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The First Touch (Templer Series)

Page 7

by Duka Dakarai

  “Oh, Tilly. I’m sorry.”

  “Please. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  “My outburst on the plane…and fighting in the street. What must you think of me? I must seem like a controlling asshole as well. Please believe me, I don’t know what came over me either…on both occasions.”

  “You’re nothing like Simon, Drew. Please don’t do that to yourself”

  The time has caught up with us. Jenny interrupts us to tell me that the Masseuse is here and setting up the massage table in another guest bedroom. And he will be ready for me in about five minutes.

  “He? The Masseuse is a man?” Drew desperately tries to look unaffected. “Are you ok with that, Tilly?” But I catch a small scowl at Jenny, after all, she booked the session. She shrugs him off.

  “Of course. The stronger the hands the better….my shoulders are as tense as piano wire after yesterday.”

  So are mine now….some fucking guy is going to rubbing oil all over you…..why am I so FUCKING bothered?!! I can’t wait for the next few days to be over and get you out my house, out of my life….this was a mistake having you here…..

  “Cool. Off you go then. Enjoy” You blatant liar, Drew…..

  Twenty minutes later and I am seriously sinking into heaven. The massage is pulling every knot and ache out of my body, stroke by delicious stroke. I let out a long sigh and a loud groan escapes from my mouth.

  “This is wonderful. I’m almost asleep. Can I have you every….”

  “You’re fucking naked!” Drew is stood, large, in the door way. The Masseuse instinctively stops what he is doing. He doesn’t want a scene with some boyfriend or husband.

  “Drew! What are you doing in here? And I’m not naked. I have pants on under the towel!”

  “Well, you look naked. And I was passing the room and thought I heard you cry out or something!” Liar, liar, hope your nose doesn’t grow…

  “No, I’m totally fine….Mmmm, more than fine”

  “Well, I’m assuming you will be done soon. We need to prepare for the conference call with the solicitor”

  “In about another 40 minutes, we will be”

  “40 minutes?! This session lasts an hour?” With him stroking you like that?

  “Yes, Drew….now please. I’m fine. Let me drift back into heaven”

  “Well, I’m going for a walk on the beach…you see in a bit” Jesus, get me out of here….!!!

  Several hours go by, the injunction is being prepared (Drew insists that he will pay), we have dined on a light lunch and we are sat outside awaiting the arrival of the whirlwind that is Mia. Jake has called and said he is on his way over. This should be interesting! Mia and Jake in the same room!

  Drew is quiet again. Talking but quiet. Come on, Jake, hurry up and get here. A booming laugh is heard from within the house and I am saved. He will surely fire Drew back up again.

  “And how is the beautiful Tilly today?” Grasping my hand again and planting a kiss across my knuckles. I don’t miss the scowl thrown from Drew towards him.

  “I’m very well. I had an amazing massage this morning.”

  “Sounds cool! Did you have one, Drew?”

  “No! I went for a walk on the beach….from all the grunting and groaning going on…I didn’t know if she was in pain or having sex with the fucker! I took myself off out of it…left him and Tilly to it”

  “A male Masseuse, eh? Hope he was cute, Tilly” Jake winks at me. He’s playing with Drew.

  “Blonde, and young….a surfer type dude. Cute, I suppose.”

  Jenny arrives to inform us that there is a ‘vision’ exiting the car and we all know immediately she is describing Mia. I jump up and out of my chair to greet her. I miss the joint arch eyebrows and shakes of heads between the two men. I fling open the door and am engulfed in perfumed arms almost as wide as Drew’s.

  “Oh, hun, I’m so glad you’re safe. Is Drew looking after you?”

  “Yes, he is. Very well. Too well. Come on, come say hello. Jake is here too. Now play nice.” We hug again, squeezing each other as though we haven’t seen each other for months. “We’re outside.”

  I lead her through the giant sitting room, through the kitchen and head toward the veranda, before being nearly bowled over as she gushes past me.

  “Drew! Drew! The hero of the hour…let me kiss you!” She gushes, throwing herself around him before kissing him on both cheeks. I have to stifle a laugh as he looks completed stunned. Before he can utter a word, she turns to Jake, obviously eyeing him up and down. “Tilly tells me I have to play nice. Jake, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it is. Nice to see you again, Mia” Jake is almost formal. And now I am stunned.

  “Oh, so you are playing nice too! How boring!” And at that moment the four of us dissolve into explosive laughter. Mia is just what we all needed.

  Jenny arrives with refreshments. Wine for the girls and beer for the men. Mia asks if she can have a bottle of beer instead. No glass. Both men look at her as though she is most perfect woman on earth…stunningly beautiful and a beer drinker. And I love her even more. She is a complete delight today, as always, and is entertaining us with her latest escapade. I have tears streaming down my face from laughter. The men are almost doubled over.

  “And so with that….him stood there with his chipolata hanging out of his zip….I simply pointed at it and said Darling, trust me, with that you are seriously wasting my time!” She drawls, and sends me over the edge. My cheeks are aching from laughter and I have to beg her to stop.

  We consume several more drinks. I am feeling very merry indeed and know I need to pace myself or I will never last the night with this woman. In fact, I think we are all flush with alcohol. We have been laughing and chatting oblivious to the time until Jenny coughs lightly to interrupt us.

  “It is six thirty, Drew. You didn’t request dinner tonight but I can easily prepare some cold cuts and cheese. There’s plenty. You know that.”

  “Oh, darling boys, you must take Tilly and I out! I’ve brought her a treat that she has to wear tonight….surely we can find somewhere at such late notice….oh, and dancing….please, you must. I’m only here for one night. And I’ve been nice to Jake, and for that…..I need to treat, too!” Mia is as animated as ever, mocking pouting at Drew. He nods his agreement, laughing. Jake announces he knows the perfect place and snaps up his phone to book us a table for eight o’clock.

  There is a thrive of activity as we all scatter about, making to get ready. Mia grabs two bottles of beers for herself, and a half finished bottle of wine for me announcing with a wink to the men that these are to help us get ready. Jake has consumed too much alcohol to drive back to his place to change so I overhear him arranging with Drew to borrow a dress shirt and trousers. Thomson isn’t available to drive him at the moment and apparently he wouldn’t have him drive him anyway. Jake always drives himself.

  An hour later after much poking and prodding from Mia, I am stood looking at myself in the full length mirror. I don’t know how she does it, but not for the first time, I don’t recognise the reflection in the mirror. I feel myself well up, and turn to hug her tightly.

  “Hun, why the tears? You’ll ruin your make-up!” She cups a hand on my face.

  “I’m being silly. And I’ve had too much wine already. I’m almost afraid to say it….but I feel beautiful….and I look it. Oh Mia, I needed this. Thank You!” I hug her again.

  “Well, Tilly, if Drew isn’t in your bed by the end of the evening, then nothing will move the man!”

  I am stunned. But I shouldn’t be. I should know Mia and her thinking by now. “Is this what you had planned when you bought this dress and these shoes?!!”

  “Of course! With that fabric skimming your delicate curves ending just below your fabulous derriere….the booty is on display, darling. And with five inch heels your legs look endless, perfect to wrap around him. Any man would want you….and he will too!”

  We hug again and make for the stairs arm in
arm. As we near the entrance of the sitting room, at the foot of the stairs, I can see Drew and Jake stood politely waiting for us. And just as we come into view, I hear an audible gasp from Jake. Drew is stood taller than ever until I see his jaw visibly sag open. My stomach does somersaults. I’m desperate to remain as cool as Mia who is, of course, taking this all in her stride. She is so used to men gawping at her in awe. I, on the other hand, am not. And this feeling, even if it’s just for tonight, is incredible.

  “Wow, fucking wow! Tilly, Mia….fuck Tilly! You should be arrested for looking so beautiful…..and scorching HOT!” Jake is shouting out his excitement, his hands on the top of his hand. Mia beams at me and back at Jake.

  “Doesn’t she look unbelievable?! But then I think she always does. But tonight….doesn’t she look…..yes, SCORCHING HOT!!” Mia is as excited as Jake, bursting with pride at her efforts and at me. She throws a look in Drew’s direction searching for confirmation. He is still stood open jawed, no words coming from his mouth. His eyes, though, are as wide as saucers. I’m drinking in this feeling.

  “Drew, say something. Don’t the girls look incredible?” Jake turns to his brother, nudging him hard in the ribs. “Do a twirl for us ladies so we get the full effect!” Jake’s excitement hasn’t subsided even by a fraction.

  Mia does a half hearted circle, gesturing to me to do a very slow twirl. She is being a true friend. This is my night in her eyes and she really wants me to shine. She has even gone to the lengths of wearing a pant suit, albeit stunning, so as to not distract from the effect of my legs in this short dress. She’s not stupid and either I am….there are not many women out there who could complete with model length 42 inch legs!

  So I do my twirl, as instructed, slowly turning around to show off what Mia describes as the ultimate best view ‘to shake a man to his core’. This dress has virtually no back, instead draping down in a deep open circle ending just an inch above the feminine curve of the buttocks. In effect, this ass skimming piece of material finishing only literally 4 inches below the ridge where my buttock meets my thigh is all that is holding the front and the back of the dress together. Again, as practiced with Mia in the bedroom, I stop with my back to the men, and look over my shoulder, slightly but not too obviously, arching my bottom out. This she assures me is the Victoria’s Secret lingerie model effect, making even the flattest of the flat bottoms look luscious and round…..enticing.

  Jake is not even attempting to hide the effect it has on him! This man does wonders for a woman’s ego. His mouth is fully open, sheer awe on his face. He runs both hands through his hair “Holy fuck! Tilly!” But it is Drew’s reaction only that I am really interest in….and then I see it. Oh god, do I see it, the heat pooling at my sex He still hasn’t uttered a word, his lips slightly more parted…but then his nostrils flare deeply out for a brief second as he takes a deep breath in, his eyes hooded, but not in anger….lust. I want to fuck you now lust.

  Drew is willing his body not to spring the biggest hard on of his life…Jesus fucking Christ! I want to fuck her so fucking hard right now….this woman will be the death of me…..she is killing me with this dress….her ass….her legs….what the fuck I could do with her legs right now…..cock, I beg you, stay down……..

  “FUCK, TILLY!!!” Drew can’t hold it in any longer. The exasperated words spill out of his mouth taking him and all those in the room by surprise.

  Mia eye’s grow as wide as can be and she cries out a giggle…she’s done it! She came here to do this and, damn, did she achieve it! She throws Jake a look and he is beaming, his eyes shining. Realisation dawns on her that she and Jake are plotting the same course….Drew and Tilly….Drew and Tilly…He gets it too, and they nod knowingly at each other.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jake was right. He does know the perfect place. The restaurant is set high on the cliffs overlooking the beach, away from the loudness of the party crowds in the town centre but lively enough to have a great atmosphere with a dance floor and cocktail bar on another level. Diners can choose to sit inside or out. Out is quieter and more intimate with breath taking views so we chose this option. The plan is to carry on the night dancing and drinking cocktails after the meal.

  After ordering our food, we settle into conversation. Mia has brought a tiny digital camera, not her usual Cannon EOS 1100D, and occasionally stands to take a picture of the scenery and incredible views. It hasn’t escaped my notice that Jake follows Mia’s every move. He seems totally enthralled by her. And if Drew is true about his brother being a player, then this is a fascinating development. Match maker, match maker….

  Both men are being utterly charming and attentive, ensuring that we are all included in every topic of conversation. Jake occasionally flirts outrageously with Mia, and as she is playing nice, she lets him. In fact, or maybe I am imagining what I want to see, she may be actually lapping it up. They certainly would make a ridiculously good looking couple….

  The food is to die for. Ok, not in the league of Browns, but genuinely authentic, home cooked Italian fare. We dive in, savouring every mouthful, famished from all the alcohol consumption. We giggle at our combined groans of delight at the calorie laden, carb fest. Pastas laden with sauces and cheese, doughy garlicky balls and Tiramisu, heavy with Marsala and cream. We mock rub our bellies and puff out our cheeks.

  In the cocktail and dance bar, we manage to grab the last remaining soft seated sofa area. Mia sits first, Jake jumping in beside her, mock draping an arm around her shoulder which she playfully bats away. This leaves Drew and I to sit opposite them on the other sofa. Drew doesn’t drape an arm around my shoulder or even pretend to a la Jake and I’m fully aware of the pang of disappointment. To hide it, I move forward to grab the cocktail menu off the table between the two sofas. Mia and I both plump for a Fred Said – Bourbon, Lemon Juice, Apricot Liqueur and a splash of Apple Juice, a twist of Orange Peel on the side…..refreshing, delicious and lethal. I’m not sure if this is such a good idea after so much wine and champagne but hey, ho. The men settle for no cocktails choosing straight bourbon on the rocks.

  After a couple of drinks apiece, we are all equally flushed and in need of some dancing to secrete some of this alcohol out of our systems. Mia is the first to jump up out of her seat. She visibly wobbles unsteadily on her feet, giggling girlishly, before falling directly back into Jake’s lap. He laughs in delight, pinning his arms around her waist. She returns the humorous gesture by mock throwing her arms his neck. “Ok, dance with me, Lover!” she breathes at him. Jake nods his agreement, still beaming. And they head out onto the dance floor. Drew and I watch them, laughing at their antics. She is grinding into him, her arms thrown up into the air. His face is an absolute picture. His eyes are wide and his smile wider, He simply can’t get enough of her. Oh Jake, my man, you have met your match here….she is a bigger player than you…..

  I’m still enwrapped in their frolics when I feel a familiar touch run down the length of my spine. I noticeably shudder at the exquisite sensation. And now a hot breath on my neck, lips touching my earlobe. I don’t want to turn around to face him for fear of breaking this intimate act. He runs his hand, fingers feathering, down the full length of my spine again, before murmuring into my ear.

  “Do you want to join them, Tilly? Or stay here....but I warn you….if we stay here, I don’t think I can stop stroking you.” His deep, low lusting growl vibrates in my ear. A small moan parts my lips.

  “So you think you won’t be tempted to stroke me if we’re on the dance floor?” I breathe my words out. Still not turning to face him.

  “On the dance floor, I’ll dance.”

  “Then be prepared to dance, Mr Templer….” I turn to him and pout suggestively, causing him to raise both eyebrows at me.

  I lead him out onto the dance floor. The music tempo has slowed down. We begin by moving our bodies, facing each other, typical partner dancing. Then I turn and slowly back myself, sway by sway, into his body until we are fully touching
and he has no option but to either step backwards away from me or stay where he is. I slide my body against his, pressing harder into him, raising my arms up in the air, before reaching my fingers backwards interlocking them at the nape of his neck. We are now fully connected. He has no option, to avoid his arms dangling at his sides, but to put them somewhere on my body.

  I continue swaying and slow grinding my body against his, only breaking this motion with subtle arches of my back and neck, pushing my ass against his groin, letting playful suggestive small moans escape from my mouth. He lifts his hands, running them down the length of my arms, long slow motion down each side of my ribcage, before settling them one on each hip, pulling me tighter into him. I can feel his hot breath on my neck, deep and raspy, low pants expelling from his throat.

  His erection is straining against my ass, as I push hard back into him, him pulling me tighter into his groan. An extended groan from deep in his throat trembles on the skin of my neck. I slide my ass slowly up and down his pulsing erection, arching into him, letting my fingers untwine and stroking the nape of his neck.

  “Fuck, Tilly, you’re killing me! My cock is aching!” He growls in my ear, panting.

  I let a deep throaty moan. “How can I make it better, Drew? Show me”

  He sucks hard into the flesh of my neck, biting and sucking, spinning my body around to face him. Pulling me tight against him, biting into my neck again, the rawness of his hunger causing my sex to flood and spasm. His hands are on my ass, my breasts slammed into his chest, him now grinding his twitching cock against me. His mouth biting and sucking up my neck, across my jaw, seeking my mouth. Our mouths connect, biting each other’s lips, tongues thrusting, seeking and finding the warmth. He sucks at my tongue, pressing harder and harder against my lips. He releases my tongue, kissing me slower now, long slow sensual motions, still thrusting his groin against my sex, grinding into me.


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