.

  “Lust, if you’d just—”

  “Fuck off, angel,” Dante barked. Before Donovan could say anything else that would set him off, Dante turned back to Tony and pointed, his lip curled in a sneer. “I want Michael down here, Tony. Now! No more lackeys, no more in-betweens. Michael. Now.”

  Donovan spoke, “Michael doesn’t—”

  Tony pushed a hand between Donovan and Dante to stop Donovan from putting his foot in his mouth again.

  “I’ll call him, Dante.” Tony pulled out his phone. “Why don’t you check on your employees and patrons? They’re upset and confused.” With a growl, Dante stormed out of the office in a cloud of fury. The male’s aura must needs be solid black and red. Only a fool would mess with him whilst in that state of mind. Tony grabbed Donovan’s sleeve and pulled him to the far corner of the room. “You can’t argue with victims,” he hissed to the clueless angel. “I know you don’t see it, but Dante is a victim, too. His club was violated as were his employees and customers.”

  Donovan scowled. “I wasn’t arguing with him, but I’m not going to stand there and let that asshole shout in my face.”

  Tony huffed and shoved both hands in his hair. “Listen, your solution is violence. Direct and to the point. I get that. My thing is talking to people, and I’m telling you that no one will cooperate if you barge in here and make demands like a sex-starved incubus ready to break a century long vow of celibacy.”

  Donovan stayed silent a few seconds before he nodded. “I get it. You’re right. I’m used to action, not talk. So tell me what to do next.”

  Thank fuck.

  “One of the female witnesses, the waitress, she was a previous victim of a djinn.”

  “What?” Donovan’s jaw dropped.

  “Aye. She worked at,”—Tony really didn’t want to bring up Hope’s past as a stripper. It was not only irrelevant, but could color Donovan’s view of her— “one of Dante’s other locations when a djinn assaulted her.” Donovan’s shoulders straightened and he puffed out his chest. Tony scoffed. “Stop posturing. The djinn has already been tried and banished.”

  “Good,” Donovan snarled. “Hearing shit like that makes me want to inflict pain.” He cracked his knuckles and Tony cringed at the sound.

  “What I’m trying to tell you is that the girl is sensitive. She’s been through a lot, okay? Today she tried to save the deceased and is covered in his blood. She’s traumatized. We must needs be delicate whilst speaking with her. Dante as well.”

  “The half-daemon? Why does he require coddling?” A deep frown creased Donovan’s face.

  “Because his businesses seem to be targeted by djinns. We don’t know why. Dante’s mate is also the sorceress for the courthouse. He’s worried about her safety with immortals turning up dead.” The big angel furrowed his brows and looked at Tony like he was crazy to even consider being kind to a daemon. “Listen, Dante is under a lot of stress, okay? Let’s at least try to take that into account. Plus, he helps us with investigations, you know that. He’s not as bad as you think.”

  Donovan threw his hands in the air. “Fine. I don’t get it, but whatever you say.”

  “Good. Let’s talk to the other witnesses.”

  They left the office and spoke to the bartender, a waiter, and the fifteen or so patrons—human and immortal—who were present for the attack. Thankfully, it had been a slow afternoon, or the outcome would have been much worse. Every witness relayed roughly the same story. A large black dog burst through a front window and attacked the closest person, a human male. It happened so fast, by the time anyone reacted, the dog was gone and the man’s throat torn open. In and out, just like that.

  “Get away from her!”

  Tony spun toward the source of the shouts, as did Donovan.

  “Could this day get any worse?” he muttered under his breath. “Keep talking to the witnesses,” he told Donovan as he headed toward the argument. “And find out what Joseph knows,” Tony called over his shoulder. The coroner arrived a few minutes ago and was currently inspecting the body.

  Tony heard Asher respond to an angry male and walked faster to diffuse the situation. “What’s your problem, mate?”

  “You, that’s what.”

  “Thomas,” Tony shouted as he crossed the large dance floor.

  Asher and Thomas—the DA for Eastlake Falls—stood almost chest to chest. Poor Hope was desperately tugging on Thomas’s sleeve with her blood-stained hands, begging him to stop yelling at Asher. Thomas glanced Tony’s way as he approached, but didn’t step back from the huge firefighter.

  “I haven’t done a thing to you, mate,” Asher said.

  “Just stay away from Hope, asshole,” Thomas snapped. Fates be, Tony never thought he’d see the level-headed saint lose his temper, yet the day had come. Thomas’s lips were curled back, exposing his teeth, and his body vibrated with anger. Interesting.

  “All right,” Tony said, pushing between the two males. Asher allowed himself to be moved back, because there was no way Tony could manage otherwise. He patted Asher’s chest. “Ash, thanks for the favor. I’ll deal with Thomas. Don’t take it personally, okay?”

  “Bloody hell, Tony. I was just holding the girl’s hand. You’d think I was fucking her raw on top of the table the way that guy is acting.”

  “Yeah, well, that ‘guy’ is the district attorney.” Asher’s eyes bulged. “I know, Ash. This is very unprofessional of him. I’ll talk to Thomas about his behavior, I promise. He just…” Tony sighed and scratched his head. “He’s very protective of Hope. Thomas is the one who prosecuted the djinn that attacked her.”

  “Ahh. Got a little crush on the human female, has he?” A wicked grin spread across Asher’s face and he glanced at Thomas and Hope. Thomas had the girl in a tight em

  “Don’t tease him.” Tony poked Asher’s chest with a finger. “Leave Thomas alone.”

  Asher grunted. “Fine.” He looked away from the couple and focused on Tony. “Are you going to take my statement soon or what? I have to work tonight and to be honest, mate, I was in the loo when it went down so I didn’t see a thing.”

  “Great. Yeah, okay. Come on, Ash.”


  Thomas pulled Hope to her feet, his arm slung around her waist for support, and began to walk toward the exit.

  “But my statement.”

  “Tony got enough. Besides, he knows where to find you if he needs more,” Thomas snapped. He was curt, but Hope knew he wasn’t mad at her.

  She nodded, grateful he was getting her out of there. He must not have driven over because Thomas flagged down a cab and tucked her in the backseat before climbing in next to her. He gave the driver her address.

  “No!” She bolted upright. “Garrett’s not home. Can I…?” She was going to ask to go to Thomas’s apartment, but humiliation stole the words when she remembered what happened last time. Thomas rejected her. She bit her lip, holding back the painful memory. Steeling herself, she took a deep breath. “I’ll go home. But only if you stay with me until Garrett gets back from work.” Of course today was the one day of the week Garrett worked at a different location than her.

  “Of course,” Thomas said, his gaze soft. He gave the driver her address and sat back. Thomas wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tucked her into his side, holding her close. “I’m so sorry you had to see that.”

  “Why does this keep happening to me?” Her voice caught and her eyes stung. God, she did not want to cry.


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