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Ti Amo (Battaglia Mafia Series)

Page 21

by Mynx, Sienna

  “Of course he does. She’s his sister.” He dismissed the comment. Every fiber in his being made him want to push Mira aside and go find Catalina, but he knew that would be a mistake. He had to prove to Mira and himself that he could be rational. Flavio had warned him of this many times. His blind spots were directly tied to the women in his family. His guilt for bringing his father back into his mother’s life and his pain over Catalina having to lose her father and mother so young were nothing compared to the wound in his heart for what happened to Mira. She and Flavio were right. When it came to family, he lost all perspective. Underneath his anger and disappointment, he was proud of the way Mira stood her ground and faced him. She possessed the strength that he loved and needed so much.

  “Domi loves her.” She repeated.

  Giovanni looked up, caught in his own thoughts. “I know he loves her, but he should have checked with me fir—” He stopped mid-sentence. The admission of Dominic’s love for his sister was dredged from a place beyond thought or reason. His eyes grew wide with understanding. He stared at Mira in disbelief.

  “It started off so innocently, and they both fought it.”

  “No,” he said his voice etched with pain. “God no.” He found it hard to breathe.

  “Baby, they didn’t want to hurt you. They knew you wouldn’t approve, but they’re young and in love. How wise are we when we are in love? Right?”

  Giovanni rose. “He wouldn’t dare!” He put space between himself and Mira. He pressed his fist into the wall and then leaned in to catch his breath.

  “They ended it when she married. It was hard for them to stay away from each other.”

  He turned, a bit disoriented. It was as if not enough oxygen had reached his brain. He blinked to maintain focus. Mira stood before him with weepy eyes. He tried to gently move her out of his space. Didn’t she understand he needed space? He felt like he couldn’t breathe. Mira threw her arms around him and clung to him. “Let me… go. Move,” he wheezed.

  “Please, I’m begging you, let me finish.”

  Giovanni seized Mira by her arms with such force he lifted her from her shoes. He shook her hard. “He touched her? He had sex with her?” he shouted in her face. Mira nodded. She didn’t struggle in his grip. “Domi fucked his very own sister? Is that what you’re telling me?” he demanded.

  “They aren’t blood Gio—”

  “Bullshit!!” he shouted in her face.

  “He fell in love with her, and it was mutual. You’re hurting me.”

  Giovanni let her go. He staggered back, his hands trembling, his lungs seizing deep gasps of air.

  Mira rubbed the soreness from her arms. “She’s not a baby. You know this.”

  “You said before she was married. That makes her fucking seventeen! Is that when this started? He’s been fucking la mia sorella del bambina under my nose in my home! With me down the hall?”

  “Don’t say it like that. Don’t think it. Talk to them. Hear their side of the story before you judge them.”

  “Judge them? Oh no Bella I’ll fucking kill him!” he shoved the armoire to his left, and it crashed to the floor. It landed with a thunderous slam that made the floorboards creak. He put the balls of his hands to both his eyes to hold back the tears as his emotions pushed him dangerously to a murderous edge.

  My sister. For God’s sake I even sent them away on trips together. All the while he was molesting her. Screwing her before and after she was married like she was some kind of whore! He defiled her!

  Blinded by pain he went for his gun Danny-boy.

  Mira rushed him. Giovanni held the weapon above her head and shoved her to the bed.

  “Wait!” Mira rolled over, scrambling across the bed, trying to stop him. In nothing but his pants he held tightly to the gun, blinded by his anger. She knew if she didn’t stop him he would kill Domi in front of everyone, with her baby in the house. It would destroy them all. Begging and pleading, she pulled on his arm, but he shoved his hand into her pocket to get the little key she thought she hid from him. Losing her balance, she fell back to the floor.

  He didn’t hear her. How could he? He went for the door sticking in the key, unlocking it within seconds. It was all happening so desperately fast Mira could barely get off the floor before he flung it open.

  Zia greeted them with Eve holding her hand. Giovanni eased the weapon to the back of his pants. Eve rushed her father’s legs. She wrapped her arms around them, hugging tight. She smiled up at him and spat out her pacifier. Mira wiped at her tears and got to her feet quickly. She picked up her daughter and put her in Giovanni’s arms. Zia looked at the destruction in the room and frowned.

  “Thank you, we’ll be fine,” she said, and Zia gave her a questioning smile. Mira closed the door on her. Eve was now bucking to be set down from Giovanni. He lifted her above his head, and she giggled.

  “This is not going to work, Bella. You should never use our daughter this way.” He said in a tight voice.

  Eve won the battle for freedom. Giovanni set her down. She walked away. “If you can believe that we happened so unexpectedly, why can’t you believe the same thing for Domi and Catalina?”

  “He knew better. That’s why. She was a kid when this started. He took vows to protect this family, to sleep with her behind my back goes against the grain of who we are as men. It’s as perverse as what Franco did to her.”

  “What happened between them is no more perverse than what happened between us. Flavio told you that our love would destroy you. He tried to control our destiny and because of it I was forced to bring our daughter into this world alone. Yes, Domi knew better, but he wasn’t acting as your consigliere. He was acting as a man in love. Let them plead their case before you sentence them. You aren’t your father. You have compassion in your heart. I’ve seen it.”

  Eve walked over to the armoire that lay flat to the floor. She put her hands to her knees and squatted, her little pink dress rising, showing her diaper. Mira smiled. Giovanni didn’t. Eve sat on the armoire and clapped, grinning at her parents. Mira walked over and forced him to allow her to sit on his lap. She put his face in her breasts and held him until he returned her embrace. Silly as it was, she only knew one way to calm him. That was with her love. It’s who they were.

  “I have one more thing to say.”

  Giovanni sighed.

  “No violence in this house. Ever. If you can’t promise that to me we can’t marry. Whoever you have to be for them, you aren’t that man with us. Not here. Ever.”

  The toilet flushed. Mira looked for Eve. She had escaped them so quickly neither of them had noticed. Giovanni patted her thigh. He kissed her breast and she stood. “I’ll get her,” he said going after his daughter. He returned pulling a wailing Eve by her hand. She then ran off into her bedroom. Giovanni went over to the armoire. The man had the strength of Hercules. He lifted it with several grunts and stood it upright. The drawers hung open and many of the clothes inside were strewn over the floor. Mira calmed herself. She wiped the sweat from her brow, taking in slow steady breaths. Had the worst passed?

  When she rose she saw the gun from the corner of her eye on the mattress. She immediately grabbed it and put it in the drawers next to the bed.

  “It’s not my only gun, Bella,” he said amused.

  “I’ll learn where they all are. Give me a chance.”

  “Tell Domi and Catalina to meet me in Villa Rosso,” he said. “I’ll be down in ten minutes.”

  “Okay,” she said. Mira found Eve in her dollhouse arranging her teddy bears. “Come with Mama, baby.”

  Eve picked up a teddy bear and her pacifier then followed Mira out. They located everyone downstairs waiting. Rocco and Zia were among them. No one spoke when she and Eve walked in. Mira needed a minute for her heart to stop racing to address them. She hadn’t realized how frightened she was for Dominic until now. She felt weak in the knees.

  “You told him?” Catalina asked.

  Mira nodded.

; “Everything?” Dominic asked.

  “Yes, everything.”

  “What happened?” Catalina snapped.

  “You two are still alive. That’s what happened.” Lorenzo chuckled. “It’s evident she did the impossible and tamed the beast. Brava!”

  Mira ignored Lorenzo. “He wants to see both of you in Villa Rosso in ten minutes. He’s getting dressed.”

  Catalina looked over at Dominic. “That’s good news, I mean he asked for us both.” She turned back to Mira, smiling through her tears. “It’s good news right? Giovanni is willing to forgive, right?”

  “He’s calm. He knows the truth. The rest is up to you two. I want to say something to you both before you meet with him.” They looked at her expectantly, and even Eve stopped playing with her uncle to pay attention. Mira found an empty spot on the sofa to sit and closed her eyes. Reclaiming control she opened them and spoke to Dominic and Catalina. “He’s entitled to his anger. You lied to him, and you kept lying while you were under his roof.” Looking over to Dominic she pointed directly at him. “This should have ended the day she said her vows. So don’t either of you go in there arrogant or demanding his acceptance. Take responsibility and explain your hearts then deal with what he decides.”

  “Mira you said you would help us! You said—.”

  “Enough!” Dominic shouted at Catalina. Eve rushed over to her mother, crying. Dominic rose from his seat with his swollen and bruised face and glared at Catalina. “She’s right, she did all she could. The rest is up to us.” He glanced to Rocco and Zia. “Forgive me. Che cosa sarà sia.”

  Neither of them spoke. They glared at Dominic in cold unforgiving silence. Catalina walked over to him shaking her head sadly. “I may not have lived the life you and my brother did, and I may not have seen the things that you both have seen but I know my heart. What we did and have is not perverse or betrayal. It’s love. I’ll never apologize to anyone for loving you.”

  Dominic smiled through his pain. He pulled her into his arms. “Ti amo, Catalina.”

  “Ti amo, Domi,” she said closing her eyes and hugging him tightly.

  “I’ve had enough of this shit.” Lorenzo said rising and walked out.


  Giovanni entered Villa Rosso and found Dominic and Catalina waiting outside of his office. They sat across from each other. Neither could look him in the eye when he stepped inside. Both stood and silently followed him into his office when he passed.

  “Gio, I—”

  “Don’t speak, Catalina. I don’t want to hear your lies first. Let the king of lies be heard,” he said. Giovanni’s gaze swept her appearance. Her eyes were nearly swollen shut from crying. The bruise she so cleverly hid from him now peeked out from behind the cover of her hair. She visibly trembled. Dominic made a move toward her and Giovanni's gaze tracked him. Dominic thought better of his actions and stopped. He kept his distance.

  Giovanni walked around his desk and sat. “You sent my Bella to deliver the news?”

  “She insisted.”

  “Have a seat.” He rocked back in his chair with his fingers making a tent before him. Dominic and Catalina took the two seats in front of him.

  “When did this start?” he asked, looking Dominic directly in the eye.

  “Her trip to Sicily. When we first went to visit Franco.”

  “Gio—.” Catalina tried to interrupt, and he shot her an angry glare. Her words faltered, and she silenced.

  He then returned his attention to Dominic. “You fucked her the night she was to meet her new husband?” he asked.

  “It happened.”

  “Ah. It makes sense. Catalina returned talking of how changed she was. How wonderful the trip was for her. Shit happens, right?” Neither of them said anything. Giovanni directed his attention to his sister. “You didn’t think you could tell me that you had feelings for your brother.”

  “He’s not my brother,” she answered softly.

  “He’s your fucking brother!” Giovanni hissed.

  Catalina flinched.

  “Say it. Say it.” Giovanni demanded through clenched teeth.

  “Okay!” She shouted through her tears. “He’s my… brother.”

  Giovanni relaxed back into his chair. “Now answer my question.”

  She shook her head sadly.

  “Nothing to say? You marry Franco, but continue to fuck your brother like some common slut.”

  Catalina put her hands to her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. She stammered her speech through her tears. “I love him, Gio. I love him like you love Mira. I didn’t just fuck him I fell in love. It was my heart that did it. Not something ugly or wrong. We didn’t mean to disrespect you or our family.”

  Giovanni slammed his hand down on the desk glaring at her. He rose from his seat and went around his desk. He grabbed her by her chin roughly forcing her face up. Her hair fell back and he inspected the faded bruise on the side of her face. “Franco did this?”

  “Yes. He beat me. Over and over again, he tortured and beat me. He did things to me Giovanni, horrible things.”

  “Stop lying!” Giovanni shouted at her. He let go of her face and walked away slipping his hands in his pockets. He faced the wall and rocked on the back of his heels. “Bella says that I need to understand the complications that made you liars. I think I understand. After all I know what it’s like to long for someone that’s beyond your reach, and I know what its like to live with the shame and guilt of betrayal. But I am your fratello and the fucking head of this family. You two took liberties that weren’t yours to take.”

  “May I speak?”

  “Why the fuck not? You seem to do whatever the fuck you want to anyway,” Giovanni said.

  Dominic rose. “I won’t make excuses for what I’ve done. I will only tell you that I love her with everything in me, and I love you too. You and Lorenzo took me in as a brother. You practically made me the man I am. I am as loyal to you as I ever was. I have not lost sight of my role in this family. I just simply fell in love.” Dominic went to his knees and grabbed his hand kissing his ring. “Perdonilo, prego perdonilo.”

  Giovanni touched the top of Dominic’s head and then pulled his hand back. “Get up!”

  “Giovanni please, Domi didn’t betray you… this is my fault, he tried to stop it I swear he did.” She rushed to him crying. The door opened and Carlo and Carmine entered. Dominic looked over to them and knew they were for him.

  Catalina began to scream. “NOOO! You can’t! You can’t dammit!” she shouted rushing to her brother, swinging her arms and hands at him angrily trying to fight him for even considering hurting her Dominic. Giovanni had to restrain her, but was surprised by his sister’s strength. She screamed to the top of her lungs kicking her feet and fighting him.

  “Andiamo, Domi,” Carlo said.

  “NOO!” Catalina shrieked. She managed to break free. She shoved Giovanni and raced to the door. “You can’t. None of you understand.”

  “Enough, Catalina!” Giovanni snapped.

  “You go to hell! You can’t kill him! He’s going to be the father of my child!”

  Carlo stepped back.

  “It’s true. I swear it on Mama, on my life. I’m pregnant.” She looked to her brother with pleading eyes. “Franco was gay. He never touched me. The baby is Domi’s. You can’t kill him!” she shouted.

  Dominic appeared as stunned as everyone else. Giovanni felt light headed on his feet. He returned behind his desk and waved Carlo and his men out of the office. He wiped his hand down his face and looked up to Dominic who now held Catalina in his arms. “Get the fuck out and take her with you,” he said in a voice choked with emotion.

  Alone, Giovanni closed his eyes and sat in silence. The phone rang. At first he chose to ignore it, but the distraction was welcomed. He picked it up.

  “Ciao?” he said weary.

  “Giovanni, this is Bonaduce.”

  Reclining in his chair, and stroking his brow he felt the tension in his skull sp
ike. “Don Bonaduce, what can I do for you?”

  “Angelo Calderone is dead.”

  Giovanni didn’t respond.

  “It was a fire. A gas lantern I’m told. I suspect something more.”

  “Why are you calling me? As I remember it you forbade my men access to Bologna. The bastardo is your problem not mine.”

  Bonaduce chuckled. “Sí, I did this. And you Giovanni, what have you done, son? For two years your vengeance has been my fucking problem. Your father would have never pissed on his legacy this way.”

  “I don’t need a history lesson.”

  “I know your men were here. I know they had a hand in the fire.”

  Giovanni sighed. Lorenzo was a royal fuck up to burn the cottage down. There was no denying they had a hand in Angelo’s death.

  The Don chuckled. “Took balls to do what you did. I respect it. I believe we should settle our differences.” Bonaduce quickly spoke up. “Are you willing to meet? Come to my home?”

  “The timing doesn’t work. I have a family issue and the holidays. Maybe at the first of the year.”

  “Maybe? I’d prefer we not wait. I can be in Napoli tomorrow.”

  “Let me call you back to arrange a meeting place.”

  “Grazie. I look forward to it.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Inside the parlor with Zia, Mira watched her daughter dance. Zia clapped and tapped her foot. Little Eve stomped her feet, rocking side to side and clapping with her grand aunt. She put her hands on her hips and began working them harder. Mira laughed. Never had she known her daughter to exhibit such rhythm. Zia sang in Italian and clapped in time with the melody of the song. She had possession of Eve’s pacifier in her apron. She seemed to seduce it from Eve every chance she had.

  Eve spun once more then shook her little bottom with a serious face. The show helped ease the tension coiling tighter around Mira’s heart. What had Giovanni decided? Shouldn’t Catalina and Dominic have returned by now? Her gaze shifted to the windows, and she stared out at the path that led to Giovanni’s Villa Rosso. She intended to make sure Eve had a Christmas with her father that was special and full of joy. How was she to do that when a man was murdered? Mira looked to Zia who hadn’t spoken a word since she learned of the entire ordeal. She and Rocco had no reaction. Is that how life would be? No reaction to violence?


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