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Yahn: Paranormal Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Alien Mates Book 4)

Page 27

by Ashley L. Hunt

  “We will see about that,” Hagard said as his face began to crease with lines of concern.

  “You must be cautious. If they see that anyone is trying to help us, they won’t hesitate to kill Jessie’s parents,” Yahn added.

  “Do not worry. I know the workers at docking bay 7825 and believe me, they have no love for Demarin or the executive guard,” Hagard reassured us. “Do as they say and we will have a surprise for these guards.”

  We nervously made our way across the colony to the docking bay. By now, the streets were completely quiet. Most of the lights of the hover dwellings were now dim. When we arrived at the docking bay things were still and quiet. We made our way to the entrance where two Sarceastian guards, now wearing their silver robes came up to us, carrying laser cannons. They frisked us and then pushed us inside.

  “This way,” one of the guards barked. There in the hanger were six other guards and my frightened parents standing in the center.

  "So, you have come just as we have requested. I only wish that my leader, Demarin Goldarn could be here to witness the downfall of the mighty Jessie and Yahn," one of the guards spoke. He was taller than the rest and his red eyes seemed to glow brighter than the others’, indicating a superior malice.

  “Let them go and we will come with you,” I said.

  “Do not be so hasty, Earthling. We will let them go when we are ready. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Captain Kertoff, second in command of what is left of the proud Sarceastian guard.”

  “Now that we’ve dispensed with the pleasantries, let’s get on with the trade, shall we?” I said.

  “Are you that anxious to die? So be it,” Captain Kertoff nodded to the guards. Two of them came over and let us towards a Sarceastian cruiser that was docked there. The captain nodded again and my parents were released.

  “Go on, you are now free to go,” the captain said, but my parents stood there defiantly.

  “No, I will not allow you to do this,” my father stated as he wrapped his arms around my mother. The captain laughed heartily.

  “Well now, that is touching, but there is nothing that you can do. Either you can die along with your daughter or you can set yourselves free. The choice is yours,” the captain said.

  "Go now, before they decide to kill you as well," I urged. My mother broke down and cried as my father led her away from the ship.

  "How touching. Now, get our prized prisoners aboard the ship and let's leave this uncivilized colony," the captain stated. The guards pushed their laser guns into our backs and we walked on board the ship. They took us to a chamber in the lower part of the ship that was equipped with all sorts of high tech torture devices. We were tied up in a corner and told to wait there. Seconds later, we saw several people move in behind the guards in the shadows.

  "Put down your weapons!" A familiar voice said. It was our newfound friend Hagard. The guards put down their weapons and were led away. Hagard and his men came and freed us from our chains, but the captain was nowhere to be seen. We exited the ship and then I immediately spotted the captain trying to board another ship nearby to make his escape.

  Yahn immediately changed to a blue vapor and then appeared behind the captain. For a second, there was a struggle on the platform. Then, I heard a laser blast and both Yahn and the captain fell off the platform onto the ground below.

  “Yahn!” I yelled, running across the docking area. Hagard and his men raced up behind me. When I reached the loading area of the ship, I saw a patch of scorched earth and Yahn lying beside it. Yahn opened his eyes, smiled and I threw my arms around him. Yahn’s laser blast had completely disintegrated the captain and there was nothing left of him.

  “Oh Yahn, my love you are ok,” I said.

  “Of course I’m ok. Did you really think that I was going to leave you now after everything we’ve been through?” Yahn made me laugh and we immediately walked over to Hagard to thank him.

  "We wouldn't have survived this ordeal without your help. You will always be a great friend to us," I said, once again shaking Hagard's hand.

  "It was the least we could do for the woman that liberated our people and took down our dictator," Hagard answered with a smile. "As for these remaining guards, they will receive a fair trial, but will surely pay for what they tried to do here today." When we got back to our ship, we found my parents crying outside. When they saw us standing before them unharmed, they began to cry tears of joy. My mother and father hugged both Yahn and I and we boarded the ship.

  “But how did you make it out of that mess?” Father asked.

  "Jessie has friends and allies everywhere now. Those guards didn't stand a chance," Yahn shared. We decided not to wait around any longer. Our ship was now refueled and we were ready to make the remaining leg of the journey to Earth. That night, Yahn and I lay together looking out the window at the multitude of stars. We made love and lay together in silent bliss for a long period of time. Finally, Yahn looked over at me and smiled. "My dear, it's now truly over. It is time to lead the life we have dreamed of." I kissed him and gripped his hand tightly, knowing in my heart that he was right.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  We arrived on Earth to another hero's welcome. News of our travels and adventures had been all over the media and we were now even bigger celebrities than ever before. There were reporters waiting to ask us questions as soon as we exited the ship. Yahn waved them away and cleared a path for my parents and me.

  “Were you scared? How do you respond to the description of you as a liberator?” A reporter asked me, sticking a microphone in my face.

  "I am just a woman like any other that had the courage to do something about an unjust situation. Anyone could do what I have done," I humbly stated, but the reporters only responded with more questions. We made our way through the docking area to a place where several hover car taxis were waiting anxiously, all hoping that the celebrities would choose their car to travel in. We chose one and told them to take us straight to Jessie's parents' house. We looked behind us at the multitude of people gathered around and looked forward to a period of rest away from the public eye.

  We arrived at Jessie's parents' house only to see another barrage of reporters waiting on us. We walked through them and made our way inside the house. The reporters hung around on the lawn until well into the evening. Finally, I went outside to speak with them.

  “I want all of you to leave. Soon, we will hold a press conference and all of you will be invited to attend. For now, I ask that all of you leave me, Yahn, and my parents in peace,” I stated. The reporters again tried to ask me questions all at once. I went back inside and finally, after another hour or so, the last of them had finally left. I fell asleep in Yahn’s arms to the most peaceful rest that I had experienced in quite a long time.

  After a week or so of rest and recovery, our presence was requested at the white house. The president wanted to personally thank us for improving Earth’s relationship with the Sarceastians.

  There was the usual presence of reporters, but we managed to get through without much incident. The president smiled and shook both of our hands.

  “Again, I must thank the two of you for your continued efforts to bring about peace amongst the Sarceastians. Now that they have democratically elected a new leader, it will mark a new era of peaceful relations between Earth and Sarceastium, not to mention for the rest of the known universe. So many suffered at the hands of the executive and their military commander. I am insistent upon offering you a great reward for your deeds. Anything that you might want,” he said.

  I looked at Yahn and he looked at me. “Well, one thing’s for sure, we will not be asking for any land on Gwuarden,” he joked, thinking back at the time when we thought we had begun a peaceful Chapter of our lives together.

  “Why not some land nearby in Maryland, close to my parents?” I said. Yahn nodded in agreement at this request.

  “I will see what I can do,” the president said. Abo
ut two weeks later, a representative of the president showed up at my parents’ door.

  “I have been sent by the president to take you to your new farm- it's only a few miles from here,” the man said. We went with him and he drove us in a black hover car into the hills. We came to a large gate and looked down a gravel road at a large rustic hover house surrounded by lush fields. In the background there were forested hills.

  “Yahn, this is everything I have dreamed about.”

  “Me too, my dear,” Yahn answered.

  We settled into our new home, living a quiet life in the country. Frequently, my parents would come to visit. On one such visit, we went to a local store to get some supplies. We noticed that some of the locals were looking at Yahn funny and whispering amongst themselves. We even overheard a man in overalls say ‘He's one of them damn Karkastians. We had better watch him- they are all terrorists, you know.’ My father glared at the man so severely, I thought fire might begin to shoot out of his eyes. He went right over to the man and got in his face.

  “Do you have any idea who that Karkastian is? That is Yahn and he is twice as brave as you could ever hope to be. If it wasn’t for him and my daughter, we would all be slaves of the Sarceastians, so I would show some respect if I were you!” My father spoke up. The man looked embarrassed as he realized who we were.

  “My apologies,” he said to us and then walked out of the store. I couldn’t believe how much my father’s respect for Yahn had grown.

  "Thank you for your kind words," Yahn said to my father.

  “Don’t mention it. If it wasn’t for you, we would no longer have our beautiful daughter in our lives. We will never forget everything that you’ve done for us,” he said. I smiled at how well the two of them were hitting it off.

  The days passed in blissful happiness. Soon, the reporters began to leave us alone and we were able to travel around the area without being disturbed. I had begun to feel a bit sick to my stomach, so I decided to go to the doctor for a routine checkup. That’s when I received the news that would make my heart leap up with joy.

  Yahn came inside after feeding the chickens that we now had on the farm. We also had a few cows and horses. He could tell that I was glowing with happiness, a bit more than usual.

  “Did everything go alright at the doctor’s office?” he asked in concern.

  “It certainly did,” I said as my smile grew larger. “Yahn, you are going to be a father, just like you’ve always wanted to be,” I said.

  Yahn's blue complexion grew darker as his eyes grew big and a smile crept across his face. He picked me up and twirled me around in the air. "I'm going to be a father! All of our dreams have finally come true!" he exclaimed. I laughed joyfully along with him. That night we mind-melded, sharing our thoughts of elated joy with one another, letting the optimism of the future wash over us. We fell asleep hand in hand. Yahn suddenly woke up in the middle of the night, just like he had when Gwuarden had been invaded.

  “Yahn, is everything alright? You’ve had another dream, haven’t you? I can tell by the look on your face,” I said, fearing the worst.

  He nodded his head, but the look on his face was a joyful one. I could tell right away that the nature of this dream was quite different than the one he had on that fateful night in Gwuarden.

  “I dreamt that you and I were on the top of that hill behind the house having a picnic. We were laughing and talking, holding hands with our new baby boy. He was happy and healthy. Jessie, everything is going to be just fine. The future holds no malice for us, only gifts.” I laughed out loud with joy and embraced Yahn, tightly. I was greatly relieved to find that his latest dream was a happy one.

  “You are all I ever wanted and nothing can stand in the way of our future together,” I whispered. We sat together and watched the first rays of the sun make their way through the window and shine symbolically on our bed.

  The End

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  Badass Luke

  Private Bonus Story

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  With Love

  Ashley L. Hunt

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  Dragons of Novai

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  Preview Of Rex

  Chapter One


  The Finding

  I didn’t think; I just shot.

  The herd of hicorn—wild, free-roaming goats with four large, spiral horns—meandered lazily around the vigibrach tree without the slightest sign of unease. Despite their skittish nature and tendency to run at the slightest noise, hicorn were notoriously easy targets for hunting tribesmen, and they were useful from horn to hoof. In fact, most hicorn were killed with a weapon made of a brother goat’s horn.

  The goats were safe from me today, though. I wasn’t hunting for prey. I wanted the predator.

  On the opposite side of the herd, its golden eyes fixated on a particularly large hicorn, crept a broad-shouldered sabrecat with teeth as long as my forearm. Its fur was nearly as golden as its eyes, and it blended into the tall plains grass without a problem. The moment I spotted it, I aimed and released my arrow. A fraction of a breath later, the sabrecat screamed coarsely, sending the hicorn into a panicked frenzy, and crumpled into invisibility amidst the grass. I let the goats scatter away before wading through the waist-high plains flora to claim my prize.

  It was still breathing when I reached it, but barely so. The arrow had slid cleanly between two ribs and successfully punctured its heart. It was the ideal kill for harvesting meat and pelt. I would, of course, bring the beast back to the village, but I was interested in its sabres. They were the ideal close-range weapon. The curvature fit perfectly into my hand, and the pointed ends were so sharp they drew blood with the merest graze.

  I preferred hand-to-hand combat. Most of my warriors were skilled marksmen and dangerous sharpshooters, but I reveled in the beauty of a kill up close. I was renowned across Albaterra for my
lethal melee; it had been that trait to tip the scales in my favor for Tribe Elder after the civil war had left the Campestria Kingdom without one. Some of the other Elders had been wary of appointing me due to my youth, but the youngest tribe Elder in A’li-uud history had been one hundred and seventeen, so it was overlooked.

  The sabrecat let out its last breath and finally became motionless. I crouched down beside it and ran my fingers through its fur. It had a thick coat, beautifully intact with no mange to be seen. It would make a lovely blanket. I wrapped my fingers around the arrow’s shaft, eased it off the body, and wiped it clean of blood once it was extracted.

  There was something magnificent about death. It commanded respect and care, but, more than that, it served as a reminder of the Grand Circle. I lowered myself further to the ground until one knee pressed into the soil, and I dropped my gaze to the creature’s open, lifeless eyes to silently thank it for its sacrifice. To have foregone this action would have been egregious blasphemy. It was A’li-uud law to revere our planet for all of its gifts. To treat the cat’s end without entitlement would have been to spit on the laurels of the Grand Circle. It was a crime punishable by death.

  My ears pricked as I heard the sound of footsteps coming up from behind me, but I didn’t move from my position. The steps ceased when they drew just a few strides nearer.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt, Wise One.” The voice was that of Ca-es’a. He was an unshakably loyal warrior who had joined the ranks as a child when his parents became casualties of the civil war. He was perhaps the warrior I trusted most.


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