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The First Touch (Templer Series)

Page 3

by Duka Dakarai

  “So what turned out badly with him?” I’m confused…in my sexually frustrated state the thought of a guy who gives good head sounds damn near perfect.

  “Honey, three days of fucking and he starts crying out that he loves me every time he comes…and clingy, Jesus, he almost imploded when I told him I was still seeing other men…I mean, I’m twenty six for fuck’s sake and not having his babies any time soon!”

  A laugh roars from my mouth. This is exactly what I need and I can feel the mood and tension lifting away from my tense shoulders. Oh, what I would give to have her spirit and sexual freedom.

  “Work-wise, I’m getting in some more commissions which is great. I’ve only got a couple of small photo shoots planned and then I think that is me, officially retired as a model. About time, my tits aren’t as perky as they were and I’m sure my ass is sailing south as we speak!”

  “I very much doubt that! You are such an exaggerator! Fab news on the photography commissions though. I’m really excited for you!”

  “Ah, a wonderful idea has just come into my mind, and yes, I do get them, Miss Sarcasm…you free around 4July?”

  I check my Outlook as we speak. “Um, seems to be free at the moment, why?”

  “One of my commissions is to play party photographer at this lush event…you could join me…please, please, we need to catch up!”

  “Lush event? What is it? But yes, I’m desperate to catch up properly too.”

  “Concours d"Elegance. It’s hosted at the Hurlingham Club by the River Thames. Guests guzzle champagne whilst viewing the acme of design in timepieces, cars, yachts, interior design, jewellery, property and aviation. Oh, please come….dress to the nines…and let’s find ourselves some hot rich pussies to play with…say you’ll come?”

  “How can I say no when you put it so eloquently?” A giggle of anticipated excitement already swirling in my head.

  We chitter and chatter for a further half hour honing down details of my arrival on the 4, what we could/should wear and eventually dry mouthed and overly excited, we end the call, returning back to normality. Her to her adventures and me, well, emails and appointment planning.

  Over the following weeks, I try to put Drew to as far back of my mind as I can…but damn him, if he doesn’t still visit me sometimes in the random erotic dream. Those lips and my eagerness, almost animalistic response to them…I’m still pissed with myself that I almost gave in….wanted to give in…

  Drew is barking orders at the Project Manager, again. He seems to be losing his temper at frequent intervals these days. And now, Jake his younger brother and Head of Design Engineering at Templar Industries, is stood staring at him, a frown deep on his forehead. This is not Drew, not Drew at all.

  “What the fuck are you staring at?” Drew growls at him.

  “I’m staring at my brother making an asshole of himself” Jake shrugs, and returns a lop-sided smirk at his older brother. It usually works and hopefully it will now. It doesn’t.

  “Fuck off, Jake….I fucking mean it…don’t piss me off any further than I am already today!” And with that Drew turns away striding into his office. Jake shakes his head apologetically at the Project Manager and follows his brother into his office.

  Drew is slumped in his chair behind the old oak desk that once belonged to his father. His head clamped tight in his hands, elbows digging painfully into the wood. Jake eases himself into the seat opposite him, studying this change in his brother.

  “So what has a bug up your ass? This isn’t you, Drew. You never lose it with the team, no matter how stressed the fucking job.”

  Drew sighs, deeply, and exhales through his nose. Two more times and he’s ready to respond. He looks across at his younger sibling. Jake, with the same jet black hair but with deep brown eyes and only two inches shorter, is almost the spit of him. The same strong jawline and straight cut nose but there is one striking difference which separates them…Jake works hard and plays even harder. Drew is not a player. Oh, he’s had his fair share of pussy but always playing it safe. Airheads, mostly, one night stands or if you’re lucky you will date for a couple of weeks. But if you want a relationship, look somewhere else. Drew learnt early on how love can damage you…he learnt from the best, his mother. The bitch deserted his father and the children when Drew was only ten years old. Jake had been eight and Amber, their cherished sister, was only three. Apparently, she grew ‘tired’ of being a mother and wife and left in the night with the best friend of Drew’s father. Two weeks before Christmas.

  Drew’s father, Michael, devoted his time to his family raising them fairly but firm. But the deep loss of the love he felt for his wife never left him. He never had another relationship, instead, throwing himself into the family business, often working considerably longer hours than his men. In the end it killed him, too early, a day before his sixty first Birthday.

  And so, Drew decided early on that he too would concentrate on the business. Relationships brought only misery and heartache. Ambition brought wealth, satisfaction and a very comfortable life.

  Those lips, the taste of her, the yearning as she arched up, and pulled me deeper…

  He shakes away from memory.

  Eventually, another sigh leaves Drew’s mouth before setting a lop-sided grin on his lips.

  “Nothing has put a bug up my ass. Guess I’m over tired. Need to let off some steam…”

  “Then I have the solution, Bro. How do you fancy grabbing us some posh pussy while checking out some serious boys toys?”

  “Sounds like a plan. When and where?”

  “In two days time…July 4….by the River Thames”

  Chapter Six

  The Hurlingham Club is a highly exclusive private club. And the Concours d"Elegance is regarded as the highlight of the social calendar held in the extensive grounds of the impressive building. Only the truly wealthy are invited to the event so I am feeling somewhat out of place. I’m looking around at the bejewelled beautiful women who are pampered and preened to perfection. Mia, of course, fits right in here. She has fame on her side in addition to her stunning looks. Occasionally, one of the social elite coo’s and air kisses in her direction.

  Mia was a true friend and bought me a hideously expensive designer gown, as a treat, and especially for the event. When I arrived at her apartment, it was hanging in its wrapping behind the guest bedroom door. And she wouldn’t take no for an answer that I would wear it and keep it. She, of course, has my taste embedded in her brain, and so it fits me like a glove. So here I am, at the Hurlingham Club, watching in awe as they wealthiest of the wealthy sip champagne and ponder on their latest luxury purchase. And, yes, I’m loving it just a little bit.

  “Talbot Runolf suits you, my dear” A mature feminine voice breaks my day dreaming.

  “Oh, thank you! That’s very kind of you to say so”

  “Kindness has nothing to do with it. I’m merely stating a fact” And although the words seem abrupt, her manner and matching smile relay that there is nothing abrupt about her. I smile shyly in her direction.

  She touches my arm gently. “You seem slightly lost if you don’t mind my directness, and I certainly haven’t noticed such a pretty face in any of my social circles lately.”

  “Oh, I’m that obvious? You are indeed correct. I’m a fraud for even being here!” I laugh lightly.

  “Fraud?! No, darling, refreshing…trust me…you are truly refreshing” joining me in light laughter.

  “I’m Tilly. Tilly Teague.” I offer a hand.

  “And I am Olivia Davenport. And I am very pleased to meet you, Tilly Teague” she takes my hand in hers, not shaking, not touching.

  Drew is bored. Sure he is surrounded by incredibly beautiful women but actually the boy toys are receiving more of his attention. The small talk with these women is draining him…it’s the same subjects over and over again. Jake, on the other hand, is filling his boots, flirting outrageously, a permanent goofy grin slapped across his face. Drew smiles a knowing
smile in his brothers’ direction. So which one will he have in his bed by the end of this evening? Drew, on the other hand, will not have any company in his bed tonight. Instead, he will satisfy himself purchasing a luxury boy toy, perhaps the Hennessey Venom GT Spyder?

  Venom…spitting venom….from those lips….

  Fuck, she still comes back to haunt my thoughts. Tilly Teague. What I would give for one last taste of her. Then I could eradicate her from my memory. For good. Fuck the champagne, I need a beer. And with that, Drew marches purposely in the direction of a decent alcoholic intervention. Two beers consumed, and he’s feeling almost in a party mood. Maybe, I’ll go find Jake and….fuck! Out of the corner of his eye… Tilly.

  Olivia Davenport is a sheer delight. She has enthralled me with light conversation and sharp banter. I don’t care that she is probably in her early seventies…there is no-one that I would rather be spending my time with right this minute. Well, apart from Mia, who is within eye distance but busy with her commission.

  “Good evening, Olivia. How are you this fine evening?” From behind me, I hear a familiar, deep masculine voice. I don’t want to acknowledge it but I’m aware how rude I will appear in front of such a kind lady.

  “Andrew Templer, my dear boy! I am well. But I will be so much the better off for one of your hugs.” She gushes forward and squeezes him tight. “Andrew, I mean Drew, I’m so sorry. You simply must meet my new very best friend, Miss Tilly Teague”

  I release a polite cough. “Actually, Olivia, I’ve already met Andrew…Drew. So I’ll leave you two to catch up. If you’ll excuse me…” I turn to walk briskly away, anywhere but here. I catch Mia’s eye and signal I am leaving. She glances behind me and nods her understanding of my hasty retreat. God, I must have described him well….

  I’m tugged at the elbow, knowing who is halting me.

  “Leave me alone…if you don’t want me to create a scene!” I snarl at him.

  “I just want to talk to you….and no, you will not make a fucking scene!” Drew is hissing through clenched teeth at me.

  He all but marches me towards the edge of the event, out of earshot of the throng of people. We are now stood angrily facing each other in an area called Little Wimbledon, hidden from view by a large herbaceous border.

  “Well. What do you want? Say your peace and leave me alone!”

  He completely throws me a curve ball and renders me momentarily speechless. “You kissed me back”


  “You kissed me back, Tilly. I didn’t imagine it!”

  “I-I….Oh, so that gives you free gratis to try to seduce me?! Fuck you, Drew!”

  “Fuck you, Tilly Teague!!” And he is there, in one stride, a grip on both of my arms, pulling me again into his chest. I fight one hand free, raising it to strike him, when as quickly he swipes my wrist, planting a kiss on the upturned palm. I am swept up toward him, an arm wound tightly around my waist, the other hand still holding my wrist.

  This time, his mouth finds mine hard and rough. Urgency and hunger pushing down on my lips, knowing I have no alternative but to open my mouth for air. He seeks the opportunity and plunges his tongue deep within my mouth. He releases my hand using his now free hand to tangle in my hair pulling me closer and deeper towards him.

  The taste of him is drug-like, intoxicating. I want to fight against him but again my body deceives me. My hands reach for his neck, this time holding him tight, drawing him nearer. Caressing him, twisting my fingers in his hair. He groans, deepening his kiss, pressing his erection harder and harder against my body. I suck his tongue with gentle, soft sucks hearing him release another groan, louder, deeper this time. I feel the heat of fluid pool in my sex. My nipples are painfully tight, pressing against the satin of my gown, aching for touch.

  “Get your fucking hands off her, asshole!” Mia bellows as she nears around the edge of the herbaceous hedge. We break apart, both of us breathless and panting. She sees me gasping for air and increases her pace towards me.

  “Mia…please…leave it….” And I can’t seem to move quick enough to grab her arm as she launches at him. Her hand connects with his face, the sound resonating against the stillness of the air around us. I can only recoil in horror, an inaudible gasp catching in my throat. I stare, wide eyed, for a reaction from Drew but he doesn’t even flinch. A wide smile slowly stretches across his face. Mia is glaring, seething but she stills, staring almost level with his face.

  “Slightly over protective, aren’t we? Just to bring you up to speed, before you launched your assault on me, your beautiful friend here was seducing me this time….and yes, she definitely kissed me back” A slow drawl exits his mouth, his wide smile growing even wider. He arches an eyebrow at her, waiting for her response.

  “Tilly…is this…did he hurt you?” Mia shoots a look in my direction, not moving from her face-off with Drew.

  “Mia, he didn’t hurt me” I sigh, flushing scorching my cheeks, recognising that his statement is partly true. I did kiss him back. “Drew, I’m sorry. Are you ok?”

  “Well, now let me see, Now I’m the injured one….at your hands it would seem” Stroking a hand across his jaw, mocking me. ”Perhaps I need carrying to my car….or breakfast brought to me in the morning as an apology.”

  I shoot an exasperated glare at Mia. Rarely, does she look sheepish, but she is attempting it now. I need to rescue this situation.

  “Maybe…maybe I could cook you a meal at my place…then we would be quits ok? “

  “Do I get breakfast too? To be totally quits, you should offer to bring me breakfast” His eyes are piercing, laughing in my direction.

  “W-What?” I splutter. Mia is twitching beside me, ready to launch again.

  “I have a better idea. One night. One whole night. I take you for a meal, you stay and in the morning, we eat breakfast together. I return you home safe and sound…then we’re quits.”

  “Stay overnight? Are you fucking serious? Are you telling me to sleep with you?! I’m not a ….a….”

  “No…in a separate room…of course, I’m not expecting you to sleep with me. I’m not a total asshole. I will book us a suite each in the hotel where we dine….so ready to call it quits, Miss Teague?”

  To Mia’s horror, I tilt my chin in his direction and nod in agreement. Suddenly, I feel like I’ve grown some balls and captured some of my dear friends’ feistiness. We agree that he will call me in the next few days, after exchanging mobile numbers, and Drew has arranged our ‘Quits Meeting’ as we now refer to it. We turn to walk away, but after a few steps, Drew calls after us.

  “Oh Mia? You really must meet my brother Jake” A wry smirk playing around his mouth.

  “Oh, Drew….just to bring you up to speed….I just met him about half an hour ago….and you can tell that little pip squeak, well, I could suck him in and blow him out in bubbles, dude!” she retorts, and with that, we both turn laughing to see Drew stood, open jawed.

  Chapter Seven

  “Good evening, Miss Teague. Nice to see you again” Thomson is standing at the passenger side by the Gullwing doors of the Mercedes. He takes my small overnight bag, without question, and places it in the boot, before sliding in beside me.

  “Well, good evening to you, Thomson…but I’d much rather you called me Tilly. After all, it won’t make much difference, will it, as we’ll never meet again after tomorrow?” Yes, that shook his coolness as I notice him flinch uncomfortably.

  “I-I suppose I could, but I would prefer to refer to you as Miss Teague, if you don’t mind”

  “Oh, but I do mind…very much…I insist you call me Tilly” I’m playing with him, my balls have definitely grown. Mean, I know, but I can’t help it.

  “Tilly….ma’am. As you wish”

  “And you are?”

  “I don’t understand?”

  “You must have a first name, Thomson, can you tell me it please?”

  “Mark….Mark Thomson…but I really must insist, ma’am, I mean Tilly
, that you only call me Thomson” he shoots me a sideways glance and I throw him a big smile in return. He knows I’m playing with him and he’s wilting. He struggles to remain focussed but I note the twitch of a smile quiver at his mouth.

  “So where is your master taking this poor and defensive fair maiden on this fine evening, Mark….oops, Thomson?”

  “Tilly, you are headed to Newquay…..and into the lion’s den” he is openly playing along now.

  “Newquay? That’s not very far from Mawgan Porth. Somehow, this fair maiden was expecting to be dragged to some little hut in the middle of nowhere…how very disappointing”

  “I haven’t said where in Newquay yet, fair maiden, and I’m not going to either!”

  And he sticks to his word, a flirty pout in his direction not moving him.

  The rest of the journey passes by with small flashes of conversation until I persuade him to turn the CD player on….loud. “Are you trying to get me fired, Tilly!” he grumbles roughly in frustration. I’m surprised to hear Cold Play suddenly fill the car, but before he can sink into deep frustration, we are both humming then openly singing along. I’m too busy killing Paradise that I don’t notice us turning in the direction of Newquay Cornwall International Airport and minutes later, we are entering the direct access for VIP’s. The car begins to slow considerably. It is then that I pay attention to where we are.

  “Thomson….we’re at the airport! What…what are we doing here?” I’m not so cocky now.

  “It would appear that my master is dragging the fair maiden to a hut in the middle of nowhere, after all” He pulls to a stop at the foot of some flight steps leading to a Jet, throws me a sideways smile and exits the car.

  I climb the steps behind him, and as we enter the door, he sweeps a low bow in my direction “After you, Tilly, and into the lion’s den” I giggle aloud, both of us abruptly coming to a halt when we turn to see Drew a few strides away stood glaring at Thomson.


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