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The First Touch (Templer Series)

Page 11

by Duka Dakarai

  Drew can feel the blood draining from his face. The cunt has got her….the cunt has got her….He catches Jake’s look and he knows he is thinking the same thought.

  Realisation dawns on Mia but before she can utter a word or even a scream, blackness falls.

  Chapter Twenty

  Mia will know. I’m holding on, all energy on that thought. Mia will know that I couldn’t have sent that text. My love for Drew and my trust in Mia are the only things that are getting me through this. I know I must remain calm. As more time passes, Simon is growing increasingly agitated. I ache all over. I’m dizzy from lack of food and fluids, but I must remain alert and calm. Think, Mia……think about Craigmere…..

  “I’m trying to think! Stop screaming at me…..think, Mia, think!” Mia is banging her hand in frustration off her forehead.

  Drew and Jake are sat on their haunches in front of her chair. Occasionally, Jake strokes her arm reassuringly, willing her remember anything that will help find where Simon may have taken me. Drew thrusts himself up into a standing position, his hands running through his hair.

  “Please, Mia…..anything…..anywhere he would take her” Drew knows his constant pushing her is not helping but he’s holding on to the cliff by his fingernails. His head is pounding with the stress of thinking what the woman he loves might be enduring the woman I love, the woman I love……

  A scream breaks through. Mia leaps from her chair, her eyes wide. “Oh my God! Honeymoon! HONEYMOON!”

  Drew and Jake are frozen in puzzlement.

  “He was taking her to Scotland to a secluded Lodge….they….they would have been there now…..on their honeymoon…..maybe…..maybe…” She’s spitting the words out, her mind too fast for her mouth.

  “Where, Mia? Think!” Drew has grabbed her by the arms, gently shaking her. “Where in Scotalnd?”

  “Craig…something….the Lodge was called Craig something….near Edinburgh…..Fuck, Craigmere!….Yes, Craigmere!” Tears of relief, stress, exhaustion streaming from her eyes.

  Suddenly, Drew is grabbing his phone and wallet. “Mia, ring the police….tell them everything you remember about this Lodge. I’m going there. Jake, ring ahead….get the Jet ready” And with that he fires out of the door. Jake is tearing after him, his phone clamped to his ear, barking orders down the line.

  “Drew, I’m coming with you!” He launches himself at the car.

  Simon is pacing the Lodge, ranting and pulling his hands through his hair. I can see his anger building. I don’t know what is the best thing to do or say. I’m sat huddled on the sofa, my anxiety growing by the minute. Should I lie and tell him I love him….will he release me then……maybe he will try to force himself on me…….I can barely move. Every slight movement of my wrists causes the raw skin to rub more and the bleeding to start again. I just want this to end. Tears prick at my eyes but I gulp them back. I must not aggravate the situation further.

  Sirens….I’m sure I can hear sirens in the distance. But I’m so hungry and exhausted my mind is playing cruel tricks on me. But then, the shriek of the noise gets louder. It is sirens….they are getting closer….please be for me….please

  The screech of tyres outside snaps me into reality. Simon lunges at me and throws me against the wall beside the window, pinning me across my mouth with his hand. “Stay fucking quiet, bitch!” He spits at me.

  A booming knock at the door, followed by Police shouting causes my heart to leap in my chest. I kick out at Simon with all my force. Suddenly, a voice…..Drew!

  “Kick the fucking door in….what are you waiting for!” Drew screams in frustration. Jake is pulling him back, letting the Officers do their job.

  I bite hard with all my might at the hand across my mouth. It springs away and I scream “DREW! DREW!” as pain sears across the side of my head and darkness descends upon me.

  My eyelids are heavy. I’m trying to pull them open. A cough traps at the back of my throat, and I jerk awake. I can feel I am lying down. There are lots of voices attached to hazy figures. Someone is squeezing my hand, another is shining a light in my eyes. I squint.

  “Sir, you have to let us do our job. I need the space to move. Please Sir” I recognise the uniform. I’m safe. I’m in the back of an ambulance.

  “Drew? Where’s Drew?” The words croak out of my dry mouth.

  “Baby, I’m here….oh, baby” His voice is broken with emotion. “What has that bastard done to her?” He searches the medics face for an answer.

  “She has bruising to her ribs…I don’t think broken….She has obviously been struck to the face, her wrists are cut from the binds…and she is dehydrated….obvious exhaustion. We really do need to take her to hospital now for a more thorough examination….you must let us do our work, Sir”

  I am seeing the figures clearly now. I can see Drew’s turned face as he listens to the paramedic, his cheeks stained with tears, strain and anger etched deeply. I try to reach out to him.


  He turns to me suddenly releasing I am fully awake. He rains kisses across my forehead. “I’m here, baby”

  “I want to go home. I don’t want to go to hospital…..I want to get out of here…..I want to go home” A retched sob overwhelms me.

  “Miss…Tilly, I strongly recommend that we take you to hospital…and the police will need to interview you…..”

  “NO! Drew….take me home…get me away from here” My sobs are choking the words.

  “I’m taking her home…do you hear….she wants to go home” Drew snarls at the paramedic in frustration, before gently lifting me into his arms and carrying me toward Jake and the car. He slides himself with me into the back seat.

  “Jake, get us the fuck out of here! And ring Amber and tell her to get Dr Culdrose to meet us at the airport in Newquay in two hours!”

  He cradles me into him, rocking me gently back and forth. I can feel him reach for his phone. His body is rigid with tension. My sobs are flowing freely now as I cling to him.

  “Mia? We’ve got her. We’re bringing her home” And with that, he cracks, his own sobs breaking free.

  Chapter Twenty One

  “Home-made chicken soup and fresh baked rolls, my Lovely” Jenny the housekeeper lays a tray gently on the edge of my bed.

  “Thank you, Jenny…” I smile at her.

  She has fussed and preened over me, baking special cakes and pasties to ‘feed me up’ over the last four days…it feels like I have had around the clock watch…either Drew or Jake or Mia or Amber have been in and out of my room, sitting by my bed, fussing and fretting. But now I need to move and I really need a shower, desperately.

  The Police want to interview me today. They have been waiting for 2 days for a full statement but Drew has put them off. I can’t put it off any longer either.

  I want to have shower or bath before I see them. Drew runs me a bath. He looks exhausted and I know he hasn’t slept or eaten properly since he brought me home.

  I get dressed and meet with the Police in the garden. I tell them all they need to know. Drew holds my hand in his lap and I can feel him wince and tense as I describe how Simon grew angrier and angrier because I wouldn’t tell him I love him. I tell them about Simon sending Drew the text from my phone, although really I think I am reassuring Drew, again. I tell of him hitting me twice that I remember….My voice breaks and Drew tells them that they have enough from me. The Police leave promising to keep me updated.

  I climb cautiously onto his lap. I can tell that he has been through hell too and I need to hold him. I need the comfort of his strong arms. I feather light kisses on his face, on his eyelids and slowly take his mouth to mine.

  “Baby, are you ok?” he pulls me gently from him and implores my face.

  “Yes, but I need something, Drew….I need something from you”

  “Anything” he cups my face in his hands.

  “Please take me to bed and hold me in your arms…let’s sleep awhile…you look exhausted”

bsp; “Now, that I can do”

  One Week Later:

  The sun is streaming through the window, the curtains gently blowing with the breeze from the sea. I open my eyes and gently stretch each limb slowly. I feel much better now, and the ache in my ribs has almost subsided completely. Drew is still fast asleep, lying flat on his back with an arm stretched over his eyes. He looks peaceful, and oh so handsome. I shake out of the bed, walk into the on-suite, splash my face with cooling water and brush my teeth. My colour is back I notice, and I’m sure I have gained a few pounds from all Jenny’s baking.

  I slide back into bed…and decide to wake up Drew. It has been nearly a fortnight since we touched each other fully, sexually, and I ache for his touch, his taste.

  I run feather light strokes from his chest to his abdomen, circling my fingers through his pubic hair, finishing with slow, gentle fists along his morning erection. His cock twitches in response in my hand and a sleepy groan from his lips. I pull my head under the bedcovers to take in the beautiful shape of his body – the expanse of muscular chest, the wall of muscle across his stomach leading in a deep v shape to his generous, thick cock. I never get past the wonder of looking at him, of touching him, of tasting him.

  I take him in my mouth, sliding down the shaft in one long motion, staying as close to the base I can reach, sucking hard, pulling in through my cheeks. I feel his shudder as he pulls his heavy eyelids from sleep.

  “Mmm….someone is feeling better” He moans out his pleasure at the intrusion to his sleep.

  I drag a long pull back up the length of his cock, leaving my tongue to rotate the head, while my right hand continues to slowly fist him. Sliding back down with my mouth, I draw in my cheeks, deepening and increasing the suction.

  “Oh, baby, that’s so good…..I’ve missed your touch so much” He is fully awake now, his hips slowly moving in time to my pace on his cock. “I fucking love your mouth on my cock” A louder groan fills the room.

  Increasing the pace of my right hand fisting, I release my mouth, moving my tongue to his balls and scrotum, flicking gentle licks over and under the sac. His hips arch out to deepen the intensity….he groans through breathy pants… ball, then the other sucked into the warmth and fluid off my mouth. I trail my tongue past his sac around to the bud of his anus, releasing a small pool of saliva. With my left hand I slip my fingers between his ass cheeks and slowly use the saliva to circle the bud, still fisting, increasing the pace one notch at a time, mouth moving back to envelope his shaft.

  “Baby? What – what….?” I feel his slight apprehension as I continue to circle the bud of his ass.

  “Trust me, baby……don’t think…..just enjoy”

  Easing a singular finger into the bud, I slowly make entry and release, before making entry again. Increasing the up, down, up, down suction of my mouth on his cock, sucking harder, deeper now. I can feel the shaft tapping, tapping at the back of my throat. I increase the pace of my ass fingering, timing with the mouth fuck.

  He growls a loud moan…”Fuck, baby….I never knew…..Fuck, that’s so fucking good…..”

  I slide in a secondary finger, his body jerking wanting more….my fisting and mouth fucking pulling him towards the edge of orgasm. I can hear his pants, feel his tensing stomach muscles, his chest heaving out the groans of ecstasy….his hips arching, seeking more…..aching for release…

  “FUCK! FUCK, BABY!” And with a sharp thrust of his hips, he floods my mouth with his salty cum as I continue to suck him dry.

  I slide back up the bed, taking him in my arms, stroking his body back into come-down. He cups my face, kissing me lovingly and slow, his eyes still wide and hooded from desire. He shakes his head, looking deep into my eyes.

  “Tilly, baby……what you do to me…….how you make me feel…..” The emotion laid across his face says everything I need to hear. “I’m going to spend the rest of the morning making love to you…..”

  I’m famished. Luckily, Jenny ignored the fact that we missed breakfast, tossing the cooked eggs and bacon in the garbage as though they never existed, and has now prepared an even bigger feast for lunch. Drew is watching me eat my own food and pinching snippets from his plate too. His eyes are dancing in amusement.

  “I never get bored watching you eat” He laughs “It’s like watching scraps being sucked down the food waste disposer in the sink!”

  “Charming! I love you too!” I mock a slap to the back of his head, laughing in return.

  The laughing smile suddenly leaves his face. He looks at me full on, and serious. Instinctively, I stop eating, realisation dawns on me what I just said. Shit.

  Grabbing my hand in his, he leans into me. “Say that again”

  I can feel the gulp hanging in my throat. “I love you”

  He gently pulls me off my seat and into his lap. He tilts my chin up to look into his eyes. I notice they are moist with emotion, and I can feel my mouth become suddenly dry.

  “I love you.” His voice is broken with the strength of the emotion, and with that, we sit in silence, holding each other.


  One Month Later

  Drew is sat drumming his fingers on his old oak chest. Occasionally, he stops to slowly stroke the wood, memories of his father performing the same motion replaying in his head. He wished he was still here, especially now, this day, to help him with his decision.

  Instead, opposite him, lounging in the other ancient leather chair is Jake. He loves his brother deeply but they rarely talk, if ever, about intensely personal matters. And this decision is a very personal matter.

  “So, are you going to spit it out then…..the reason for the endless fucking drumming of the fingers…..” Jake drawls, eyeing his brother for the umpteenth time.

  Jake will have to do. Who else is there? He runs a hand through his hair and releases a deep breath before speaking.

  “Tilly…..this relationship…’s not enough anymore…..not for me”

  Jake jumps forward, his eyes wide.

  “What are you saying? I don’t understand? I thought you were nuts about each other!”

  “No….no…..I mean, fuck! I mean I want more”

  “More than Tilly?” Confusion is flooding Jake’s brain. He’s never seen his brother so contented, so fucking happy.

  “Jesus, Jake…..let me get my words together! I mean this” He pulls a small red box out of his desk drawer and slides it across to his brother.

  Jake eyes the box, eyes his brother, then back at the box. A huge grin spreads across his mouth. He pulls the lid open to reveal a singular large, square cut diamond set upon a platinum band. “Sweet! I’m totally chuffed for you, Bro! When you thinking of popping the question?” He jumps up and shakes Drew’s hand with vigour.

  Drew is smiling broadly now, shyly. “Well, that’s where I need your help. And Mia. I want to plan a surprise party…..for this weekend….do it then. Can you and Mia help me sort it?”

  “I can help, for sure. Might be a slight problem……You’ll need to ring Mia yourself”

  “Why? What’s happened between you too now?” Drew releases an exasperated breath.

  “Nothing…..she’s just not talking to me” Jake smiles a lop-sided grin.

  “What is this big mystery happening between you and her?” Drew laughs, shaking his head again.

  “Well, that’s another story…..not for today… let’s plan this fucking engagement party!”

  And with that, the Templer Brothers set about planning a party…….

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifte

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One





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