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Chub Rub

Page 20

by Shannon Youngblood

  “Absolutely out of the question, my sweets. I’ve told you before, I take care of what is mine, and part of that care is making sure my woman eats and I can pay for it.” The smugness in my voice hard to miss, as I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “You’re absolutely the most infuriating man on the planet!” she screeched.

  “Your point is?”

  “Fine! But I’m paying next time!” she said, slumping back in her seat.

  “No deal, Maggie. I will always pay, and I will always take care of you. I will always be here to protect you, and you will always let me.”

  I smiled, remembering the way her eyes had glossed over, and the way her anger had dissipated. I hadn’t meant to sound cheesy or corny. I had meant every word of my tirade. I was going to take care of her, and if that admission brought on tears of joy, well then who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth?

  Everyday, we seemed to get closer and closer and I learned more about her, and her life before coming to “The Hunt”. She had an older brother, Ben, and a younger sister, Molly. Her parents had split when she was very young, she and her sister living with their mom, while their brother lived with dad. She loved her siblings, that much was obvious, but they lived farther away now and she didn’t get to see them often.

  Her mom and step dad lived in Southern California, and her Dad, stepmother, and half sister, Kathryn, lived in Michigan. She saw them when she could, but most times, she went years without seeing any of them. I promised her, one day, I’d take her to see them all. The shock on her face, on that particular lunch outing, had been priceless.

  She spoke a lot about Polly, and living vicariously through her over the past year when she had been too scared to come to the club. I was secretly glad she hadn’t come a year ago. I was in a much better place now than I had been back then, and the thought of missing out on this opportunity with her was almost painful. The stories she told of Polly finding Chase and the love Polly felt for him hit a little too close to home. I had no idea Chase even felt that way.

  The knock at my office door pulled me from my musings.

  “Come in,” I called, already knowing who it was.

  “Were your ears ringing, Chase?” I laughed.

  “What the hell are you talking about, Jax?” he asked, closing the door and sitting down in the seat across from me.

  “Nothing, nothing. What’s up?” I asked.

  “I looked into that delivery of flowers that you smashed against the wall and I had the misfortune of cleaning up.”

  Sitting up in the chair, I waited for the news. I needed some kind of information to figure out who this ass muncher was, so I could get him out of Maggie’s life for good. The only thing we knew about him was he had to have been at newcomers night or the leather and lace event to know I called Maggie little sub. Since we didn’t require phone numbers on the newcomers night, and there had been over forty new dominant males in attendance, I was at a loss.

  “Yo? You listening? Chase called, waving his hands in front of my face.

  “Just fucking tell me, Chase!”

  “Alright, alright, don’t get your huggies in a wad. I managed to ID the boy who delivered them to James, and I tracked him down. He ran from me at first, probably thinking I was a cop or some shit. Poor little shit was a quivering mess when I finally caught up with him. It was sort of sad really, I mean--”

  “Get ON with it, Chase!” I bellowed, cutting him off mid rant.

  “Fine! He said that a black phantom with black tints had pulled up to him and the driver had come over with the flowers. Told him the man in the car would pay him $100 to deliver it to our address.”

  “That’s fucking it?” I yelled. There had to be more.

  He shrugged, “Sorry, Jax. He said he never saw anyone else in the car, but I did give him my card and, if that jackass ever contacts the kid again, he knows to call.”

  “Thanks, Chase. I appreciate it,” I said unconvincingly.

  “No problem. We gotta find that pork wand at some point.”

  I couldn’t help the snort that flew from me, “Pork Wand?”

  “Yeah, you know, dick?” he said, his eyebrows scrunched together, unable to figure out my sudden eruption of laughter.

  “I know what it means, I’ve just never heard such an eloquent term for the male manhood before!”

  That comment earned me an eyeroll from Chase, which sent me into another tailspin of laughter I couldn’t control.

  “How about Pleasure Pole?” he said.

  “No, no, I like Clam Hammer!”

  “What the fuck? Clam Ham-- ok, ok, we’re going there, are we? “Tomb Raider,” he responded.

  “Thunder Clap”

  “Meat Scepter!”

  “Man Dragon”

  “Omar the tent maker”

  My stomach hurt from laughing so hard.

  “Husky Thruster”

  “Salami Sword”

  “What’s with you and the fucking meat, Chase?” I barely managed to spit out, through my laughter and tears. My laughter died in my throat when a very familiar, sexy voice chimed in.

  “I prefer the ‘Heat and Moisture Seeking Venomous Python of Love’ myself, but meat references work just as well.”

  “Maggie, I didn’t hear you come in.” I sat up in my chair, assessing the beauty at the door.

  “We knocked, but the sound of laughter must have drowned us out,” Polly said, coming in from behind her, chuckling and heading towards Chase, “I like Titanic Pussy Breaker.”

  Maggies face turned instantly red as she swatted at Polly, but missed. I was obviously missing something, but I was going to find out. A little torture in exchange for information sounded right up my alley.

  Crooking my finger at Maggie, I motioned for her to come on the other side of the desk and join me. She didn’t hesitate, and when she was close enough to my chair, I tugged her down to fall into my lap, before placing a gentle kiss onto her lips.

  “Titanic Pussy Breaker?” I asked, with a raise of my brows.

  “It’s nothing,” she murmured.

  “Oh, come on, you might as well tell him Mags. He’ll find out one way or another,” Polly said from atop Chase’s lap.

  When Maggie made no move of telling me, Polly answered for her, making all of us bust out into another fit of laughter,and making the head on my shoulders, and in my pants, bigger than it should have been.

  “She said your dick is the size of the Titanic.”

  Smiling, I pulled Maggie down so her ear was level with my lips. “Titanic, huh?” I joked.

  “I hate you, Polly, and we’re no longer best friends!” she said, pouting like a toddler, her arms crossing over her chest.

  “You love me, and we’ll always be best friends!” She giggled happily.

  Standing up, Chase took Polly by the hand and made his way to the exit.

  “Alright, Jack and Rose, we’re taking off. See ya later?” he asked.

  “Yes, thanks for the info today, Chase. I owe you one.”

  “You sure do, you sausage staff!” he said, slamming the door behind him.

  ‘You’re right, Sir, he does have a fetish for meat, doesn’t he?”

  One last chuckle came from me, but quickly vanished when Maggie squirmed a little, making me instantly hard. I was pretty sure, in all my years of taking and delivering pleasure to women, not one of them could make me so hard, so fucking fast. I fucking loved it.

  “As much as I’d like to bend you over this desk right now, we have reservations for dinner at a very upscale place in New York City. Go get changed and ready and meet me in here in an hour.”

  “Yes, Sir,” her soft husky whisper flitted to my ears, as she climbed off of my lap.

  Damn, if I hadn’t reserved this place two weeks ago for dinner, I would have said fuck it, and delivered my threat of taking her on the desk.

  Tonight was going to be our first real date, and I had something very special planned. She would either love it
or she would hate it, and I had a pretty good idea that hate would not be the emotion she showed me tonight, but I was still nervous on how she would cope with my games.

  As she walked out, shutting the door behind her, I waited a few minutes for her to get to the house and let Faith out. Then, I would follow in behind her and shower in the guest bathroom, so she could get ready in peace, and I could get ready without temptation.

  Today, she had worn a simple black dress form fitting dress that came just above the knee. It was beautiful and showcased her curves like nothing she’d ever worn before out in public. A month ago, she’d worn baggy dress pants and a loose fitting shirt when I would see her leave for work, but over the past few weeks, her entire demeanor, and wardrobe, had changed. She was wearing tighter, more revealing clothing, although still very professional. She’d worn her hair down almost every day, and she always had a small smattering of makeup on, that accentuated the colors of her eyes. She was growing, and learning to love herself just as she was, and I couldn’t have been more fucking proud of her.

  After a few minutes, I exited my office and headed for home. When I entered, I bent down to pet the little weiner that had run up to me, as she had done almost every day that Maggie arrived home first. It was a little heartwarming.

  “Faith, is mommy in the shower?” I asked the tail-wagging pup.

  When she didn’t answer, I walked down the hallway to see for myself. The bedroom door was open, but I couldn’t hear the shower running. Creeping up to the door, so as not to disturb her, I peeked in.

  In the middle of the room, Maggie stood, her dress laid next to her on the bed, clad only in her panties and matching bra.

  “No matter what anyone says” she said to herself in the mirror as she unclasped her bra, “I am beautiful. Inside and Out.” She threw her bra on top of her dress.

  I had to back away before she removed her panties, or else I was going to either jump her, or tell her the four letter word I had wanted to say for weeks. A phrase I was determined to tell her soon. It had to be special, not something I said as she was stripping naked when it might seem I was only saying it out of lust.

  I’d told her to say that mantra, even when we weren’t together, but I didn’t think she’d actually do it. Catching her saying that proved to me, once again, that I had underestimated my sweets, something I vowed right here and now, I’d never do again.

  Maybe she would do better than I thought at dinner, in fact, I had a sneaky suspicion, she’d surprise us both tonight, and I was looking forward to it.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I had to admit to myself that I was nervous about my date with Jackson this evening. We hadn’t been out on a real date since we’d “shacked up”. We’d had meals together, and even went to dinner that one time, with an amazing conclusion on the side of his truck, but it hadn’t really been a date, per se. This was the real thing, an honest to goodness, I wear a dress, he wears a suit, he asked me out, type deal. I was nervous as could be, but I was excited.

  I didn’t know where we were going, but I knew it was a nice place, and it was in New York City. I always loved going up to New York. The vibe was different, a good different. It smelled like smog, too many cars, and urine, but it also smelled like, life lived in the crowded streets. There was an aura around everything, and even though the honking was incessant, and the words used sometimes crude, the people of New York were like family to each other. It was a strange kind of beautiful.

  Stepping into the steaming shower, with my hair put up in pins, I let the water run down my body. I didn’t think it was possible, but I was actually starting to appreciate my curves. I’d never be skinny, it wasn’t in the cards for me, but I found myself eating a bit better, and feeling better about myself little by little. I was positive a lot of that was because of Jackson and his words he made me recite. ‘No matter what anyone said, I was beautiful. Inside and Out.’ I had probably said it a hundred times or more in the last two months we had been seeing each other, and strangely, I was starting to believe it.

  Honestly, everything in my life was almost surreal to me. Although, I missed Jackson while I was at work, I didn’t mind going so much, knowing that he was there waiting for me when I got home. His presence, or even the thought of him, gave me an immeasurable amount of peace and happiness on a level I had never intended to ever feel. The only curveball in my life were the mysterious flowers and creepy letters. They hadn’t stopped, and they were playing cruel games with my imagination.

  Multiple lines from some of them kept me awake at night, swirling around in my sleep addled brain.

  “Can you imagine, my little slave? You’ll get down on your knees, and lick. Starting with my toes and working your way up. On second thought, maybe I’ll have you start on the floor.”

  “You’ll take me, and you’ll take my friends, and when we leave you a crying bloody mess on the floor, you’ll thank us, because that is what you do for your Master.”

  “When I finally get my hands on you, slave, you’ll wish you hadn’t dawdled. For punishment, I think I’ll sew your mouth shut for a week, maybe then you’ll remember not to eat, and not to talk.”

  How had this happened? How had I garnered the attention of the scariest man on the planet? I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to know, I just knew I needed it to go away. Even with Jackson by my side at every moment I was home, he wasn’t there on my way to work and back, or when I was there. I had even taken to eating my lunch in the breakroom, instead of my car, because paranoia was catching up to me. It felt as if an invisible monster was following me, ready to pounce the moment I let my guard down, and it was exhausting.

  I had to shake off my thoughts. Tonight was about Jackson and me, and I didn’t want to think of that asshole anymore. I had already wasted too much time thinking about things I couldn’t change. Something would eventually happen, whether it be bad or hopefully good, and there was no use pondering the ‘what ifs’. Tonight, I was going to have fun, and Creepy Stalker Man was just going to have to take a backseat in my thoughts.

  Once I was scrubbed clean and out of the shower, I heard Jackson call out to me.

  “How much longer, my sweets?” he asked.

  “Can you give me another twenty five minutes, Jax?” I called back.

  “Make it twenty, and you’ve got yourself a deal, cupcake!”

  I smiled. He always had the best nicknames for me. His words were endearing, and his sincerity, evident. How could I not have fallen for this man? He was everything a girl could ever ask for outside the bedroom, and what every girl secretly craved between the sheets. I was damn lucky, that was for sure, I only hoped he felt the same, or else he might as well take my heart and throw it to the wolves. I could never carry around that dead organ if he dismissed me, it would be too hard.

  Nineteen minutes and forty eight seconds later, I stepped from the room, ready to go. Jax sat on the arm of the couch, playing with something on my phone and hadn’t heard me enter, giving me ample time to check him out. Faith sat beside him, fitting just between his hip and the back of the couch. Absentmindedly, Jax scratched behind her ear while her back foot scratched the air in contentment. It was an adorable scene.

  The moment I actually looked at him, I had to physically use my hand to close my mouth. Dressed in black slacks and a crisp white shirt, the top two buttons undone, and a black jacket, was Jackson. He didn’t wear a tie, but he didn’t need to, he looked, dashing. He looked half handsome man, and half wickedly sexy God. I couldn’t even blink, for fear I would miss something. Screw dinner, I wanted dessert. I wanted to lick chocolate syrup off of his chest, and--

  “Ready to go, my sweets?” his voice holding a tint of amusement.

  I hadn’t even noticed he had seen me.

  “Yes, Sir,” I answered, foregoing the casual name, and opting for his proper title in my eyes. He was my Sir, and he made me feel like his Queen.

  “Now, Faith,” he said, turning toward
s my adorable puppy, “You’re in charge tonight. Make sure no one breaks in, and if they do, bite off their ankles.”

  I snorted, I couldn’t help it. “I think you’d have a better shot at telling her to lick their skin off. She’d be good at that.”

  “You hear that Faith? Mommy says you have the right to skin the victim alive with that raspy tongue, and don’t worry, she’ll be doing something similar later.”

  In an instant, I was drenched, again. I should pack several changes of panties whenever I was near him, I never stayed dry. I never wanted to stay dry. With just a few syllables dripping from his perfect mouth, he could turn me into a wanton puddle on the floor.

  “Ok, my sweets, time to go. Got everything you need?” he asked, standing and reaching his hand out for mine.

  I didn’t hesitate, taking the few steps needed to touch him, his hand encompassing mine, before he brought it up to his lips to kiss the inside of my palm.

  “You look stunning, Maggie, absolutely radiant, but let’s get out of here before I second guess this dinner date and keep you locked in this house all weekend,” he finished on a growl.

  I wasn’t opposed to this new idea and I told him so.

  “You’re insatiable, Maggie. Let’s go, we have reservations.”

  The drive to New York was pleasant, as we talked about our days at work. We had made a tradition of me sitting on his lap while we spoke about the events that had occurred in our lives that day, and laughed at the idiocy of some of our customers.

  We both agreed, after much debate, that he had it worse with clients. At least with mine, I would never see the people I talked to on the phone. With Jackson, he had to interact with these people, sometimes on a daily basis, and push aside his disdain for their lack of intelligence.

  The atmosphere in the car was so serene and comfortable that I didn’t even notice when we pulled up in front of a restaurant and the driver stopped the car. We had just been idly talking one minute, and the next, the door was opening with his driver holding out his hand for me to take. I hadn’t met the man who was now helping me from the car, but Jackson had explained he only worked for him on special occasions. I guess tonight was a special occasion, the thought made me giddy.


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