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A Matter of Trust

Page 21

by Ciana Stone

  He increased the tempo and depth of penetration, and after a minute her body started to tremble. A few seconds after that he felt a slush of warm slick fluid wash over his fingers. She moaned at almost the same time.

  “Get in me, Max. I want you. Now.”

  He didn’t need a second invitation. Gripping his erection, he rubbed the head against that silky wet opening. His balls tightened into knots at just the feel of her warmth against the head of his penis.

  Even though she was wet and ready, it took a bit of pressure to hilt himself inside her. She gasped, moaned, and rocked back against him. “Oh god,” she moaned. “Max…Max…god, now!”

  She started rocking back against him, fast and hard. He grabbed her hips and matched her tempo, driving deep inside her. Something coiled inside him, getting tighter with each stroke.

  He held her tighter, the sounds coming from her driving that coil even tighter until suddenly it released. He felt her sex clench around him a moment before reality exploded and he came, throbbing inside her and his mind blank to everything except the sensation.

  When at last he was spent, he sat back on his heels. She fell over on her side then rolled onto her back, reaching for him.

  “Come here.”

  He let her pull him down on top of her. Her lips sought his in a kiss so sweet and complete that it created a lump in his throat. When the kiss ended, she smoothed his hair back from his face, smiling up at him.

  “And that’s just one of my dreams,” she said softly.

  He rolled over, pulling her against his side as he signed with one hand, Will you show me more?

  “Any time you want.”


  She raised her head to look down at his erection. With a grin she climbed on top of him, straddling him so that his erection was trapped between his belly and her wet sex.

  “I think it’s your turn,” she said. “Tell me what you want.”

  He started to sign but stopped as he heard a sound. I think someone’s on the pier.

  She quickly dismounted and started gathering up her wet clothes. Max rolled off the bed and jerked on his pants.

  “The bed!” she whispered and started straightening the rumpled covers. “Oh shit!”

  What? He signed when she looked up at him.

  “It’s wet.”

  Max snatched the cover off and wadded it up under his arm, then put his finger to his lips for her to be quiet. She nodded and he took her hand to guide her across the room. They stood pressed against the bulkhead for several minutes then he slowly opened the hatch and they crept up the stairs.

  Once on deck, they looked around cautiously. Max pointed toward the mansion. There was a dark figure moving toward the entrance of the servant’s quarters. “Who do you think it was?” she asked as he pulled her along, running down the pier.

  He shrugged and continued to jog for the house. When they reached the terrace, he stopped and released her. Steve sometimes patrols around at night, but he normally doesn’t go to the pier. But if he’s up then we have to be careful.

  “Okay. Can you make it to your suite without getting caught?”

  Piece of cake.

  She smiled and pulled him to her, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding him tight. “I’ll be dreaming of you,” she whispered in his ear, then drew back and kissed him softly. “See you later.” With another quick kiss, she slipped inside.

  Max watched her hurry across the dark arboretum and disappear through the door at the opposite side of the room, then entered and closed the door behind him, making sure to rearm the alarm on the security pad just beside the door.

  This wasn’t the way he’d have wished for the evening to end, but all things considered, he was lucky. Tonight he’d discovered that he was fully functional when it came to sex, and that Nikki had been dreaming of him. It was more than he’d ever dared to dream.

  Chapter Eight

  His hand was on the doorknob, the polished metal cool against his clammy palm. All he had to do was twist. With a silent groan Max released the handle and scrubbed his hand over his face. For a few moments he paced in place, turning one way, then another.

  What was he going to do? He’d been trying to answer that question for hours. All his conscious thoughts since returning to the mansion had been centered on only one thing. Making love with Nikki.

  Even now memories of it made his skin hot and his pulse race. It was more than he had imagined and dreamed. It had reawakened sensations he’d forgotten. Not that he hadn’t experienced desire, or had sexual fantasies. Fantasies were all he’d had for years. But now he remembered the sensations.

  And that memory possessed him, robbed him of the ability to reason, to see the logical course of action. It scared him. It was too powerful. He could neither reason his way free from it nor battle it. Now he was a prisoner to a new warden.

  God, she’d felt so good against him when she first came to him. Her skin was warm beneath the water droplets that glistened like liquid gems in the moonlight, her full firm breasts pressed, flattening against his chest. That was the stuff of dreams. Then what had happened on the boat. That was fantasy in its purest form.

  Max pressed the heels of his hands against his burning eyes. God, he wanted her.

  The thought of that happening again excited him painfully and made him weak-kneed with fear. But what if she wasn’t as eager to see him? What if he’d been mistaken about what happened between them? What if what had happened had meant no more to her than any other sex she’d had? What if she didn’t even think it was good? What if it meant no more than…that what? His mind went blank.

  Panic struck. He couldn’t think, couldn’t reason. For the first time in his memory, his mind failed him. At last he understood what it was to be victim to desire. He wasn’t sure he was strong enough to endure it.

  He was about to turn and leave when the door opened. Nikki stepped out and stopped abruptly. Mere inches separated them. She looked up at him and smiled. “Hey.” Her voice was soft and low, and made him want to push her back into her room and do all the things he’d dreamed of.

  Nikki recognized the longing in his eyes because she was feeling the same thing. Their lovemaking the previous night had inflamed her in a way she’d never imagined possible. She'd gone to be and done little but toss and turn, thinking of Max and wanting him again.

  She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him along with her as she backed up into her room. Surprise registered on Max’s face, then joy. He pushed the door closed behind him and she pushed him back against it and pressed against him, working her fingers into his hair to pull his head down to her for a long, passionate kiss.

  This time Max wasn’t hesitant in returning the kiss. He fed off her like a man who was presented with a delicious delicacy after years of deprivation. Nikki moaned and pressed tighter against the pressure of his erection against her belly. She broke the kiss to take Max’s hands and guide them to her breasts.

  Max groaned as he cupped her breasts, running his thumbs over her hard nipples. He feared he would climax in his pants when she unbuttoned his shirt and started kissing his chest.

  A knock at the door had them both freezing in place like deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. Max quickly ran to the bathroom and hid behind the door. Nikki took a moment to compose herself then opened the door.

  Deborah stood outside. “I’m sorry, I thought you’d be up and about by now. Shall I come back later?”

  There was no way Nikki could let Deborah find Max in her room. “Actually I’ve been up a while but I’m right in the middle of something on my thesis. Could you give me an hour?”

  “Of course,” Deborah replied, but craned her neck to see around Nikki and into the room.

  “Thanks!” Nikki smiled and closed the door in Deborah’s face then locked and leaned back against it, blowing out her breath.

  Max returned to the room and walked over to her, running his hand along the side of her face, down
her neck and to her shoulder. Nikki smiled up at him. He had a real knack for touching a woman just the right way.

  “That was a close call. We’ve got to be more careful,” she whispered.

  Max knew she was right, but for the first time in his life he longed for the courage to throw caution to the wind. He pulled her to him, staking his claim with a kiss that earned him a sexy moan from her. As her arms wound around his neck, he lifted her off the floor. She wrapped her legs around his waist, still locked in the kiss and he carried her to the bed.

  The feel of her firm legs gripping him and her hot sex pressing against him was like a brand. He sat down on the bed with her wound around him and abandoned her lips to feast on her neck.

  Nikki rocked on him, fueling his desire. He rolled her onto her back on the bed and straddled her, his hands tracking over her breasts. She arched her back, pressing her breasts up into his hand with a sexy groan.

  Max grinned and grabbed her shirt at the neckline. One strong pull and the fabric gave way, ripping down the middle to bare her breasts. Cupping them in both hands, his mouth closed on a nipple

  A shockwave of pleasure raced from her breasts to her sex. Max was like a drug. One time and you were addicted. She couldn’t get enough of him. Running her hands under his shirt, she ran them over his tight abdomen. But touching wasn’t nearly enough. She needed to see and taste him.

  “Take it off,” she said.

  Her hands were tracing over the chiseled muscles of his abdomen and chest before he was free of the shirt. Up over each ridge until she reached his neck. As she pulled him down to meet her lips, he rolled them over, bringing her on top of him.

  Their lovemaking was more than he’d dreamed of and everything he’d wished for. With eyes locked and bodies connected as one, they rode the wave of passion until finally he could hold back no longer.

  She quaked against him, her sex milking him as he came and then collapsed on top of him. For a long time neither of them moved. When she rolled off him, they were both slick with sweat.

  Suddenly she bolted up from the bed. He sat up wondering what was wrong and she pointed to the clock. The maid would be back soon.

  Nikki ran to the bathroom and he followed. As she started the water in the shower she turned to him.

  “I’ve been thinking. We need to check out Mark Robinson. Maybe where he lives so we’ll know what kind of security he has before we talk to Ben again.”

  Max signed his agreement.

  “Good,” she grinned. “Now here’s the tricky part. Getting you out of here. I don’t know zip about surveillance and security equipment but you do. So help me come up with a plan on getting you out without anyone finding out.”

  Let’s go to my room, he signed.


  They showered and dressed quickly. Checking first to make sure there was no one milling about in the hallway, they hurried to Max’s suite where he went directly to the computer and started tapping away. His decipher program displayed his thoughts on a separate monitor for her to read.

  You have to talk to Grandfather. We’ll need his help.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “But help with what?”

  Max grinned and tapped out more. Nikki’s eyes widened and she turned to him with a skeptical look. “I don’t know, Max. If we get caught, chances are I’ll get the boot and you’ll…well, you know.”

  Yes, I’ll be institutionalized, the words appeared on the monitor.

  “It’s a big risk.” She put her hand on the arm of his chair and leaned down to look him in the eyes. “Are you sure you want to chance it?”

  He nodded emphatically. There was nothing she could do but agree.

  Nikki’s eyes moved over the words on the page of the book before her but she didn’t comprehend a single word. She was as nervous as a cat confronted by a Rottweiler. This was the day the plan she and Max had formulated would be set in motion.

  She considered it again. They both stood to lose if anything went wrong. She would lose the job and end up on the street. Worse, she’d be barred from ever seeing Max again. But he stood to lose more. If the plan turned south he would, in all likelihood, end up in some institution, drugged and imprisoned for the rest of his life.

  What the hell are you doing? Her conscience demanded. Nikki wished she could answer her own question. Her rational mind knew what she was doing was dangerous. If she had any sense she would back out. But her good sense diminished every day she was with Max. All she could see, think or feel had to do with him and the growing emotional bond between them.

  Maybe it was foolish and dangerous and maybe they were fated to fail, but she had to try. If someone didn’t prove Max’s stability and intelligence he’d be a prisoner forever. And she’d lose him.

  She didn’t think she could bear that. As improbable, ill-advised and foolhardy as it was, she loved him.

  A sudden commotion alerted her to the initiation of their plan. She jumped up and ran inside.

  Max was in the conservatory, throwing a gargantuan fit. He was throwing priceless art objects, pushing over furniture and racing around like a madman. Osgood rushed toward the conservatory, shouting for Louise to call Steve.

  Nikki ran as fast as she could to Osgood’s office. She dumped out the pen holder on the desk. Just as Max had said, a small key spilled onto the desk along with the pens and a silver letter opener. She ran to the closet in the office. Mounted on one wall was a small locked cabinet.

  With trembling fingers she inserted the key and turned. It opened. Inside was a box of individually packaged syringes and a line of small glass vials with rubber stoppers. She yanked up her shirt and unzipped one of the fanny packs strapped around her waist.

  She scooped all of the vials from the shelf and placed them in the fanny pack. That done, she unzipped the second pack around her waist and took from it identical vials.

  As she lined them up on the shelf she said a quick prayer that the trust she and Max had placed in Simon wasn’t misguided. He’d provided the replacement drugs and had assured them that the vials contained nothing more than saline.

  Quickly locking the cabinet, she raced into Osgood’s office and dumped the key back into the pen holder along with all of the pens and the letter opener. She ran through the kitchen and collided with Louise. The impact sent them both staggering backwards.

  “I’m sorry!” Nikki made a grab to steady Louise. “I was looking for you! Max—”

  “Yes, yes! I know.” Louise hurried by her.

  Nikki ran back to the conservatory. It looked like a tornado had blown through. She couldn’t begin to imagine the cost of everything that’d been destroyed. Steve and Osgood and one of the gardeners were trying to corner Max who was dodging and evading, lobbing things at them and purposely missing.

  He caught sight of Nikki in the doorway. She nodded at him to let him know she’d succeeded. Max pretended to trip and Steve jumped on him, getting him in a hold with his arm around Max’s neck, twisting Max’s arm up behind him.

  Max struggled and the gardener joined Steve to subdue him. Osgood shouted for Louise who dashed into the room a few moments later, red-faced and out of breath. She handed Osgood a syringe and a vial.

  Nikki held her breath as Osgood prepared the injection and approached Max. Max put on a brilliant performance, fighting and making it hard for the men to hold him still enough for Osgood to inject him.

  He continued to struggle for several minutes then his movements started to slow. With each passing minute he became more sluggish until finally he seemed to wilt and sag.

  Osgood nodded to the men who held Max. They half carried him out of the room, his feet moving but primarily being dragged.

  Nikki waited until Osgood started out of the room behind them. “Was that really necessary Mr. Gaynor?”

  “Ms. Morgan, I have neither the time nor inclination to indulge in yet another debate with you over Maxwell’s care.”

  “But it looked like you gave him a lot of what
ever that is,” she indicated the vial in his hand. “How long will he be out?”

  “Until morning.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, should I check on him later?”

  “No need. He’ll not awaken before tomorrow morning.”

  “But what if he does?”

  Osgood heaved out a loud breath. “He’ll be restrained. If he awakens he will press the call button and someone will see to his needs. Barring that, everyone—and I do mean everyone—will stay away from him. Is that clear, Ms. Morgan?”

  “Crystal. “She replied.

  “Excellent,” he said and started to walk away.

  “But!” she called out and stopped him. “Since he’s out of commission until tomorrow, do you think it would be okay for me to go over to the university today?”

  “Do whatever you like, Ms. Morgan.”

  “Thanks.” She smiled as he hurried off.

  She went to her suite and changed clothes then waited half an hour. Making sure she wasn’t seen, she snuck up to Max’s suite. He was lying on the bed, his wrists and ankles secured in padded restraints that attached to the bed posts. His eyes were closed.

  She closed the door behind her. “Max?”

  His eyes popped open and he grinned at her. She hurried to the bed and unfastened the restraints. Max hugged her excitedly and she returned the embrace briefly then pushed him back. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?

  Born ready, he signed.

  She smiled at the response. “Okay, meet me in the garage in ten minutes.”

  He gave her the thumbs up and got off the bed. Nikki let herself out of his room and went downstairs. She stopped outside the door to the kitchen to listen to the conversation going on inside.

  “The Westons are going to have a royal fit,” Louise was saying. “Especially Mrs. Weston. God only knows what this outburst will cost. Osgood, he nearly demolished the room.”

  “Yes, yes, I know, I know,” he sighed. “But there’s little point in us informing them of it now. Best we clean up the mess, call the insurance adjuster and inform Mr. Weston once it’s been determined what the insurance will cover.”


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